Companies, labour market and internationality in the Tampere City Region S i t u a t i o n 2 2 . 1 . 2 0 2 0 SISÄLTÖINDEX 1. COMPANIES 2. FOREIGN TRADE 3. INTERNATIONALITY 4. LABOUR MARKET 1. COMPANIES a) Stock of companies b) Renewal of enterprise structure c) Growth companies d) Startups e) RDI funding from Business Finland to companies f) Venture transactions to companies 1a. Stock of companies STOCK OF COMPANIES, total ACTIVE COMPANIES, total 41 383 31 124 − 35 409 Location in municipalities Kangasala, Active companies according to data Active companies according to data Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, source Suomen Asiakastieto. source Yritystieto.businesstampere.fi Tampere, Vesilahti and Ylöjärvi. Status 31.12.2019 Status 20.1.2020 Company forms tmi, osk, oy, kyand ay Source: Suomen Asiakastieto Source: Business Tampere, Alma Talent Status 31.12.2019 Source: Suomen Asiakastieto The definitions differ with regard to the activity of the company. 2a. Renewal of enterprise structure 2 449 enterprise openingstotal Enterprise openings in 2019 during the year 2019. Source: Business Tampere, Yritystietopalvelu 1800 1593 1600 1400 1200 1000 Hyvä kehitys on jatkunut alkuvuoden 2019. Kesäkuun 2019 loppuun mennessä ( 800 600 400 190 166 156 155 200 129 40 20 Active companies according to data source 0 Yritystieto.businesstampere.fi Status 31.12.2019 Tampere Ylöjärvi Lempäälä Kangasala Nokia Pirkkala Orivesi Vesilahti Source: Business Tampere, Alma Talent 1b. Renewal of enterprise structure Enterprise openings, closures and net increase Enterprise openings, closures and net increase in the Tampere City Region in 2011 – 2018 in the Tampere City Region in quarters Q1/2016 – Q2/2019 Source: Statistics Finland Source: Statistics Finland 1b. Renewal of enterprise structure The share of industries in the enterprise stock compared to the shares in the enterprise net increase in Tampere City Region in 2018 Source: Statistics Finland Share of industry in the enterprise stock (%) Share of industry in the enterprise net increase (%) A-B Primary production C Manufacturing D-F Construction, electricity and water supply G Wholesale and retail trade H Transportation and storage I Accommodation and food service activities J Information and communication K Financial and insurance activities L Real estate activities M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Administrative and support service activities P Education Q Human health and social work activities R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Other services Other activities or unknown 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 1c. Growth companies Change in the numberof growth companies Growth companies, international definition of growth Small growth companies: Employing at least10 pers, growing at least 20 %/ a year Employing at least3 pers, growing at least10 %/ a year 90100 600600 8080 550580 70 560 6060 500 5040 450540 40 520 3020 400 500 200 350 10 480 0 460 At minimum 10 pers/20 % Väh. 10At hlöä/20 minimum % 3 pers/10%Väh. 3 hlöä/10% Source: Statistics Finland 1d. Startups Industrial share % of startups identified in the Tampere City Region N=285. Sources: Business Tampere, Tampere Startup Research 2019, Vainu.io J Information and communication M Professional, scientific and technical activities C Manufacturing Unknown P Education G Wholesale and retail trade R Arts, entertainment and recreation Q Human health and social work activities N Administrative and support service activities A Agriculture, forestry and fishing F Construction L Real estate activities 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 1e. RDI funding from Business Finland to companies 1f. Venture transactions in Tampere Region Venture transactions to companies in the Tampere City Region, M€, 2014-2019* * Preliminary data. Source: Talouselämä, Vainu.io, Crunchbase 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2. FOREIGN TRADE a) Exporting and importing companies b) Target areas of export activities 2a. Exporting and importing companies in the Tampere Region International trade in the Tampere Region, number of exporting and importing companies Source: Statistics Finland Change 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2016-2017 Companies total 25 585 25 470 25 391 25 385 25 702 1,2 % Importing companies 1430 960 938 990 1023 3,3 % Exporting companies 153 256 276 269 292 8,6 % Number of companies importing and exporting 538 353 351 334 340 1,8 % Exporting companies in total 691 609 627 603 632 4,8 % 2a. Exporting companies Municipal share* of the exporting companies in the Tampere City Region registered by Finnish Customs N=296, situation 16.1.2020 Source: Vainu.io (Customs) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Heat map shows the locations of the exporting companies in the Tampere City Region 2a. Exporting companies Industrial share % of the export companies in the Tampere City Region registered byFinnish Customs N=296, situation 16.1.2020 Source: Vainu.io (Customs) C Manufacturing 43.2 % G Trade 34.8 % M Prof., scient. & tech. Activities 9.5 % J Information & communication 4.1 % F Construction 1.7 % K Financial & insurance activities 1.4 % L Real estate activities 1.4 % N Administrative & support… 1.0 % Heat map shows H Transportation & storage 1.0 % the locations of the exporting Q Human health & social work… 0.7 % companies in the Others 1.4 % Tampere City Region 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2b. Target areas of export activities Exporting companies by target areas, share % of all exporting companies Change in number of exporting countries by the target in the Tampere Region area. Tampere Region 2016-2017 Source: Statistics Finland Source: Statistics Finland. 2014 2015 2016 2017 Asia 3.0 % Africa 1.8 % Asia America 6.0 % Africa EU28 5.9 % Other European countries* 8.4 % America Others 0.7 % EU28 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% Other European countries* * Includes Russia Others 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 3. INTERNATIONALITY a) Overnight stays of foreign visitors b) Air-passengers at the Tampere-Pirkkala airport c) International students and researchers d) Logistical connections 3a. Foreign visitors in the Tampere Region Foreign visitors in all accommodation Foreign visitors in all accommodation establishments in the Tampere Region establishments in Tampere Region in 2018-2019 Source: Statistics Finland Source: Statistics Finland, 2019* premilinary data 120,000 2018 2019* 20,000 15,000 100,000 10,000 Change 2018-2019 5,000 80,000 - 9,2 % 0 60,000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3b. Air passengers at the Tampere-Pirkkala airport Air-passengers at the Tampere-Pirkkala airport Source: Finavia international flights domestic flights 450,000 Change 2018-2019 400,000 350,000 international -7,5 % domestic +6,5 % 300,000 total -2,5 % 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3c. International students and researchers International degree students in the Tampere Region, International researchers in the higher share of international degree students in total % education institutions in Tampere Source: Vipunen / Education statistics Finland Source: Situational Picture of Innovation in the Tampere Region UAS* degree Bachelor's degree 600 Master's degree Doctoral studies 100% 500 90% 80% 400 70% 60% 300 50% 40% 200 30% 20% 100 10% 0 0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 3d. Logistical connections Map: Council of Tampere Region 4. LABOUR MARKET a) Unemployment rate by municipality b) Foreign labour force c) Job seekers by occupation d) Workplaces by industry e) Open vacancies 4a. Unemployment rate by month and municipality Source: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland / Statistics Finland Tampere City KANGASALA LEMPÄÄLÄ NOKIA ORIVESI PIRKKALA TAMPERE VESILAHTI YLÖJÄRVI Region 2019 January 6,9 6,1 7,8 9,8 6,2 11,4 6,3 6,5 9,7 2019 February 6,6 6,4 7,7 9,5 6 11,3 6,5 6,4 9,6 2019 March 6,4 6,1 8 9 6 11,3 6,2 6,2 9,5 2019 April 6,3 6,1 8,3 8,3 5,5 10,8 6,2 6 9,2 2019 May 5,9 5,9 8 7,5 5,6 10,5 6,2 5,8 8,9 2019 June 7,1 7,2 9,1 8 6,7 12 7,1 7,2 10,3 2019 July 7,7 8,0 9,3 8,6 7,1 12,9 7,3 7,6 11,0 2019 August 6,8 6,6 7,8 7,8 5,5 11,3 5,4 6,0 9,5 2019 September 6,7 6,3 8,1 7,8 5,5 10,8 5,5 5,9 9,2 2019 October 6,6 6,0 8,3 8,1 5,5 10,5 5,6 5,8 9,0 2019 November 6,7 6,4 8,5 9,1 5,7 10,5 6,1 6,0 9,1 Average 01-11/2019 6,7 6,5 8,3 8,5 5,9 11,2 6,2 6,3 9,6 Yearly Average 2018 7,0 6,2 8,0 8,5 6,3 11,8 5,9 6,7 9,9 4b. Foreign labour force Unemployed, foreign labour force in the Tampere Sub-Region Foreign unemployed jobseekers Foreign unemployed jobseekers' Number of foreign Foreign unemployed jobseekers, % percent of foreign labour force share of the foreign unemployed jobseekers labour force in total, % 2,000 100 1,800 90 1,600 80 1,400 70 1,200 60 1,000 50 800 40 600 30 400 20 200 10 0 0 2018 July 2018 July 2019 2018 May 2018 May 2019 2018 June 2018 June 2019 2018 April 2018 April 2019 2018 March 2018 March 2019 2018 August 2018 August 2019 2018 January 2018 January 2019 2018 October 2018 October 2019 2019 February 2019 2018 February 2018 2018 December 2018 2018 November 2018 November 2019 2018 September 2018 2019 September 2019 Source: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland / Statistics Finland 4c.
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