and ALTO SOLO VOLUME XXXIX LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 NO. 17 Beautiful Life Ends GROWERS OF Odds and Ends ROBBERY GIVEN jCedger NIGHT FOOTBALL BRINGS Here and There PUREBRED RAM Cn tries WHEAT PLAN James Lee Ackerson, born in AS MOTIVE FOR ENTHHSIASTIC APPROVAL Lowell .">11 years ago. died sud- TRUCK COMING denly Sunday while playing golf Being • ColUction of Var* on links in Washington. I). C. MOORE SLAYING ioui Topic* of Local and First Riskt Game in Western Michigan Witnessed by Large CUT IN CROP Mr. Ackerson was a graduate of SEPT. 29 AND 30 Ganaral Intarait Annapolis and at the time of his Audience—Field Brilliantly Lighted—Lee Nigh death was director of the con-| UNCLE OF SLAIN LOWELL REPORTS COLLECTED SHOW struction bureau of the United plan WHICH HAS WORKED Stairs shipping board. He had The life expectancy of the aver- Mere Friday Night for County Game INTENDED DECREASE OF 2 YOUTH FIRST HEARD OF age American tooth is 2(1 years tilled many important posts in OUT SUCCESSFULLY IN OTH- SLAYING THROIGH DENVER greater now than it was In lHKo, PER CENT-FEEDINGS FOR the U. S. navy during his life- ER COUNTIES COMING HERE says the Chicago Dental society. Night football was ushered in mil the holders to the "B" games time. His mother, Mrs. John PAPERS — MURDERER CON- ENTIRE UNITED STATES TO —COUNTY AGENT AND >L S. Advancement in the science of last Friday to the complete satis- and the tickets are not transfer- Monroe, resides in California. Her oral hygieno and of preventive able. BE REDUCED 12 PER CENT. school days were spent in Low- FESSES CRIME. faction of the many fans pres- C. COOPERATING. ami corrective dentistry, the so- jr Lowell Loses Opener, 12-6 ell, her maiden name being La- ciety says, has increased the life ent, in spite of the fact that Unv- badie. Marks Reuben, a well- The opening game last Friday Michigan wlu'at growers intend It has been arranged to have Thot Stanley M. Moore, the of the average human tooth in this eil was defeated. Many were known clothier of Lowell in promising Lowell youth who was a test for those boys who to reduce their acreage for next the Michigan Purebred Sheep country from eight to 2M years. astounded at the spectacle. The earlier days, was an uncle. was cruelly murdered on a hiKh- were trying out for the team. year, according to the intentions Breeders' Association ram truck The society also declares that pessimists departed as boosters. None of the boys who played reg- to plant reports collected during way in Colorado on Sunday E. E. SWer. who ha, b.xn .t n American teeth are more healthy The optimists were even more ularly last year were in uniform August by the Michigan Co-opera- night, Sept. (i, wan slain fur his and more beautiful than those of Kalamazoo hospital for the pasti '. than pleased at what they saw. and coach Finch was searching tive Crop Reporting Service at ls ls ! a new project in the money, is the •dtniuion now 4 ten days, was operated upon l 1 any other civiliicd people. Lansing. The intended acreage made by John Markham, held in The most intricate plays were for material with which to fill up Wednesday for the removal of a <,)UIcountIfy aann d , one whic, .h. has been Denver Jail for the crime. fully as visible as they are in the the gaps left open by the gradua is reported at 075,000 or 2 per goitre. Mr. Sigler's manv friends pul sncceisfu'ly in other The Michigan supreme court sunshine. Punts and passes could tion of six stars. The Ionia cent less than the 689,000 sown In the llrst reports given out held in an opinion handed down will be glad to know that he is "l.»»•!*. The Michi- be seen from all angles. In Academy presented a team of last fall, but crop reporting ofli- SlaU Markham claimed to have killed Thursday morning that Gov. Wit- reciwering nicely. Mrs. Sigler ' Extension Ser- AHHY U RUE ODELL short the experiment proved such which any class "C" team could cials in commenting upon the re- Moore because "he had learned her M. Brucker had no legal right an I Mrs. F. 11. Swarthout were in " co-operative agency as (Cut courtesy of G. R. Herald) a success that every attempt will be justly proud The visitors had port point out that weather con- he Hu,ba, 1 ,rw loo much and was going to turn to reduce specific items in the Kalamazoo at the lime of the op- ' V't . 1 | tension mi- in." be made to play the rest of the been in training only one week ditions and other causes often eration Specialist personally selects the appropriation bill passed bv the In the death of Miss Abby La- prevent the seeding of the entire This information was given The Hue Odell, which occurred at her scheduled home games at night but they functioned like veterans. rams consigned with the help of 1031 legislature and that his ac- acreage intended. Discouragement 1 Ledger Monday bv F. tl. Moore, home in Vergennes Saturday eve- if the weather permits. Lowell was defeated for just We are sure that all of our If ' Secretary of the Michigan tion in reducing the budget for The local light and power com- three reasons. Ionia had a good over present prices and drought uri ,ri an uncle of Stanley's, who ac- the biennium approximately $2,- ning. September 12, this com- readers, v( ung and old, will be . '' 'l' V'eep Breeders associa- pany is to be congratulated for team. The field generalship was are causing some growers to re- Uo, l ra,n ,,f 0 e companied the body from Color- „ '"unity loses one of its most es- interesled in the new comic strips l - » K" ') l>P 000,000 is a complete nullity, the efllcient installation of the not so good. And the pass de- trench. On the other hand, the 1 ( a,j ado as mentioned in last week's having no eflTecl on the measure.'"""k'1' young women. Her death which have been added to Led- "H' iu > "[e chosen and these system. fense was weak. Mr. Finch increased acreage of corn and ^VTeatures ""School'DavV',an,d priced right according lo their Ledger. Mr. Moore llrst heard of as passed by the legislature. came as the termination of a long the slaying of his nephew from and wasting illness due to a tum- Many fans were so anxious knows that a field general cannot iw "tnr0S .,M .hU 1 ;.Va Mi'kv 1.1 His (laV "ill "jprcliv.. u.im . As the Ionising State Journal aime for w hi at this fall offsets to m i • : i . ,, .. i Last yea 1|r 131 ramM s and ewes accounts in Denver newspaoers. or on the brain. Everything to get to the game that they went be developed in a few days. He says, commenting editorially: through the fence. They forgot 1 c,)n,i ni , Denver police were at work on that medical skill could do to is not a bit dismayed for he knows some extent the handicap of difll- .J fn|kVw l .nio\ ''\f er he | « l ' 40 breeders "Even though the decision has to deposit their admission! This that McMahon and Bergin will ri,par,ed in <,UiU 11 1 the caso even before it was gone against the governor, and save her life was done, and the few " """Soon" furn to page O - re sold and delivered off the known that a murder had been anxious sympathy of the entire practice is to be expected of some excell in this department of the U* siclions. and get a few smiles truck in 2.) Michigan counties. his economy measures are not to Seedings of winter wheat in | Purchasers in the past have been committed, their activity starting neighborhood was continuous children but it was surprising to game as soon as they get the stand—a matter regrettable in it- learn that several adults who necessary experience. the I nited States this fall will be — ___ satisfied, no replacements being when an abandoned automobile, throughout the weary months self—yet the larger and more en- reduced 12 per cent if present in- necessary. with a bullet-shattered wind- during which her strength slow- chuld well afford to pay their Mr. Finch knows, too, that the CoUflCII VVTestlinS during consideration is the way tentions are carried out. Such . n ii As in past years a flock im- shield, and blood-stains on the ly ebbed away. But through it way resorted to such tactics. All boys were not instructed in the n constitutional government has an acreage, which would be the Wlf/l rOWCT rTOblem provement meeting will be held •wheel, was discovered on the all she remained the bright, hope- fans are asked to enter through the fine points of pass defense. been justified. the front gale. Every effort will He intended to give two nights smallest since 1914, appears reas- ial the place of each stop of the streets of Denver about 3 o'clock "The handling of the case ful spirit she had ever been. on the morning of Sept. 7. The be made to see that this is done. to this part of the game last week onable in view of present low truck. Meetings are in the nature against the governor has not been When she could no longer speak prices and large world supply.
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