Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1936 Campus Comment, March 20, 1936 Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 9 Number 9 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1936). Campus Comment, March 20, 1936. 9(9). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/64 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, BRIDGEWATER, ~IASS. Vol. IX ~I ARCH 20. 1936 No. 9 Call1pllS COll1111ellt Orcllestra Presellts Senior Trainillg Necessitates Cllange Editors Cllosel1 }\.1111l1al COllcert III PIal1 ofStlldent Council Offices By means of a competitive exam­ The crchestra of the Bridgewater ---------------------------------~ ination open to all students of the State Teachers College, under the di­ Elections for the offices of the Stu­ college, the executive editor and man­ rection of Miss Frieda Rand, present­ IVlercllallt of Vellice (:€nt C::)Qperative Association were aging editor of next year's Campus ed a most cultural and varied musical h8ld March 12 with six students elec­ Comment were chosen. Marie von program on Friday, March 13, in the To be Sprillg Play ted to next year's staff instead of the Bergen has been appointed as the ex­ Horace Mann Auditorium. customary four. The addition of the ecutive editor and John Julin as the The orchestra's performance was "The Mel'chant of Venice" has been offices of second vice-president and managing editor. most notable and commendable in its chosen by the Dramatic Club as the assistant treasurer are made neces­ Miss von Bergen has been a mem­ interpretation of "Symphony No.1 in annual Shakespearean (presentation. sary through the new plan of prac­ ber of Campus Comment staff for C major, first movement," by Beetho­ The play is to be giyen on May 15. t:ce teaching during the senior year. three years, and has efficiently car­ ven and "The Student Prince" by As the result of tryouts for the va­ The growing interest and ability of ried on the duties her different posi­ Romberg. Other selections ,vere rious parts the follo\ving cast has been the men in matters of student govern­ tions have required. Her cheerfulness "Fair Maid of Perth" by 'Viddel, selected: Natalie Dean, the Duke of ment are apparent from the fact that and amiability are \yell-known by all. "Minuet" by Valensin, "A Chinese Venice; Benjamin Bump, Antonio; three men will hold executive offices Capable and aggressive, wise in her Idol" by Zamecnik, and "March from James Peebles, Bassanio; Raymond this coming year. judgments, she will prove an ideal Athalia" by Mendelssohn. Burnett, Salanio; William McGee, The following students will hold ex­ head of the school newspaper organ­ The guest soloist of the eyening Saladno; Frank Bailey, Gratiano; Ecutive offices: ization. was Mrs. Amy "Vard Durfee, contral­ Justine McCarthy, Lorenzo; Joseph Katherine Donahue Mr. Julin, who has quietly but effi­ to, who has made appearances in J 01'­ Bongarzone, Shylock; John Metevier, The election of Katherine Donahue ciently worked for Campus Comment clan Hall at Boston and in Churchill Tubal; Dorothy Cushman, Launcelot as president of the Student Coopera­ for three years, is well-qualified for House at Providence. She rendered Gobbo; Helen Robertson, Old Gobbo; tive Association for the year 1936- the position of managing editor. His the following compositions: "Hark, Elsa Johnson, Portia; Ruth Davis, 1937 brings to attention a student keenness and foresight will be assets the Echoing Air" by Purcell, "None N eris"Sa; Barbara Schmalz, Jessica, who has participated in student gov- in his duties of the coming year. But the Lonely Heart" by Tschaikow­ and Anne Surinski, Prince of Arragon. (Student Council, cont. on page 3) sky, "Del' Schmid" by Brahms, "AIle The girls in the cast are regular Sellior PrOlll To Be Dinge Raben Sprache" by Wolff, members of Dramatic Club. The illen Sel11imfOflllal "Habanera-from Carmen" by Bizet, are chosen from the student body for s. C. A. At Parl~er HOllse "The Singing Girl of Shan" by Bar­ interest and ability in dramatics. Ben­ Plan.s AI1I10l111Ced nett, "Hopli, the Rickshaw Man" by jamin Bump, James Peebles, Raymond . b Ilgel'fritz, and "Ecstasy" by Rummel. rrentatlve al'l'angements have een .' , " 1 Burnett, Frank Baney and Justin Mc­ Ruth Cronin, chairman of social ac­ -; '"'1.' t h ld qj-·--~'"·'---·-~"'-di~_,_··MJJt:lel}IB.tcl1.fjeld, ;;l Jumor, c em on- Carthv have appeared in plays previ- mac e 0 0 1e . semor promena 8, strated·· fine ~-;kili~i~-<her1n:fei:prera: ~oirsly~ -~----< .---- .---.--.-- tivities, and chairman of the S. C. A. Monday, June 8, III the grand ball- tion of "The Light Cavalry" by Rob­ ·semi-form-~i to be sponsored on Sat~-' room of the Parker House at Boston. erts and "The Rosary" by Nevino on urday evening, March 21, in the AI­ Dancing will be from nine until one the marimba. As encore numbers, COIIIICil bel't Gardner Boyden Gymnasium, an­ o'clock with music being furnished by Miss Hatchfield played "The World Is ElectiollS nounced in chapel the other day that Ruby Newman or Jacques Mishard. \Vaiting for the Sunrise" and "Cana­ Held For Next Year a large attendance to the dance is The Parker House is one of the new- dian Capers." A string ensemble, un­ desired. The proceeds, incidently, are est hotels in Boston and has the best der the direction of Eleanor Hall, a to be used to help defray the expenses acoustics in the city. junior, presented three selections: Elections for presidents of Day Stu­ incurred by the Student Cooperative The favor and program com111it- "Gavotte from Suite No. 2 in G Mi­ dents and Dormitory Councils for the Association in sponsoring the trip to tee has been viewing samples from nor" by Bach, "Andante for Four Vio­ coming year wel'e held Monday, Fitchburg. several of the larger jewelry com- lins" by Eichberg, and "The Tennis March 16. (Semi-Formal, continued on page 2) panies during the past few weeks. Players" by Sevel'n. Students who The president of Day Students for Representatives fro111 these commit- participated in the ensemble were: 1936-1937 will be Nellie Beaton. tees who have been interviewing the Eleanor Hall, Barbara Albret, Janet Her genuine appreciation of people, Mell's Clllb to Give salesmen are: John Ryan, general Hancock, Louise Andrews, Ruth Tur­ and her irresistable grin have made chairman of the senior promenade; ner, Helen Lutted, Helen Russell, Miss Beaton one of the most popular Vai"ieties Prograll1 Barbara Greenwood, Esther Thorley, Ruth Bumpus, violinists; Sylvia students at Bridgewater. Her sin­ Muriel Eyre, Howard Rounseville and Knuttenen, 'cellist; and Theodore Er- cerity of purpose and ability to get The Men's Club Varieties, a new Gordon Morrison. hardt, pianist. things done speak well for the prog­ name for the traditional Amateur ress of the Day Student Organization Nite, will take place tomorrow even­ next year. ing in the Horace Mann Auditorium. Campus Comment Merit Recognized Miss Beaton has participated in Judging by current reports, the show By Scholastic Press Association many extra-curricular activities dur­ should prove to be bigger and better ing her three years in college. She than ever before. + has been a member of Student Coop­ Included in the varied and interest­ For the second time in its ten year I Sllpervisor Daverol1 erative Association, secretary of her ing program are "ballet" creations, career, Campus Comment captured class for three years, an active mem­ skits, song and dance routines, smart second place in the contest at the I I 11tervlewS· S·enIOrS ber of Campus Comment, W. A. A., chatter, musical sketches, dramatic Columbia Scholastic Press Associa­ and Camera Club. With all this, Nel­ impressions and other numbers that tion convention in New York City last John L. Daveron, supervisor of the lie has time to read the latest books will utilize the diversified talents of weekend. The paper sent Marie von Bureau of Teacher Registration of and participate in Junior Woman's the men of the school. Bergen, executive editor-elect, and Massachusetts, made his second. visit Club activities. A full evening's entertainment ap­ John Julin, managing editor-elect, as to the college last Friday to interview Harriett Robinson, popular resident proaching the professional level is delegates. the members of the graduating class. of Woodward, was elected president promised by the club. The 1936 ver­ There were many interesting fea­ The purpose of Mr. Daveron's visits is of Dormitory Council. sion of the Men's Club Varieties tures at the convention including the to give him the opportunity to become Miss Robinson's activities here have should be a great show. twelfth anniversary luncheon held in acquainted with the graduating stu­ been many and varied. She has been Herman Baptiste is general chair­ the banquet hall at the Commodore dents and thus aid him in the future a loyal supporter of W. A. A. and man of the event. His assistants Hotel at which Mrs. Franklin D. placement of teachers. takes an active interest in Camera are:. Edward Skahill, William Nolan, Roosevelt was guest of honor. Mr. Daveron is planning to make Club. Her two years' work on dorm­ William Reagan, Gail Cosgrove, Mr. Joseph M. Murphy, director of another visit later in the term to meet itory council as a head proctor should Charles Medvetz, George Johnston, the Association and graduate of those who have not as yet been inter­ stand her in good stead next year in Victor Zubrzycki" Joseph Chicet1;i (Campus Comment, cont. on page 4) v~we~ - her new position. and Francis Moran, ex-officio 2 C A ],1: PUS C 0 IV1 1\1 E N T CAMPUS COlVIMENT Tillinghast Tattles Commuters' Capers We're all \ve11 and happy-especial­ State The dormitory rooms have taken ly since Friday morning.
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