. )-Thursday, November 28, 1.974-i Study gives Loan applications will be expedited A revitalized and revamped program for the for almost $9 million wiU be expedited within a estimates of New Jersey Area Redevelopment Authority few weeks. (NJARA), which provides'partial loa'ne for . "Companies in all urban and suburban areas Industrial projects that create jobs, was an- of the state wishing to expand may now qualify agencies food peaks nounced this week by Joseph A. Hoffman, for low interest rate loans," Hoffman said.' "In Estimated flood peak; cqrmnissioner.of the N. J. Department of Labor cooperation with local area redevelopment The Zip Code Starting Dec. 1, New Jersey boaters will be In case of emergency going to a motor vehicle agency or mailing in predicted for New 'Jersey's und"Jnd"usfFy,"anTSalvatore"A.'.Bon1empo, the agencies, the NJARA supplies additional call • able to register their craft and secure motor- the forms. The agencies are open five days and rivers and slreamB because of newly-elected chairman of the NJARA. financial assistance for redevelopment project one night per week. 1 376-0400 for Police Department for Springfield is boat operator's licenses with the same ease and . existing and anticipated One immediate result is that loan application cost. ! . • - convenience 'as they register their motor Bardin and Waddington said that for the past urbanization and growth of. or First Aid Squad vehicles, Environmental Protection Corns, 3767670 for Fire Department year and a half, the Motor Vehicle Division has suburbs is tho subject of a DEATH DECLINE missioner David J. Bardin and Motor Vehicle 07081 been handling two-thirds of the motorboat report completed by the-U.S. the death rate in 1973 per Country Mall of New Providence Director John A..Waddington announced this registration and operator license renewals. Geological Survey recently for 100,000 population'was-55.8, a week.. ' , Small Shops Available The Division has computers to handle these use of the state Department of decrease of l-per cent from They said this will be accomplished by Environmental Protection PjjblUhed Every "Thurtdoy fay Trumor Publifhina C><p. functions. Approximately 120,000 boat 1972. We Now Have: J We Neqdi 41 Mountain ove., Springfield, N.J. 07081 - 684-7700 transferring the registration and licensing registrations and G5,O0O operator, licenses are (DEP). •functions from the five divisions of Marine A Pants Shop, Yam Shop, r issued annually. The DEP.'s. Division of A Plant Shop,-Coin Shops, Second C oi« Poctogo Services field offices to the 55 Motor Vehicle Gift Shop, Arts & CrpH VOL. 46.NO. 9 Mailing Addrem SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY. DECEMBERS, 1974- Subscription Roto BoUYWaddington and Bardin agreed that this Water Resources requested Editor's Quote Book Antiques Shops, Country P.O. Box 69. Springfield, N.J. 070B1 110.04 Yearly Paid n* Springfield, N.J. 25 Cents Per Copy agencies located throughout the state. Owners new arrangement will provide much greater < and also funded in part the Shop, Leather Craft Shop, 3 Store, Gift Shop, Art Shop, and operators will still receive their service and convenience to New Jersey preparation of this report for Antiques Shops, Antique Doll Shop, registration _ and operator license renewal : boaters. " " — use in its statewide program Byrne gives . forms through the mail and have the choice of Even though the Division of Motor Vehicles is •—/}rr—your thily <tml trnvf of flood plain management, proclamation making period ending~Jari. l7~ tlif u*t In Itini'i'. 7'. assuming the function of issuing registrations Reasonable Rents according to Environmental . B'nol.B'rith Membership Period. Herbert Ross of -Pit'Jtf Compile December Dance' . and licenses, both items will still be issued in Commissioner TDavtd" J. 80 South St., New Provlclence the name of the Department of Environmental 1 Mountainside (left), president of the Northern • The Jewish Collegiate & Professional Young Bardin. 464-2222, 464-1515 ional spo Protection (DEP) and all funds received will New Jersey Councll-of B'nai B'rifh, looks on as Al Funds sou Adults of New Jersey will hold a "December "In order to delineate a Gomerof Maplewood pccepts pen. Ross said B'nal accrue to the recreational boating fund to be floodway or evaluate Dance" on Sunday at 8.p.in. at Russell's Log used for the benefit of the boating public in New B'rlth lodges throughout the state are engaged in alternative land-use plans that •Cabin. 075 liaritan rd., Clark. A discotheque Jersey. an emergency' membership ^campaign to enlarge band will provide music. ' .' will be adequate for 25 to SO tho scope of tho service organization. years, it becomes necessary to. rp a en en a ra an ra ns a ca en EBB na i estimate the increase in flood RICKjY CHOSTA, peaks likely to be caused by Piano recital PiG&iiiory ol HOME STYLE FRUIT Scuffle mar^jrieeting of committee ^^j • .urbanization and e PI THU^CON°QMV ii COME AND GET EM development," said Bardin. atDelbarton PIES • APPLES u PROTLCTION "For this reason the U.S. Mary' JeanI kelson will SWEET CIDER WHILE WE GOT EM! Geological Survey report present a piano recital at St. becomes important to us for Mary's Abbey, Delbarton, on • and chess application in regional flood Sunday, Dec. 8, al •l.p.in: in Fresh elder without preservat- 74 GREMLIN32 modeli rocomly arriSv analysis." Old Main. ives...Pure pork sausage-Pre- Mountainside studstudents The publication, A. graduate of Utnh Stntt- serves.,. Pure honey ...Maple' "Magnitude and Frequency of University, Mrs. Nelson has syrup...Hickory smoked hams Floods in New Jersey with studied at the Julliard School and bacon. protest bus cut at GL Effects of Urbanization" with -the late Edward Hy AltfjKIt OOI.O (Special Report 38) is also Steutermann and' Kyriona Sports held the spotlight at the Regional High being viewed as valuable to Siloli. She plays frequqntly in WIGHTMJU. FARMS tmments' and"""other" "activities"-of tho* represent the township "in;; lawsuits-led to -(T- , amtyence occupied most of the three-hour scuffle which started in the hallway outside the School Board of Education meeting Tuesday urban and regional local the Chamber.JWusic Series at. ROUTE 202 MORRISTOWN night at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School the Unitarian Fellowship. \ meeting of the-Towoship Committee attended meeting room, continued inside the meeting zoning boards of adjustment, 5 MILES SOUTH OF in Springfield with members of Ihe audience environmentalists and others by approximately 40 citizens last week al town . hall during a recess of the meeting and was RENT THAT ROOM wllh a Want M0RRISTOV.N "finally halted, by pollcer . .., calling for increased support for wrestling, concerned with urban growth Ad. Only 16c per word (Mm. U.3O), lacrosse and chess, in the various schools. and changing land use. Call 484 7700. Complaints by aggrievod homeowners thai The chain of events which led to the scuffle Copies of the report are rent ^controls had led to reduced taxes on local began when the committee approved a $2,5o« Students predominated among the 50 -apartments, and an added burden on Hie settlement in the $70,000 lawsuit of Seal vs. the' members of the audience at.the 90-minute -availablefrce-for-official use - - homeowners—drew-a~heatetf-retorr-fronr~ir session, slioTteSTregular meeting ot tfTe year. by government c tenant spokesman. son William had sued for $70,000 for storage at Most were part of a group calling for establish- representatives by written ^nd a dispute over which, attorney should their gas station oh Mountain avenue near ment of a lacrosse team at A.L. Johnson- ONE TYPICAL request to the U.S. Geological MODEL FROM '74 GREMLIN Kipling avenue of-abandoned cars towed in at Regional in Clark, Other teenagers spoke out to S . Survey, ' P.O. Box 1238, the request of local police. rotest a threatened cut in bus service to OUR STOCK , Air-Cond., Auto. Tram., rndJo^roof rock, Trenton, 08B07. It is available llntod qlois, light group or.UmonS.Mfo- (Tho 1973 HepufilicarT-ied administration Mountainside from Gov. Livingston Regional in lit: $3470 «•---------•-- ' • - . .V* 2995 to others at $3 a copy from the • 0$ Local students against which the suit had been filed had hired Berkeley Heights. Bureau of Geology and an outside attorney, Seymour Margulies. to Topography, Department of Dr. Donald Merachnik,/superintendent of handle the case. It had noted that one party to Environmental Protection, . schools, said the possible ldss of state aid had the ca's.e; Mrs. Seal, was a GOP district com- Stronger' P.O. Box 2809, Trenton, 08625. still rate high in , led to • talk of a cut in afternoon school bus RICHARDSf than • 'mittcewoman and the then township attorney; MOTORS OF UNION service to Mountainside from Gov. Livingston 595 CHESTNUT ST.. UNION rvcr before! I FRIDAY DEADLINE Sanford Meskin, had been activein Republican for the 80 Mountainside students remaining at Telephone: 6866566 All Items other than spot news state" testing campaigning.) . — that school: AUothers from Mountainside now - - should be In our office by noon The governing body last week named Jay attend Dayton. - . BBSS ^wFwrtTi Springfield pupils "continue to compare Bloom, the current township attorney, to avorably,11 with youngsters in similar t r—dcfend-ihcula\iuishiprin.-u.&uiL- filed- by.4r.win— -ijou'iri Fredoricla;,. asFiintant nnp"rmlflndpn — suburTJan co7nnuuT!liesTrirougK7iew Jersey, in Weinberg and Yale Manoff to upset the Board . for, business affairs, said that Dr. Williajn their scores in statewide tests given all fourth of Adjustment's denialof a zoning variance for West, county superintendent of schools, had and seventh graders a year agoVoccordihg To a an office building on Mountain avenue, next refused to approve state aid for three afternoon summary issued this Tkjeek by Dr.
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