2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# 007 Sheep O'Neill Tom & Tena 3006 100 Acre McCarthy Kasey J2106 1850 Farm Smithburg Susan 5218 2 MOON JCT Manfredo Frank & Julie 7698 2 SisFlk Harman Emily Hebron & Alyssa J2918 3 Barn Farm King Hanna 1413 3 Brothers Cline IV David 2811 3-D's Farm Ryherd, Pedersen, Ramsey Doug, David, DeAnn 0995 3FurlongSq Olive Steven &Debra 5492 3mgrls Murphy Michael 3220 4Horn Farm's Fosbrink Carl 1699 4lambsake Stein Kris and David 1309 A & T Exotics Toews Linda & Danny 0600 A. G. Jones Jones Adren 1805 Aarons Aarons Paula 0214 Abella Kimbro Jerry & Sheri 9605 Abounding Anderson Ellen 4406 Abundance Carabin John & Marissa 0814 AdamsFarm Adams Carl Manciralano & Jill 3094 AdleyStation Bowland L.W. 2191 AdventHill Boroff Arthur & Lynne 0490 Agarita Creek Carnes Beverly & Thomas 0908 Alabaster Chambers Josifek Jennifer J9510 Alamo Kennedy Janet 1095 Alber's Alber Lynn & Vickie 4489 Allens Gems Allen Holly & LaRue 2604 Almosta Kenworthy Kathy 3706 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 1 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Almosta Farm Postlmayr Colette 1115 Almosta Farm Trettin-Postlmayr Colette 1115 Altamont Friend Steve & Debbie 0705 Amazing Grace Barrows Steven & Patricia 2902 Ambleside Ruiz Jendra & Patricia 3197 Amethyst Day Pam 1499 Amsterdam Amsterdam Joseph 1414 Anderson Anderson MIckey & Betty Lew 2696 Angel Hill Farm Brown Sharon 0301 Angle-Acres Majeske Bruce 8800 Ank-Lambs Anklam Anna Hamburg & Londa L0898 Apple Dorn Farm Van Diest Katherine 0606 Apple Lane Morey Yvonne 0407 Applegarth Koenig Tim 2199 Appleton Appleton William 0804 Arden's Butler Dennis 0317 Arington Arington Training Stable, 3201 Inc. Aristocrat Bowland Clifford 9698 Armstrong's Armstrong Kurt & Melanie 0207 Arndts Acres Arndt Ronald 0597 ASA Franks Gregory & Kimberly 1720 Ashley's H.S. White Greg 0305 Ashlyn Robey Morgan J2606 Auchinachie Wright, Richard Wellner, Cathryn 0692 Autumn-Lane Speelman Julie 1900 AUTUMNHAUS Nees Shari 9699 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 2 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Avillion Kenyon Gary Fay & Elaina 0116 Azalea Bowman Danny & Tina 1899 Babbitt Babbitt Harold, Susan,&Matt 3896 Bag End McElderry-Maxwell Jill 1219 Ballyhope Hagel Kate 2216 Bar-B-Woolies Benjamin Barbara J. 4590 Barebottom Richardson Robert 1405 Barker Barker Kent 0619 Barr's Barr Jr. Chester 1691 Barton Hill Tkaczyk Cecilia &Eric 1905 BassaLopez Jacobs Lopez Ann Courtie Bassarab & Saul 0817 Batchelder Batchelder Daniel & Anne 3093 Batswallow Sherrill Kathryn 4208 Baylor Historic Village Gov. Bill & Vera Daniel 3401 Beal Beal Wayne & Michelle 1194 BealuhFarm Dickson Rand 9401 Bear Creek Stuart Dawn 2910 Bee Creek Bush Michael 1608 Beit-El Sabino Eric & Marjorie 2419 Belfield Hannsz Janet 1395 Belfy Belfy John 2189 Belgian Spring Smith Laura & Wayne 9101 Bellanova Humphrey Sarah 5716 Belle Ridge Piepergerdes Ed & Pam 2510 BelleField Dawkins Sherri & Hardy 2909 BellField Holly Rhudy J3795 Bellwether Rice-Narusch Tyne 4105 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 3 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Bellwether Farm Cole Tabitha & Peter 1620 Bellwether Ridge Dyer Mary & Cindy 0120 Belmeadow Ghent Cindy 1204 Ben-Abel Hoyne Family The 2689 Bent Willow Pouliot Leigh 0507 Berg Berg Gerald W. 4592 Berger Berger Jane, Anthony, & Mike 0909 Berrie Seiter Tarah W. J2005 Bethlehem's Miller Zach 0220 bide a wee Lobb Doug Montgomery & Karen L0295 Big Dreams Bronder Christie 9210 Birdhouse Farm Lungmus Kate 1520 Bit-O-Ewe Schlagel Leah & Phil 2201 Bittersweet Acres Goscha Rory & Carty 2715 BKS Silver Bruce & Katherine 3817 Black Oak Kuroki Julie 1708 Black Oak Van Laan Rick & Lisa 1889 Black Sun Dill Jerry & Ethel 8698 Blackberry Gremel Richard and Onalee 2491 Blackcap Hoffman Kristy 1216 BlackGold Seikel Jana 0591 Blank's Blank Lynda 4090 BLD Daugherty Benjamin J0720 Bleating Bonde Cindy 1491 Blended Acres Felon Mario 2720 Bleuer Bleuer Joseph & Shari 4789 Blonderosa Schacher Marie 9410 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 4 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Blossoms Kennedy Monica & Pauline J9514 Blue Creek Bates Matt & Tangy 9506 Blue Ewe McLaren Dave & Sally 2503 Blue Flower Mitschler Ralene 9905 Blue Flower Morrison Ralene Mitschler & Randall 9905 Blue Heron Wright Steven & Gloria 2506 Blue HRF Geoghegan Richard & Janet 0604 BlueJeans Binkowski David & Nancy 8998 Bluetona Gardner Kelly 0219 BNS Shipley Bonnie 2516 Boakes Creek Farm Devers Dan 1906 Bobbert Bobbert Joshua 2817 Boisenberi Stinedurf Paul 0919 BornHungry Hill Janet 3995 BorntoBaa Beckwith Janice 5293 Boru Farms Radke Jeanne 4118 BoscoBello Plaster Diana 4589 Boss Boss Eve 0294 Bosworth Bosworth Nick & Jeannie 4297 Brady Brady Billy & Elizabeth 2193 Bramble Bridge Hartland Kate J2119 Brayin Acres Bailey Rachel A. 1404 Brecht Brecht Carl 6695 Breezewood Berry Candice E. 3997 Breezy Acres Brown Matthew 2797 Breezy Place Briese Amanda 3319 Brenalan Searle Brenda & Alan 4106 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 5 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Bretts Barnyard Schweiger Brett 0210 Briar Oaks Harpster Emily 2097 Briar Patch Reed Floyd 1298 Bridger Blanchard Bonnie 5692 Bridle Bar Clark Barbara W. 3190 Brighton Deppa Roy 1790 Brindlehill Barnhart J.E. Warren & K.E. 6596 Brink-May May Robert & Diane L1096 Briton-Hill Dreifuss Donald 9398 Broke's Davies John C. 5092 Broken Ewe Unger III Martin J. 1902 Broken Gate Smith Nancy 2598 Broken O Ramirez John Pierson & Mickey L9399 Broken Rock Wiggins Victoria 0420 Broken Rock F McPhee Brian 0520 Brookfield Bean Ian Balsillie & Karen 0397 Brown Brown Gregory & Sarah 1419 Brown Mt Vavra Ron 0996 Brown Spot Brown Ben & Jennifer 1614 Brown's Brown, Scott Lottes, Ann 6194 Brubaker Brubaker Matt & Rachel 3616 Bryda Bryda Sara & Adam 0115 Bryn Du Olmsted Deborah 1304 Bryn Gweled Muller Richard R. 2692 BTD Semrau Karen Corsair & Robert 2717 Bullamanka Lawrence Guy & Julie 3502 Bullthistl Kerr Charles & Karen 3594 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 6 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# BurntRanch Nickerson Tom & Anna Rose 3789 BurpHollow Rogers Jacque 3289 Burright Burright Phyllis 1498 Butternut Burnside Laura 1714 By the Creek Buckley Joy & Chuck 0300 Byeburn Dixon Justine & Stuart 0107 C R Farm Martin Robert & Jeanne 1818 Cabbage Patch Oelke Don & Susan 0899 Cache Farm Jarrett Samantha J4797 Calico's Thormahlen Marion O. 2390 Camas Moon Payne Llyn 0498 Camelot Compton Robert U. 4693 CanaanFarm Murrell Ann & Brooks 2891 CanaanLand King Rayma 2102 Canberra Poole Marcia 3293 Canoe Lake Brown Scott & Cathy 2709 CareysFarm Cale Carey J2501 Carousel Bowers Kriss 0796 Carousel Smith Cynthia & Joel 2019 Carpenter Carpenter Benjamin 0314 CasaRoca Allen Susan & Kelly 0592 Cascade Downing Michael L. & Victoria 2889 Castle Rock da Roza Victoria 0303 Catawampus Beardsley Janet 1914 CatCrossing Jimerson Doug & Karen 1990 CAYUT Farms Dailey Sue 0209 CCC McAtee Correy 0795 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 7 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# CEC Flock Eaves Chris 2406 Cedar Creek Csonka Debbie 0697 Cedar Hill Brown Becky 3895 Cedar Lawn Staff Hubert & Debbie 0102 Cedar Pond's Burnson Kathryn A. 0495 CedarLane Shockley Gertrude 2392 CedarSprings Larsson Laura C. 1589 CG Ranch Cook Michael 0308 CGF Lucius Beth & Steve 5792 Chal-earn Leam Rebecca 2796 Chandlers4H Chandler Matt 9914 Chapin Chapin Sandy 3790 Charm Forge Rubright Jennie & Greg 9910 CheckeredFlock Jarvis Harold & Beverlie 2890 Chestnut Cherry Clare 2703 Chestnut Ridge Harris Lane 1396 CHF's Renfroe Jan & Bill 2196 ChiBaRa Norlund Scott Mayhew & Hettie 4918 Chicadees Marrs Monica J2812 ChickenCoop Robinson Judy 3994 Chicory Ln Lefever Dave & Katrina 3399 Chiesa Chisea Lou Ann & Marie 0803 Chinquapin Means Linda & Ronald 2994 Chocolates Cox Gina 6495 Christenson Christenson George & Diane 3296 Christian Christian Helen E. 1697 CIngalls Ingalls Craig J2197 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 8 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Cinti Zoo Cincinnati Childrens' Zoo 1597 Circle H Hubble John 3596 Circle V Vauk Edward & Cheryl 5516 Cisna's Cisna Lisa & Shawn 9806 CJ's Flock Henderson J.A. Garlough & C. 6395 CLARAVALE Cox Arthur & Caroline 7198 Clear Creeks Wolfram Claudia Diana 2220 Cloud 9 Santos Tony & Laura 3796 Cloud Nine Gilman Kristine 3102 Cloven Steel Nelson-Frame Maia 1917 Clover Creek MacFarlane Jolene Clary & Elana 0418 CMF Gilroy Matt & Elena 5518 Coburg's Von Saxe-Coburg Dei 3993 Cocalico Perrotti Daniel & Nancy 1409 Cochran Cochran Amanda 0511 Coinean Coineandubh Carrie & Shane 0408 Cold Valley Fredericks Becky Rehl & Carl 1703 Collard Blatnick Tiffany P. 3019 Confusion Kennedy E. M. & Wanda 4494 Cook Crossing Cook Stacy 3218 Coon Ridge Gullquist Bill & Gunnar 9912 Cooper's Cooper Susan & Malcolm 0290 Cooper's Cooper David 3516 Copper Doll Geyer Peggy 0201 Copperpene Negley Penny L. 1302 Cornerstone Salivar Penny J2794 Cornerstone Acres Wilson Alina 2518 Jul 14 2020, 06:19 9 2020 Flock Prefix Last Name/Organization First Names/Initials Flock# Cougar Galey Autumn & Travis 1014 Courant's Courant Joseph J. & Martine R. 2990 Cove Fields Carnes Ronald & Deborah 2311 Craft's Craft-Norton Bob & Marianne LC0589 Crane Crossing Gayman Kermit & Sharon Crazy Daisy Piller Chenoa J4008 Crazy8 Shrewsberry Anthony 3412 Creaganlios Simmons Thomas R. 3299 Creekside Nelson Ron & Fran 3398 Critter X Trantham Debbie & Randy 0699 Critterfarms Hoppis Jeff & Cathy 1093 Crossroads Tingey Elayne 1212 Crosstown Acres McIntosh Lily J2319 CubaVT Cuba Michael
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