CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF CULTURAL COLLABORATION 1995-2015 COLLABORATION CULTURAL OF YEARS 20 CELEBRATING the MUSICAL opening in May. www.falmouththeatreguild.org May. in opening MUSICAL the in Dennis Village, and offers the wildly popular Theater for Children every Thursday and Friday morning in July and August. and July in morning Friday and Thursday every Children for Theater popular wildly the offers and Village, Dennis in SHREK, and 13th February Show, Burlesque Belles Brazen hilarious wildly the 7; February - 29 January finest actors. "America's Oldest Professional Summer Theatre" is located on the lovely 23-acre Cape Cod Center for the Arts Arts the for Center Cod Cape 23-acre lovely the on located is Theatre" Summer Professional Oldest "America's actors. finest December 4-20. Visit our website to learn more about our Winter 2016 performances of LEND ME A TENOR, TENOR, A ME LEND of performances 2016 Winter our about more learn to website our Visit 4-20. December beloved summer theatres. The Cape Playhouse combines the best theatrical works with performances from the nation’s nation’s the from performances with works theatrical best the combines Playhouse Cape The theatres. summer beloved www.capecodlive.org. Individual Member: $25. Dual: $40. Family: $60. $60. Family: $40. Dual: $25. Member: Individual www.capecodlive.org. and more! Don’t miss the program announcement on June 4, 2016, at our annual gala. annual our at 2016, 4, June on announcement program the miss Don’t more! and for the 2015/16 season at the historic Highfield Theater presenting: A CHRISTMAS CAROL- a Musical, Musical, a CAROL- CHRISTMAS A presenting: Theater Highfield historic the at season 2015/16 the for and 89 seasons of top-notch professional theatre and it’s easy to see why the Cape Playhouse is one of the country’s most most country’s the of one is Playhouse Cape the why see to easy it’s and theatre professional top-notch of seasons 89 and visit please shows, to discounts including Friends, of member a being of benefits the enjoy To between Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams with a rare collection of daring plays, rule-bending theater, music, parties parties music, theater, rule-bending plays, daring of collection rare a with Williams Tennessee and O’Neill Eugene between us Join years. 50 than more for Cape Upper the to Broadway of best the brought has Guild Theatre Falmouth The NY Times said, “It’s where Broadway goes to summer!” Take a 19th century meetinghouse, one extraordinary history, history, extraordinary one meetinghouse, century 19th a Take summer!” to goes Broadway where “It’s said, Times NY The to help the Coalition fulfill its mission to promote our local theaters and performing arts community. community. arts performing and theaters local our promote to mission its fulfill Coalition the help to Join us in Provincetown next September for an unforgettable weekend of award-winning theater celebrating the links links the celebrating theater award-winning of weekend unforgettable an for September next Provincetown in us Join 508-548-0400 • www.falmouththeatreguild.org • 508-548-0400 funds raise they and region, our in theaters performance live varied and wonderful the of awareness 820 Route 6A, Dennis Village • 508-385-3911 • www.capeplayhouse.com • 508-385-3911 • Village Dennis 6A, Route 820 Eugene O’Neill: Expect the Unexpected the Expect O’Neill: Eugene 02541 Ma Falmouth 383, Box PO who support the Coalition and its 26 nonprofit theater members. The Friends work to raise community community raise to work Friends The members. theater nonprofit 26 its and Coalition the support who Cape Cod Center fot the Arts the fot Center Cod Cape September 22-25, 2016 22-25, September Falmouth Theatre Guild Theatre Falmouth The Cape Playhouse Cape The The Friends of the Cape & Islands Theater Coalition is a group of volunteers, theater goers and donors donors and goers theater volunteers, of group a is Coalition Theater Islands & Cape the of Friends The www.twptown.org [email protected] • www.capecodlive.org • [email protected] 866-789-TENN 866-789-TENN Cape Cod: A concert program by pianist Robert Wyatt: Remembering Gertrude Lawrence, June 4 7:00 pm & June 5 2:30 pm. 2:30 5 June & pm 7:00 4 June Lawrence, Gertrude Remembering Wyatt: Robert pianist by program concert A Cod: Cape N ALITIO CO Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival Theater Williams Tennessee Provincetown benefit from the input given by the directors and actors as well as a post-performance audience discussion. audience post-performance a as well as actors and directors the by given input the from benefit 508-694-6593 Prize Playwright Competition May 1, 2016; A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum May 5-May 27; Voices of of Voices 27; 5-May May Forum the to Way the On Happened Thing Funny A 2016; 1, May Competition Playwright Prize R TE THEA After only 20 hours of rehearsal, actors perform with scripts in hand and a suggestion of sets and costumes and writers writers and costumes and sets of suggestion a and hand in scripts with perform actors rehearsal, of hours 20 only After P.O. Box 841, Dennis MA 02638 MA Dennis 841, Box P.O. Songwriter Competition Awards & Concert March 19 at the Cape Cod Media Center; Deadline for Submission for the Kaplan Kaplan the for Submission for Deadline Center; Media Cod Cape the at 19 March Concert & Awards Competition Songwriter S AND ISL E& P CA Friends of Cape & Islands Theater Coalition Theater Islands & Cape of Friends plays with professional directors and actors – often directly from Broadway – for staged readings in an intimate setting. setting. intimate an in readings staged for – Broadway from directly often – actors and directors professional with plays resulting in increased sustainability for the Provincetown community. community. Provincetown the for sustainability increased in resulting Family Theater: Yours, Anne: Based on a Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Feb. 25- March 16; March 25- Feb. Frank Anne by Girl Young a of Diary a on Based Anne: Yours, Theater: Family E TH OF FRIENDS go on to full performances on stages across the country. The Project, now in its 22st year, brings together writers of new new of writers together brings year, 22st its in now Project, The country. the across stages on performances full to on go ages through performance, workshops, and classes, and foster artistic relationships with other nonprofit organizations, organizations, nonprofit other with relationships artistic foster and classes, and workshops, performance, through ages Presenting Award-Winning Community Theater since 1998. since Theater Community Award-Winning Presenting The Cape Cod Theatre Project develops new American plays and presents these innovative and exciting works before they they before works exciting and innovative these presents and plays American new develops Project Theatre Cod Cape The of 1878. 1878. of a dedicated artistic process and reflect a wide array of theatrical genres. We strive to cultivate and educate audiences of all all of audiences educate and cultivate to strive We genres. theatrical of array wide a reflect and process artistic dedicated a 508-398-8588 • www.eventidearts.org • 508-398-8588 year round, producing a wide variety of plays at affordable prices. Its traditional home is the Woods Hole Community Hall Hall Community Hole Woods the is home traditional Its prices. affordable at plays of variety wide a producing round, year 508-457-4242 • [email protected] • www.capecodtheatreproject.org • [email protected] • 508-457-4242 that has enriched the unique culture of Provincetown for decades. Our goal is to produce works that are developed through through developed are that works produce to is goal Our decades. for Provincetown of culture unique the enriched has that Village Dennis 6A, Route Church, Union Dennis Its purpose is to engage in and promote the cultural growth of the community of Woods Hole and vicinity. WHTC operates operates WHTC vicinity. and Hole Woods of community the of growth cultural the promote and in engage to is purpose Its PO Box 410, 7 Highfield Drive, Falmouth, MA 02541 MA Falmouth, Drive, Highfield 7 410, Box PO Peregrine Theatre Ensemble is a professional performing arts company aiming to continue the tradition of quality theatre theatre quality of tradition the continue to aiming company arts performing professional a is Ensemble Theatre Peregrine Gertrude Lawrence Stage Lawrence Gertrude The Woods Hole Theater Company, a non-profit, tax exempt organization, has been in residence in Woods Hole since 1974. 1974. since Hole Woods in residence in been has organization, exempt tax non-profit, a Company, Theater Hole Woods The Falmouth Academy, 7 Highfield Drive, Falmouth Drive, Highfield 7 Academy, Falmouth www.PeregrineTheatre.com The Eventide Theatre Company Theatre Eventide The The Cape Cod Theatre Project Theatre Cod Cape The 508-540-6525 • www.woodsholetheater.org • 508-540-6525 538-9084 (774) P.O. Box 735, Woods Hole, MA 02543 MA Hole, Woods 735, Box P.O. P.O. Box 533, Provincetown MA 02657 MA Provincetown 533, Box P.O. Orleans and tours regularly. tours and Orleans Peregrine Theatre Ensemble Theatre Peregrine listening available. available. listening 68 Water Street, Woods Hole Woods Street, Water 68 and live another's life - is both our pleasure and privilege. Elements Theatre Company performs year-round at Rock Harbor, Harbor, Rock at year-round performs Company Theatre Elements privilege. and pleasure our both is - life another's live and Woods Hole Theater Company Theater Hole Woods for all ages. Join us for a class, open mic night, or main stage production. Air conditioned. Wheelchair accessible. Assisted Assisted accessible. Wheelchair conditioned.
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