Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 63 (2017) 39e47 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Studies in History and Philosophy of Science journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa Science denial as a form of pseudoscience Sven Ove Hansson Department of Philosophy and History, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Brinellvägen 32, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden article info abstract Article history: Science denialism poses a serious threat to human health and the long-term sustainability of human Received 14 September 2016 civilization. Although it has recently been rather extensively discussed, this discussion has rarely been Received in revised form connected to the extensive literature on pseudoscience and the science-pseudoscience demarcation. This 3 March 2017 contribution argues that science denialism should be seen as one of the two major forms of pseudo- Available online 31 May 2017 science, alongside of pseudotheory promotion. A detailed comparison is made between three prominent forms of science denialism, namely relativity theory denialism, evolution denialism, and climate science Keywords: denialism. Several characteristics are identified that distinguish science denialism from other forms of Science denialism Pseudoscience pseudoscience, in particular its persistent fabrication of fake controversies, the extraordinary male Climate science denialism dominance among its activists, and its strong connection with various forms of right-wing politics. It is Creationism argued that the scientific response to science denialism has to be conceived with these characteristics in Relativity theory denial mind. In particular, it is important to expose the fabricated fake controversies for what they are and to reveal how science denialists consistently use deviant criteria of assent to distort the scientific process. Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction important characteristics in common with other forms of pseudo- science, but also some characteristics of its own. Due to the prevalence of well-moneyed and politically well- In Section 2 the concepts of science and pseudoscience are connected antagonists of climate science, the phenomenon of sci- briefly clarified, and a distinction is proposed between two forms of ence denial has become an increasingly discussed topic in the last the latter, namely science denialism and pseudotheory promotion. decade. Several authors have commented on the similarities be- The following two sections explore the characteristics of three tween unscientific rejections of climate science and similar re- prominent forms of science denialism, namely relativity theory actions to other scientific areas such as evolution, vaccination, and denialism, evolution denialism, and climate science denialism. tobacco disease. The terms science denial and science denialism are Section 3 is devoted to four major epistemological characteristics, now commonly used to describe these anti-scientific activities, and and Section 4 to ten characteristics that may be described as more a literature is emerging that describes their common features sociological. In Section 5 science denialism is compared to pseu- (Diethelm & McKee, 2009; Liu, 2012; Rosenau, 2012) and also the dotheory promotion, and characteristics that distinguish science personal, organizational and economic bonds between them denialism from other forms of pseudoscience are singled out. In (Oreskes & Conway, 2010). However, few references have been Section 6 some implications of this investigation for scientific re- made in this discussion to the literature on pseudoscience and the sponses to science denial are pointed out. science/pseudoscience demarcation. The discussion on pseudosci- ence is considerably older and much more extensive, and it is also much more strongly connected to general themes in the philosophy 2. Science, pseudoscience, and science denialism of science (Hansson, 2008; Pigliucci and Boudry 2013). It is the purpose of the present contribution to show how science denial can Science is the practice that provides us with the most reliable be understood as one of two major forms of pseudoscience. It has (i.e. epistemically most warranted) statements that can be made, at the time being, on subject matter covered by the community of knowledge disciplines. This includes statements on nature, our- selves as human beings, our societies, our physical constructions, E-mail address: [email protected]. and our thought constructions. (Hansson, 2013a) As I have argued http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsa.2017.05.002 0039-3681/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 40 S.O. Hansson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 63 (2017) 39e47 in detail elsewhere, a statement should be considered to be pseu- scientology doscientific if and only if it satisfies the following three criteria: transcendental meditation ancient astronaut theories 1. It pertains to an issue within the domains of science in a broad sense (the criterion of scientific domain). The two categories are by no means mutually exclusive. Most 2. It suffers from such a severe lack of reliability that it cannot at all pseudoscientific teachings seem to belong primarily to either of the be trusted (the criterion of unreliability). two, but often the practice of one leads into the other. The 3. It is part of a doctrine whose major proponents try to create the distinction should therefore not be seen as a strict dichotomy, but impression that it represents the most reliable knowledge on its rather as a spectrum or continuum with many gradations between subject matter (the criterion of deviant doctrine). (Hansson, its two endpoints. For instance, scientology is predominantly a case 2013a) of pseudotheory promotion, but as part of the promotion of their own alleged solutions to psychiatric problems scientologists have The term “science in a broad sense” in the first criterion in- engaged in vitriolic attacks on virtually all forms of psychiatry, dicates that the word “science” is taken in a broad sense that also including science-based psychiatric treatments that (contrary to includes the humanities. (This corresponds to the usage of the scientological practices) have well-documented beneficial effects German term “Wissenschaft”.)1 This broad definition simplifies (Kent, 1999). Another interesting example is creationism. It origi- discussions on science denial and other forms of pseudoscience. nated in religiously motivated unwillingness to accept the over- The misrepresentations of history presented by Holocaust deniers whelming evidence for biological evolution. In order to make their and other pseudo-historians are very similar in nature to the mis- case more credible, creationists have often portrayed their teach- representations of natural science promoted by creationists and ings as some form of alternative theory about the origin of life, but homeopaths. it is obvious from their writings that these more “positive” ele- Concerning the second criterion it should be observed that good ments of the message have only a subsidiary role in relation to the science is characterized not only by being reliable but also by being denial of evolution. (Boudry, Blancke, & Braeckman, 2010) All major fruitful for knowledge production and in many cases practically versions of creationism (including its skeletal version “intelligent useful. According to this definition, lack of these other qualities design”) are still predominantly forms of science denialism. does not suffice to classify a claim or a practice as pseudoscientific. In order to identify some major characteristics of science deni- (It may be sufficient for classification as bad science.) alism, three influential forms of it will be compared, namely rela- The third criterion excludes some practices that satisfy the other tivity theory denialism, evolution denialism, and climate science two criteria but are still not called pseudoscience. In particular it denialism. Relativity theory denialism had its heyday in the 1920s excludes fraud in science. This is a practice that clearly satisfies the and 1930s but it still has enthusiastic adherents (Beyerchen, 1977; first two criteria but is still not called “pseudoscience”. It also ex- Wazeck, 2009). Evolution denialism (creationism) has a long his- cludes mistakes in science, for instance the inadvertent use of tory, but the elaboration of pseudoscientific arguments against grossly inadequate measurements methods. As I have discussed in evolution had a breakthrough in the 1960s (Kirkpatrick, 2000; some detail elsewhere, the missing element in cases of fraud and Montgomery, 2012). Climate science denialism (self-named serious mistakes is a deviant doctrine. (Hansson,1996, 2009, 2013a) “climate skepticism”) got off the ground in the 1980s (Mooney, Isolated breaches of the requirements of science are usually not 2005; Oreskes & Conway, 2010). regarded as pseudoscientific. Pseudoscience, as it is commonly conceived, involves a sustained effort to promote teachings that do 3. Four epistemological characteristics not have scientific legitimacy at the time. This doctrinal deviation of pseudoscience can take two major In this section, four characteristics of science denialism will be forms. We can distinguish between science denialism and pseudo- introduced that are all epistemologically significant and closely theory promotion. Science denialists are driven by their enmity to- connected with the failure of these teachings to provide us with wards some specific scientific account or theory. Some typical
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