www.mefmag.com June 2013 / Vol. XXIX Issue 6 The Multihead Weigher: Still Work in Progress (P.10) Dairy Processing Trends in the Manufacture of The Tea Market: Quenching the Thirst for Meat Products Boiling in the Middle East Nutritious Dairy Drinks (P.21) (P.25) (P.17) Middle East Food June 2013 Serving the Food Processing, Ingredients, Packaging & Catering Sectors in MENA - Since 1985 www.mefmag.com June 2013 / Vol. XXIX Issue 6 Introduction Issue Content........................................................................01 Opening Letter & CPH Team...................................... 02 MENA Food Digest.............................................................. 04 INGREDIENTS & ADDITIVES PACKAGING CATERING & HOSPITALITY FOCUS Sweeteners Weighing Freezers & Refrigerators Sugar & Sweetener’s Popularity The Multihead Weigher: Natural Refrigerants: Spans the Globe 07 Still Work in Progress 10 Great Potential in Small Capacity Ranges 13 08 12 15 FEATURE INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS Beverages & Drinks Dairy Processing Greece The Tea Market: Quenching the Thirst for Greece Juggles Boiling in the Middle East 17 Nutritious Dairy Drinks 21 between Production and Imports 38 Laboratory & Testing Equipment Jordan Food Testing Methods Jordan’s Agricultural Sector Meeting Regulatory Standards 25 Facing Persistent Challenges 40 Qatar Meat Processing Doha’s Restaurants Sector: Trends in the Manufacture of A Bullish Perspective 42 Meat Products 31 Spain Severe Competition Encircling Grocery Retailer Market 44 18 23 39 DEPARTMENTS Cover Story Corporate Happenings................................................47 E-News...............................................................................49 The huge impact of multi- head weighing technology Products & Services.......................................................50 Hotels & Restaurants.....................................................54 for food markets has been www.mefmag.com June 2013 / Vol. XXIX Issue 6 well documented. Prod- EVENTS uct giveaway, which could The Multihead Weigher: Events Preview........................................................................ 55 Events Review..........................................................................56 be as much as 10 percent Still Work in Progress (P.10) using manual weighing SERVICES on bench scales, was re- Coming Events.................................................................57 Agents & Distributors...........................................................58 duced to approximately 1 percent. At the same Buyers’ Guide...........................................................................59 time, accurate filling meant Dairy Processing Trends in the Manufacture of The Tea Market: Quenching the Thirst for Meat Products Boiling in the Middle East Nutritious Dairy Drinks packs could be designed (P.21) (P.25) (P.17) INFO smaller, reducing the cost Advertisers’ Index...........................................................60 General Information..............................................................61 Cover Photo Courtesy of of packaging, storage and Ishida Europe Ltd Closing Letter........................................................................... 62 transport. Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l. - Beirut, Lebanon Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977 www.cphworldmedia.com نساعد بتطوير الشرق اﻷوسط ومشال أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ 1977 تصدر عن سي بي أتش ورلد ميديا ش.م.م. - بريوت، لبنان الرسالة اﻹفتتاحية Opening Letter “ ّفكر – ُك ْل – ّوفر” ”Think.Eat.Save“ وفقا ًلتقديرات منظمة اﻷغذية والزراعة لﻷمم املتحدة )فاو(، يهدر كل عام 1.3 مليار ,(According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO every year 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted. This is equivalent to طن من اﻷغذية أي ما يعادل حجم الكمية املنتجة يف كامل أفريقيا السوداء. يف الوقت the same amount produced in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. At نفسه، ينام واحد من بني كل سبعة أشخاص يف العامل جائعا ًوميوت أكثر من 20 ألف the same time, 1 in every 7 people in the world go to bed hungry طفل دون سن اخلامسة يوميا ًمن اجلوع. وكشفت دراسة جديدة أجرتها »يوغوف« and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die daily from لصاحل قناة »اﻵن« التلفزيونية يف اﻹمارات العربية املتحدة ّأن 78 يف املئة من الذين hunger. According to YouGov’s survey for Al Aan TV in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 78 percent of respondents throw food away مشلتهم الدراسة يرمون اﻷطعمة كل أسبوع. ووجدت ه أنّيتوجب على املستهلكني أن every week. Consumers obviously need to be more aware of the يدركوا عواقب إهدار اﻷطعمة. .consequences of food wastage وقد محل اليوم العاملي للبيئة هذا العام شعار ّ»فكر – ُك ْل – وفّر« وهو ميثلّ محلة .This year’s theme of the World Environment Day is entitled “Think Eat.Save” which is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign ّضد إهدار اﻷطعمة وفضﻻتها تهدف إىل تشجيع الناس على احلد من تأثريهم السليب that encourages people to reduce their footprint. Moreover, it على الغذاء. زد على ذلك، تشجع هذه احلملة الناس على زيادة الوعي بالتأثري البيئي encourages people to become more aware of the environmental على اخليارات الغذائية اليت يتخذونها وتقويهم كي يتخذوا قرارات واعية. وقال أمني impact of food choices they make and empowers them to make informed decisions. Amin Khayyal, General Manager – DuPont, خيال، ّاملدير العام لـ »دوبونت« يف اﻹمارات العربية املتحدة أن التعاون والتكاتف بني UAE said that the collaboration of all the bodies, companies and مجيع اهليئات والشركات واملنظمات سيساهم يف حل حتدي املستقبل اﻷكرب أﻻ وهو organizations help solve the greatest challenge of tomorrow توفري الطعام واملواد الغذائية ملا يزيد عن تسعة مليارات شخص. .which is feeding 9 billion people يغطي عدد حزيران/يونيو من جملة مأكوﻻت الشرق اﻷوسط آخر أخبار قطاع الصناعة The June issue of the Middle East Food (MEF) magazine covers the latest in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) food indus- الغذائية يف الشرق اﻷوسط ومشال أفريقيا مبا فيها اﻹبتكارات واملشاريع واﻷحداث try, including new innovations, projects and events. The article اجلديدة. فيسلط ّاملقال يف الصفحة 10 الضوء على ضرورة جهاز الوزن املتعدد الرؤوس on page 10 focuses on the necessity of multihead weigher in the يف قطاع تصنيع اﻷغذية وتوضيبها. ّويتطرق مقال الصفحة 21 إىل اﻹستهﻻك املتزايد food production and packing industry. On page 21, the article sheds the light on the increasing consumption of global dairy ملنتجات مشتقات احلليب وتزايد واردات مشتقات احلليب يف منطقة الشرق اﻷوسط products with the Middle East being among the markets that are منأجل تلبية الطلب احمللي املتزايد. أما املقال يف الصفحة 31 فيعرض آخر -increasing milk imports to match the growing local demand. Fur اﻻبتكارات يف تصنيع منتجات اللحوم. thermore, the article on page 31 presents the latest trends in the حيتوي هذا العدد على املزيد من اﻷخبار اليت تغطي أحدث اﻷنشطة اخلاصة باملصنّعني .manufacture of meat products More stories are also available, covering the latest activities of re- اﻹقليميني واملستوردين ّواملصدرين، فاستمتعوا بقراءته وأرسلوا لنا مﻻحظاتكم على gional manufacturers, importers and exporters, so enjoy reading it and send us your feedback to [email protected] [email protected] دينا فواز Dina Fawaz كبري احملررين والباحثني Acting ER Manager/Senior Editor & Researcher CPH Team Honorary Editorial Consultants (HEC) (Email domain is @cphworldmedia.com) Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Abdulla - Chief - Food Control Kingdom of Bahrain Founders • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006) J. Peter Clark Ph.D - Consultant to the Process Industries Illinois - USA Management • President Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Chatila Sharaf Dabbagh - President Ta’aheel FZ. L.L.C. (B.Arch) / r.chatila@ • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / ar.hallak@ Editorial & Research • Editor-in-Chief Rola Hamdan Ghutmi / content@ • Acting ER Manager/Se- David Edwards - Managing Director, IMES International - Ireland nior Editor & Researcher Dina Fawaz / d.fawaz@ • Editor & Researcher Rawand Fakih/ r.fakih@ • Dr. Omid Gilanpour - Assistant Professor & Director of Foreign Trade & Marketing Assistant Editor & Researcher Soha Ghandour/ s.ghandour@ Research Department - APERI- Iran Circulation & Marketing • Circulation & Marketing Manager Jad L. Aboulhosn / j.aboulhosn@ M. Karim Hammoud - Managing director, Vitech consulting Information Technology • IT Operation & Support Officers Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ • Mazen Bou Youssef H. Habbal, M.Sc. CFSA, Hospitality Management Dept. AUST - Lebanon Diab / m.boudiab@ Accounting & Finance • Assistant Accountant Hala Nizam / h.nizam@ Dr. Beate Hubber, International Cooperation Division - Research Institute of Mail & Services • Mail & Service Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / ar.hallak@ • Mail & Service Officer Organic Agriculture (FIBL) Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ Jane Stamiforth - Head of Food Business Development - Reading Scientiific Services Graphic Design • design@ Limited (RSSL) MENA Food Digest ghanistan, the United Arab Emirates and gether, they are hoping to ease the suffer- Bahrain Azerbaijan were the main destinations for ing of children, men and women affected Iranian fruits. On the same note, Iranian by hunger around the world. For the next Customs Administration head Abbas Me- three years, every time a new Just Falafel Mondelez International marnejad said that Iran imported 481,000 franchise opens in any location around tons of fruit in the past year.Fruit imports the world, it will make a USD 500 donation Celebrates 5-Year last year decreased by 40 per cent and 36 to World Food Program. The new fran- Manufacturing per cent in weight and value respectively, chisees will be encouraged
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