PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 9 Grandchildren not Trent-Durham Bishop travels going to church? hosts Dinner to New Zealand TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO A A SECTION OF THE ANGnLICAN JOURNAL g l www.tiorontoc.anglican.ca n JANUARY 2013 Episcopal election set for April Anglicans want to keep five bishops, four areas BY STUART MANN sion on where the new bishop will serve. THE election of a new suffragan The diocese is made up of four bishop for the Diocese of Toronto episcopal areas—Trent-Durham, will be held on April 6 at St. York-Credit Valley, York-Scarbor - James Cathedral, followed by his ough and York-Simcoe—each KINSHIP or her consecration at the cathe - with its own area bishop, who is dral on June 22. also a suffragan bishop. Arch - The Rev. Dana Dickson, incum - Diocesan Council approved bishop Johnson is the diocesan bent of St. Paul, Uxbridge, and the Archbishop Colin Johnson’s re - bishop and has oversight of the Rev. Roger Potts, a Presbyterian quest for an election at its Novem - whole diocese. minister (right) are part of the ber meeting. The election is nec - The diocese’s chancellor, Greater Toronto Interfaith Curling essary because Bishop George El - Canon Robert Falby, has estab - Club, a group of Christian and liott, the area bishop of York-Sim - lished a Nominations Committee Jewish clergy who meet every coe, is retiring in April. and is calling for nominations to week to curl in Ajax. The friend - Last spring and fall, Archbishop be sent to the Secretary of Synod. ships have led to a deeper under - Colin Johnson held a number of Any priest in the Anglican Com - standing of each other’s faith. town hall meetings with Angli - munion who is at least 30 years PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HUDSON cans, in part to discuss whether old, has been a priest for at least the diocese should keep its cur - seven years, and is in good stand - rent configuration of five bishops ing in his or her diocese is eligible and four episcopal areas or scale for nomination. back to four bishops and three A Synod member may nominate episcopal areas. The response was only one priest, and each nomina - overwhelmingly in favour of keep - tion must be supported by nine oth - ing the current configuration. er Synod members in order for the Archbishop Johnson reminded name to be placed on the ballot. In - Diocesan Council that Synod formation on how to make a nomi - Diocese admired from afar would be electing a suffragan nation, including a nominations bishop for the whole diocese, not form, will be posted on the dio - just for York-Simcoe. “While it cese’s website, www.toronto.angli - might be likely that the new bish - can.ca/synod. Paper published for Church of England op will go to York-Simcoe, it will A list of the nominees, plus depend on the gifts and skills of video clips and biographical infor - BY STUART MANN The paper looks at how the dio - son. “Not only do they do impor - that person,” he said. Archbishop mation, will be posted on the dio - cese is building healthy congrega - tant work, they’re an incredible Johnson will make the final deci - cese’s website on March 15. THE Diocese of Toronto has tions through a number of pro - brain trust for the diocese.” caught the attention of Anglicans grams and initiatives, including The paper was written by the in England. Fresh Start, Natural Church Devel - research unit of the Church Com - Names needed soon An article about parish devel - opment, missional transformation, missioners, a body that oversees opment in the diocese was pub - church closures and reboots, and and supports ministry in the lished in the October issue of Re - church planting. It highlights the Church of England. Mr. Robinson THE Diocesan Centre needs the of Synod immediately after their sourcing Mission Bulletin , an on - work of diocesan staff and volun - said the article can help dioceses names of lay members of Synod vestry meetings. The information line publication that is read by teers who help churches that are in the Church of England develop by Feb. 28 for them to be able to provided on the form is used to church workers and congrega - in transition, particularly when strategies for mission and min - vote in the April 6 election. record who the lay members of tional leaders in the U.K. they’re looking for a new priest. istry. Dioceses in the U.K. and Archbishop Johnson sent a let - Synod are and determine how “Toronto is getting a reputation “The thing that makes our real - Canada are grappling with many ter to all parishes in December. many lay members each congre - for being a real innovator,” says ity different than most is that of the same issues, he said. The letter included a copy of the gation is entitled to elect. Because Dave Robinson, the diocese’s di - we’ve got, at any given time, about Resourcing Mission Bulletin al - Incumbent’s Annual Statistical of the tight time constraints in rector of Congregational Develop - 35 very skilled volunteers who Return that parish priests must ment. work for us,” explains Mr. Robin - Continued on Page 2 fill out and return to the Secretary Continued on Page 2 FOUR DOORS OPEN INTO FAITH – SEE PAGE 5 2 The Anglican N E W S January 2013 Refugee bill causes concern Motion Churches providing sanctuary, says activist backs BY THE REV. MAGGIE HELWIG the likely consequences of those refugees and will “keep track of C31—some may say you have changes. Mr. Showler outlined the harm that’s done and put it sold us out. I would rather say refugees “THIS country is going in a very the problems with the changes before the Canadian public.” that you have sold this country different direction,” said lawyer and how people at risk of death Mary Jo Leddy, founder of short. We are not only interested Peter Showler, a former chair of or serious harm in their home Romero House, a non-profit in our lifestyles; we are interest - Archbishop Colin Johnson has Canada’s Immigration and countries will find it difficult, if agency that helps refugees in ed in lives, and we are committed asked churches to consider this Refugee Board, to an overflowing not impossible, to gain refugee Toronto, said Canadians must to justice. We are better than you motion at their vestry meetings. audience at Holy Trinity, Trinity status in Canada. Lawyers are not only track the harm but try think. We are a better country The motion was drafted by the Square, Toronto, on Nov. 29. “It’s preparing to mount a challenge to prevent it. Already, she said, than you have voted for. We are diocese’s Social Justice and Advo - one which will do significant to the law under the Charter of some churches are opening their capable of goodness.” cacy Committee. damage to refugees.” Rights and Freedoms , he said, doors to offer sanctuary to those Anglicans, with other faith “We as Christians are called by The crowd had come to hear but this will be a slow process. In at risk of deportation, and many groups, are starting to take action our scriptures to care for exiles about recent changes to Canada’s the meantime, he and others will others are discussing this step. on Bill C-31. The diocese’s Social and strangers (Exodus 22:21). immigration and refugee law and do what they can for individual “They know that human lives are Justice and Advocacy Committee Many of our congregations have at stake. It is a spontaneous ex - has drafted a motion calling for sponsored refugee claimants who pression of conscience, and it is the repeal and replacement of Bill have made Canada their home weighty, consequential and sig - C-31 (see motion on this page). Ad - and enriched our society through -ARY''RIFlTH"! -"! *$ nificant.” ditional material, including infor - their contributions. Some mem - There is a sanctuary network mation on the recent changes to bers of our congregations, or their -ACLAREN #ORLETT,,0 now forming among faith groups, immigration and refugee law and parents before them, came to "ARRISTER3OLICITOR/NTARIO "LOOR3TREET%AST she explained. “It affirms that a theological reflection on refugee Canada as refugees themselves. !TTORNEY#OUNSELOR AT ,AW.EW9ORK 3UITE 3OUTH4OWER there are some spaces which are issues and church sanctuary, is “On June 28, 2012, the Canadian 4ORONTO /.-72 holy, which are sacred, beyond available on the diocese’s website, government signed into law Bill "USINESS,AW 7ILLS 4RUSTS%STATES 4EL the reach of the state; and that www.toronto.anglican.ca/sjac. A C-31, the Protecting Canada’s Im - &AX human beings are sacred and panel on faith responses to the sit - migration System Act , a sweeping WWWMACLARENCORLETTCOM% MAILMGRIFlTH MACORLAWCOM worthy of our highest protection uation, including the call for revision of our refugee and immi - and regard.” churches to offer sanctuary, is gration system. This new law con - She said the need among planned for Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. at the tains discriminatory provisions refugees for sanctuary in Canada Church of the Redeemer, Toronto. which will place vulnerable peo - will grow and churches will re - ple in danger, and we, as Angli - 4HE0HILIP!ZIZ#ENTRE&OR(OSPICE#AREISA spond. “We will continue until The Rev. Maggie Helwig is chair cans, cannot in conscience sup - COMMUNITYBASEDHOSPICEIN4ORONTOPROVIDING sanctuary is no longer necessary, of the diocese’s Social Justice port it. RESPITE PRACTICAL PHYSICAL EMOTIONALANDSPIRITUAL because we can and because we and Advocacy Committee and “Motion: that this vestry recom - CAREFORADULTSCHILDRENLIVINGWITHALIFELIMITING ILLNESSTHEIRFAMILIES must.
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