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FEDERAL BUREAU OF n921vEsTIGAT10N ,-., _r.._.._ VIOLA LIUZZO MURDER PART 9 OF 14 FILE NUMBER : 44-28601 . ~ - GENERAL INVESTI PDIVISION 0 T The informant is Gary &#39;. .>..|as Rowe &#39; _ arrest whoof furnished subjects information Charged leading with to the murderthe of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo. - - -&#39;-*"51I"-&#39;" ~;=&#39;i&#39;i&#39;*,;&#39;v-eat wh h92~$-I* -"" = . -- . _k _ :.- .. _,,|&#39;_J.:- P lkly. _ -_ -&#39;-ff . .,u i ,h_.4,,_.,.-. &#39;_ h -_ &#39;_ Kr; _.&#39; _ "4" ,92_ &#39; " - .L ¢*".&#39;._ -"".- w--1 P Lhg, &#39; -~#,_.-h-9 --I an-92-. mg"; I &#39;~ J5 ~ A &#39;21? .;~.=;Fh._..~z&#39;-_Té@o» "&#39; IF -~" &#39;.-"&#39;_92-&#39;¥&#39; -. "r.=-&#39;r*w=-H; - r- 3&#39;1: -NJ g, &#39; I II &#39; W r""&#39;_": ~ F . &#39; . " 7&#39; -if o _;_ -~.<~:~1 __ ,2 _ N, _ Y _ --_ ,_ -.._, "¢-:-1*;-=".&#39;s~.§ I _____ ..,,¢e"-&#39;»5..:-iv__.,_ ,:1 1!?-"""-=..»--=.*~P. - _ :¬ -~&#39;-"-""=-*?""&#39;92.&#39;1:&#39;.".-r~= &#39;1._l" &#39;_u-r .1; _"nu--_&#39; -**&#39;."_-&#39; ,_;:;l:2 _ I. 1: »"-F, &#39;I &#39; &#39; 1 _ oa", . - 1&#39;; :-&#39;hI"-I-" . A _ gr-Q~-. - - WI. --Q.&#39;1.-3&#39;1; 9, _ _ . ._ ~l 1.. § I . 5 k _ _ _.¢-.-¢,.q.--_-..-¢_-...,_v._--¢--..p- -1- 92lM 1-~-~-y w-,---.--.»-.--- ~-I -- -~ ,----~-9»- ~-- ~ ¢---- ~ --- -*&#39;-- - -- - -- -._ *. -&#39;&#39; "~. &#39; "&#39; " "&#39; .1 4 &#39; - - -- - I 41----I-- - _-_ -...c-. .-_.J_.._ 1 0 1 u " I I 1 1 Q - _ I . 0 &#39; &#39; . | - ,92 , I . - l . ., I-. , _ __ _ _ 1 | , , . <~=5;ar92f:-&#39;1,un- . _-__...n--.-_-n-_--.--- .h I ._.-.. "&#39; -_ "_ &#39; -*?;-12,-"arsz-.f"¢=a="-5&#39;r¢",;=,a-;"-o+:- 2 - .. --f-» - - -....h. .;t _ .. -oT<Qgg-3?*§F?Q@~;- .,-.-- I _ -~ I |IIIe92uvou-uq_ 0| &#39; pro-no nulnallnlun "1 cnoln.Io.-IQ.» - . UNITED s&#39;r/vrss co &#39; "unm- oi kbnL__ H92tl&#39;_._...._ DILooI.&#39;i__.._ Memorandum &nn___ Cllllnlun __._ E?» Belmont ggfgp Hay 20, QQ}?---,Cm___ __ .f Fell /~,-1 A.ai§ga&#39; 1965 i allnv-1;:Colo :¥ Belmont g:fg;:;Tn___ EUGEN1§_TI10LmS, ET AL; _ Rosen&#39; mun VIOLA.L1UJZO, Ara, ET an - v1cr1us Halley g CIVIL RIGHTS - ELECTION LAWS McGowan &#39; Hines I rid Gary ThomasRowe, our inior 4n#n-_+4n- 4An_+J:4*_ +L_ -ukanqen rl-I-ll-92I"4ll-Ill--I-92J&#39;Il L92-11:11 I:-I-L"-I-I-I5 III-JG §Ll92JJC92¢biD shooting 0 mant who furnished ;_ responsihl E for the - pr , 18 , Rowe was returned to against subjects before Federal and state grand juries and &#39; on 5/3/65 he was returned to Alabama to testif in the state 1 murder trial of subject Collie Leroy he trial, with a bwi Office who was handling the OIIDQII. - the time he furnished the initial information identifying w92 th SAiaccompanyuh=or in this case. him during It was the felt crucial necessary period that T of his appearances before the grand juries and at the state murder trial in order to insure his protection and to maintain effective control over him. u -1 "I10 I - is not ant c pated that 1 be needed in Alabama before the retrial of Wilkins or the initial trials of the other two subjects Eugene Thomas and William Orville Eaton which are tentstiwlyescheduled for September and October, 1965. /.1 r" ____ Q/0 _ OBSERVATIONS: . Wu REG - &#39;19 ° W 25 1955 /ed-ea :Yd w&#39;e have received no indication that he :|._s E any lmmudinte personal dnrncr, it does not appear necg§sar_ at he be accompanied at all times by an Agent. - ,* E I |lIIII&#39;IiE;3Jvuu.-r &#39; J Mk d .- /I7; ,- l &#39; Q t Q t I TRUE COPY i A Dear Mr. Hoover: Your comments and letter have been very much. - appreciated. Our history class was very happy and also proud to receive your comments which were very helpful in helping us draw conclusions. We understand why you can&#39;t give us more infor- mation, and we were surprised that you could tell us as much as you did. We realize your position and are glad you answered -.-.-.1an J unn V rlia- We certainly don&#39;t want to be too time consuming" and ii we are, don&#39;t bother with us", we understand; but we have more questions! Living in Alabama, we realize that we are looked _ down on by many--especially those in the North. Still we want to see justice done, and that&#39;s why I want to question you on the _Iiiuzzo__._";&#39;. - Case and FBI-man, Rowe. Is this really an FBI agent, and was this an attempt to inliltrate the Klan? It seems like a good idea, i_f Rowe is what he says he ts. This is what I wonder about. ! Another thing I&#39;m interested in is the U. K. A. , and that&#39;s why I enclosed the , newspaper clipping; some of the issues in it raise questions. What &#39; do you think about KKKand the others? Answer as you see fit, - I and thanks again! I _ - - l ,,.,,._,W H- Smcerely, _ iéts f I . - bib ,5 21 MAY 25 1955&#39;-III? -.--. .f, - I -:.._-- - em _.,_REC-13 . 1&#39; " 1&#39; &#39; " . -»-as 1 &#39; 1 &#39; 5* ;_ ,1 ml " -&#39;¬tfr* 92 " _ % _ K ____,._ - - . __&#39; D.&#39; /"&#39;*-,/L ¢i""r:f, "&#39; "" 1_ _. .-. T37"~92.&#39;; .Y_-.-. .-,_*"i-"+- &#39;<;.¬»-1&#39;!-J-4-L=t.7v-**92&#39;7 , _ -4-,_ 2 &#39;e.._ ---...§v 4.&#39;>.&#39;._1.--.9292.-we--&#39;¢-&#39;92..w§.z"I§&#39;.-P-=--~v92._.- .92.-f.!L1=!. -¢~.:»-A-.".¢92....l._ 1=*&#39;l-~.,*-A-&#39;:: - ~~ ** .92 Q A ox r _ &#39; I 1- :" $4 F -i r s /aw !/&#39;l4- //Won. 4&#39;7 :1//2. 06¢ J Z5 /wan-we __m /w6}1</5: wa MW . ,92 We mw/Pwnl w/y 7414, ua />z¢¢a Mn! am u/at =T?&#39;wC&#39;?"I>1¢0 /Eli m an .4-.41 fawn. Q/21.1 Wu £141- :&#39;4*&#39;¢r» Mwwmw ma r/-12¢ 6 /Lcv/1,zfw-:~.,%":y ¢&/r w/mt 451 /a J81- , .._ .. __._ _..-__ .- - -&#39;"&#39;-"&#39;;;&#39;Z:5;,*"&#39; % ¢&#39;¬¢né" -4*/aa, :!?»&#39;a&#39;2" &#39; l&#39;;:1>§1r MM 044,4; 40¢/Qua - 4&#39;?--6"f& Kzu.l<>7ZmZ0./ we: , L042. F ___!/ , &.>_~:??6&#39;?>a1&#39; ma qua /e04/5-/rén//7, 1 92= ,9/~¢ " ¢¢/<&#39;/Gsv &#39;M. "5 W I " I, " . 92 1" !<f;x._§Ur¢/¢&#39;.&#39;."¬{:r»<f4z.§ _ "&#39; l . _,.¢»J_,¢ fr Ir; ~:Z;¢&#39;l.¢./cl/r1.J»." I &#39;3 -r 4-.11? :41. 11-; it/zaao M44 . pa ° old/3&#39;20 an @114/74/*-Ima, I?a/6. 05-&#39;-6444&#39;: 1 &#39;...~.&#39;. "-1 "&#39;.7~_} __ , -. ;_ 1&#39; &#39; 1&#39; "_ "Raf -Y p - &#39;* " &#39; " ,__ _;_ _ &#39;,__ _,_ ,1-&#39; *7;" . 1&#39; - ..92$ __ V Q1 V _&#39;__ ~=&#39;-21*-&#39;~ . &#39; 92 ~"1;&#39; -1-&#39;1 _ I-Mg»---rr*---r---*..&#39;-w-&#39;-1 _ _ _ - " ; W W "ii: "- _ _-"&#39;1&#39;"J&#39;i .1;-92_~ &#39;.&#39;x-. -4,- < . -J ... -&#39;*,...92-_{__&#39;3-s,92;,.@..,_ ~~_92~,92.192,-"_p?,i&#39;,,v-3 .";-_&#39;t92&#39;92--Z-wI"l&#39;.3u-*.?92 _";2T:&#39;§?92|iw-4 w , @ oi | I J". &#39; . -I-C - _ D F "1- &#39; &#39; &#39; lg s N I I aw 6?/L 76/ 1% J6, ml It/#4 mmbdmqaz» 1 ma ,<g Km @w4¢ Azdey /{za3.{}%<J M" ~5M"~59 ~&#39;/45Wi-/&#39; saw?/fa ?Z<41;¢i1»¢ 92 m<?uw.ZZl m 4 1%? ./r. /_;., ,¢,,,/54,13 Mi? all/»*~cxéa<u.4 /!|,£¢¢/&#39;1/7,5141 ; ¢,,e4,,_¢ ! If P71: 4441414 MHZ /baa} :40;/@¢< MM dim! 4"/1&#39;4 40:14/@§&#39;§2d/391%? F I/:&#39;.<:/1/"5! czusi / I A . 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