I • 4 THE QUAKER Friday, October 20, 1944 ,__ sP_o_RT_P_Ic_K_uP_s-,----- , A studious senior with one swell Economics Classes personality is Carl Ferreri. earl is 5 '(Continued from Page 3.) JOKES PERSONALITY fe~t 8 inches tall, weights 165, and "Why would a compliment from The injury jinx that plagued Study Corporations has a sense of humor that can't ,the Salem sqlULd all through a chicken be an insult?°" SKETCHES be beat. The only things earl dis­ last season is witlJi them again Because it would be fowl lang ~ Swell kid this year. Missing from the tea:m The Economics classes under the uage. likes worse than physics tests are for Ia.st week's Wellsiville game direction of Mlr. Early have been H as lots of pep garlic and his senior picture. were: Francis Lanney, "Curley"', studying· about. United States cor- Sergeant of the WAC's to her I n the "groove" Carl's main interest is' West Point all Fra.nks, and John Mulford, porations and what they have done squad: "I want a volunteer for a R eads. a lot 1 and he hopes to go there some day. first string m.en. while ])\olllJ and are doing for this country. dangerous assignment: The col- L oves lemon cakes He would also like to see the In­ Chappel and Norm '8mitlh are General Motors, America's largest onel's looking for a secretary." Ever happy dians win the pennant some day. out with fractures and Dick single corporation, was the main Y earns for the Coast Guard , Karlis· has been out au season poi,nt of the class discussions. The One Washington bureaucrat to with a concussion. Talk about American government has also been another: "Here's a complaint from M akes all her clothes 1 injuries! ! · thoroughly studied as have articles tihe Little Giant Puzzle Company. A !ways dresses cute Tonight the injury ridden Quak- criticizing the government. Many They claim that the forms we're N ever idle GARDEN GRILL ers will meet a tough and improving class discussions ' have come from sending to be filled out infringe on G oes for tall men Metzger Hotel Struthers squad at H,eilly Field. The sources such as newspaper articles some of their patents ' and copy- U 11certain about her vocation Struthers team, although they do and various pamphlets. ' rights." S he's a Van Johnson fan. Popular/Priced Lunches not uossess too good a record, is traditionally an "upset" squad, 1. She sends cookies made with · An Arkansas farmer. asked the 0"My word, Dick, you've got tlie many times having defeated highly latest thing in stenographers." putty and fl0ur to my boss. United states Army to build him ART BRIAN rated and ' favored squads. This 2. He ihas fixed up the bridge a new front porch, because so n;iany "She is certainly that. She never gets here until, ten!" game should be one of the season's table so that he can make it col­ soldiers come" calling on his pretty best with the squads both evenly lapse at any time when he is play­ daughter that their combined INSURANCE matched, and should be a close ing with friends. weight finally caved in the poroh YOUNG &: BRIAN game all the way. But if the Sa­ 3. He makes recordings of our floor. lemites get the breaks they should quarrels and plays them back to INSURANCE AGENCY emerge victorious by one touch­ me, pointing out where my logic Filling out one of those innum- tlown. ANTI - FREEZE was wrong. erable government •questionaires, a Insurance Agency A roundup . of some of the 4. She has trained a police dog to retailer was asked \o list his "fast­ YOUR CAR BEFORE COLD, , other local football · ~esults dis­ bite me whenever .she so orders. est .r,noving item." Without hesita­ WEATHER SETS IN! closes: Massillon's once defeated 5. To rest his feet, which are very tion he wrote "Personnel." Tigers routing Alliance 27-0; small, a man in Arkansas took off OUR RECORD SHOP BRING YOUR CAR IN FOR ~t Palestine walloping Newell, For the Latest in Decca, Blue ihis shoes in the movie. rwhen' he Second girl: "Yes, I know, every­ A FINAL CHECKUP W. Va., 53-0; Yo1iingstown bird and Victor Records reacihed the isle at the end of the thing she has on is charged. ·S'outh lacing Canton Timken film he found he had on a pair of . "Judge," said :the prisoner, "Give - AT 18-9; and the East Liverpool FINLEY MUSIC CO. pumps belonging to his neighbor. me a sentence with the word free­ \32 S. Broadway Phone 314! Powerhouse mana'ging a 14~6 Two freshmen gir}s were talking dom in it." win over a surprisingly scrappy ~bout a new girl who came to school Midland crew. Orie. girl: "All the boys say she is LOCK'$ SCRAPPLE Ill •-------------"-• A large portion of the credit a human dynamo." for the Salem victory over Wells­ ·f AMOUS DAIRY , 2 Lbs. for 29c . ville can be attributed to the Stranger: "I've come out here to MILK SHAKES Quaker forward wall. Although sev­ ma:ke a:q honest living." PREFERRED BY THOSE WHO KNOW! FULTS' MARKET ,eral of its mainstays were not in Native: "Well, you won't have ~ Phone 4292 "~~JSUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY top playing shape due to injuries much competition." the QUakers managed to hold the' r-----------------------.-------i IT'S A LAUGH RIOT! speedy Wellsville backs to e'8 MRS. STEVENS' Gary Cooper yards gained from scrimmage. KITCHEN-FRESH CANDIES Compliments of Teresa Wright In some of tJhe collegiate I game~ played last Saturday, the SCOTT'S CANDY 1 -- in -- Ohio State Buckeyes fina:lly SALEM. BOWLING CENTER &: NUT SHOP stopped W:iscnsin's Jug Girard SALEM, OHIO "Casanova Brown' and won 20-7 a,fter this one man-triple threat star had kept them in hot water for most of WALK HAPPILY IN HALDI'S HOME OF FINE the game. A highly noted Notre NEW SPORT SHO~S [~:WI] Dame squad kept a perfect rec­ FURNITURE SUNDAY - MONDAY ord as it downed Dartmoutlh 2 "HIT" FEATURES! 65-0; and Army ripped Pitt HALD I 'THE; MINSTREL MAN' 68-7. ' s • With BENNY FIELDS Short Biography: ARBAUGH -- Second Feature -- . High chair. LAUREL and HARDY' High school. SMITH'S CREAMERY Furniture Sf ore . -- in -- High stool. Comer State and Lincoln High finance. ICE CREAM BARS • "THE BIG NOISE" ~Iigh hat. • D~ 4907 Hi; Warden! J.C. PENNEY CO • .SALEM PLUMBING&·HEATING CO. 191 South Broadway SPECIAL LUNCHES FOR SCHOOL PUPILS! . ' LEASE DRUG COMPANY DINNER BELL STATE. AND LINCOLN .
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