UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE CONTAINING THE LAWS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS ENACTED DURING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE ONE HUNDRED FOURTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1995 AND PROCLAMATIONS VOLUME 109 IN TWO PARTS PART 1 PUBLIC LAWS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1996 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF LAW UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ARCHI­ VIST OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE OFHCE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION "The United States Statutes at Large shall be legal evidence of laws, concurrent resolutions, . proclamations by the President and pro­ posed or ratified amendments to the Constitution of the United States therein contained, in all the courts of the United States, the several States, and the Territories and insular possessions of the United States." (1 use 112). For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402-9328 (2-part set; sold in sets only) CONTENTS PARTI Page LIST OF BILLS ENACTED INTO PUBLIC LAW v LIST OF PUBUC LAWS vii LIST OF CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS xi LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS xiii PUBUC LAWS 3 POPULAR NAME INDEX Al SUBJECT INDEX Bl PART2 Page LIST OF BILLS ENACTED INTO PUBLIC LAW v LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS vii LIST OF CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS xi LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS xiii CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS 991 PROCLAMATIONS 1041 POPULAR NAME INDEX Al SUBJECT INDEX Bl LIST OF BILLS ENACTED INTO PUBLIC LAW THE ONE HUNDRED FOURTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES FIRST SESSION, 1995 BILL PUBUC BILL PUBUC BILL PUBLIC LAW LAW LAW H.R. 325 104r-70 H.R. 1976 104-37 H.J. Res. 136 ... 104-69 H.R. 394 104^-95 H.R. 2002 104-50 H.R. 395 104r-75 H.R. 2017 104r-21 S. 1 104-4 H.R. 402 104-^2 H.R. 2020 104^52 S.2 104-1 H.R. 421 104^10 H.R. 2077 104-27 H.R. 436 104-55 H.R. 2108 104-28 S. 178 104-9 H.R. 483 104-18 H.R. 2126 104r-61 S. 227 104-39 H.R. 517 104^11 H.R.2161 104r-22 S. 244 104-13 H.R. 535 104r-23 H.R. 2203 104-97 S. 257 104-3 H.R. 584 104-24 H.R. 2204 104-64 S. 268 104-40 H.R. 614 104-25 H.R. 2288 104-35 S. 273 104-2 H.R. 660 104-76 H.R. 2336 104-74 S. 349 104-15 H.R. 716 104^3 H.R. 2394 104-57 S. 369 104-85 H.R. 831 104-7 H.R. 2399 104-29 S. 377 104r-5 H.R. 889 104-6 H.R. 2404 104-30 H.R. 965 104-77 H.R. 2481 104-68 S. 395 104-58 H.R. 1026 104-44 H.R. 2492 104-53 S. 440 104-59 H.R. 1058 104-67 H.R. 2519 104-62 S.441 104-16 H.R. 1103 104-48 H.R. 2525 104-63 S.457 104-51 H.R. 1225 104-26 H.R. 2527 104-79 S. 464 104-33 H.R. 1240 104-71 H.R. 2539 104-88 S. 523 104-20 H.R. 1253 104-78 H.R. 2547 104-80 S. 532 104r-34 H.R. 1295 104-98 H.R. 2589 104-47 S. 790 104-66 H.R. 1345 104-8 H.R. 2627 104-96 S. 895 104-36 H.R. 1380 104-12 H.R. 2808 104^89 S.962 104-17 H.R. 1421 104-14 H.R. 1655 104-93 H.J. Res. 69 104-81 S. 965 104-86 H.R. 1715 104-49 H.J. Res. 108 ... 104-31 S. 1060 104-65 H.R. 1747 104-73 H.J. Res. 110 ... 104-82 S. 1111 104^^1 H.R. 1817 104-32 H.J.Res. 111... 104-83 S. 1254 104-38 H.R. 1878 104-87 H.J.Res. 112 ... 104-84 S. 1322 104^5 H.R. 1905 104-46 H.J. Res. 122 ... 104^56 S. 1328 104^60 H.R. 1944 104-19 H.J. Res. 123 ... 104-54 S. 1465 104-72 LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 104-1 Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Jan. 23, 1995 3 104-2 To amend section 61h-6 of title 2, United States Code Feb. 9, 1995 45 104-3 To amend the charter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to Mar. 7, 1995 47 make eligible for membership those veterans that have served within the territorial limits of South Korea. 104r-4 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 Mar. 22, 1995 48 104-5 To amend a provision of part A of title IX of the Elemen- Mar. 23, 1995 72 tary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, relating to Indian education, to provide a technical amendment, and for other purposes. 104-6 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Apr. 10, 1995 73 for the Department of Defense to Preserve and Enhance Military Readiness Act of 1995. 104-7 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to perma- Apr. 11, 1995 93 nently extend the deduction for the health insurance costs of self-employed individuals, to repeal the provi­ sion permitting nonrecognition of gain on sales and ex­ changes effectuating policies of the Federal Communica­ tions Commission, and for other purposes. 104-8 District of Colimibia Financial Responsibility and Man- Apr. 17, 1995 97 agement Assistance Act of 1995. 104-9 CFTC Reauthorization Act of 1995 Apr. 21, 1995 154 104-10 To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to May 18, 1995 155 provide for the purchase of common stock of Cook Inlet Region, and for other piuposes. 104-11 Chacoan Outliers Protection Act of 1995 May 18, 1995 158 104-12 Truth in Lending Class Action ReliefAct of 1995 May 18, 1995 161 104-13 Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 May 22, 1995 163 104—14 To provide that references in the statutes of the United June 3, 1995 186 States to any committee or officer of the House of Rep­ resentatives the name or jurisdiction of which was changed as part of the reorganization of the House of Representatives at the beginning of the One Hundred Fourth Congress shall be treated as referring to the cur­ rently applicable committee or officer of the House of Representatives. 104—15 To reauthorize appropriations for the Navajo-Hopi Reloca- June 21, 1995 .... 189 tion Housing Program. 104—16 To reauthorize appropriations for certain programs under June 21, 1995 .... 190 the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Pre­ vention Act, and for other purposes. 104-17 To extend authorities under the Middle East Peace Facili- July 2, 1995 191 tation Act of 1994 until August 15, 1995. 104-18 To amend the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 July 7, 1995 192 to permit medicare select policies to be offered in all States. viii LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 104-19 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Additional July 27, 1995 194 Disaster Assistance, for Anti-terrorism Initiatives, for Assistance in the Recovery from the Tragedy that Oc­ curred at Oklahoma City, and Rescissions Act, 1995. 104-20 To amend the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act Jtily 28, 1995 255 to authorize additional measures to carry out the con­ trol of salinity upstream of Imperial Dam in a cost-effec­ tive manner, and for other purposes. 104-21 DistrictofColumbiaEmergency Highway Relief Act Aug. 4, 1995 257 104-22 To extend authorities under the Middle East Peace Facili- Aug. 14, 1995 260 tation Act of 1994 xmtil October 1, 1995, and for other purposes.. 104-23 Corning National Fish Hatehery Conveyance Act Sept. 6, 1995 261 104-24 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey a fish Sept. 6, 1995 262 hatehery to the State of Iowa. 104r-25 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the Sept. 6, 1995 263 State of Minnesota the New London National Fish Hatehery production facility. 104-26 Coxut Reporter Fair Labor Amendments of 1995 Sept. 6, 1995 264 104-27 ...... To designate the United States Post Office building lo- Sept. 6, 1995 266 cated at 33 College Avenue in Waterville, Maine, as the "George J. Mitehell Post Office Building". 104-28 District of Columbia Convention Center and Sports Arena Sept. 6, 1995 267 Authorization Act of 1995. 104-29 Truth in Lending Act Amendments of 1995 Sept. 30, 1995 .... 271 104-30 To extend authorities under the Middle East Peace Facili- Sept. 30, 1995 .... 277 tation Act of 1994 until November 1, 1995, and for other pvirposes. 104-31 Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1996, Sept. 30, 1995 .... 278 and for other purposes. 104-32 Militory Construction Appropriations Act, 1996 Oct. 3, 1995 283 104-33 To make the reporting deadlines for studies conducted in Oct. 3, 1995 292 Federal court demonstration districts consistent with the deadlines for pilot districts, and for other purposes. , 104-34 To clarify the rules governing venue, and for other pur- Oct. 3, 1995 293 poses. 104-35 To amend part D of title IV of the Social Security Act to Oct. 12, 1995 294 extend for 2 years the deadline by which States are re­ quired to have in effect an automated data processing and information retrieval system for use in the adminis­ tration of Stote plans for child and spousal support. 104-36 Small Business Lending Enhancement Act of 1995 Oct.
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