O t Volume 6, Number 16 publishedevery, two weeksT UCSD 14th~ear of publication. May 12--25,1981 Watson,others, make iist... VCUA Candidates Chosen The SearchCommittee for the Vice- administrationwho were unableto Chancellorfor UndergraduateAffairs indentifywhich candidate would be positionhas releaseda listof six interviewedthat day. According to that applicantswho are scheduledfor source, and to Search Committee interviews. Search Committee chairmanWoo, an open forumwill be Chairman C.W. Woo (Provost of heldat whichstudents will be allowedto RevelleCollege) stressed when he meetthe applicants and ask questions. In releasedthe list to the new indicator that it was notfinal, and thatadditional INSIDE THIS ISSUE: candidatesmay well be interviewed. Phiilipines,Funky La Jolla, As anticipated,Associate Professor Military,Terrorism and more JosephWatson (provost of the third College)is one of thesix. The other addition,Woo statedthat A.S. and UCSDapplicant to makethe list is John CollegeCouncil officials, as well as the Giebenk,Director of Counselingand Search Committee and various PsychologicalServices. The remaining administratorswould be allotedtime to fourare AlonzoAtencio (Asst. Dean meetv.,ith each candidate. and Professor, U of New Mexico Medical School), Edgar Butler Rumorsthat JosephWatson will be 10,000march in San Franciscoagainst Reagan (Chairpersonand Professor,Dept. of selectedremain strong, and already Sociology,UC Riverside),Cecilia somehave begun to viefor the Provost No Nukes, No War, No Reagan LevineMarshak (Asst. Dean, School of slot that is expectedto open when Sciences,San DiegoState Univ), and Watsonassumes the Vice-Chancellor- RobertDennis Singer (Chairperson and ship in July. Meanwhile,several 1,000sProtest across U.S. Professorof Psychology,Chairperson of students--concernedoverthe prospects racism, sexism and a Reagan of Watson,who has played a majorrole 10,000people marched through the HSSfaculty, UC Riverside). streetsof San FranciscoMay 3rd administrationbudget that funds the in thedecimation of theThird College militarymachine and starvessocial Two other applicantsfrom UCSD andin theranks of minoritystudents at protestingReagan’s budget and havebeen rejected, and the nomination UCSD, becomingVice-Chancellor-- opposingU.S. interventionin El programs. of one UCSD professor appears, haveintensified efforts to convince Salvador.And 30,000or moremarched As a preludeto the May 3 actions, accordingto oursources, to havebeen administratorsthat Watson is nottheir thatday in WashingtonD.C.. The San some60 "freezethe arms race" protests lost. man. Franciscomarch and rally was large and wereheld in 25 statesaround the nation. Thefirst interview is scheduledfor spirited,including a diverse group of In Denver,Groton, Ct., Los Angeles The petitioninitiated by the demonstrators.Several participants tomorrow,according to sourcesin the continuedon page7 andConcord, Ca., and scoresof other notedthat it wasthe largest turnout for sites,a call went out to haltthe testing, sucha demonstrationin San Francisco production,and deploymentof new Interventionin El Salvador,Reagan budget ooposed in a longtime. A contingentfrom San nuclearweapons systems. DiegoC.A.R.D. participated in the San Many of the demonstrationsalso 500 Protest Reagan Here Franciscomarch. blastedthe then-current budget hearings l’heprotests linked opposition to the in Wahington and condemned the 500people gathered Saturday, May 9, on the defenseteam for the NASSCO draft,U.S. intervention in El Salvador, Three.Weinglass noted that he hadlast increasein militaryspending at the to protestthe first100 daysof the andthe nuclear arsenal escalation with continuedon page7 Reaganadministration. Theprotest was spoken in Balboa Park’~ Organ calledby theApril Coalition--a broad Pavilion--where the protesttook basedcommunity organization that place--aboutten years ago, at a rally Hungerstrike continues, protest mounts... formedin responseto Reagan’slater- opposingthen-president Nixon and U.S. withdrawnplans to cometo San Diego involvementin Vietnam. "There weren’t to meetwith Mexican President Lopez manymore of us herethen," Weinglass Britishlet Sands die Portillo. noted,"but Nixon’s gone now, and we "1refuse tochange to suitthe people who proceededwith an attemptto force gotout of Vietnam,and we’re still here." oppressme, torture and imprison me; incomingprisoners--one by one--to Theaction was preceeded by a march whowish to dehumanizeme. 1 havethe accept the new prison regime, of 250people through Balboa Park and Weinglassnoted the growing attacks spiritof freedomwhich cannot be symbolizedby the uniform of a thesurrounding area. Marchers chanted on poor peoplethrough the federal quenchedby eventhe most horrendous "commoncriminal." slogansdemanding U.S. withdrawal budget--pointingout that as basic treatment.Ofcourse, ! can be murdered. supportservices were axed, California’s Irishprisoners responded to the fromEl Salvador,Victory to the FDR, ButI remainwhat ! am--apolitical continuedon page4 Resistanceto budget cut backs, etc. legislatorswere callingfor the prisonerof war." --BobbySands N,I.Under Attack... The day of speakers,music and constructionof new prisonsand the hiringof morepolice. He concludedby Despitethe worldwideattention displayswas highlightedby a rousing whichhis fast for politicalprisoner speechfrom civil liberties attorney notingthe intensified attacks against Free Press emmltmmdon page4 statushad sparked, the English govern- LeonardWeinglass, currently working mentleft Irish Republican prisoner and Memberof ParliamentBobby Sands to Defended diein hisNorthern Ireland prison cell wherehe hadgone 66days without food. New IndicatorCollective member Jon Sandswas the first of theprison "blanket Bekkenentered a plea of not guilty at his men"to lose his life in the struggle towin arraignmentThursday, April 30, restorationof political status: the right followingthe City Attorney’s decision to to wearone’s own clothing; the right to rejectterms proposed by National refuseto do prisonwork; the right to LawyersGuild attorney Gerald Blank freelyassociate with fellow prisoners. (Bekken’scounsel) for resolution of the l’hegovernment revoked that status in case. 1976as partof an overallstrategy to win Had thatoffer been accepted, all internationalsupport for its continued chargeswould have been dropped, the occupationof Ireland.Fhe "’crimina- newindicator would have published an lization"policy, as it cameto beknown, articlediscouraging people from was an attemptto characterizethe attemptsto evade paymentof long liberationstruggle of the Irish distancetelephone charges through use RepublicanArmy as a waveof criminal of so-calledcredit card codes, and would violence.It involvedthe denialof have placed a warning in the politicalprisoner status to those New Indicator Collective style "convicted"in NorthernIreland’s no- guide/operationsmanual warning jurycourts after March I, 1976. futurestaff membersto bewareof printingmaterial which offended A’I’&’I- Not wishing to provoke a andmight be construedto be a violation confrontationwith prisonerswho of the law. l’he City Attorneyhad alreadyhad political status (at one time soundedinterested when the offerwas there were as many as 1,500),the proposed,but insisted on discussingthe governmentallowed all thoseconvicted matterwith Pacific Telephone before beforeMarch I to retainpolitical status. makinghis decision. Pac’l’el apparently (In a terribleirony, only yards away objected. from whereBobby Sands was fasting, FheCity Attorney’s counter-offer was thereare 350 prisoners, convicted before rejectedby Bekken.Under the terms of March 1, 1976,who stillhave the thatoffer, Bekken was to pleadguilty to political status which he was the misdemeanorof his choice,and demanding.)The governmentthen continuedon page2 Reagan protesterschant "Free the NASSCOThree." San Diego 3 2 BlackGI in the Phillipines Notes From the CollectiveDesk... Funky La Jolla ~D°gh°use Riley. would condonesuicide. Wednesday, The US’s next El Salvador? Remember Winne May 13 at 8:30 am in the Revelle Manila--"ldon t reallyknow why I’m himreleased. Provost’sOffice students will press the Well, gang, our usual man in this spot, ~~-~ herein thePhilipines," saidMike, a 24- "Thatgave me someidea of whatit s On May I0, 1970on RevellePlaza at RevelleCollege Council to allowthe yearold blackseaman from Chicago’s likefor Filipino civilians, says Perez, Chuck Patterson,is still missing.Last /~/ [PL/LIF]"]~~ westside. He is currentlydoing his tour 4:00 GeorgeWinne lit his gasoline plaque.Any interested people are urged reportsspotted him hanging out near the jr./ -~~ ~’N~__.,,~ "Marcosruns the Philipines like Hitler soakedbody on fire.Beside him was a toattend. /ff ~’~ of dutyat the SubicNaval Base and ran Germany." 4Chancellor’soffice; undergoing the T~ preferredhis last name not be used. signthat read, "In God’s name, Stop the FridayMay 15 at noon on Revelle privationsof undergroundliving, [ ] [ ~ The U.S. has over 17,000troops War."George died ten hourslater in Plazaa rallywill be heldat which hopingto avoida UJSscaffold. "Mostof the officers here are southern [ ] ~ , -7 1 I permanentlystationed in thePhilipines ScrippsHospital. AnthonyRusso and otherswill speak, The Committee on Educational ~J- crackers,"commented Mike, "they’re at Subic,Clark Air Force Base, and in a pointingout the similarities between our [ [r ~ ~ [ racistas allhell. The Filipino civilians Two weeksearlier the Vietnamwar Policyseems to betrying to let1 grades~ _ ~ ,,~ I varietyof smallerfacilities.
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