June 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 16147 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The United States and the international commu- extraneous material on the resolution question is on the motion offered by nity to assist in rehabilitation, reconstruc- under consideration. the gentlewoman from California (Ms. tion, and demobilization efforts; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Whereas the Cessation of Hostilities Agree- objection to the request of the gentle- WATSON) that the House suspend the ment, which was mediated by the Govern- rules and agree to the resolution, H. ment of Southern Sudan and signed by rep- woman from California? Res. 137, as amended. resentatives of the Government of Uganda There was no objection. The question was taken; and (two- and the LRA on August 20, 2006, and ex- Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in thirds being in the affirmative) the tended on November 1, 2006, requires both strong support of this resolution, and I rules were suspended and the resolu- parties to cease all hostile military and yield myself such time as I may con- tion, as amended, was agreed to. media offensives and asks the Sudan People’s sume. A motion to reconsider was laid on Liberation Army to facilitate the safe as- Mr. Speaker, I first want to thank sembly of LRA fighters in designated areas the distinguished gentleman from the table. for the duration of the peace talks; Georgia, Mr. HANK JOHNSON, for spon- f Whereas the Cessation of Hostilities Agree- ment expired on February 28, 2007, without soring this important and timely reso- CALLING ON GOVERNMENT OF ever having been fully implemented, and lution on the nightmarish conflict in UGANDA AND LORD’S RESIST- though the parties resumed peace talks on northern Uganda. ANCE ARMY TO RECOMMIT TO April 26, 2007, and signed a preliminary Two decades of horrific battle be- POLITICAL SOLUTION IN NORTH- agreement on May 2, 2007, they have not yet tween the Lord’s Resistance Army and ERN UGANDA arrived at a sustainable negotiated settle- the Ugandan government have taken ment and observers remain concerned that Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I move to hostilities between rebel and government up to 200,000 lives and displaced nearly suspend the rules and agree to the con- forces could resume; 2 million civilians from their homes. current resolution (H. Con. Res. 80) Whereas a return to civil war would yield But the human tragedy in Uganda can- calling on the Government of Uganda disastrous results for the people of northern not be simply represented but numbers and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Uganda and for regional stability, while and statistics. It is about the daily to recommit to a political solution to peace in Uganda will bolster the fragile Com- pain and terror of victims and their prehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan and the conflict in northern Uganda and to families. de-escalate tensions in the Democratic Re- Like other rebel forces that have recommence vital peace talks, and urg- public of the Congo; and ing immediate and substantial support Whereas continuing violence and insta- fought the tragic civil wars of Africa, for the ongoing peace process from the bility obstruct the delivery of humanitarian the Lord’s Resistance Army built its United States and the international assistance to the people of northern Uganda ranks with child soldiers, both girls community, as amended. and impede national and regional trade, de- and boys, and used vicious and un- The Clerk read the title of the con- velopment and democratization efforts, and speakable methods to alienate these current resolution. counter-terrorism initiatives: Now, there- children from their families and their fore, be it villages. Time and again, Uganda child The text of the concurrent resolution Resolved by the House of Representatives (the is as follows: Senate concurring), That Congress— victims have been forced to commit unthinkable acts, to kill their parents H. CON. RES. 80 (1) disapproves of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leadership’s inconsistent com- and other relatives before being ab- Whereas for over two decades, the Govern- ducted themselves. ment of Uganda has been engaged in an mitment to resolving the conflict in Uganda armed conflict with the Lord’s Resistance peacefully; Over two decades of war, more than Army (LRA) that has resulted in up to (2) urges the LRA and the Government of 30,000 children have been kidnapped 200,000 deaths from violence and disease and Uganda to engage in good-faith negotiations and faced a horrible fate, becoming ab- the displacement of more than 1,600,000 civil- to pursue a political solution to this conflict; sorbed into the LRA. Meanwhile, tens ians from eastern and northern Uganda; (3) encourages all parties in the region to of thousands of terrified children leave immediately cease human rights violations Whereas former United Nations Undersec- their home villages each evening at retary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and and address, within the context of a broader national reconciliation process in Uganda, dusk and walk to distant towns to Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland avoid being kidnapped by the LRA and called the crisis in northern Uganda ‘‘the issues of accountability and impunity for biggest forgotten, neglected humanitarian those crimes against humanity already com- pressed into service. They are known in emergency in the world today’’; mitted; Uganda as the ‘‘night commuters.’’ Whereas Joseph Kony, the leader of the (4) urges leaders on both sides of the con- Mr. Speaker, every parent in the LRA, and several of his associates have been flict in Uganda to renounce any intentions United States labors to reassure their indicted by the International Criminal Court and halt any preparations to resume violence young children that they are safe at and to ensure that this message is clearly for war crimes and crimes against humanity, home when sleeping in their own beds. including rape, murder, enslavement, sexual conveyed to armed elements under their con- trol; and The greatest crime of the Lord’s Re- enslavement, and the forced recruitment of sistance Army is to take even this an estimated 66,000 children; (5) calls on the Secretary of State, the Ad- Whereas the LRA is a severe and repeat vi- ministrator of the United States Agency for basic right away from children and olator of human rights and has continued to International Development, and the heads of families of northern Uganda. attack civilians and humanitarian aid work- other similar governmental agencies and While the LRA is responsible for the ers despite a succession of ceasefire agree- nongovernmental organizations within the overwhelming majority of violence and ments; international community to continue to aug- abuse of children and their families, Whereas the Secretary of State has labeled ment efforts to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in northern Uganda and to support a the government of Uganda also has the LRA ‘‘vicious and cult-like’’ and des- been cited time and again for human ignates it as a terrorist organization under peaceful resolution to this crisis by publicly and forcefully reiterating the preceding de- rights violations. In August of last the Immigration and Nationality Act; year, South Sudan’s President bro- Whereas the 2006 Department of State re- mands. port on the human rights record of the Gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- kered a cessation of hostilities agree- ernment of Uganda found that ‘‘security ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from ment between the government and the forces committed unlawful killings . and California (Ms. WATSON) and the gen- rebel forces, but the accord broke down were responsible for deaths as a result of tor- tlewoman from Florida (Ms. ROS- and only last month did the 10-month ture’’ along with other ‘‘serious problems’’, LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. effort resume. including repression of political opposition, The Chair recognizes the gentle- I believe the Uganda people deserve official impunity, and violence against woman from California. both peace and justice. It is incumbent women and children; GENERAL LEAVE upon the international community to Whereas in the 2004 Northern Uganda Cri- sis Response Act (Public Law 108–283; 118 Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask work with Uganda people, particularly Stat. 912), Congress declared its support for a unanimous consent that all Members the people of northern Uganda, along peaceful resolution of the conflict in north- may have 5 legislative days to revise with the International Criminal Court ern and eastern Uganda and called for the and extend their remarks and include and the Ugandan judiciary, to make VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:56 May 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18JN7.000 H18JN7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 16148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 June 18, 2007 sure both a lasting peace and real jus- for the promise of social services that not the least of which is the fact that tice are achieved. drew these children to these towns, but delegations allegedly representing the The healing and the recovery of the it was fear of abduction by the LRA. two parties have questionable credi- Uganda people, particularly the chil- While security conditions in northern bility, the Juba process is being hailed dren, from this tragic war, requires Uganda have improved and the number as the best chance yet to ending the that we make their personal peace the of ‘‘night commuters’’ has decreased conflict by political means. priority right now. It is the only path over the past years, roughly 90 percent, H. Con. Res. 80 serves as an expres- to lasting stability for northern Ugan- 90 percent, Mr.
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