Winter-Spring 2002 President’s Message Gammans, day in the future when I of your chapter activities I would like to thank all can pass it on to one of as well as a request for of the Gammans who were you. Dr. Synovitz also chapter award nomina- able to attend our national schooled us in the ESG tions. Please take the meeting in Albuquerque. handshake. If you don’t time to tell us what We had a great meeting know it, please be sure to you’re doing and to that was highlighted by: ask fellow Gammans. nominate your chapter 1) a team building and By now I’m sure many of for an individual activity productivity workshop you are feeling a bit over- or chapter recognition conducted by Dr. Keely loaded by class projects, award. Finally, planning Rees and Dr. Sharon papers and exams. It’s for the new semester Thompson; 2) an advo- often a time where ESG helps to get things started cacy Uupdate from Adrian activities wind down or in a timely manner. To- Lyde and Denise Siebert; seem to lack the level of day, e-mail allows offi- 3) a successful poster ses- involvement seen earlier in cers to communicate over sion; 4) a super annual the year. I want to encour- the summer. When eve- meeting honoring indi- age each of you (especially ryone arrives in the fall, viduals and chapters with the seniors) to make a little organization gives old awards; 5) an update on extra effort in drawing clo- and prospective members our new standards for sure to the year. Specifi- the sense that they are Chapter Awards; and 6) an cally, there are three re- involved with a quality incredible evening at Dr. quests that I hope you will (Presidents Message con- Bill and Dr. Ann Kane’s consider: 1) transitioning tinued ) house - they provided to new officers; 2) docu- organization. transportation and hosted menting this years chapter In the coming year you over 75 people Gammans activities; and 3) planning (Continued on page 3) and friends for dinner. a calendar of events for INSIDE THIS ISSUE Personally, the most summer/early fall. noteworthy event occurred The transition to new of- 2001 Award Winners 2 during our annual meeting ficers can help assure that ESG continues to function ESG Leaders Attend CNHEO 3 when Dr. Robert Synovitz, Meeting one of our founding fa- smoothly. It may also pro- thers, passed on to me his vide opportunities for ex- ESG Historical Library 4-5 original Eta Sigma perienced Gammans to The Student Perspective 6 Gamma pin. I accepted it train less experienced. Not knowing where to start or as both a symbol of our New Editor for The Health 7 honorary, as well as a how to expedite tasks is Educator frequently a problem for challenge to uphold the Call for ESG Student Poster 8-9 tradition and ideals of young officers. In the near Proposals ESG. I look forward to a future you will be receiv- Student Award Opportunities 11 VISION ing requests for a summary THE ETA SIGMA GAMMA VISION THE ETA ESG Now Has Permanent Home on the World Wide Web! www.etasigmagamma.org 2001 Eta Sigma Gamma Awards Presented at the Eta Sigma Gamma National Meeting in conjunction with the American School Health Association National Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 9, 2001. Gamman of the Year Distinguished Service Award Melissa Seifert Judith Luebke Truman State University Minnesota State University, Mankato Gamma Rho Chapter ??Chapter McGovern Scholarship Large Chapter of the Year Amy Thompson Central Michigan University The University of Toledo Eta Chapter Iota Chapter Distinguished Service Award Small Chapter of the Year Carolyn Cox Truman State Universtiy Truman State University Gamma Rho Chpater Gamma Rho Chapter Honor Award Advocacy Activity of the Year Robert Synovitz Southern Illinois University Carbondale Founding Father of ESG Alpha Alpha Chapter Congratulations to the Student Gammans Who Presented Poster Sessions in Albuquerque! American Red Cross Ergonomics Training The Importance of Research Casie Curfman, Nichole Grash Lisa Nitti Truman State University, Gamma Rho Chapter Western Michigan University, Chapter STAMP: Stop Tobacco Use Among Many People – PACE: People with Arthritis Can Exercise Youth Media Advocacy Project Casie Curfman, Jennifer Stanley Jessica Levinskas, Casie Curfman Truman State University, Gamma Rho Chapter Truman State University, Gamma Rho Chapter The Health Needs of Adult Female Learners Teaching Health Related Topics to At-Risk Kim Peabody Adolescents Texas Woman’s University, Alpha Phi Chapter Alan Toigo, Maureen Lonergan Truman State University, Gamma Rho Chapter Page 2 VISION Coalition of National Health Education Organization’s 2nd Invitational Meeting: Improving the Nation's Health Through Health Education: A Vision for the Future Mal Goldsmith, Kathleen Conley, The report outlined six priority American College Health Associa- Jeff Clark, and Brandy Lopilato at- areas for the profession of health tion (ACHA); American School tended the Coalition of National education (in no specific order): pro- Health Association (ASHA); Asso- Health Education Organizations fessional preparation; quality assur- ciation of State and Territorial Di- (CHNEO) 2nd Invitational Meeting, ance; research; advocacy; promoting rectors of Health Promotion and “Improving the Nation's Health the profession; and dynamic/ Public Health Education Through Health Through Education: contemporary practice. (ASTDHPPHE); National Commis- A Vision for the Future” on March For each priority area, the sion for Health Education Creden- 15-17, 2002 in Atlanta, Georgia. CNHEO identified actions external tialing, Inc. (NCHEC); American They represented Eta Sigma Gamma, and internal to the profession of Public Health Association-Public as it is a member of the CNHEO. health education that would help Health Education and Health Pro- Additionally, many individuals repre- move the profession forward and be motion Section (APHA-PHEHP); senting other professional associa- prepared for the challenges of the American Public Health Associa- tions are also Gammans. 21st Century. Representatives of tion-School Health Education and The meeting’s purpose was to each of the nine member organiza- Services Section (APHA-SHES); continue efforts begun in 1995 by the tions worked diligently at the 2nd Society for Public Health Education CHNEO at setting priorities for the Invitational meeting to refine the six (SOPHE); and Society of State Di- profession of health education in the priority areas. Additionally, each rectors of health, Physical Educa- 21st Century. In Fall 2001, a report organization took responsibility for tion, and Recreation (SSDHPER). outlining priorities for the profession assuring many of the internal and of health education was released: external actions are accomplished Additional information about the “The Health Education Profession in over the next few years. CNHEO can be found at <http:// the 21st Century: Progress Report In addition to ESG, there are www.hsc.usf.edu/CFH/cnheo/> 1995-2001.” Additional updates can eight other health education profes- be located in the Journal of School sional association members of the Adrian R. Lyde Health and the American Journal of CNHEO: the American Association Student Representative Health Education. for Health Education (AAHE); ESG Board of Directors will have many opportunities <[email protected]> or Travel and Professional to be involved with ESG at the contact Brandy LoPilato, National level. Please con- our executive director at Development Grant Awards sider coming to our national <[email protected]>. meeting (October 4) in Char- On behalf of the board of lotte. We hold it in conjunc- directors please accept our Southern Illinois University Edwardsville tion with the American School wishes for a successful clo- Gamma Delta Chapter Health Association’s national sure to your school year $300 meeting (Oct 2-5), hence you and for a productive and can get two for one. Also we enjoyable summer. will be asking your input on Truman State University several matters related to the Mal Goldsmith, PhD,CHES Gamma Rho Chapter services provided by the Na- President, Eta Sigma Gamma $300 tional office. Your response to these requests will help us Texas A & M University better meet your needs. If you Alpha Pi Chapter are having any difficulties $300 please feel free to e-mail me at Page 3 Important Dates Planner Date:___________________________ May 2002 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat To Do:__________________________ _______________________________ 1 2 3 4 Date:___________________________ To Do:__________________________ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _______________________________ Date:___________________________ To Do:__________________________ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 _______________________________ Date:___________________________ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 To Do:__________________________ _______________________________ 26 27 28 29 30 31 _______________________________ Eta Sigma Gamma Health Education Historical Library Q and A By Dr. Loren B. Bensley, Jr., National Historian The ESG Health Education His- quisitions are available to students ence at Ball State University. In- torical Library was created to pre- and scholars for research and study. terested students scholars can con- serve historical documents and Who is responsible for the li- tact the National Executive Direc- make them available to students brary? tor for an appointment or list of the and scholars for research. The li- The library is governed ultimately library’s contents. Certain restric- brary is at the National Office in by the National Board of Directors tions exist. For example, only Muncie, Indiana. The following of Eta Sigma Gamma. A library documents that are duplications questions and answers are designed collection’s committee, consisting will be loaned—shipped at the ex- to inform the profession about the of the national president, secretary/ pense of the borrower. Photo cop- library and to encourage individu- treasurer, and historian, shall make ies or recordings of most docu- als to contribute to the library’s recommendations to the executive ments can be made and will be collection.
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