:*:..'•'" l VOLUME 46 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942. NUMBER 4 i;i_,- The President s ' Annual Report Char- Branch Manager Farm Machinery Dr. Harry Weitz T6 All Aliens it'- levoix County Chapter. Speak at P.-T. A. Meet Birthday Ball " American Red Cross Highly Praised Check-up Meeting This Friday Night Must Register ?r=ft£PeRT ON WILLIAM—ALEK THtJKSUAY, JAN. 2t», C^EN^WAr^ iM-MirmrAW *-r Fip<fT ANP IF FOR CHARLEVOIX COUNTY TO; -J Mr. Braman of the East Jordon P. RECEIPTS RICH'S STEWARDSHIP TY M. S. C, AND LOCAL DEAL­ COND CLASS POSTOFFICES, BE HELD AT THE ARGONNE T.. A. announces- that the lecturer for Balance Deposited State Bank of ERS CO-OPERATING FEB'Y 9-28 INCLUSIVE JANUARY 30. East Jordan Oct. 1, 1941, $ 346.68 this Friday evening, Jan. 23, will b<5 William Aldrich, Manager of the Dr. Harry Weitz. Dr. Weitz is here Receipts . County Roll Call 1,467.44 Defense on the farm. should begin Secretary of State's-Branch Office under the sponsorship of the Womens '"Attorney General Francis Biddle " - Total .Receipts $1,814.12 now in the farm tool sheds, according . The_ Annual Celebration of the in East^Iordan, was highly' praised in Field Arms' which is the lay branch has announced new regulations af­ DISBURSEMENTS to' Charlevoix county's U. S. D. A. President's Birthdify ' in Charlevoix . Lansing this.-week by Harry F. Kelly, of the American Medical Associations fecting the conduct of German,-Ital­ County will be held,at The Argonm-, Home Service Secr.eiary;,of State,"when annual're- Agricultural Defense Board and not ian and Japanese-nationals through­ Telephone, Telegraph, Mileage, Mrs.- Cancel* Society. Dr. Weitz will show a Friday, Jan. 30th. ports/ brought to his attention re­ next summer in the harvest,fields. out continental United States. Leslie 29.02 sound picture — 'Choose to Live* and The following Is a list of City vealed that Mr; Aldrich had rnade In carrying out this theory County The new regulations, issued under 35.G2 speak on the early symptoms of can­ Chairmen for the respective areas in Family Assistance. such a fine accounting for his stew­ Agricultural Agent, B. C". Mellen- authority of the Presidential, proc­ First Aid Books for Study cer, their control and cure. In these Charlevoix County: ardship of state's •'affairs land money, camp,-has already/mailed to farmers, days of war and destruction of life lamation of January 14, 1942, relat­ •Gilbert II. Lindsay — Boyne City. " Groups 0.56 in East Jordan. • implement dealers, and others, yel- it is every citizens duty to preserve ing to-alien enemies, require all Ger­ llollis Drew — East Jerdan ! Roll Call Portion General The Branch Office is located in the" "ToAv check sheetsidesigned- to -provide his or. her health in everyway poss­ man, Italian and" Japanese aliens to I.oo W.' Powers — Charlevoix i Chapter 493.02 City Hall. At this Branch Office all individual farme.rs with a complete ible and Cancer at the present time apply at the nearest first or second Roy E.^lttySfs-— Ironton. Mileage, Mrs. Kiiegboff 31.03 class, or county seat, post office for a types of public assistance is render­ list of tool repairs which will be need­ lakes 1 out of every 10 persons as John II. Hausler—Boyn'fTFalls Milk Bottle Collars 4.86 Certificate of Identification. The re- ed without charge, such as license ed to produce the bumper crops plan­ its victim. The American Medical Roland McCann — Beaver Island; Rent, Dilworth Hotel 20.0C: jmirement. applies to all enemy" na- plate and title transfers, replacing ned for this 'yelir. This machinery Association, realizing that this huge Stationery"'-' 5.25: seph F. Bugai is the County Chair­ lost titles, etc. The branch issues li­ meeting will bejheld in the Machin­ death rate is largely due to l'ack~6f tionals 14 years of age or.aver who man. ......:-:1 cense plates and collects the sales tax ery Warehouse, CharleyobLCoo.pera- liay^^ot-ye1rta1ten"-thpro^^^ Totnl Disbursements knowledge on the part of the lay man- m course, the cusremffry" Maicli oi 628.36 on automobile-sales at a" very no-mtrpt- live—Company on Thursday,""January fore a Federal jn'Hgp -thn fi. Balance on Hand organized the Womens Field Army, to Dimes program will again be untler- al fee. The Branch Manager does not 29th beginning promptly at 1.0:00.a. nal step in acquiring American citi­ . $1,185.76 co-operate witit,U^eijn.edical societies taken. Cards and envelopes addressedfTJecembe r 31, 1941. m. County farmers desirous of learn­ receive a salary for his work. -During throughout the United States; to ed­ zenship. direct to our President will be distri­ Ethel dwell Treasurer ing more of the check list inventory 1941 Mr. Aldrich issued 1,526 sets of ucate the people to the early symp­ The identification program, which buted by the respective chairmen and —: s> method and also.of machinery repairs 8iitomobile: plates, including passen­ toms of this feared disease and to im­ will affect approximately~*l,100,000 their committees'. are being invited and urged to attend' ger, . commercial, farm commercial, press upon them that Cancer is, in- German, Italian and Japanese non- Half of the income from ticket sale I Evening Services At this machinery repair and adjustment citizens, will be directed by.Mr. Earl trailer.coach, trailer, and hearse, and 75 percent of .cases taken in time, to the birthday.-ball is sent to the'Na- demonstration. G. Harrison,' fprmer'Directdr of Alien The Presbyterian Church ambulance plates, proving that 1,526 curable. But only through a know- tional Foundation for research-work Registration and now a. Special As- citizens of East Jordan and vicinity Mr. Clen Wanty, .^liehigan- Stsite, ledge oI..-_itS- early.maml:esia.tiona...)s i'ii infantile paralvSis and the"other1 .---;-- .-_ ..^-^.., :rtKjul- -nffl4?rr1 "the" "ertf n'-'iinlLservice College Specialist,^yrH eonStict the it possible to check it in time since by .sistant to the -Attorney: General ad- half is retained with the-ChaiTg'yHrx^—-BgI-icvHig-that-theHpresiarlL44^Jime of-the-Depart.mont' o£-S4ate—tn-addi- ^jnojvstration whlich^.win feature the n a r m Should the time tha^4>a^---awcM:a-4a^^J^-J . "g^P »^£ j.-J_^ ._:,_ County chapter of the" National j when more—than ever we tion to hundreds more who were giv­ repair, and adjustmejsal of cTrfffrefft diseasHi„.»e iit.-i.r-Tnt ifa-"In. general™„„,,it«, to„o latiotQe wforl TTfe-regulations provide ior._two ' Foundation for Infantile Paralvsis to i stress the wtn'ship oJJxodTThe Presby- en public assistance with titles, and kinds of farm ma'chirrery. , separate periods for the submitting l successful treatment. J5r. Weitz is an be spent directly on infantile-paraly-! -™an Church ^beginning a series of ..tj:a_nsfer*_when .no lic.ense_pliiLeJs,ales. All information leads us.._tp_ think of; alpplicatiqns for . identity certifi- unda excellent speaker a-nd far-from'being -fl^cases in ChsTlevore-cmmtv^TOTtn''rl-rS y -evening -preacKing—SCTVTCB?- were involved. that it will be.much more difficult for tates, as follows: ^ ard finereirl aitl- iron Jung service ; beginning next Strnday sit 8 o'clock. p. gruesome re-hash of horrible cases Completing his third,year as.Man- farmers_to. obtain newjnachinery or his lecture-is both ..interesting, and 1. All German, Italian and Japan­ etc. "The ftinrch »f"Dimes money scn't'Tnc theme of;the first-service'will be ager of the Secretary <5f State's repairs for old machinery because of ese natfdnal~re"sTding"in"the states of" direct 7o'Washington is used in like ("God and How To Find Him." comforting inasmuch as it holds a de­ Branch in East Jordan,, under Alt;; the. national steel shortages for non- finite -primife of help through 'full •California, Oregon,-~Washihgton,-Ne- ninnner. half of it lieing returned to j . ~" T : " Kelly's administration, Mi:, Aldrich defense work and because most of knowledge where ignorance reigned vada, Arizona, Montana, Utah and the county chapter hasJhaildled $39,046.50 of the "tax^ the country's , manufacturing plants Idaho are required to file applications Three Treatments 1 before. National Defense-means Na- •pWv-ei--s^noney-4iMLhas^rcePujite<l for'| are engaged-4n—war —iwWuetiorhr*A- "FToTra^rFTefflth. ~ ~~ at—the—nearest first "or sece-rtd—elass For^Yiour Tires it. to. the last-penny— <HX—weeks-dslay -now—isrr4—hard—-to- or county seat, post office between. 4*ie4-Cross Drive Suggested .by. A..C.jaf M. East Jordan .is,directly,, coordinat­ take but even a day delay . the February.2 and February 7, 1942, in- Going Fine In - ed intothejadyyities of thevDcpart--. spring and summer months might Food for Freedom Loans elusive"; • , Charlevoix County j' nient of State "through-the Branch prove fatal to those large crops-that 2.. All Germans, Italian and Japan- In this period of wide cliccugdon of Office and through 'the.. Bureau of In­ "ChlffTev4>ix_county tanners are plan- To Be Made Available tjse nationals -residing elsewhere- m " • ' I re-capping and re-treading of pass- vestigation. A Department of State ning to produce in 1942. Don't forget To Charlevoix Go. Farmers continental United States are requir­ Mrs.-C.-F. Krieghoff- Gount-K-War|eng.er-car-tjres few car owners know Investigator, Nelson Cole," 'who re-" to markdown the date oT"Th"ursciay, ed to file applications at-the-nearest•- Funds Chairman, announces that the jiistit-what is meant by the.terms.. -skies at Burt Lake, conducts the in­ January 29th aft" l^tJO-a.
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