VOL. XXIII NO. 34 THURSDAY , OCTOBER 11, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Kilbourne says alcohol ads promoting a myth By DANNIKA SIMPSON formance’.’’ News Writer She also said the alcohol in ­ dustry attempts to convince Jean Kilbourne, a member of people that excessive drinking is the Board of Directors of the norm al. She used Michelob to National Council on Alcoholism make her point. Over the pfist and an internationally recog­ ten years the Michelob slogan nized media critic, told her au­ have changed four times. First, dience last night, “America has they claimed, "Holidays were a drug problem,” and “Alcohol made for Michelob.” Next, is the nation’s number one “Weekends were made for drug." Michelob.” and eventually they Her lecture, entitled “Under told consumers to “Put a little the Influence,” focused on the weekend in your week." Now effect the advertising industry Michelob is telling consumers has on the consumption of al­ that “The night belongs to cohol in America. “Alcohol is Michelob.” one of the most heavily adver­ According to Kilbourne, this tised products in our society,” change in slogan mirrors alco­ she said. holic progression; a person She compared the advertise­ starts out as a casual drinker ments to a myth. “All advertis­ and eventually alcohol con­ ing is essentially myth making; sumption becomes an every day Budget woes ap Photo [the advertisers] link alcohol event. She told the audience, President Bush wipes his brow while meeting with members of the GOP leadership in the Cabinet Room with everything alcoholism de­ “Image how different it would of the White House Tuesday to discuss the budget. On the president’s left are Senate Minority Leader stroys ... The primary fantasy is be if (the slogan) was the night Robert Dole of Kansas, center and Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska. that alcohol is a magic potion belonged to alcohol.” that will bring absolute joy.” Kilbourne also said the alco­ To illustrate this point, Kil­ hol industry “creates a climate President Bush’s position on taxes bourne showed an advertise­ _of violence.” ment in which M artini Rossi is She further stated that, confuses Congressional Democrats linked with a glass slipper. She “Women's bodies are dehuman­ said alcohol actually destroys ized, no where more so than al­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Confu­ options, as both Republicans He was asked as he jogged dreams, but the industry does cohol ads. One-half of all cases sion over President Bush’s posi­ and Democrats began floating d u rin g a break in St. Peters­ not show this side of drinking. of rape and violence is alcohol tion on higher taxes slowed new versions of tax and spend­ burg, Fla., if he would care to "Again and again we’re told it related.” Statistically, a reported congressional efforts Wednes­ ing plans on Capitol Hill. clear up the confusion. w ill make us successful." 55 percent of all arrests have day to start work in earnest on a Senate Minority Leader Bob ‘Confusion?” he responded. The ads also suggest that al­ some link with alcohol. new budget agreement. Dole, R-Kan., and other law­ Was he giving up on his long- cohol w ill make us sexy, in­ Kilbourne said the three pur­ Bush showed no inclination to makers who met with the pres­ sought capital gains tax rate cut, crease sexual function and is poses of advertising are to re­ clarify matters, saying, "Let ident Tuesday night said he had the item the Democrats linked with risky behavior. Kil­ cruit new users, increase the Congress clear it up," and not ruled out the tax boost at supposedly were to trade for his bourne said, “Shakespeare said threatening to shut down the that private meeting, as re­ support of higher income taxes it best; drink provokes the de­ government again if he doesn’t ported by Sen. Bob Packwood, on rich people? sire, but it takes away the per­ see ADS / page 4 get an acceptable deal. R-Ore. "Read my hips," he said, Congressional Democrats White House spokesman Mar­ pointing, as he jogged by. complained that an apparent lin Fitzwater told reporters that Could he clear up his posi­ Bush rejection of higher taxes Bush “ lis te n e d to " the GOP tion? on the wealthiest Americans — lawmakers rather than stating a “ Let Congress clear it up." a reversal of the position he position. At a fundraising reception in took at his news conference Bush, on a campaign trip in Atlanta, Bush said he vetoed the Tuesday — would make it the South, was asked repeatedly temporary spending bill last tougher to forge a budget com­ about the matter, but turned weekend, shutting down the promise. away the questions with see BUSH / page 4 But there was no shortage of wisecracks. Events to focus on alcohol abuse By CORINNE PAVLIS staff. conjunction with several local Saint Mary's Editor WellnesSMC w ill also be re­ eating and drinking establish­ leasing the results of a study ments. Bracelets will be pro­ WellnesSMC hopes to "raise conducted on Saint Mary’s vided for students who do not the student consciousness con­ campus last Spring. The study wish to drink alcohol while cerning alcohol abuse on col­ involved a survey of student visiting these bars and restau­ lege campuses,” said Well­ use of alcohol and drugs. rants. nesSMC director Sue Medley. Future events include a tail­ Students wearing the Part of this effort includes a gate party before the A ir Force bracelets w ill receive free soda speech by Mark Bambek, pro­ game. Beginning at 8:30 a.m., from servers at the establish­ fessor of chemistry at Saint the tailgater will be held on the ments during the week of Mary's, who will address the main avenue leading to Saint Oct. 15-20. community on the effects of al­ Mary’s. Also during the week, Well­ cohol. Immediately following the nesSMC student members w ill The lecture is part of a game, a pig roast w ill take tie red ribbons on car an­ series sponsored by place, co-sponsored by McCan- tennas to remind drivers to WellnesSMC, the Saint Mary's dless Hall, in front of the drink responsibly and to dis­ College wellness program. The Cushwa-Leighton Library. courage driving while under organization will sponsor Tickets for the pug roast are the influence. events over the next two weeks priced at $5 per person and Bracelets, a lists of partici­ in recognition of National are available at the pating “Oktoberfest" estab­ Collegiate Alcohol Awareness McCandless parietals desk. lishments, and red ribbons Week. On Oct. 15, a student panel will be available outside Medley also hopes the pro­ discussion entitled “You and Haggar College Center daily grams will present Your Lifestyles: Choices at fro m 11 a.m . -1 p .m ., "educational information and Saint M ary’s College" w ill be beginning Oct. 15. some positive alternatives to held at 8 p.m. in Stapleton alcohol consumption.” Lounge of LeMans Hall. Alcohol education materials The lecture, “Chemical Ef­ On Oct. 19, a happy hour, and information on nutrition fects of Alcohol," w ill be given open to all Saint Mary’s stu­ breaks will also be available LeMans Hall at Saint Mary's dents, faculty, staff, adminis­ throughout the week. For campus on Friday. The event trators, and guests, will be more information, contact the will be preceded by a held in the Haggar College WellnesSMC center at 284- First Blood The Observer / Marguerite Schropp "Mocktail Hour" at 6 p.m. The Center parlor from 4 to 6 p.m. 5546. Unless indicated, all Sophomore Jennifer Fahey donates blood for the first time in the event is co-sponsored by the In addition, WellnesSMC is events are open to students Saint Mary’s Blood Drive sponsored by the American Red Cross. Saint Mary's residence life spc""'mng “Oktoberfest” in free of charge. Thursday, October 11, 1990 page 2 The Observer I n s id e C o l u m n W e a t h e r Forecast for noon, Thursday, October 11. Homosexuals Lines show high temperatures. deserve our Yesterday’s high: 46 tolerance Yesterday’s low: 41 Nation’s high: 99 (Monrovia, Calif.) The mere mention Nation’s low: 1 6 of the recent resolu­ (Gunnison, Calif.) tion passed by the Student Senate and Fo recast: the Graduate Student Becoming partly sunny Union concerning the during the afternoon with recognition of Na­ highs in the upper 50s. tional Coming Out Fair and cool tonight with Day draws a negative Alison Cocks lows around 40. Increas­ response from most ing cloudiness tomorrow students faster than Editor-in-Chief with a 30 percent chance they can say “homo- . of showers. Highs around phobia.” FRONTS: 60. Homophobia is the most dangerous pho­ bia ailing Notre Dame students today. Many of those who find the idea of a homosexual COLD WARM STATIONARY lifestyle unappealing also choose to feel re­ ©1990 Accu-Weather, Inc. pulsed by homosexuals themselves. Pressure Right or wrong, they are entitled to their ® (D F3 t-:-a F3 0 Ft feelings. But when they allow those feelings HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY to take the form of public and private ha­ Via Associated Press GraphicsNet rassment, and when they deliberately ostra­ cize some students because they are differ­ ent, it is time to consider whether such prejudices should be fostered in the com­ munity. O f I n t e r e s t I admire the people who will openly come to terms with their sexuality today.
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