- HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 29—NUMBER 28 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA.,SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1938 8627 $2.00 A YEAR Spoon -Man Award Commencement Speaker Eighty-Two In Class Of 1938 Receive Diplomas Made To Goldmark By Fellow-Seniors As Morley Addresses Commencement Gathering; Cope Scholar Honored Bowles, Jenkins, Lewis Gat Ihnorary Degrees • At Class Exercises Tradition Of Class Day' Yesterday Full Day Scheduled Comfort Reviews Year Continues Before For AlumniVisltors At Haverford To Elected Spoon- by Has the Class Large CrOwd of '38 at the Exercises held yester- Open Ceremony 12.30 day in the Library Garden, 1 E. Presided over by Master of Cer- Eighty-two seniors and seven Goldmark terminates a highly suc- emonies, Si Simmons, Sr., the for- Lursheon in Roberts Hall as graduate students gathered in Rob- cessful career at Haverford. ty minute open-air class day pro- guests of the College and the erts Hall this morning to receive' gram swung into action at precise- Alumni Association. their diplomas from President W. Holder of a Corporation Scholar- ly 4:00 yesterday afternoon in. a ship in every one of She four years 2.00 W. Comfort and to snack the end particularly beautiful spot on the Annual meeting of the Al- of their class days at Haverford. which he has spent at Haverford, campus, that section adjacent to umni Association in the Un- Before an auditorium filled to ca- Goldmark's last average was 94.8, the library and library garden ion. pacity by parents, friends, and the highest in the College. He made wall. Cricket Match, College vs. alumni, Felix Morley, '15, editor of both Founders Club and Phi Beta After opening the program by Alumni on Cope Field. the Washington Post, dismissed the Kappa in his Junior year, presenting the athletic awards and role of the newspaper in democ- Not unathletic, Goldmark has for captaincies for 1938-59, Dean of • 3.00 racy. and President Comfort re- several years played varsity soccer, Freshmen Archibald Macintosh, Soft ball games: viewed the year at Haverford. and been a member of the varsity DR. FELIX MORLEY, '15 spoke a few words to the alumni, 1910 vs. 1912, Waldlin Field Also honored at the exercises fencing and tennis teams. parents, and seniors present con- 1916 vs. 1918, '16 Field As manager of the Haverford Co- The editor of the Washing- were Gilbert Bowles, Charles Fran- cerning the College Athletic Asso- 1928 vs. 1933, '22 Field cis Jenkins, and William Draper op for 1937 Goldmark gave the Col- ton Post returns to Haverford 1931 vs. 1934, '88 Field to tell the graduating class of ciation. Permanent Class Secre- Lewis, '88, all of whom received the lege store one of its most success- tary, C. R. Ebersol, then read a 1928 vs. 1931, '22 Field ful years. It was under his-admin- the role played by newspapers honorary degree of Doctor of /' in the maintenance of democra- letter from Miss Mabel Beard, Col- (This game will follow the Laws. istration that the Co-op finally el- lege Resident Nurse, written to the completion of earlier games by iminated it debt to the College, and cy. the two classes. At 10.50 the procession formed returned its first dividend to the Class of '38, in acknowledgment in front of Founders Hall, and students. He also expanded the of the dedication of the Record to 5,30 marched to Roberts. The exercises business of the store by his schemes her. Stip singing at the Senior began as President Comfort told for sales and advertising. Skits Provide Comedy entrance to the dining hall the seniors what he hoped Haver- Goldmark has been awarded the Senior Gift Goes with C. Linn Seiler, '02, at the ford had dOne_for them. Cope Fellowship for 1438-39, which Comic relief for the proceedings, piano and Graham. Rohrer, '35, "What I should like to feel," he provides $700 for graduate study from which those 'in the know' as leader. stated, "is that it was, good for you To Commons Room were wont to deduce more truth at any approveduniversity. He has 6.30 to 'have been here. Your stay here maintained an A average through than fiction, was provided by a ser- gives no assurance of fortune or his whole college career. ies of dining room skits. Actors Buffet supper in Founders success. But it should have taught His major department at Haver- Student Campaign Nets par excellence, by unanimous ac- Hall, you where to find the highest satis- ford was economies. Over $150 From claim, upon whose talents and in- 8.00 factions of life; the blessings of in- clinations much light was thrown . Movies and colored still tellectual occupations and hobbies, Non-Seniors if the reader will scan the Bureau films of Haverford will be the secret of cooperation with oth- of Vital Statistics of the College shown in the Union by Dr. ers for worthy enda, and the Ines- Students Elected, A Cominousroem_next,year will Record, were R. •111. Bird, Jr„ Cs E. Theodora B. Bezel. T. L. Sim- timahle;happiness of a well-bal- 7 be a reality as the Class of 1938 Rinek, 'bow- mons, '38, will act as Com- anced existence pivoted upon that man, W. Whittier, W. B. Kriebel, mentator. of God in every man.7 Tolounders Club voted to make their close 'gift a Bborsol, H. T. Darlington, Jr., A. -s • portion of the requisite furnish- P. Lieb, R. Is. Aueott, and Sim- Arta, 28; Science, 55 ings. In addition, over $100 has mons. • The award of prized was then . The presentation of the Spoon- announced, followed by the confer- Extia-curricular Work been pledged by members of the man award to L. B. Reagan was Swan IS Speaker faculty and over $150 by members ring of degrees. The degree of Gains Honor For 2 greeted with much enthusiastic ap- Bachelor of Arts was awarded to of the three lower classes, This plause. Immediately following this, To Phi Beta Kappa 28, while 55 received their Bach- Of '38, 5 Of 039 last figure is expected to be con- the spoon for the 1939 presenta- elor of Science. siderably augmented in the fall, tion was placed in charge of Joseph In the Commencement address, C. Wingerd, President of the Class Dr.-Moiderltliculed the attempt Two seniors- andfive juniors when a more thorough canvas of of '39. Society Selects Seven a were elected to Founders Club at a the students will be possible than censorship of the press recently' 'meeting held in the Union Tuesday At the close of the program, the Seniors, Two traduced into Congress by -_- night. Those seniors elected are during examination weeks. audience ad' to the Library Minton. "The reduction to she S. R. Evans and I. Telling, Jr., To raise the seniors' contrini- Memorial Garden, where a tea Juniors ity of' this subtle attempt at emitter- while the juniors chosen are J. H. was served in honor of the Seniors ship:1 he stated, "it realization that tion, each member of the class will under the supervision of the Fac- Breads, H. IL Derr, IH, J. J. Jae- be assessed three dollars. Seven seniors and two juniors this•bill would have landed in jail quette, S. H. Thiermann, and B. A. ulty. Women's Committee. Mrs. were elected to Phi Beta Kappa every editor who published the text Webster, Jr. Suggestions made by the gift Mormn, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Benham, last night as that organization of the President's commencement At the same time, D. N. Williams, comittee, which is composed of J. Mm: Evans, Mrs. Reagan, Mrs. held their annual meeting in the address at Arthurdale, which, as '39. was unanimously elected sec- Clark, all mothers of certain mem- Union. most of us know, contained several E. Goldmark, chairman, W. B. bers of the graduating class, as- retary of the organization. Prior Kriebel, and C. E. Harrison, con- Seniors elected were A. C. Dick- serious misstatements of fact, as t othe meeting, those attending ate sisted at pouring. son, Jr., a Mathematics major; R later pointed out by Senator Har- ' dinner together in Founders Hall, sisted of a portrait of President Firth, a French major; W. S. Kin- rison." where a special table veal reserved. Comfort, or a carpet for the aisles ney, Jr., English; L. G. Wesson, Jr., One of the greatest problems of Five members of the Class of in the auditorium of Roberts. Record Spoils Scarlet Chemistry; J. A. Evert, Jr., Chem- the press, Dr. Morley, feels, "lies in 1938 have been members of Foun- These were considered too expen- istry; C. R. Himmel, History; and the need for a betteserealization on ders Club since their junior year: live. Also proposed was a port- And Black Cover; Omits W. H. Hay, IL Philosophy. the part of the newspaperman of Goldmark, w S. S. Rosen and J. H. Bready the vital social significance of his B. Kriebel, L. B. Reagan, and W. able amplifying system to be used Write-ups Of Individuals were the only two juniors to •be work." He believes that "this pub- Whittier. Those elected at mid- in the, dining room and at track elected. Rosen majors in Chem- lic utility aspect of newspaper years are R. M. Bird, Jr., D. S. meets. This was not thought to • Dedicated to Miss Mabel Beard, istry and Bready in History. work is coming increasingly to the Childs, Jr., W. S. Kinney, Jr., and be practical. the college nurses "The Record" Speaker at the meeting was Dr. fore in American journalism." A.
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