SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER---1937 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE SO OTHWEbTERN fciQNOMENTS OCTOBER, 1937, REPORT INDEX CONDENSE! GENERAL REPORT Travel 249 400 Flora, Fauns, ana Natural 000 Central 350 Phenomene £51 100 Administration 250 500 Use of Facilities by Pablic252 £00 Maintenance, Imrovejientsmprovements , 600 Protection 253 end New ConstructionConstruction £51 700 Archeology, Pre-hist.,Hist.253 300 Activities Other AgenciesAf.ea-?ies 251 900 Miscellaneouscellane s 253 REPORTS FRoy LIEN IN T^B BULB .'.roues-A —290 Gran Quiuivira 377 Aztec Ruins 257 L'ontozumMontez a Cacti- --277 Bandelier 270 Natural Bridges 297 Bandelitr Cot 27? ' Navajo 281 Bandelier Ruins Stabilization—29? Pipe Spring 288 Canyon de oheily PRO Tonto 294 Ospulin Mountain 297 Tumecacori 255 Cesti Grnnde 233 Turn cac'ori Museum 257 Chaco Canyon 292 WalnAalnut Canyon 302 Chi'rieahua 261 White Bands 274 Chiricohun CCC ; 263 Wupatlci 295 : SI MorrM o 253 Casr d<? Steeno —303 HEAD.jUARTERS Branch of Education 304 RovirRoving. RangeRangerr 306 Closing 308h Visitor Statistics 308a MMobile Unit 307 SUPPLE: OT Biraa at MontezuiTia Castle, by BettyBetty JacksoJ-.ick3on 324 Herbarium aatt NavajoNavajo,, byby Miltonililton '..stherilWether l 310 1 NavajoNavnjo NcturNaturee Notes, by MiltonLiilton Wetherill..'otherl. .! 326 RuminationsR , by the Boss . 333 ; TaTrias Unit No. 1 at&t Chaco,Chaco, byby MargaretLfcrgarcti S.3. VWoods; )ods —321 ThThee CoverCover 309 WeatherWeather atat CasaCase GGrande, by J. DonaldBone:la Ershir.Erskine- < 327 SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS PERSONNEL IffiADCTJARTERa, Southwestern Monuments, Coolidge, Arizona: Frank Pinkley, Superintendent; Hugh Li. Killer, Assistant Superintendent; J. H. Tovrea, Assistant Engineer; Dale S. King, Assistant Park Naturalist; Charlie R. Steen, Junior Park Archeologist; Natt N. Dodge, Junior Park Naturalist; Millard Singernan and Luis A. G&stellum, Clerk-stenographers; Ire G. Goodwin and William Sharpe, CCO Clerks; F. E. Stonehocker, Machinist; J. L. L. Paehr, Utility man. FIELD STATIONS AREA (Acres) 1. Arches - Moab, Utah, Harry Reed, Custodian ------- 4,520. 2. Aztec Rains - Aztec, N. K., T. C. Miller, Custodian- - - 25.88 K. Summerfield Pay, Pirk Ranger-r.rchsologist. 3* Bandelier - Santa Fe, N. ;,!., 0. G. Harlcin3, Justodian- - 26,026.20 4. Canyon de Chelly - Chin Lee, Ariz., Jonnwill Faris, Cu.- 83,840. 5. Capulin Mountain - C;.pulin, N. M., Homer Farr, Custodian 680.37 6. Casa Grande- - Coolidge, Ariz., A. T. 3icknell, Custodian 472.50 J. Donald Erskine, Park Ranker. 7. Chaco Canyon - Chrco Canyon, N. M., L. T. McKinney, Cu.- 21,512.37 8. Chiricahua - Douglas, Ariz., Frank L. Fish, ;ustodicn- - 4,480. Homer Bennett and Elijol-„ Alton, CCC Guides. 9. El ivlorro - Raman, i\. ilex., Robert R. Budlon^;, Curtodian- 240. 10. Gila Cliff Dwellings - Cliff, K. M. No Custodian- - - - 160. 11. Gran aiuivira - Gran Q,uivira, N. M. .George L.Boundey, Cu. 610.94 12. Uovenweep - T. C. Miller, Aztoa, N, iuex. in charge - - - 285.80 13. Montezuma Castle - Ounp Verde, Ariz., Earl Jackson, Cu.- 560. Jesse D. Jennings, Park l,L;nber. 14. Nat-oral Briagos - Blanaing, Utah, "eke Johnson, Cu.- - - 2,740. 15. Navajo - Kayenta, Arizona., John wethsrill, Custoaii n- - 360. Milton notherill, Park Ranker-historian. 15. Organ Pipe Cactus - Ajo, Arizona, No Custodian ----- 330,670. 17. Pipe Spring - Noecasin, Ariz., ^oon'.ra Heaton, Actg. Cu. 40. 18. Rainbow Bridge - Tonalea, 'irizon-. , No Custodian- - - - - 160. 19. Saguaro - Tucson, Arizona, No Custodi .n- -------- 63,284. 20. Suns:.t Crater - Flagstaff, Ariz., David Jones in ch&rge- 3,040. 21. Tonto - Roosevelt, ^rizona, Thomns Onstott in chcr-.-e - - 1,120. 22. Tumacaeori - Tucson, Ariz., Sox ''225, L. R. Caywood, Cu. 10. 23. Walnut Uanyon - Flagstaff, Ariz.,Paul' Beaubion, Junior - 960. Park Archeologist. 24. White Sands - Alamogordo, N. M., Ton Charles, Cu. 142,987. 25. rfupatki - Flagstaff, Arizona, David J. Jones, Park Rang. 35,865.30 26. Yucca House - Cortez, Colo. ,T.C.L'iller,Aztec,N .U. in chg_. 9.6 Tot..l Are. (in acres)- - - - 724.659.96 (1132.2 square miles) CONDENSED REPORT IN WHICH ARE GIVEN THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH Coolidge, Arizona, November 1, 1937. The Director, National Perk Service, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Director: The Condensed Report for the month cf October, 193°, follows: TRAVEL Travel year, . Oct . J.937 Oct. ,1955 Oct ., 1935 1938,t'> date. Arches 80 30 Aztec Ruins 882 83 5 1,155 882 Bandolier 953 728 659 933 Canyon de Chelly 149 119 64 149 Capulin Mountain 1,100 400 1,200 1,100 Casa Grande 2,482 2,190 2,281 2,432 Chaco Canyon 752 615 391 Chiricahus <T}n 690 727 El ;.iorro 196 169 160 196 *Gila Cliff Dwelling 15 — — 15 Gran Quivira 198 159 339 198 *Hovenweep — Montezuma Castle 734 499 5 6 6 734 *Nac\iral B""id,:_:es 109 65 109 Navajo 70 70 *Organ Pipe Cactus 900 900 Pipe Spring 67 69 220 67 * Rainbow Bridge 56 56 *8aguaro 1,500 1,500 *Sunset Crater 1,000 287 (Reg.) 1,000 Tonto 250 217 332 250 Tumacacori 801 803 711 801 Walnut Canyon 841 "58 687 841 White Sands 6,843 5,979 3,507 5,843 • •upatkj. 85 155 100 85 *Yucca House 50 — 50 TOTAL 20,459 20,459 ""Estimated October is a "between seasons" month, winter travel to the southern monuments not yet making much of a gain, ?nd summer travel to the north­ ern areas dropping off on the winter orb. All monuments show a drop from last month except Casa Grande t.nd Navajo which record slight SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS 249 CONDENSED REPORT FOR OCTOBER, 1937. CONDENSED REPORT (OONT.) increases. In comparison with October, 1936, however, healthy gains were registered at ell monuments except Chaeo Canyon, Pipe Spring, Tuma- cacori, and wupatki at each of "which local condition.:; account for the drop. Total travel to all mcnur.ents is well in excess of last October. 000 GENERAL 010 Matters of Unusual Importance oanyon de Cnelly: P. find of old bools, possibly cacned by an Indian about 186S, olfore interesting historical possibilities. (S-.,e p. 286) Walnut Canyon: Proposed re-routin& of 7. S. ilighway 66 and of the Santa Fo itailro-in tracks may alter the approach routs to the monument making it rbout four miles shorter. (6ei p. 202). Natural Bridges: A party composed of skate and government officials has gone over the nreposou route to Capitel Reef National Monument indicating the possibility of a road to that aiva. (See p. 298). Montezuma Castle: Studies are being conducted to determine the feasibility of establishing e, Stat? Game Proservc adjoining the south and west sides of the rionument. (See p. 280). 020 Weather As usual, a great variety of weather conditions has been encount­ ered throughout the Southwestern Monuments. However, normal autumn temperatures have prevailed. Cn.su Grind;, Tumaocoori, and Liontezuma Oastlo have: or en hot ar.d dry while wet weather is reported from Aztec, ;. 'Pipe Spring, Navajo, El Morro, and Wupetki. Canyon de Ohelly and Chnco Canyon suffered from heavy rains and floods, reported in the latter monument to be the worst in the experience of the custodian. (See p. 286).Chiricuhua has recorded frosts P. the higher country and wet -.weather in e^rly October. The ppproach road t:; Navajo was badly washed out in a heavy rain of September 29 (Sea p. 282). 100 ADMINISTRATION 123 Visits by National Pnrk Service Personnel Keadquarterc: Director an.:! -Irs. Cammc-rer, Joss Jennings, Prank Pish, LI. V. .telker, Ben Thompson, Hub Oanse, Sill Stevenson, Dorr Yeager. Arch3s: 0. C. Taylor, J. tl. Dit-hl, J. Nusuau:;i, P. Franks. Aztec: Lewis T. MeKinney. Bandolier: L. E. Bennett, 0. E. Kruger, Dr. G. Could, Theo. Cronyon, LI. V. Walker, L. A. ilcClatchy, J. Stevenson, Dr. MoDougall, 0. S. Taylor, J. H. Diehl, C. 3. Landon, ia". AlcOolm. Casa Grande: Director and iirs. Cammerer, Jeso Jennings, Frank Pish, M. V. v.alicer, Chas. Richey, A. V. Darney, Dorr Yeager. Canyon do Chelly: Doc. C-ipe. Oaaoj Canyon: T. C. Dialer. Chiricahua: Director and Srs. Cammerer, Nugh Pillar-, Clinton Pose, and Luis Gastellum. Montezuma Castle : J. H. Tovrea . Navajo: Mr. D-Long of the San Francisco. Office. SOUTHWESTERN M0NC2ENTS 250 C0NDENS3D REPORT FOR OCTOBER, 1937. CONDENSED REPORT (CONT.) Pipe Spring: Al. Xeuhl. Tumacacori: Director and Mrs. Cammerer, M. V. Walker, Hugh Miller, A. W. Burney, J. H. Tovrea, Dorr I eager, Dale King, Frank Pinkley, J. H. Haile, Clinton Rose, Luis Gastellum. White Sands: Director and Mrs. Cammerer, Hugh Miller, Hub. Chase, Jack Diehl, Adrey Borell, Charles Richey, Tom Boles. 180 Publicity. White Sands: As usual, this monument appears to be getting the lion's snare of publicity in publications with an enviable range of distribution. (See p. 276). 200 MAINTENANCE, IMPROVEMENTS, MID NEW CONSTRUCTION. 210 Maintenance, Unusual Montezuma Castle: Repairs have been started on the revetment wall. 220 Improvements Aztec: A twenty-five gallon gasoline tank has been placed on the custodian's car. 3andclir-r: Valves and fire hydrants have been installed in the Hotel Development areajand Unit 1 of the Hotel Development has been completed. Casa Grande; A new grease rack is under construction. 230 New Construction Canyon de Chelly: Materials have been obtained end work started on the new equipment shed. (See p. 286). 300 ACTIVITIES OF OTHER AGENCIES IN THE; MONUMENTS 320 Cooperating Agencies Chaco Canyon: The Soil Conservation Service is carrying on main­ tenance work with a small crew. 350 Donations and Accessions. Headquarters Loan Library: nn imposing number of books and other publications has been received during the month. (See p. 305). Walnut Can yon: Several ethnological specimens have been added to tne monument museum. (See P. 502). El Morro: The skin of a rare Black-footed Ferret was prepared and sent to headquarters for safe keeping.
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