FORM NL-1-B-RA Name of the Insurer: TATA AIG GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED IRDA Registration No. 108, dated January 22, 2001 REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2017 (Rs. in '000s) Particulars Schedule For the YEAR ENDED For the YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2017 MARCH 31, 2016 Fire Marine Miscellaneous Total Fire Marine Miscellaneous Total 1 Premium earned (Net) NL-4- 3,37,441 23,19,275 2,14,17,685 2,40,74,401 2,67,675 22,58,259 1,81,45,741 2,06,71,675 Premium Schedule 2 Profit/ Loss on sale/redemption 37,693 36,993 5,10,302 5,84,988 29,552 37,577 4,27,651 4,94,780 of Investments 3 Others 53,738 1,220 25,722 80,680 68,414 1,575 13,189 83,178 Co-insurance Administration income 4,053 2,166 9,543 15,762 5,798 2,564 6,966 15,328 Amortisation of Investments (6,736) (6,611) (91,191) (1,04,538) (2,642) (3,359) (38,230) (44,231) 4 Interest, Dividend & Rent – Gross 1,57,074 1,54,158 21,26,521 24,37,753 1,11,117 1,41,288 16,07,987 18,60,392 TOTAL (A) 5,83,263 25,07,201 2,39,98,582 2,70,89,046 4,79,914 24,37,904 2,01,63,304 2,30,81,122 1 Claims Incurred (Net) NL-5- 2,71,597 14,93,573 1,56,45,980 1,74,11,150 2,55,510 18,24,771 1,38,59,026 1,59,39,307 Claims Schedule 2 Commission NL-6- (6,05,213) 2,84,893 8,49,160 5,28,840 (5,46,403) 2,51,877 10,82,066 7,87,540 Commissi on Schedule 3 Operating Expenses related to NL-7- 10,81,886 2,97,602 74,00,797 87,80,285 5,73,258 4,36,976 59,02,650 69,12,884 Insurance Business Operating Expenses Schedule Contribution towards Solatium Fund - - 8,103 8,103 - - 5,267 5,267 4 Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - - Co-insurance Administration Fees 10,276 1,150 2,846 14,272 9,177 722 6,910 16,809 Motor pool Administration Fees - - 715 715 2,168 2,168 TOTAL (B) 7,58,546 20,77,218 2,39,07,601 2,67,43,365 2,91,542 25,14,346 2,08,58,087 2,36,63,975 Operating Profit/(Loss) from (1,75,283) 4,29,983 90,981 3,45,681 1,88,372 (76,442) (6,94,783) (5,82,853) Fire/Marine/Miscellaneous Business C= (A - B) APPROPRIATIONS Transfer to Shareholders’ Account (1,75,283) 4,29,983 90,981 3,45,681 1,88,372 (76,442) (6,94,783) (5,82,853) Transfer to Catastrophe Reserve Transfer to Other Reserves (to be specified) TOTAL (C) (1,75,283) 4,29,983 90,981 3,45,681 1,88,372 (76,442) (6,94,783) (5,82,853) FORM NL-1-B-RA Name of the Insurer: TATA AIG GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED IRDA Registration No. 108, dated January 22, 2001 REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2017 (Rs. in '000s) Particulars Schedule Quarter Ended Quarter Ended MARCH 31, 2017 MARCH 31, 2016 Fire Marine Miscellaneous Total Fire Marine Miscellaneous Total 1 Premium earned (Net) NL-4- 85,449 6,58,809 58,80,573 66,24,831 63,887 6,30,463 45,85,839 52,80,189 Premium Schedule 2 Profit/ Loss on sale/redemption 13,495 12,329 1,93,458 2,19,282 13,244 14,458 1,87,254 2,14,956 of Investments 3 Others 9,548 282 9,519 19,349 25,935 489 (4,529) 21,895 Co-insurance Administration income 636 340 1,150 2,126 240 1,300 (228) 1,312 Amortisation of Investments (1,993) (1,776) (29,085) (32,854) (787) (729) (10,879) (12,395) 4 Interest, Dividend & Rent – Gross 41,990 36,857 6,19,661 6,98,508 30,190 26,565 4,15,036 4,71,791 TOTAL (A) 1,49,125 7,06,841 66,75,276 75,31,242 1,32,709 6,72,546 51,72,493 59,77,748 1 Claims Incurred (Net) NL-5- 1,02,251 3,04,959 42,07,420 46,14,630 59,803 4,03,902 40,53,120 45,16,825 Claims Schedule 2 Commission NL-6- (1,17,773) 61,074 2,95,788 2,39,089 (61,529) 54,287 3,21,800 3,14,558 Commissi on Schedule 3 Operating Expenses related to NL-7- 4,76,641 (1,975) 20,35,301 25,09,967 1,22,396 1,07,445 16,41,816 18,71,657 Insurance Business Operating Expenses Schedule Contribution towards Solatium Fund - - 2,587 2,587 - - 1,497 1,497 4 Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - - Co-insurance Administration Fees 2,258 109 147 2,514 2,986 79 1,149 4,214 Motor pool Administration Fees - - - - 2,168 2,168 TOTAL (B) 4,63,377 3,64,167 65,41,243 73,68,787 1,23,656 5,65,713 60,21,550 67,10,919 Operating Profit/(Loss) from (3,14,252) 3,42,674 1,34,033 1,62,455 9,053 1,06,833 (8,49,057) (7,33,171) Fire/Marine/Miscellaneous Business C= (A - B) APPROPRIATIONS Transfer to Shareholders’ Account (3,14,252) 3,42,674 1,34,033 1,62,455 9,053 1,06,833 (8,49,057) (7,33,171) Transfer to Catastrophe Reserve Transfer to Other Reserves (to be specified) TOTAL (C) (3,14,252) 3,42,674 1,34,033 1,62,455 9,053 1,06,833 (8,49,057) (7,33,171) FORM NL-2-B-PL Name of the Insurer: TATA AIG GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED IRDA Registration No. 108, dated January 22, 2001 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE Year ENDED MARCH 31, 2017 Particulars Schedule For the Year Ended Quarter Ended For the Year Ended Quarter Ended MARCH 31, 2017 MARCH 31, 2017 MARCH 31, 2016 MARCH 31, 2016 (Rs.’000) (Rs.’000) (Rs.’000) (Rs.’000) 1 OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) (a) Fire Insurance (1,75,283) (3,14,252) 1,88,372 9,053 (b) Marine Insurance 4,29,983 3,42,674 (76,442) 1,06,833 (c ) Miscellaneous Insurance 90,981 1,34,033 (6,94,783) (8,49,057) 2 INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS (a) Interest, Dividend & Rent – Gross 8,11,447 1,76,600 7,27,682 2,01,348 (b) Profit on sale of investments 2,28,167 63,773 2,17,796 88,470 Less: Loss on sale of investments (33,444) (2,537) (24,265) (1,003) (c) Amortization of Debt Securities (34,797) (8,632) (17,301) (5,234) 3 OTHER INCOME (To be specified) Claims Service Fees 5,915 1,284 7,061 2,410 Miscellaneous 1,804 2,992 50,757 (273) TOTAL (A) 13,24,773 3,95,935 3,78,877 (4,47,453) 4 PROVISIONS (Other than taxation) (a) For diminution in the value of investments - - - - (b) For doubtful debts 49,879 1,252 10,297 10,154 5 OTHER EXPENSES (a) Expenses other than those related to Insurance Business Employee's remuneration 37,500 25,000 50,533 27,520 Donation 72 - 417 - CSR Expenditure 36,052 6,589 33,096 8,711 (Profit) / Loss on Sale / Write off of Fixed Assets (Net) 1,118 600 (1,734) (1,585) Miscalleneous - - - - (b) Bad debts written off - - - - (c) Wealth Tax - - - - (d) Directors Commission 6,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 (e) Interest On Non Convertible Debentures 4,570 4,570 - - (e) Debentures issue Expenses 2,800 2,800 - - (e) Penalties 2,500 2,500 - - TOTAL (B) 1,40,491 49,311 94,609 46,800 Profit Before Tax 11,84,282 3,46,624 2,84,268 (4,94,253) Provision for Taxation (a) Current tax 2,24,415 96,096 - (1,14,000) (b) Deferred tax (2,24,415) (96,096) 84,477 1,19,167 (c) Wealth Tax - - - - Profit / (Loss) After Tax 11,84,282 3,46,624 1,99,791 (4,99,420) APPROPRIATIONS (a) Interim dividends paid during the year - - - - (b) Proposed final dividend - - - - (c) Dividend distribution tax - - - - (d) Transfer to Debenture Redemption Reserve 4,45,000 4,45,000 - - (e) Transfer to any Reserves or Other Accounts (to - - be specified) - - - Contingency reserve for Unexpired Risks - - - - Balance of profit/ loss brought forward from prior period 33,46,472 41,84,130 31,46,681 38,45,892 Balance carried forward to Balance Sheet 40,85,754 40,85,754 33,46,472 33,46,472 FORM NL-3-B-BS Name of the Insurer: Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd. IRDA Registration No. 108, dated January 22, 2001 BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 31, 2017 Schedule As at As at MARCH 31, 2017 MARCH 31, 2016 (Rs.’000) (Rs.’000) SOURCES OF FUNDS SHARE CAPITAL NL-8-Share Capital 63,25,000 63,25,000 Schedule SHARE APPLICATION MONEY PENDING ALLOTMENT - - RESERVES AND SURPLUS NL-10-Reserves and 55,06,991 43,22,709 Surplus Schedule FAIR VALUE CHANGE ACCOUNT-SHAREHOLDERS 1,36,460 (46,655) FAIR VALUE CHANGE ACCOUNT-POLICYHOLDERS 4,42,317 (1,27,865) BORROWINGS NL-11-Borrowings 17,80,000 - Schedule TOTAL 1,41,90,768 1,04,73,189 APPLICATION OF FUNDS INVESTMENTS-SHAREHOLDERS NL-12-Investment 97,17,098 77,90,292 Schedule INVESTMENTS-POLICYHOLDERS NL-12-Investment 3,87,94,271 2,90,53,745 Schedule LOANS NL-13-Loans Schedule - - FIXED ASSETS NL-14-Fixed Assets 10,92,095 9,80,812 Schedule DEFERRED TAX ASSET 2,24,415 - CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Bank Balances NL-15-Cash and bank 23,41,356 11,62,601 balance Schedule Advances and Other Assets NL-16-Advances and 66,96,563 44,59,100 Other Assets Schedule Sub-Total (A) 90,37,919 56,21,701 CURRENT LIABILITIES NL-17-Current Liabilities 2,82,35,292 2,16,09,198 Schedule PROVISIONS NL-18-Provisions Schedule 1,64,39,738 1,13,64,163 Sub-Total (B) 4,46,75,030 3,29,73,361 NET CURRENT ASSETS (C) = (A - B) (3,56,37,111) (2,73,51,660) MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE (to the extent not written off or NL-19-Miscellaneous - - adjusted) Expenditure Schedule DEBIT BALANCE IN PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - - TOTAL 1,41,90,768 1,04,73,189 - - CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Particulars As at As at MARCH 31, 2017 MARCH 31, 2016 (Rs.’000) (Rs.’000) 1 Partly paid-up investments - - 2 Claims, other than against policies, not acknowledged as debts by - - the company 3 Underwriting commitments outstanding (in respect of shares and - - securities) 4 Guarantees given by or on behalf of the Company - - 5 Statutory demands/ liabilities in dispute, not provided for 5,20,242 1,33,181 6 Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for in accounts - - 7 Others (Insurance Claims disputed by the company, to the extent 2,83,165 1,70,618 not provided/reserved) TOTAL 8,03,407 3,03,799 TATA AIG GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED FORM NL-4-PREMIUM SCHEDULE PREMIUM EARNED [NET] (Rs.
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