November/December 2009 VOLUME 16, ISSUE 6 BEACONA JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF OHIO AND THE OHIO MASONIC HOME Terry W. Posey Installed as Grand Master Terry W. Posey, of Tipp City, was The Grand Master was born in He is currently a trial attorney elected and installed as Grand Springfield, Ohio and graduated in private practice with the firm of Master at the 200th Annual from Colonel White High School Posey and Caspar of Dayton. Communication of the Grand in Dayton, in 1968. The Grand Master married Lodge of Ohio. After high school, he had Cheryl Poskus on July 1, 2000. aspirations of becom- Cheryl is a native of South Dennis, ing a pharmacist, Massachusetts and is a speech but as the oldest of pathologist in private practice. They four siblings, he chose brought together as a family four instead to become a children: Terry Posey Jr., Ryan C. Dayton police officer. Posey, Alita Giacone and Heather During his career Giacone. Terry Jr. and Ryan are as a police officer, attorneys and members of John Most Worshipful W. Durst Lodge #716. Alita is an Brother Posey served assistant art director in New York as a patrol officer City, and Heather is a biology and detective in the and pre-med student at Purdue Residential Burglary University in Indiana. Unit, as well as Street Most Worshipful Brother Posey Crimes and Vice was raised a Master Mason on May Units. He was later 13, 1978 at John W. Durst Lodge promoted to Police #716 in Dayton and served as its Sergeant, a position Worshipful Master from 1989- he held until his 1990. He is a plural member of retirement in 1987. Millennium Lodge #779. He is the recipient of He served as District Education the Medal of Valor, Officer (1999-2001) and District the highest honor Deputy Grand Master of the awarded a living Second Masonic District of Ohio police officer. (2001-2002). The Grand Master Companion & Sir Knight Posey graduated magna is a member of Victory Chapter cum laude from the Continued on page 8 As Ohio’s new Grand Master, University of Dayton Most Worshipful Brother Posey with a Bachelor of Science Degree brings with him not only a wealth in Psychology and Criminal In This Issue: of leadership ability but also a Justice. During his last three years Taking the Senior Focus to the Airwaves ......... 4 diversity of Masonic experience, as a police officer, he attended Fit to the Beat of a Different Drum .................. 5 which is represented in his theme Capital University Law School in Legends Golf Events Shine in 2009 ................. 9 for the year, “Freemasonry – It’s Columbus, earning a Juris Doctor Guideline for 2010 Grand Master’s Classes .... 8 all in the Family.” cum laude in 1987. Recognition for 35 & 40 Years Membership ... 10 Freemasonry – It’s all in the Family! By Terry W. Posey, Grand Master My Brethren, I have named this This year, we are pleased to year as “Freemasonry – It’s all in the have three dedicated Masons Family.” There is family involved in presiding over the respective all we do. York Rite bodies. The Grand High We obligate ourselves never to Priest Donald Losasso, the Grand let Freemasonry interfere with Illustrious Master William Laughlin our duty to God, our family, our and the Grand Commander S. neighbors or ourselves.” But we Thomas Ramsay and I have agreed Terry W. Posey, Grand Master have a family of Freemasonry, in to attend, along with the Eminent which many of us are intertwined, Prior of Ohio Priory Pat Lively and • Alpha Lodge #729 – between the Chapter, Council, the Deputy of Ohio AASR, Neil March 2 (Home Lodge of Commandery, Scottish Rite, Smalley, each other’s inspection. Most Worshipful Brother Eastern Star, Shrine, Grotto, and Assuming good weather and good Neil Smalley) all other bodies of Freemasonry. health, we all hope to be at the The purpose of these visitations We should invite our families into following Lodges: is to support the local Lodges our Lodge rooms. • Science Lodge #50 – January 25 and educate the Brethren on the We should provide assistance to (Home Lodge of Right Worshipful various bodies of our gentle Craft. the children of our members. We Brother William Laughlin) If you live near these various should work with and support our • John W. Durst Lodge #716 – Lodges and wish to attend, please Rainbow Girls, DeMolay and Job’s January 29 (my Home Lodge) mark the dates on your calendar. Daughters – not for the purpose of • Lockbourne Lodge #232 – I have a number of programs a minor league of Masonry – but for February 1 (Home Lodge of this year, which will be listed in the purpose of showing them the Worshipful Brother S. Thomas other parts of this edition of the right way to live and to act. Ramsay) Beacon. I humbly request your We also need to practice • Orient Lodge #321 – February 4 assistance and support of your Freemasonry in our own family. (Home Lodge of Worshipful Grand Lodge. We need to shine our light upon Brother Donald Losasso) May God’s richest blessings our sons and daughters and show • Hubbard Lodge #220 – February 8 continue to be with you, your them the benefits of our Masonic (Home Lodge of Worshipful family, Freemasonry and these membership. Brother Pat Lively) great United States. The Beacon is published bi-monthly 2009-2010 Grand Master’s Program Please report all changes of address Grand Master Terry W. Posey has created an exciting program for the to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who current Masonic year, which includes: maintains the database that produces • For the first time since 2002, District Education Officers have been The BEACON mailing labels. appointed by the Grand Master. Brett Turner, • Grand Master’s One Day Classes may be held through the coordinated Manager of Marketing and Communications effort of as few as three Lodges and as many as an entire District. The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road • Lodges are asked to make a special effort to inform members of the Springfield, OH 45504-3698 Uniformed Services, i.e. policemen, firemen, EMT, and active and 937/525-3025 veteran members of the Armed Forces, as well as clergymen about the [email protected] Masonic fraternity. Chad Simpson, • A special Uniformed Services petition-brochure has been developed Director of Program Development The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio and a copy of the brochure is included in this edition of the Beacon. P.O. Box 629 • Thirty five and forty year service award pins have been commissioned. Worthington, OH 43085-0629 614/885-5318 Lodges can order them from the Grand Secretary’s office and present [email protected] them to their qualified members. 2 November/December 2009 The Symbol of Service to Others By Worshipful Brother Wm. David Bannerman, Chief Executive Officer, The Ohio Masonic Home The term “Ohio Masonic Home” every hour since then. Our “home” in one of the turrets, but it has is an old way to think about us. is now three homes, where over been a long time since anyone When we were incorporated 119 700 people live. We also serve lived there other than the ghosts. years ago, we intended to be a place hundreds in other locations across The castle was a great symbol for where Masons and their families the state. The way we use the word strength and stability in the 1890s could go in times of distress. “Home” includes whatever place when those in distress had few We laid our cornerstone in 1892, you call home. choices. “A little better than the dedicated our building in 1895 and The common symbol you think of poor house” was our plan, and the admitted our first resident in 1897. for us is the original administration grandeur of our building said we We have been serving the fraternity building or “Castle”. I still work would back our word with our resources. Today, we don’t send our distressed to Springfield. We choose from several options and often choose to stay near friends and loved ones. We have the I-CARE coordinators, Masonic Helping Hands and Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice as well as the Browning, Western Reserve and Springfield campuses. We have Masons and non-Masons in all of our services. So what symbol best represents us? How do we express our service beyond the Castle? The Lost Symbol is found. It is that house not made with hands. It is the symbol of service Ohio Masonic Home CEO Dave Bannerman spends a moment with former to others. Cleveland Indians and Minnesota Twins pitching star Jim “Mudcat” Grant at the Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic at Greene Country Club in Fairborn on Sept. 14. Dan Brown’s New Book, The Lost Symbol, Provides Many Details on Masonry After much speculation and extended their stories’ backdrop, Brown places men do expectation, the latest Dan Brown Freemasonry on center stage in battle over book, The Lost Symbol, is now The Lost Symbol, which has created whose available at bookstores. As in quite a stir in some Masonic circles. definition of Brown’s two previous best sellers, However, Brown’s book shows a God is most The Da Vinci Code and Angels & great deal of understanding and accurate, Demons, Harvard Professor Robert appreciation of Freemasonry. I cannot adequately express the Langdon is again the main character deep respect and admiration I feel and is busy at work heroically trying In a recent letter addressed to the toward an organization in which to unravel a mystery buried in layers Supreme Council of the Southern men of differing faiths are able to of symbolism.
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