US 20170042800A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0042800 A1 Wenzel et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 16, 2017 (54) USE OF UNDARIA EXTRACT TO REDUCE (86). PCT No.: PCT/US2O14/O36242 SIGNS OF SKN AGNG S 371 (c)(1), (2) Date: Oct. 24, 2016 (71) Applicant: Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc., Publication Classification Neenah, WI (US) (51) Int. Cl. 46R 8/97 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Scott W. Wenzel, Neenah, WI (US); A6IR 8/63 (2006.01) David J. Tyrrell, Milwaukee, WI (US); A61O 19/08 (2006.01) Alencia Vanay Grice, Roswell, GA (52) U.S. Cl. (US); Stephanie VandeVen Teat, CPC ............... A61K 8/975 (2013.01); A61O 19/08 Roswell, GA (US); Jeffery Richard (2013.01); A61K 8/63 (2013.01) Seidling, Neenah, WI (US) (57) ABSTRACT Compositions for reducing skin aging are disclosed herein. (21) Appl. No.: 15/306,431 The compositions can be topically applied to a skin region to reduce or prevent skin wrinkles, fine lines, thinning skin, (22) PCT Filed: Apr. 30, 2014 sagging skin, skin dryness, and skin itchiness. Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 s s I S. ck 3x3x3x3x3. as a5 s S$ soone "g sCD l s 5 s s M MX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX XXX g Barsseviewerinsecrew - 85M. xxx s SN se s r (uujo, ) (ow Awi &id Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017 Sheet 2 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 Negative Control POSitive Control FIG. 2A FIG. 2B Adipofill'in ECObidens FIG. 2C FIG. 2D ECOSamba KOmbuchka FG. 2E FIG. 2F Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 Negative Control POSitive Control FIG. 3A FIG. 3B Adipofill'in ECObidens FIG. 3C FIG. 3D ECOSamba KOmbuchka FIG. 3E FIG. 3F Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017. Sheet 4 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 | Ef Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 S Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 Undarine - Undaria pinnatifida Wakamine - Undaria (Barnet) pinnatifida F.G. 6A FIG. 6B Maritech Glycomix - Maritech Reverse - Undaria pinnatifida Undaria pinnatifida F.G. 6C FIG. 6D Negative Control POSitive Control F.G. 6E FIG. 6F Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017. Sheet 7 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 O/ Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017 Sheet 8 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 ECObidens - Bidens Bidens pilosa pilosa (ChemyUnion) (Carrubba) FIG. 8A FIG. 8B Bidens tripartita Bidens bipinnata (Provital) (Carrubba) FIG. 8C FIG. 8D 8 Negative Control POSitive Control FIG. 8E FIG. 8F Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017. Sheet 9 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 {}i N}} { ... WON NOfic Nic Patent Application Publication Feb. 16, 2017. Sheet 10 of 10 US 2017/0042800 A1 s s s f 2 RNS(z. cxxx non-rear. t -ÉZ awawawawawawa Swn xv. & s is . s. 5 s f3 Nf O. Of fif US 2017/0042800 A1 Feb. 16, 2017 USE OF UNDARIA EXTRACT TO REDUCE metic creams and lotions specifically designed for applica SIGNS OF SKN AGNG tion to reduce the effects of aging of the Vulvar skin and labia. BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE 0007 Medical procedures, such as dermal injections and reconstructive Surgery, are also available to reduce the signs 0001. The present disclosure relates generally to compo of aging. Cosmetic Surgery has recently grown in popularity sitions and methods to reduce the signs of skin aging of the face and body. More particularly, the present disclosure to aesthetically enhance the appearance of skin and even the relates to compositions including an Undaria extract and/or appearance of the skin of the Vulva and labia. These proce Bidens extract and methods of topically applying the com dures, however, are not always desirable options as Surgery positions for stimulating adipogenesis and lipogenesis to can be costly, painful and very invasive. reduce signs of skin aging. 0008 While the cosmetic products and medical proce dures described above are suitable for treating aged skin of 0002 Human skin changes drastically with age, becom the face and body and aging of the Vulvar skin and labia, ing thinner and drier due to thinning of the epithelial layer alternative compositions and methods for improving skin are and degeneration of underlying fat and connective tissue. desirable. Accordingly, there exists a need to develop alter Other signs of aged skin include loss of skin elasticity, native compositions and methods for improving the overall firmness and resiliency. fullness and appearance of aging skin of the face and body 0003. The skin of the face and neck areas are particularly and aging of the Vulvar skin and labia. It would be highly prone to signs of aging. Signs of aging that affect the skin of advantageous if the compositions and methods could be the face and neck include, for example, wrinkles, fine lines, topically applied Such that invasive, painful, and costly thinning skin, sagging skin, skin dryness and skin itchiness. medical procedures could be avoided. 0004 Changes in hormonal status (e.g., decrease in estro gen levels, increase in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DISCLOSURE levels) during perimenopause and menopause can make changes in the skin even more pronounced. Atrophic mani 0009. The present disclosure is generally directed to festations associated with menopause such as skin thinning compositions and methods to reduce the signs of skin aging. and the accompanying functional decrease in skin 'strength Generally, the present disclosure is directed to methods of are systemic. In particular, there is a marked decrease in using a topical composition comprising an Undaria extract collagen I and collagen III and a decrease in size and number and a hydrophilic carrier. of adipocytes in aged skin. These effects result in skin areas, 0010 More particularly, in one aspect, the present dis and in particular, facial skin, neck skin, chest skin, breast closure is directed to a method for reducing the signs of skin skin, hand skin, leg skin, and feet skin, showing increased aging in an individual in need thereof. The method com signs of aging (e.g., Wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, prising: topically applying a composition that comprises an thinning skin, etc.). Undaria extract and a hydrophilic carrier to a target skin 0005 Vulvar skin and the labia are particular additional region of the individual. skin regions that change as a woman ages, especially as a 0011. In another aspect, the present disclosure is directed result of the changes in hormone levels during and following to a method for increasing adipogenesis of the face and body menopause. Vulvar skin and the labia can lose elasticity as in an individual in need thereof. The method comprising: a result of the degeneration of underlying fat and connective topically applying a composition that comprises an Undaria tissues, loss of collagen and thinning of the epithelial layer extract and a hydrophilic carrier to a target skin region of the of the skin. The Vulvar skin can also become less moist. The individual. loss of elasticity and moisture of the mucosal Vulvar skin can 0012. In yet another aspect, the present disclosure is diminish the youthful look of the vulvaranatomy. A woman directed to a method for increasing lipogenesis of the face can become ashamed and even depressed about the toll that and body in an individual in need thereof. The method aging takes on the appearance of her outer genitalia as a comprising: topically applying a composition that comprises result of changes of the Vulvar skin and labia. an Undaria extract and a hydrophilic carrier to a target skin 0006 A wide variety of creams and lotions exist that can region of the individual. cosmetically improve the appearance, and sometimes, the 0013. In yet another aspect, the present disclosure is structure of the skin on the face and body. Such composi directed to a method for treating Vulvar atrophy in an tions often employ retinoids, hydroxy acids and/or exfoli individual in need thereof. The method comprising: topi ants to encourage skin rejuvenation, increase firmness or cally applying a composition that comprises an Undaria otherwise cosmetically improve the skin. Many cosmetic extract and a hydrophilic carrier to a Vulvar skin region of products provide moisture and can enhance the skin's the individual. appearance by plumping the skin using irritants that cause inflammation. Further, there are known active cosmetic BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ingredients that claim to enhance adipogenesis, however, their potency is variable and therefore has not been shown 0014. The disclosure will be better understood, and fea to be effective for this use. Other cosmetic products are tures, aspects and advantages other than those set forth available that claim to rejuvenate and create a more youthful above will become apparent when consideration is given to appearance by targeting extracellular matrix proteins such as the following detailed description thereof. Such detailed elastin and collagen, which are produced by fibroblasts. description makes reference to the following drawings, These compositions can be inappropriate for use on the wherein: delicate mucous membrane of the Vulva and labia. Incom 0015 FIG. 1 is a graphical illustration showing free fatty patibility with mucosal skin necessitates alternative cos acid production after treatment of cells with various active US 2017/0042800 A1 Feb. 16, 2017 ingredients, as discussed in Example 1. *P<0.05 by Stu pocyte cell number and/or lipid production within adipo dent’s T test to negative control, N=4. Data represents mean cytes can reduce the signs of skin aging, including with standard deviation.
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