./ Page Nine Page Elgbt THE JEWISH POST Thursday, January 4, 1968 Thursday, January 4, 1968 THE JEWISH POST Free Loan, an executive member of SEE US FIRST the B'nai B'rith Lodge 650 and a CLllB NOTES - - Obituaries member of the Chalm Weizmann GARDEN CITY CHAPTER OF 1 AVIVA CHAPT., B'NAI B'BrI'B WILLIAM SHAFFER Mrs. Spector was born in Russia, Club and the Farband.· B'n';; B'rith Women will hold their WOttten, will meet Wednesday, J~. BARNEY GLAZER WE RENT SUUES WE SELL INSURANCE * * On December 16, 1967, at Los and came to Canada in 1912 and Besides his wife he is survived by general monthly meeting on Mon- 10, at 8:15 p.m. at the home of 'Miss WE MANAGE PROPERTY WE SELL PROPERTY * * Angeles, Calif., Mr. William Shaffer, lived many years in Saskatchewan, one$on', Leo. day, Jan. 8, at 9 p.m. at the home Ruth BerCovitch, 206 Polson Avenue. *WE BUY AND SELL MORTGAGES IN HOLLYWOOD aged 72 years. moving to Winnipeg in 1949. She FuD.eral services were held on of Mrs. M. Zeilig, 3 Primrose Cres- Hostesses wIll ,be Mrs. Harry Tapper Mr. Shaffer was a resident of was an active member of the Ezra Tuesday, ,Dec, :l6~ '~t the Rosh Pina cent. A card and Maj party is and Mrs. Zvi Dill. 'l'he program is I SAPER AGENCIES LTD. Winnipeg ,from 1911 to 1948. He is Chapter of Hadassab. )Synagogue with burjal in the Rosh planned. on Anti-Defamation Leagile. survived by his wife Goldie and Besides her children she is sur­ Pina Cemetery. Should friends MIRIAM CHAPT., HADASSAH, SISTERHOOD of. BNAY A~- son David of Los Angeles, daughter vived by five grandchildren and 8, at MAX SAPER CHARLES SAPER , desire, contributions may be made will meet on Monday, Jan. HAM Synagogue will hold a joint Mrs. R. (Helen) Zaitzow of San thre sister, Mrs. M. (Becky) Plush, Leonard Nimoy, the prominently-eared star of television's Star Trek, to the charity of their choice. Shiva 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Eva meeting with the sisterhood of the 1304 Main St., Winnipeg 4 Phone 51'2-3023 I Diego; two grandchildren; three Mrs. S. (Sarah) Egnatinsky, both of Dc-cepted it .,..11 in a day's work when he had to wear a Nazi prison uniform at 438 Inkster Blvd. Breen, 79 Bannerman Avenue. Chevra Mishnayes Synagogue as 586-5690 New York, and Rosalind Sperling for one segment of the popular NBC series. When the production office brothers, George of Los Angeles, PERETZ FOLK SCHOOL MUTER guests of the synagogue on Wed­ " Louis of Winnipeg and Leon of Vic­ of San Francisco. She was pre­ Farein 'Hr. 2 will' have a combined nesday, Jan .17, at 8:30 p.m. Dr. asked Nimoy to pose for Some stills with a visiting singing group, he ,I toria, B.C. Interment was in Hill­ deceased 'by her brother, Joseph reading and meeting on Wednesday, J. M. Dougan of the Manitoba Clinic flatly refused. He feared that the pictures could he used detrimentally I side Memorial Park, Los Angeles. Sperling, in January 1967. by scheming parties. His interests lie elsewhere, as per his scheduled· i', Jan. 10, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of will be the speaker and will conduct SINCERE BEST WISHES FOR A VERY Funeral services were held at the , Edith Cohen, 307 St. Johns Avenue. a panel on !LS.D. with several uni- appearance Dec. 29 at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple children's Chanukah Shaarey Zedek Synagogue with services. King HAPPY AND JOYOUS CHANUKAH FANNIE SPECTOR HAIM STEINBERG BR., LADIES versity students. A questions and On December 30, 1967, at the interment at Shaarey Zedek Ceme­ EDDY SAMUELS, who figured in the news recently as the com­ Mizrachi, will meet on Thursday, answers period will follow. George TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY tery, Sunday, Dec. 31, 1967. Flowers panion of singer Jimmy Rodgers on the night when Rodgers was slugged Misericordia Hospital, Mrs. Fannie Jan. 11, at 1 p.m. at the home of GARDEN CITY CHAPTER OF Spector of 696 Waterloo Street, Win- gratefully declined. by a Il}Ysterious _,assailant, 'is Eddie Fisher's close friend, pianist and Hotel , Mrs. E. Hollander, Ste. 15, 607 Mc- B'nai B'rith Women' entertained at arranger. Eddy is the son of the famous Milt Samuels, am! is also a nipeg, widow of Morris Spector, for­ Gregor Street. the Sharon Home on Thursday, Jan. merly of Watrous, Sask.; beloved HENRY WOLITZER EZRA CHAPTER, BADASSAH- 4, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Zipman composer in his own right. Saskatoon , mother of Mrs. Lewis (Lucille) Suddenly, on Monday, Dec. 25, WIZO, will meet on Monday. Jan. presented a program of selected Currently, Samuels pere's new tune, uA Friend of ,Man I'll Be," has Cowin Steel Co. Ltd. Weidman of Winnipeg and Milton 1967, at the st. Boniface Hospital 8, at the T. Eaton Assembly Hall, Jewish s\lngs accompanied at the heen recorded hy Joe Feeney for RCA Victor and is getting.ilie big play. • Dining Room at the age of 70, Henry ,Wolitzer of Also, Sarah Vaughan recorded for Mercury Milt's "It's ,," Man's World," of Edmonton, Alta. 7th floor. Coffee will be served at piano by Mrs. Ben Katz., Conven- • Coffee Shop _ REINFORCING STEEL and STEEL FOR.~S· 438 Inkster Blvd., beloved husband which he wrote in 1941. 12:30 noon. Guests: The Jev.:ish ors were Mrs. Jack Elkin and Mrs. • Barber Shop of Ethel Wolitzer. The younger Samuels meanwhile has written "You Ain't Heard Women's Musical Club. Morris Levine. !Refreshments were • Day Rooms Mr. Wolitzer was co-owner of the Nothin' Yet," which is the title tune for Eddie Fisher's new RCA Victor' Phone SP 5-8161 REBECCA SIEFF CHAPTER OF served. Main Auto Body and Radiator Com­ Hadassah will meet on Monday, Jan. DAR ETzrON CHAP'l'ER OF aJ.bum, now in production. Although "You' .'\in't Heard Nothin' Yet" • PlQ'kade'. pany. He was a member of the 8, at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mizrachi Women will meet Monday, was an expression popularized by AI Jolson, Eddy doesn't believe that 1137 Pacific Ave. Rosh Pina Synagogue, the Achdus S. Pascal, 525 Perth Avenue. Guest Jan. 8, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of a previous tune. bore the same title. Even if it did, he explained that Air Conditioned Winnipeg speaker will :be Rabbi 1. Witty. Mrs. Dora Bakalinsky, 433' Semple use of his composition's name is legal because titles can't be copyrighted. At this writing, Eddy could not divulge any details of the tragic For Your DEBORAH CHAP., HADASSAH- Avenue, West''Kildonan. slugging of Jimmy: Rodgers. The matter is under investigation and In !lrmnriam WIZO, will meet on Monday, Jan. 8, MINNIE CHURcHILL CHAPTER Enjoyment MRS. ELLEN SNYDER at 12:30 noon at the Norlyn Bldg. of Hadassah' will: hold a Chanukah involves Eddy to the extent that he and Ji\1U'1y were enroute to the MESSRS. In loving memory of our dear husband, father and ' On December 30, 1967, at Miseri­ Hostesses are Mrs. B. F. Karby alid Gelt luncheon on Monday, Jan. 8, singer's home in the San 'Fernando Valley ,but their respetltive car~ t ___and Comfort _ I grandfather cordia Hospital, after a lengthy ill­ Mrs. H. Swartz. Mrs. J. M. Bern- at 1 p:tn. at 'the home of Mrs. J. became separated. When Eddy set out to searcb ior Jimmy, he found the NORMAN KOFFMAN ness, .Mrs. Ellen Snyder, formerly stein, national chairman, Nahalal, Raber, 608 Queenston Street. singer slumped in his car, the apparent victim oi a slugging. Eddy h~d, DAVID WOLFE of Ste. 5 - 550 Corydon Avenue, will speak on an important subject. MENORAH CHAP., HADASSAB- reported previously that three policemen had investigated 'Rodger's parlted JOE KASS who passed away beloved mother and grandmother. MANITOBA CHAPTER of B'NAI WIZO, will meet on ,Monday, :Jan. cll!-' but had failed, for some reason, to make a report. By.this writing, BUGS January 9, 1965 Moths, Roaches. Silverthlh D09ltivelv Mrs. Snyder came to Canada from B'rith Women will hold an executive 8, at 1 p.in. at the home qf Mrs. S. it is hoped that 'Rodgers has recovered from his critical condition and·' exterminated . Government U\liensed The most wonderful person in the Russia with her family a t an early fumigators. Country customelB, write are pleased to extend GQod Wishes meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 8:30 Kay, 285 EnnisklUen Avenue. that the mystery has been solved. for' ·,.. ....... ·"t world to know age. She received her education Was the person who loved us very p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bess BERZLIA CII,APTER, PIONEER mmTY YEARS of close friendship ended -abruptly at the Las Vegas CIIARLl!8 RIESS & CO. to all their friends ane{ patrons for a in Toronto and was married to Dr. Established 1907 much so. Jeffries, 384 Hartford Avenue. Plans Women, will meet on Monday, Jan. Frontier 'Hotel when Joey Forman walked offstage and slugged his co­ Bright and Joyous Chanukah Maurice Snyder, who predeceased 877 Wall St. Ph. SU ns.. t 3-3.~29 A person so kind, so warm, like no for the February tea will be formu- 8,at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. star and friend, Eddie Fisher. The two had been childhood friends in other; her in 1928.
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