Asian AmerlcaMiE in business I h ■ —page: 4 Pacmc^kIttor«^IPubl^M1l<»1o(1heJapanaaeAIT>eIkMnQtlzan•Loagu^'''Citizen— (79c PwlpaU us.) N«MiiarK3 2SC Teen gets 49 years for murder of Issei woman Staff rapona urged the court to issue a stricter Jeremy Brinkley, 19, who con- sentence. feeaed to the July 26,1990, mur­ ITw lifter aentenM, according der end rape of 87-year-old to Kamimo^ was p^ of a plea Chiyciko Kono of Sehna, Calif., barnin whicn came in exchange was aentanead Mar. 12 in naari^ for Briaklay’soon&aiioh. How­ Fresno Superior Court to more ever, the aenteoea was heavier vj than 49 years in phaoD. than it would have bean if the 19- ^aadfically. Brinkley was ean- yaar-old Brinkley was triad as a Worklni ether tanead to 24 yaars, 8 months for mi TMT said Kamimoto. Kanuns ex­ and better relations among ethnic minorities has b thed in the the crime of rape and 2S yaara for- plained that Brinkl^ must in the leadership Develmerd Ri Interethnic Relations pragram, the the crime ofinurder. thefuDperiodafhiefirstaen . creation of the / . American Legal Center, the Miutin Uither Ki^ Dispute Resolution Center. At the hearing, Sandra Oaaki, and at least cma-third offw^E hife^* and the West San C Valey Chapter o( the League of UnKed Latin American Citizens, met Marbh 6 ^lene Nobusa(fo-Flynnk-Flynn andwd Dr. ondsentencebeforebecominge.^nningi^ to anmunce the r^ Hh training program that wi train 25 athnfcaSy diverse individuals to be more ' Gary Kono, three of CHuyokt C^le for a parole hearing. Addi- ^active in preventing and aMressing inter-ethnic tensione in theireomrnunities. Particiipa^ were, from Kono’s 15 grandchildren, and her tkmally, as a part of thepleabor- left. Stewart Kwoh. executive diredor of the Asian Padfic American Le^ Center; Ju^Chu. Monterey son-in-law, K. Nobuaada, ^ke gaii^ he may not appealihis his concon-­ ' Park. CaB. dty oouncftiMoman; Alicia Rodriguez, pr^ent of West San Gabriel Valley League of United to the court about the sufiering of viction. At minimum,_ ____ .-.-willmrve he will rarve Latin American Ckizeni; Kathleen Miyake, dvectorofttie Leadership Development in Interethnic Relations the family during the two-and-a- 30 years. Judge Gene Gomes also program; and Dennis Westbrook, project director of Uartin Luther King Dispute Resolution Center. half ysars following the murder nve Brinkley a credit of 1,532 Information: Jan Armstrong. 2)3/290-4131. and the necessity to protect the days (more tnan four years) for community from future attacks. time served sanoe his confession. Elisa Kamimoto, JACL rsgional Truman McCl^. Brinkley’s director f<«- the Central Califor­ grandfather, apsi^lm before uie' nia^ District, who was in attan- court, said that t^ Kono family Furutani back in election dance atthe sentendilgandspoks was ui)derstandsbly upaet and Afterasurpriae diaqualificabon name on the ballot. According to to members of the Kono family,, finisb-aied, but thm they wm not from the Los Angeles CSty CkiUn- the city derir’e dfice, Furutani said, *lhe family is very tired, it’s forgiving. Brinkleys mothfS^' who cS race, Wamn Aig^aai, Los feDioet67 signatures short. After going to take a couple of dsyS to was in tear*, was slao in -itUn- Angelas Unifiad School District sink in.* - dance. —^ board member, was reinstated ITie regional directs, however *His mother came up and apolo­ March 9 into electidn. hours of nemtaating, Furutani axlded that some members of the gized to roe,” said Kamimoto, who Making the ruling, Superior cams up with exactly 500 valid family were not happy with the described the whole ordeij as CfouTt Judge Diane Wayne aaid, mmatm^. verdict. "They're not totally satis­ emoticmally wrenching. *It1ooks like Mr. Furutani will be r^irutani, speakingtotheAa/u fied,” aaid Kamimoto, *But theySv In addition to members of the on the (April )h^iot.* Shimpo, said, *This is the result glad it’s over.” Tim Kamms, family. 50 Japanese Ameridms of a 10-day effort. We fought them deputy district attorn^, had rec­ from ^e community came to ofiTer signature by signature and idri^ ommended life without the poeai- their support. Hie court, which lay down. WeVe making change bility'of parole. seats 40 people, couldn’t accom- not received the required500 voter andweVegoingtoinakedmngein )WARlARRENW FURUTANI'Jl Karen Johnston, whoeemother signatureB which would place his the 15th istricf© ^ts needed signatures was also raped by Brinkley, also Ses TEEN/paga 12 Arizona policeliandlii^g Undercount of Asian Americans stands California Despite the undercount of Asian Pacific bureau’s decision means that 4.7 million indi­ of assault criticized Americans and other minorities in the 1990 viduals will not be counted. Accordiiw to the Charging insensitivity to Asian Ameri­ census, Barbara Bryant, census director, Post Enumeration Survey (PES), the cans, ArizonaState University students met hate crime recently said the figures will not be adjusted. undercountrates were 3.1%for Anan Pacific with Tempe, Ariz., police to discuss the han­ In the Census 2000 Alert, the (Thinese for Antericans; 4.8%i^ean for Americana; 5B% dling of theFeb. 26 beating of Chinese gradu­ is upheld Affirmative Action newsletter, Bryant said, for Hisponics; ano-5% for Native Americans. ate student, Lang-Sheng Yun, according to a '"Ibis dedsion was difficult to make; however Henry Der, spokesman for the Natkmal report in the university’s State Press. ' ^A California state appeal because the 1990 total undercount is so small Coalition for an Aonirate Count of Asian Yun wasallegedly attacked by three assail­ court recently upheld for the (less than 2 percent) it is impoerible to accu­ Pacific Americans, had suggested that the ants as he was biking homefitnn campus. ITie first time that Caiifornia’shate rately adjtut for the 44,055 substate areas for PES figures be incorporate into the base studentwSsrecentlyreleaasdfram the hospi­ crime law does not violate the which population estimates are produced.” figures at the nations, state and substate tal after two operations to close cuts above ras constitutional right to free .Census 2000 Alert estimate that the levels.© , repair broken bonas in his nose and speech, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. Originally, the police listed ^e crime as a The state Court of Appeal in Legacy Fund misdmnaanor, but have snce upgraded the San Jose ruled that ue law, assault to a felony because Ytin altered bro­ whichprovides strong punish­ ken bcmss. Asdan Americans have criticazed ments for people who commit the police for failing to contact Yun until a bias crimes, is aimed at pun­ ishing behavior and does not Grants available to chapters Saa ARIZONA/paga 12 constitute a violation oFihe A total of $12,000 in Legacy Fund granta ie First Amendment to the Con­ available to chapter this year, according to Get involved in issues, stitution. Trisha Murakawa, JA(X vice president for mno apply *One is firee to think, ipeak, planning and develo.elopment. low professor says publish or even advoc^ rac­ Ten percent of thehe Legacy Fund’s eanunp ist, sexist, anti-Semitic, anti- each year are allocatedmted for chapter grar^. Ur Harold Kch, the Yale law prtdeasor who gttym* other bsTOtedideas with­ 1992, Legacy Fundid grants were awariawards to recently represented Haitian raiigees before out running afoul of (the stat­ the following nine chapters: the UB. Summe Coui^ said the experience ute),” wrote Christopher • The FMladelphia Chapter co-hosted a has taught mm what it means to be a 'dis­ Cottle, appellatejustice, in an two-day conference on anti-Asian violence at SIS: creet and insular minority.” opm'on. law) targets the University of Pennsylvania. Spealdng before 21st anniversary celebra­ die^rimmatory conduct, not • The Contra Costa Chapter in California tion of the Asian Law Caucus March 6 in San spe^.* assisted the Richmond Unified School Die- Frandsco, Koh said Asian Americans have to Last year, the UB. Supreme triet to incorporate the Japanese American Seattle top fund-raiser become more involved in social issues like the Court ruled that a Minnesota experience accurately in its sdiool curricu­ Haitian refugees. *I think what Tve also hsite crimee municipal ordi­ The Seattle Chapto-, JACL, was the lum. top fund-raiser for the Lega^r Fund learned is the truth of what my father said, nance ban on symbols was im- • The Asian Pacific American Netwoik thati^s time for ustobe more Uianjustgood Ch^ter in Los Angeles sponsored “The Fu­ with $278,S15raiaed as ofJan.20,1993. constitutional. In making the That figura repreaenU 138.7% of the students and ‘model minorities.'Andit^ time ■ ruling, the court noted tl)at ture of the Nikkei Cmnmunity Conference” forus toremember thatthe Haitians are imt, locally, addresangothe direction ofthe Japa­ 'ch^t^sgoal. hate crimes in Cahfcmia are The SeattleLegacy Fund Committee 'somebody else,* said Koh. at an all time rise, citing a 22 nese American community into the 21st cen­ ThelawprofessorreprintedHaitianrefu­ tury and featuring numerous workshops. ixMaberaare:HelenAkita,HiramAkita, ^ percent increase in the num­ HaruoFujiiio.AyakoHurd,HiyDKiba. N gees, currently iiKarcerated at Guantanamo ber of faoae-related crimes in • The SELANOCO Chapter hosted Chibi- Navd Base, WM Csce expulsian by the United Los Angles County. no-(3akko, an eight-day program for Japa- Sm SEATTL£/pag» 12 Sm HAmAN/pags 12 SMGRANTS/paga12 2—Pacific atizen, Friday. Match 19,1993 NO.2.70S Ciilcndar days tea. Mormaton: 206/62^124. lidonmiionandrasafyatont:BanhhaBO FH..S011, Ape. U-JS-Tt* IMl »- JACL, 415/ 343-2793. Find paymant nual S»«t Oh«iy aio«om pmUip^ Mar. 4. Join the group 8eturdar.ller«27-WasM^D.C new Cduri FMivpI. Sp«ia CwHr. Chi^.JACL. It hoeing anmwting of Fri -Sat, 6 a.m.; Sun., 10 a.m.
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