OCTOBER 2014 J U R Y 2039 Malawi’s Shire River Fluctuations and Climate MARK R. JURY Physics Department, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez,€ Puerto Rico, and University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa, South Africa (Manuscript received 20 November 2013, in final form 14 May 2014) ABSTRACT Hydrological fluctuations of Malawi’s Shire River and climatic drivers are studied for a range of time and space scales. The annual cycles of basin rainfall and river flow peak in summer and autumn, respectively. Satellite and model products at ,50-km resolution resolve the water deficit in this narrow valley. The leading climate index fitting Shire River flow anomalies is the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Palmer drought severity index, based on interpolated gauge rainfall minus Penman–Monteith potential evapotranspiration. Climate variables anticipate lake level changes by 2 months, while weather variables anticipate river flow surges by 2 days. Global climate patterns related to wet years include a Pacific La Niña cool phase and low pressure over northeastern Africa. Shire River floods coincide with a cyclonic looping wind pattern that amplifies the equatorial trough and draws monsoon flow from Tanzania. Hot spells are common in spring: daytime surface temperatures can reach 608C causing rapid desiccation. An anticyclonic high pressure cell promotes evapo- 2 ration losses of ;20 mm day 1 over brief periods. Flood and drought in Malawi are shown to be induced by the large-scale atmospheric circulation and rainfall in the surrounding highlands. Hence, early warning sys- tems should consider satellite and radar coverage of the entire basin. 1. Introduction cumulative effect of seasonal wet and dry spells (Servat et al. 1998; Jury and Gwazantini 2002; Kumambala and Lake Malawi is located in the African Rift Valley Ervine 2010). Rains are heaviest from December to Feb- (center: 138S, 34.58E) with a basin area of 150 000 km2.The ruary and the lake level crests at ;1mfromMarchtoMay lake is deep (.300 m) with volume of ;8.4 3 109 m3,an (Shela 2010). Evaporation losses are widespread and high area of 29 000 km2, and is 600 km north–south by ;40 km from September to November (Mandeville and Batchelor east–west at an elevation of 474 m. There are four major 1990). The Shire River outflow depends primarily on lake rivers providing inflow to the lake, while the Shire River is levels and secondarily on basin inflow and evaporation the southern outlet extending 400 km from Mangochi (Calder et al. 1995; Kumambala and Ervine 2010). (14.58S) to the Zambezi River. Over the first 130 km, the Lake Malawi level has been monitored for a century river meanders across a plateau dropping only 7 m (by (Sutcliffe and Knott 1987). Changes occur at low fre- 15.48S). Over the next 80 km (to 16.08S), there is a fall of quency due to cumulative imbalances of basin rainfall 370 m offering hydropower yield. Thereafter the Shire and evaporation, and at high frequency due to local air River runs through lowlands, joined by the Ruo River pressure, meridional winds, and storm runoff. The in- (50 m at 16.68S) and onto the confluence with the Zambezi. terdecadal fluctuation of lake level is ;3 m, which is an Lake Malawi level is maintained by annual gains from issue for boat harbors designed for use above 474 m. rainfall (1.3 m) and inflow (0.9 m) against annual losses by Runoff is affected by declining forest cover and conse- evaporation (1.8 m) and outflow to the Shire River (0.4 m) quent sediment accumulation in the floodplain (Palamuleni (Torrance 1972; Kidd 1983; Neuland 1984; Drayton 1984; and Annegarn 2011). A population growth rate of 3% Bootsma et al. 1996). Lake levels are sensitive to the (in 2010) puts pressure on the land; agricultural crops have replaced woodlands, and grasslands are overgrazed Corresponding author address: Mark R. Jury, Physics Department, and sparse. Recent studies have quantified the reduction University of Puerto Rico, Rt. 108, Mayagüez, 00681 Puerto Rico. in forest cover via satellite vegetation fraction. The Shire E-mail: [email protected] River receives outflow from Lake Malawi via Mangochi DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-13-0195.1 Ó 2014 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 11:50 AM UTC 2040 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 due to topographic slope and water balance. Lake (Novella and Thiaw 2013); the National Centers for En- Malombe intersects the river in the upper catchment, while vironmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast Sys- farther downstream there is inflow from the Ruo River. tem (CFS); and the European Centre for Medium-Range Lake Malawi outflows to the Shire River are measured Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis climate fields at at Mangochi and downstream at intervals of about 30–70-km resolution (Saha et al. 2010; Dee et al. 2011; 2 100km;flowsvaryfrom50to1000m3 s 1, averaging Meng et al. 2012). The data assimilations (GLDAS-Noah, 2 480 m3 s 1 in the upper valley. The hydrology has been NCEP-CFS, and ECMWF) have issues associated with gradually regulated by low barrages and small reservoirs inhomogeneous forcing. For example the precipitation to support hydropower, particularly since 1993. Although used in Noah changes over time, while the CFS exhibits they maintain base flow during spring and amplify lake discontinuities due to changes in satellite inputs. Grimes levels (Sene 1998), the engineering structures are still and Diop (2003) show that basin-averaged satellite cloud overtopped by floods, as seen in the results below. temperature and vegetation fraction are proxies for the The objective of this paper is to study the climatic water balance and can be fitted to daily African stream- drivers of Malawi’s Shire River using direct measure- flow records with good success. ments and model estimates, to analyze the annual to To understand regional climate influences on Mala- decadal variability, to understand the meteorological wi’s Shire River flow, cross correlations were computed forcing of wet and dry spells, and to determine which at various lags as maps and time series, similar to the atmospheric indices best correspond with the hydrology. methods of Glad (2010). For the annual cycle and con- secutive months, the degrees of freedom is 10 and 60, . 2. Data and methods respectively, so 95% significance is achieved at r 0.60 and 0.25. Of many climate indices tested, the PDSI was The southern half of Lake Malawi and Shire River closest to Shire River flow anomalies. Seasonal values of Valley encompass an area 138–178S, 33.58–36.58E(Fig. 1). Shire basin-averaged detrended PDSI were cross cor- Discharge data from the state hydrology service were related with ECMWF reanalysis fields (1957–2001) to obtained and, following quality checks and naturalization understand the global climate forcing at interannual to according to Shela (2010), a single monthly time series decadal time scales. 1953–2012 was reconstructed from the Mangochi record Inspecting the daily flow discharge at Chikwawa, a 2 (19761; 1 refers to the starting year up to 2012) extended threshold of 1200 m3 s 1 was exceeded on 13 occasions. by other gauges (Mbewe 19531 and Liwonde 19651). For this group of floods, composite weather anomalies Daily values were also obtained at Mangochi and Chik- were calculated from reanalysis and satellite fields, and wawa gauges (19761) to describe flood events. Supple- their structure was examined 2 days before peak flow. menting the in situ hydrological records are National Hot spells were analyzed using MODIS satellite land Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) satellite surface temperatures. The warmest case was studied for altimetry of lake level (19921) and gravity measurements local structure and regional weather pattern. of soil water fraction (Tapley et al. 2004; Crétaux et al. 2011; Velpuri et al. 2012) since 2002. Satellite–gauge in- terpolated rainfall observations in the study area (Fig. 1) 3. Results at 50-km resolution derive from the Global Pre- a. Valley climate characteristics cipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC; Schneider et al. 2008, 2014) and the Climatic Research Unit (CRU; Harris Mean rainfall in the Shire Valley during the satellite era 2 et al. 2014). The Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) is is 2–3 mm day 1 corresponding to elevations of 500– used to characterize water budget anomalies, based on 1000 m, respectively (Figs. 1a,b). A tongue of lower rainfall observed precipitation minus Penman–Monteith potential extends up the Shire Valley from the Zambezi River and evapotranspiration (Hargreaves and Samani 1982; Wells its wetlands, while the surrounding Mozambique high- et al. 2004; Dai 2011). Area-averaged latent and sensible lands receive heavier rainfall. Vegetation (Fig. 1c)isrel- heat fluxes and runoff estimated by the Global Land Data atively homogeneous, having a mean annual color fraction Assimilation System (GLDAS) Noah model are em- of 0.3 in the Shire Valley, rising to 0.45 in the mountains ployed (Rodell et al. 2004). Additional datasets include and in the southeastern wetlands. Surface daytime tem- the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer perature (Fig. 1d) exhibits a pattern consistent with rainfall (MODIS) satellite infrared surface temperatures and and elevation with a mean annual value of 388Cinthe vegetation color fraction at 1-km resolution (Huete et al. Shire Valley indicative of high potential evaporation. 2002); African Rainfall Climatology, version 2 (ARCv2) The Shire Valley (138–178S, 33.58–36.58E) climate ex- satellite–gauge merged rainfall at 10-km resolution hibits a pronounced annual cycle (Fig. 2). Rainfall rises Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 11:50 AM UTC OCTOBER 2014 J U R Y 2041 FIG. 1. Characteristics of the Shire Valley: (a) mean ARCv2 rainfall at 10-km resolution. (b) Topography with place names, white outline is Malawi border.
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