appendix 2 Alphabetical List of Ritual Remedies and Supports For canonical references, see, unless otherwise noted, the Derge canon. Whenever it was possible to identify a ritual text within one of the Drikungpa collections of such texts, that was preferred. Otherwise, reference is made to similar collections such as those of Karma Chagmé (CWKC-1, 2, and 3), which are also popular among the Drikung- pas. If such a reference could not be made, to provide an example, available ritual texts of other traditions are mentioned. Abbreviated Prajnaparamita(bsDus pa or ’Bum chung) Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa’i don ma nor bar bsdus pa ’bum chung. Zhol par khang print, Lha sa, 1914?; TBRC W3CN1595. Ablution of a Mountain(Ri khrus) Ri khrus shel dkar me long, DCh vol. 1, pp. 177–190; also ChDz vol. ro, no. 3, pp. 467–482, and KR pp. 349–359. Ablution of the Dwelling(gNas khang la khrus gsol) Ri klung gnas khang sogs la khrus chog byed tshul nyes pa kun sel, Collected Works of Chu bzang Bla ma Ye shes rgya mtsho, TBRC W1KG10772, vol. 1, pp. 382–390. Appeasement and Confession to the Guardians(Srung ma’i bskang bshags) Chos srung bskang bshags, Collected Works of the 5th Dalai Lama, vol. 14, pp. 163–168, TBRC W1PD107937. Appeasement and Summoning Prosperity of Vaishravana (rNam sras bskang ba g.yang ’gugs) rNam thos sras la brten nas phywa g.yang ’gugs pa’i cho ga, Collected Works of the 3rd Detri Tulku Jamyang Tubten Nyima (1779–1862), vol. 5, pp. 11ff., TBRC W22204. Appeasement of the Lha mo(lHa mo bskang ba) dPal ldan lha mo’i spyi bskang, CWKC-3, vol. 7, pp. 603–606. Appeasement of Vaishravana(rNam sras kyi bskang ba) ’Don cha nyer mkho phan bde’i bum bzang, Anthology of liturgical texts used in the Drukpa Kagyu order, vol. 5, pp. 674–679, TBRC W23685. © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2019 | doi:10.1163/9789004402621_007 Jan-Ulrich Sobisch - 9789004402621 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 01:24:54PM via free access 240 appendix 2 Avatamsaka Sutra Sangs rgyas phal po che zhes bya ba shin tu rgyas pa chen po’i mdo (Buddha Avataṃsaka Nāma Mahāvaipūlyasūtra), D vol. 35–38. Bahuputra Dharani(Bu mang po[’i gzungs]) ’Phags pa bu mang po rton pa zhes bya ba’i gzungs (Ārya Bahuputra Pratisara Nāma Dhāraṇī), D vol. 91, 52a5–52b5. Battle Thread Cross of Tara(sGrol ma’i g.yul mdos) rJe btsun ’phags ma sgrol ma’i g.yul mdos ji ltar bya tshul bsgrigs bltas chog tu bkod pa dgra las rnam par rgyal ba’i rnga sgra, DCh vol. 1, pp. 799–825. Black Ushnisha Dharani(gTsug tor nag mo’i gzungs) CMDh-2, pp. 327–335. Burnt Offering of Pacification(Zhi ba’i sbyin sregs) Ngan song yongs su sbyong ba gtsug tor dgu’i zhi ba’i sbyin sreg gi cho ga ’od kyi snye ma by Rig ’dzin Chos kyi grags pa, ChDz, vol. phe, pp. 190–228; Phur ba yang gsang bla med kyi zhi ba’i sbyin sreg gi cho ga phrin las 1hun grub by ’Phrin las bzang po, ChDz, vol. re, pp. 115–134, dPal ‘khor lo sdom pa lhan skyes lha lnga dril lugs kyi zhi ba’i sbyin sreg nag ’gros su bkod pa phrin las kun ’byung by ’Phrin las bzang po, ChDz, vol. le, pp. 283– 327. Burnt Offering of the Four Activities(Las bzhi’i sbyin sreg) dPal rdo rje mal ’byor ma’i sgo nas las bzhi’i sbyin sreg ’dod don kun sbyin by Rig ’dzin chos kyi grags pa, ChDz, vol. me, pp. 572–600, and gSang chen rgyud sde rgya mtsho’i phrin las bzhi’i sbyin sreg gi cho ga phrin las kun ’grub, pp. 600–663. Cheating Certain Death(’Chi nges pa’i srog bslu) Lit. “cheating the life force that is certain to die.” According to Khorchak Rinpoche, this practice is the same as Releasing Life (tshe thar), but here the animals that are saved were specifically doomed to be killed on the same day. Cheating Death(’Chi bslu) Mṛtyuṣṭhāpaka (’Chi ba bslu ba), D vol. 28, fols. 57b4–58a6. On such rituals, see Walter (2000: 605–624). Cheating Life(Tshe bslu ba) Offering a ransom for longevity. Yab sras kyi tshe bslu by Phag mo gru pa rDo rje rgyal po, Collected Works of Phag mo gru pa, vol. 7, 9v–11v, TBRC W23891; Bla tshe bslu zhing Jan-Ulrich Sobisch - 9789004402621 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 01:24:54PM via free access alphabetical list of ritual remedies and supports 241 dgug pa’i cho ga rin chen srog ri rgyab rten by ’Bri ban bde mchog rdo rje, DCh, vol. 1, pp. 658–684. Lurma (Chung sri’i gtor ma) gDon gsum gtor mas bzlog thabs dang / chung sri gtor mas bzlog thabs, CWKC-2, vol. 39, pp. 277–294. Collection of Dharanis(gZungs ’dus) CMDh-1, vol. 1, pp. 851–855. Combined Amitayus and Hayagriva Empowerment Tshe rta zung ’brel gyi tshe dbang bskur ba’i cho ga tshe srog rdo rjer sgrub pa’i bcud len by Thang stong rgyal po, TBRC W4CZ1112. Condensed Sutra(mDo sdud pa) ’Phags pa chos yang dag par sdud pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo (Ārya Dhar- masaṃgīti Nāma Mahāyānasūtra), D, vol. 65, fols. 1b1–99b7. Consecration(Rab gnas) Rab gnas bsdus pa, DCh, vol. 1, pp. 158–159; Rab gnas, KR, pp. 345–349. Damsi Ransom(Dam sri glud) gSang bdag dregs pa ’dul byed las tshogs dam sri’i glud mdos, RT, vol. 70, pp. 249–255. Defeating Mahasahasra(sTong chen mo rab tu ’joms ma) One of the Five Great Dharanis. sTong chen po rab tu ’joms pa zhes bya ba’i mdo, D, vol. 90, 63b1–87b1; vol. 102, fols. 189b6–190a1. Dharani of Getting Free from the Fetters(bCings pa las grol ba’i gzungs) bCings pa las grol ba’i gzungs, D, vol. 96, fols. 116a5–116a6. Dharani of Grahamatrika(gZa’ yum) ’Phags ma gza’ rnams kyi yum zhes bya ba’i gzungs, D, vol. 91, fols. 180b5–183b4 and 183b5–186a5. Dharani of Logyön(Lo gyon ma’i gzungs) ’Phags ma ri khrod lo ma gyon ma zhes bya ba’i gzungs,(Ārya Parṇṇaśavari Nāma Dhā- raṇī), D, vol. 94, fols. 228b1–229a3; also Lo ma gyon ma’i gzungs chog shin tu zab pa by Rig ’dzin Chos kyi grags pa, ChDz, vol. ne, pp. 291–298. Jan-Ulrich Sobisch - 9789004402621 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 01:24:54PM via free access 242 appendix 2 Dharani of the Drum Sound of Deathlessness(’Chi med rnga sgra’i gzungs) Q, vol. 7, 243b1–243b5. Dharani of the Good Jewel(Nor bu bzang po’i gzungs) Ārya Maṇibhadra Nāma Dhāraṇī (’Phags pa nor bu bzang po’i gzungs), D, vol. 96, fols. 56a1–56b2. Dharani of the Protection and Increase of Wealth and Livestock(Nor phyugs bsrung zhing spel ba’i gzungs) ’Phags pa nor phyugs skyong zhing spel ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs dang gtsang ma klu ’bum dkar po, TBRC W1KG22684. Dharani of the Trunk Ornament(’Phags pa sdong po rgyan gyi mchog ces bya ba’i gzungs) Ārya Gaṇḍālaṃkārāgra Dhāraṇī, D, vol. 102, fols. 235a2–235b4. Dharani of Ushnisha Vijaya(rNam rgyal ma’i gzungs) Sarvatathāgatoṣṇīṣavijayā Nāma Dhāraṇī Kalpa (De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma’i gzungs), D, vol. 90, fols. 248a3–250a5. Dispelling the Darkness of the Ten Directions(Phyogs bcu’i mun sel) KR, pp. 324–326. Dra Tog Ser Sum(Grwa tog gser gsum) According to Khenchen Rinpoche, this consists of: (1) “Five Great Dhāraṇīs” (gZungs chen grwa lnga, see Grwa lnga), (2) the ’Dus pa chen po rin po che tog gi gzungs, and (3) the gSer ’od mdo (see gSer ’od). TBRC W3CN506. Ārya Mahāsannipāta Ratnaketu Dhāraṇī Nāma Mahāyānasūtra (’Phags pa ’dus pa chen po rin po che tog gi gzungs zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo), D, vol. 56, fols. 187b3– 277b7. Drop of the Sutra(mDo thig) Appeasement of sadag, cf. Tsering (1995: 114). Dag pa gser gyi mdo thig, or, alternatively, gZa’ skar gsang ba’i zu tse bskol gyi mdo zhes bya ba’i gzungs, ascribed to Kong rtse lha’i rgyal po, TBRC W1KG5988, vol. 1, ch. nu, p. 1343. Drum Sound of Golden Light(gSer ’od rnga sgra) gSer ’od snga sgra, CMDh-2. Jan-Ulrich Sobisch - 9789004402621 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 01:24:54PM via free access alphabetical list of ritual remedies and supports 243 Eight Appearances(sNang brgyad) ’Phags pa gnam sa snang brgyad ces bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo, CMDh-2, vol. 2, pp. 484–498. The text is discussed by Tucci (1990: II, 723, n. 29). Edition and transla- tion in Weber and Huth (1891). Eight Thousand Lines Prajnaparamita(brGyad stong) Aṣṭasahāsrika Prajñāpāramitā, TBRC W22084, vol. 33. Empowerment of Logyön(Lo gyon ma’i dbang) Lo gyon ma’i dbang grangs su bsogs pa’i tshe dbang, CWKC-1, vol. 31, pp. 723–726. Essence of the Amogha Lasso(Don yod zhags pa’i snying po) ’Phags pa don yod zhags pa’i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo (Āryāmogha- pāśa Hṛdaya Māhāyānasūtra), D, vol. 91, fols. 278b1–284a7. Essence of the Amogha Lasso Dharani(Don yod zhags pa’i snying po’i gzungs) ’Phags pa don yod zhags pa’i snying po zhes bya ba’i gzungs (Ārya Amoghapāśa Hṛdaya Nāma Dhāraṇī), D, vol.
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