Johnson City Knoxville Tennessee Radio Jonesboro Kingsport

Johnson City Knoxville Tennessee Radio Jonesboro Kingsport

Johnson City Knoxville Tennessee Radio 1, 5 -D. WETB(AM) -Oct 1947: 790 khz; kw Box WBMK(AM)- January 1960: 1430 khz; 1 kw -D. DA- 1716 (37601). (615) 928 -7131. Press Inc. Net MBS. D. 2108 Prosser Road (37917). (615) 525 -7771. Format: Contemp. Carl A. Jones, pres; Arthur Kelsey, Broadcast Media of Knoxville. Net: Sheridan. Rep: gen mgr; Mark Heiden, corni mgr; Tim Edwards, prog gen mgr; Gus Vest, coml mgr; Don Gibson, prog, news Barney Oates, Hakeem Beyah. Format: Div. black. dir; Linda Billman, mus dir; Susan Adler, news dir; Ed dir & prom mgr; David Miller, mus dir; Trevor Swoyer, Spec progs: Gospel 17 hrs, jazz 6 hrs, talk 5 hrs wkly. Martin, chief engr Rates: S54, 32; 46; 32. chief engr. Thomas S. Crawford, pres; Jerry Mason Jr., gen & prom mgr, prog dir; Bernice Crawford, coral mgr; Merl WBKT(AM) -May 21, 1961: 1580 khz; 5 kw -D (1 kw 26, 1974: mhz; 70 kw. Ant WETS(FM) -Feb. 89.5 Chandler, mus dir; Peggy Croon, news dir; Larry CH). Box 2310 (37901). (615) 523 -1616. Morgan 2,200 ft. (CP: 66 kw, Ant 2273 ft). Stereo. Box 21400A, Styles, chief engr. Rates: 514.20; 10.75; 14.20; -. Bcstg Co. Net: MBS. Format: Inspir, news. Harry J. East Tenn State Univ. (37601). (615) 926 -2184. East Morgan, pres & gen mgr; Gerry Morgan. come mgr; Tenn State Univ. Net NPR. Format: Div. Ronald E. WEZK(FM) -April 10, 1967: 97.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Tom Burchfield, prog dir; John England, chief engr. Beller, pres: Richard F. Ellis, gen mgr; Ron Wickman, 1140 ft. Stereo. Box 3766 (37917). (615) 525 -7380. mus dir; Phil Leonard, prog dir; Trevor Swoyer, chief TWX 810- 583 -0178. South Central Bcstg Corp. WOOT(FM)- October 1949: 91.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant engr. (group owner) Net: APR. Rep: Selcom. Format: Btfl 590 ft. Stereo. 232 Communications and Extension mus. John D. Engelbrecht, pres: Carlos R. Kivett, gen Bldg., U. of Tennessee (37916). (615) 974 -5375. U. of 13, khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- WJCW(AM) -Dec 1938: 910 mgr; Eddy Roy, prog dir; Donna Keathley, bus mgr. Tennessee. Net: NPR. Format: Classical. Raymond N, DA -N. Box W (37601). (615) 477 -3127. Tri- Cities Shirley, gen mgr; Norris Dryer, prog dir; Joseph Chas - 1 H.R. Bcstg Inc. (acq 6- -60). Net: CBS. Rep: Stone. WHEL(AMI -Jan 21, 1941: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 teen, chief engr, Glenn Hauser, mus dir. Format: Mod countr -. James C. Wilson, pres & gen w -N. 1513 Hutchison Ave. (37917). (615) 637-1010. mgr; Edward L. Bryant, bus mgr; Dave Adams, prog TWX: 810- 583 -0172. Multimedia Bcstg Co. (group WUTK(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 90.3 F. mhz; 130 w. Ant 62 ft. 295 dir; Art Countiss, news dir; Al LeFevere, chief engr. owner; acq 1- 1 -61). Net: CBS, ABCII. Rep: Katz. For- Communications Bldg. mat: MOR. Walter Bartlett, group pres; Bruce (37916). Univ. of Tenn. WJCW(AM). March 1, WOUT(FM) -Co -owned with Buchanon, exec VP; David Russell, gen mgr: Bob 1948: 101.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1500 ft. Stereo. Prog Ogles, prog dir & opns mgr; Robert Horton, chief engr. Lafayette sep from AM. Format: AOR /Contemp. Bob Lindsey, prog dir. WIMZ(FM) -Co -owned with WHEL(AM). Oct 1949: WEEN(AM) -Nov 3, 1958: 1460 khz; t kw -D. Box 103.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1720 ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /FM. 160 (37083). (615) 666 -2169. Lafayette Bcstg Inc. WJSO(AMI -See Jonesboro. Format: Progs. WBIR -TV affil. Roger Hyman, prog Net: Tenn. News Serv. Format: Top 40, C &W. Spec progs: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Billie G. Speck, pres & gen WKPT -FM -See Kingsport. dir. mgr; Peggy King, coral mgr; Britton Willis. prog & 1, 1960. 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box news dir; McDonald, mus von WOUT(FM)- Listing follows WJCW(AM). WITA(AM) -Sept Linda dir; Davis, chief 15011 (37901) (615) 637 -1490. Forus Communica- engr. Rates: $2.80; 2.80; 2.80; -. Jonesboro tions of Tenn. Inc. (acq 3- 1 -80). Net: NBC. Format: Relig. Spec prog: Black 7 hrs wkly. Lind Carl Voth, La Follette pres; Bill Jeffers, gen mgr; Drew Worthen, prog dir; WJSO(AM) -Oct 16, 1958: 1590 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. 10; 10; 7.50. WLAF(AM) -May 17, 1953: 1450 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 Box 5188, Johnson City (37601). (615) 926 -3121. Don Burggraf. chief engr. Rates: S10: w -N. N. Fifth St. (37766). (615) -3557. Campbell Mountain View Bcstg Co. Group owner: Norman 562 WIVK(AM) -March 23, 1953: 850 khz; 50 kw -D, DA. County Bcstg Corp. (acq 10- 24 -66). Net: APR, Ten- Thomas Stns. Net: NBC. Rep: Pro Radio. Format: MOR. Box 10207. 6711 Kingston Pike (37919). (615) nessee Radio Network. Format: MOR. J. P. Mills. Norman Thomas Jr., pres & gen mgr; Tom Light, 588 -6511. Dick Bcstg Inc. Net: ABC/E, APR. Rep: pres; Bill Waddel, gen mgr; Charles Hutson, engr. prog dir; Wayne Sparks, coml mgr; Rockne Stump, chief Torbet. Format: Contemp, C &W. Spec progs: Farm 2 prom mgr; Tom Light, mus dir; Greg Alexander. news hrs wkly. James A. Dick, pres & gen mgr; Allen Dick. Al Lefevre. chief engr. Rates: $9.50; 8.50; 9.50; Lawrenceburg dir; mus dir; Mike Hammond, news dir; Bobby Denton, stn 8.50. & sls mgr; Milton Jones, chief engr. Rates: $75; 46; WCMO(AM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 1520 50; 19. khz; 500 w C/O WOIK, IBM Building, Jacksonville, FI. Kingsport (32207). Mize & Rowland Radio (group onwer). WIVK -FM -Dec 16, 1965: 107.7 mhz: 100 kw. Ant -Sep 20, 1967: 1090 khz; 1 kw -D, DA- WGOC(AM) 1,970 ft. Dups AM 25 %. Stereo. WDXE(AM) -July 21, 1951: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D. 120 247 J. T. Parker D. Box 1369 (37662). (615) -7131. 1/2 N. Military (38464). (615) 762 -4411. H -M -S Bcstg J.T. Parker Jr., pres; Phil Bcstg Corp. Format: Relig. WKCS(FM)- December 1952: 91.1 mhz; 310 w. Co. (acq 12 -73). Net: Keystone. Format: C &W. Robin Paul mgr; Steve Roberts, gen mgr; Miller, coml Ant 73 ft. 2509 Broadway, N.E. (37917). (615) Mathis, gen mgr; Milton D. Griffin, stn mgr; Bud Blevins, prog dir; Mitch Sandidge, chief engr. Rates: 524 -3001. Fulton High School. Format: MOR. Spec Sawyer, asst mgr; Don Hollander, prog dir; Larry Meek, $12: 12; 12; -. progs: Black 5 hrs wkly. Allen Johnson, gen mgr. news dir; Phillip Kemper, chief engr. WKIN(AM) -Oct 1951: 1320 khz; 5 kw -D. 500 w -N. WUTK(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 90.3 WDXE -FM -Aug 28, 1964: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 205 DA -N. Box 9 Market at Wexler St. (37662). (615) mhz; 128 w. Ant 23 It. Stereo. 295 Communications ft. Prog sep from AM. 246 -8131. TWX: (810) 574 -5178. Radio Stn WKIN. Building, Unitersity of Tennessee (37916). (615) Group owner: Bahakel Bcstg. Net: APR, RKO. Rep: 974 -6897. University of Tennessee. Format: Ed. MOR. Torbet Radio. Format: Top -40. Cy N. Bahakel, pres; Jeff Warr, faculty advisor; Steve Swindle, gen mgr; Lebanon Dave Murray, gen mgr: Steve Howard, prog dir; Reg - John H. Carr, chief engr. WCOR(AM)- October 1949: 900 khz; 500 w -D. Box gis Jordan, opns mgr; Charles Stuchell, news dir; Gary 549 (37087). (615) 444 -0474. Triplett Bcstg of Tenn. Smith, chief engr. Rates: S16; 12; 16; 12. WKON(AM) -1946: 1340 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. 2900 Sutherland Ave. (37919). (615) 521 -6220. (acq 1- 1 -80). Net: APR. Format: Top 40, R &B (Sat afternoon). Wendell Triplett; Bob Triplett, WZXY(FM) -Co -owned with WKIN(AM). Feb 21, Gropp Y Communications Corp. (acq 8 -81). Net: RKO. gen mgr; Coleman R. Walker, chief engr; Chris Collins, prog dir; 1970: 104.9; 1 kw. Ant 475 ft. Stereo. Prog separate Rep: Jack Bolton. Format: Talk, news. C &W Spec prog: Jim Trammel, news dir; Rates: S6.60; 4.95; 6.80; from AM. Black 1 hr wkly. Samuel J. Yacovazzi, pres; Bill 4.95. Struck. opns & coml mgr; Michael Johnson, mus dir; WKPT(AM) -July 14, 1940: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 15; Rod Neaveill, news dir. Rates: $22; 22; 8. WUSW(FM) w -N. 222 Commerce St. (37662). (615) 246 -9578. -Co -owned with WCOR(AM). Aug 31, 1962: 107.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 730 ft. Stereo. Prog sep TWX 810- 574 -5180. Holston Valley Bcstg Corp. WKXV(AM)- February 1953: 900 khz; 1 kw -D. Box from AM. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Relg 3 hrs wkly (Group owner; Home News Publishing; acq 6- 1 -66). 2269 (37901). (615) 524 -9866. Knoxville Ra -Tel Inc. Rates: 512; 12; 12; 10. Net: ABC /E. Tenn. Radio. Rep: Buckley. Format: MOR. Format: Relig. Henry T. Ogle, pres; Robert C. Lawson, Robert I. Ratcliff, pres; John E. Fry, gen mgr & coml gen mgr; L C. Logan, mus dir; Larry Hammock, news WFMO(FM) -Dec 15. 1966: 91.3 mhz; 480 w. Ant mgr; Grant, prog dir; Mike Padgett, mus dir; dir; Marvin I Thompson, chief engr. Rates: SB: 8; 8; Steve 86 ft. Cumberland College (37087). (615) 444 -2562. John E. Fry, prom mgr; Therese Carrier, news dir; Cumberland College of Tennessee. Formal: Div. Spec Harold Dougherty, chief engr. WNOX(AM) -1921: 990 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -1. 4400 prog: Class 8 hrs wkly. Ernest Stockton Jr., pres; Jeff Younglove, mgr; N. WKPT -FM -Feb 1948: 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1260 Whittle Springs Rd.

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