Index NOTE: Page references in italics refer to photos. ABC-TV, 231–233 Erving legacy and, 246–247, Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 9, 19, 27, 35, 250–251 63, 74, 79, 82, 205 Erving signed to Nets, 85–87 ABA and, 56 (See also New York Nets) in “Clash of Legends,” 198–201 gimmicks of, 51 Erving’s reverse layup and, 158 NBA and, 51–58, 77–83, 201, 30,000-point milestone reached by, 204, 205 184–185, 202 NBA merger with, 115–118 Abney, Bertha, 264 Slam Dunk Contest of, 108–109, 209 Abney, Gilbert, 264 2006 revival of, 273–275 Aladdin Hotel, 121 Anderson, Dave, 2, 65, 75, 91 Albeck, Stan, 106–107 on ABA, 52 Albert, Marv, 3, 206, 207–210, 212, on “Doctor J” nickname, 177 246–247 on NBA and Erving, 98, 115, Alcindor, Lew. See Abdul-Jabbar, 117–118, 126, 167 Kareem Anderson, Kenny, 196–198 Ali, Muhammad, 31 Anthony, Carmelo, 47 All-ABA teams,COPYRIGHTED 76, 83, 89 Araton, MATERIAL Harvey, 4 Alverson, William H., 87 Archibald, Nate “Tiny,” 9, 65, 119, Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), 124, 198–201, 205 185–186 Arizin, Paul, 205 American Basketball Association Arnold, Steve, 80 (ABA), 51–54, 55, 57 Asphalt Gods: An Oral History Bukata on, 181 of the Rucker Tournament Erving as ABA Most Valuable (Mallozzi), 217 Player, 89, 111 Atlanta Hawks, 80–83, 85–87, 128 Erving as ABA Rookie of the Year, 71 Averitt, Bird, 117 279 bbindex.inddindex.indd 227979 99/18/09/18/09 66:37:20:37:20 PPMM 280 INDEX Barkley, Charles, 171–176, 183, 184, Brownbill, Dave, 21–22, 59–61, 202, 205 69–70, 88 Barnes, Marvin, 117 Bryant, Joe, 141 Barry, Rick, 55, 57, 94, 118, 205 Bryant, Kobe, 116 Boe and, 86 Bucci, George, 216 in “Clash of Legends,” 198–201 Bukata, Jim, 181 Erving compared to, 123, 126 Buse, Ron, 117 Basketball Hall of Fame, 173, 181, 196–198, 201, 222–223 Cabrini College, 186 Bass, Bob, 108 Cain, Andrea, 261 Bassett, Tim, 123, 216 Calipari, John, 196, 263 Bavetta, Dick, 178 Callahan, Tom, 183–184 Baylor, Elgin, 63, 66, 94, 95, 115, Calvin, Mack, 90 205, 208 Campbell Park, 1, 13, 15–17 Beaty, Zelmo, 55, 92 Camp Orin-Sekwa, 23 Behler, Bob, 53, 144–145, 242, 261–263 Carnesecca, Lou, 21, 34, 54–57, 66, Bellamy, Walt, 201 83, 105 Berman, Len, 149 Carr, M. L., 178 Betancourt, John, 35, 36, 37, 43, 45 Carter, Fred, 125 Bianchi, Al, 71, 72, 75, 83, 88 Carter, George, 86 Bibby, Henry, 125, 195 Carter, Vince, 170, 209, 247 Biddy Basketball, 5 Cartwright, Bill, 248 “Big Julie Is Doing Nicely-Nicely” Catlett, Sid, 60, 63 (Sports Illustrated ), 101–102 Chamberlain, Wilt, 66, 72, 74, 124, Bing, Dave, 205 185, 194, 205 Binstein, Mark, 55 Erving compared to, 123 Bird, Larry “Legend,” 113, 135, 160, 30,000-point milestone reached 176–179, 205 by, 202 Black, Andrea, 259–261 Chapstick, 270 Black Sports The Magazine, 12, 76, Cheeks, Maurice, 165, 175, 184 109, 186–187, 268–270 Chones, Jim, 58, 88 Blocker, Joe, 15–17 Cingiser, Mike, 23–24, 39 Boe, Roy, 54–58, 100, 128 Clark, Archie, 78 on Dr Pepper ad, 271 “Clash of Legends,” 198–201 Erving-Nets contract dispute Cobb, Eric “the Elevator Man,” 64, 68 and, 122–125 Coca-Cola, 204, 214 Erving-Nets contract dispute Collins, Doug, 125, 141 and, 120 Commack Arena, 56 Erving signed by, 85–87 Conroy, Terry, 6 Boone, Ron, 90, 92, 117 Converse, 104, 204 Boston Celtics, 160 Cooper, Michael “Coop-a-Loops,” 158, Boston Garden, 135 160, 164–166, 168, 191, 276–277 Bowman, Nate, 22 Cosby, Bill, 213, 214 Bradley, Bill, 52, 98 Costas, Bob, 3–4, 48, 107, 180 Brethel, Tommy, 6 on Erving legacy, 206–207, 250–251 Broaca, Pete, 34–35, 35, 39, 44, 49 on NBA and Erving, 117 Brokaw, Tom, 277 Cousy, Bob, 115, 205 Brooklyn Wonders, 273–275 Cowens, Dave, 205 Brown, Arthur, 55–56 Cunningham, Billy, 115, 118, 123, Brown, Roger, 9 141, 164, 180, 205, 209 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228080 99/18/09/18/09 66:37:20:37:20 PPMM INDEX 281 Cureton, Odell, 18 Erving, Alfreda “Alex” (sister), 1, 20, Curry Hicks Cage (University of 30, 43, 264 Massachusetts), 35 Erving, Callie Mae (mother), 1–2, 10, 13–14, 20, 30, 37, 180, 240 death of, 264–265 Dampier, Louie, 90 Erving’s move to ABA and, 53 Dancing Harry (mascot), 249 infl uence of, on Erving, Darnell, Rick, 116 269–270 Dawkins, Darryl “Chocolate Erving, Cheo (son), 138, 236, 253, Thunder,” 228, 242–243 254, 256, 272 on dunking, 208 Erving, Cory (son), 235–243, 253, on Erving’s legacy, 224, 247 254, 256 with Philadelphia 76ers, 125, 138, Erving, Jazmin (daughter), 138, 141, 149, 151–152, 154 253, 272 DeBusschere, Dave, 58, 94, 126, Erving, Julius “Dr. J” Winfi eld, II, 181, 205 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, DeFord, Frank, 182 133, 134, 135 Denver Nuggets, 73, 99, 111–117, 132 as ABA Most Valuable Player, Denver Rockets, 52–53 89, 111 DeWood, Mitch, 121 as ABA Rookie of the Year, 71 “Doctor Opens Up His Medicine as advertising spokesman, 102, 104, Bag, The” (Sports Illustrated ), 178, 185–186, 270–271 111–112 with Atlanta Hawks, 80–83, Dove, Sonny, 22, 57 85–87 Dr. Dre, 218 childhood of, 1–2, 4–10 “Dr. J Is Flying Away” (Time), 183–184 children of, 227–233, 235–243, Drexler, Clyde “the Glide,” 251–257, 272 168, 205, 223 in “Clash of Legends,” 198–201 Drossos, Angelo, 100 divorce of, 251–257, 258–261 Dr Pepper, 102, 213, 270 on favorite games, 194–196 dunking, 2–3, 7, 208 in Halls of Fame, 201–205 Chamberlain and, 124 Hammond and, 64–70, 219–221 DeFord on Erving’s slam dunk, 182 hands of, 19, 24, 35–36, 37, 48, 60, Erving on, 12–13, 109–110 114, 116 Erving’s high school career and, 5 high school basketball career of, Erving’s practice of, 104 10–18, 19–29, 33–34, 127 Free on Erving’s slam dunk, 248–250 on his pro vs. amateur playing, NCAA on, 35–37, 39, 45 63–64 “rock the cradle” dunk by Erving, homes of, 102, 254, 272 164–166 HSBI Report (1968), 26, 28 Slam Dunk Contest (ABA), knee problems of, 94, 123 108–109, 209 marriage to Turquoise Brown, Slam Dunk Contest (NBA), 168–171 89 (See also Erving, Turquoise “Turk” Brown (wife)) Eakins, Jim, 181, 216 as NBA Most Valuable Player, Eford, Ron, 273–275 159–160 Ellerbrook, Ray, 35–36, 39, 47, nicknames of, 60–61, 177–178 262, 263 on pay, 148 Elmore, Len, 130, 131 playing records of, 48, 184–185, Embry, Wayne, 80, 124, 208 191, 201–202 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228181 99/18/09/18/09 66:37:21:37:21 PPMM 282 INDEX Erving, Julius (continued ) on Erving legacy, 275–276 post-basketball career of, 185–186, with 76ers, 125, 139, 141, 143–147, 192, 204, 210, 213–216, 241, 149, 151 255–256 Friend, Tom, 272 religious beliefs of, 103–104 retirement of and, 179–185, Gale, Mike, 88, 92, 100 186–187, 189–192, 193–194 Garfi nkel, Howard, 23–29 reverse layup by, 157–159 Garnett, Kevin, 44 “rock the cradle” dunk by, 164–166 Garry, Peter, 82, 100–102 (See also dunking) Geronimo (game), 5 signed to Nets, 85–87 (See also New Gervin, George “Iceman,” 81, York Nets) 108–111, 117, 118, 198–201, 205 on speed, 114–115 Giannelli, John, 98 on success, 202–205, 268–270 Gilmore, Artis, 55, 76, 89, 108–109 television/fi lm roles of, 159, 161 Goldaper, Sam, 78, 121 Temple University honorary degree Golden State Warriors, 86, 122 awarded to, 162–164 Grant, Travis, 98 trade to 76ers, 122–126 (See also Greenidge, David, 274 Philadelphia 76ers) Greer, Hal, 123, 205 with Virginia Squires, 51–54, 55, Griffi th, Darrell “Dr. Dunkenstein,” 57, 71–76, 77–83, 204 168 Erving, Julius “J” (son), 138, 253, 272 Gross, Bob, 149, 151 Erving, Julius Winfi eld, Sr. (father), 1 Guokas, Matt, 180 Erving, Marvin (brother), 1, 16, 20, 30, 37–38 Erving, Turquoise “Turk” Brown Haggerty, Andy, 7 (wife), 89, 134, 190 Hall, Willie, 61–63 children of, 235–243 Hammond, Joe “the Destroyer,” divorce of, 251–257, 258–261 64–70, 219–221 husband’s affairs and, 227–233 Havlicek, John, 94, 205 letter to New York Times and, Hawkins, Connie, 9, 11, 63, 72, 83, 153–156, 228, 253 194, 211 Erving Group, 204, 271 as “Big Hawk,” 60 Eslinger, Don, 241 in “Clash of Legends,” 198–201 Ewing, Patrick, 27, 205 Hayes, Elvin, 205, 248–250 Haywood, Spencer, 52, 118 Heisler, Mark, 142–144, 147–148, Felix, Ray, 8 151, 154, 167, 242 50 Greatest Players in NBA on Erving and Bird, 179 History, 205 on Turquoise Erving’s letter to Fischer, Peter, 230 New York Times, 156, 228 Fisher, Lee, 121 Hempstead (N.Y.) High School, 10, Fish That Saved Pittsburgh, The, 159 15, 16, 33–34 Fitzsimmons, Coach, 128 Hermann, Michael, 271 Foreman, Earl, 52, 55, 73, 77–78 Hillman, Darnell, 88 Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, 229 Hofstra University, 21–22 Frank, Barry, 122 Hoover, Tom, 62–63, 72 Fratello, Mike, 206, 210–212 Houston, Allan, 67 Frazier, Walt “Clyde,” 87, 98, 121, HSBI Report (1968), 26, 28 129, 205 Huber, Robert, 251–257, 260 Free, Lloyd (World B.), 242 Hughes, Kim, 100, 216 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228282 99/18/09/18/09 66:37:21:37:21 PPMM INDEX 283 Iavoroni, Marc, 164 Leaman, Jack, 242 Indiana Pacers, 87, 116–117, 130, 131 Behler’s views on, 144–145 Island Gardens, 56 death of, 261–264 Issel, Dan, 55, 90, 113, 132, 201 at Nets’ tribute to Erving, 180 at UMass, 22, 34, 39, 44, 45, 53 Leaman, Rita, 45, 49, 263, 264, 265 Jabali, Warren, 98 Lindsey, Callie Mae.
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