LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 29th August 2017 Report of Contact Officer: Ward: Assistant Director, Andy Higham Chase Regeneration & Planning Sharon Davidson Ms Claire Williams Tel No: 02083794372 Ref: 17/01966/RE4 Category: LBE - Dev by LA LOCATION: Bulls Cross Field , Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, EN1 4RL PROPOSAL: Construction of a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and 4 x Football/Rugby pitches with associated access routes, floodlighting and landscaping. Applicant Name & Address: Agent Name & Address: Mr Tony Theodoulou Mr Matt Shillito Civic Centre 19 Maltings Place Silver Street 169 Tower Bridge Road Enfield London London SE1 3JB EN1 3XY RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions Plan Numbers: 739 200 P1 (Location Plan), 739 203 P1 (Existing Site Plan), 739 204 P2 (Proposed MUGA layout and Elevations), 739 205 P1 (Existing Pitch Layout), 739 206 P2 (Proposed Site Plan), 6338 1 P3 (MUGA lighting scheme) Note for Members: The application has been brought to the Planning Committee because Enfield Council is the applicant. Ref: 17/01966/RE4 LOCATION: Bulls Cross Field , Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, EN1 4RL Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey Scale 1:1250 North on behalf of HMSO. ©Crown Copyright and database right 2013. All Rights Reserved. Ordnance Survey License number 100019820 Site and Surroundings 1.1 The site comprises the Bulls Cross sports field situated south east of the junction of Bulls Cross and Bullsmoor Lane. There is a tennis court located within the north west corner of the site. The playing fields are enclosed by a low-level rail fence with boundary vegetation behind. The Lombardy Poplar trees lined along the northern boundary of the sports ground are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (LBE Order No.(168) 1985). 1.2 Immediately to the east is the former Orchardside Nursery site which is currently being redeveloped to provide the new Orchardside STC. Construction of the new STC building is underway and is due for completion this summer. Capel Manor College is located on the northern side of Bullsmoor Lane opposite the site. The College occupies a Grade II* listed building (Capel Manor) and other listed buildings are on the site. 1.3 Current pedestrian access to the Bulls Cross Sports Ground is via an open access point in the perimeter fencing located off Bulls Cross Road in the south west corner of the sports ground. A gated vehicular access is located off Bullsmoor Lane on the north boundary to the east of the former tennis court. A pedestrian access and two vehicular access points to the Orchardside STC site are off Bullsmoor Lane to the east of the proposed MUGA site. 1.4 The site is located within the Forty Hall Conservation Area and the Metropolitan Green Belt and is a designated Local Open Space. 2.0 Proposal 2.1 The application seeks planning permission for the construction of a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and 4 x Football/Rugby pitches with associated access routes, floodlighting and landscaping. 2.2 The proposed MUGA would measure 43m X 61m including a 3m run-off at both ends and both sides. The MUGA would provide a five/ seven-a-side football pitch that would measure 37 metres x 55 metres. The MUGA would be enclosed with 3 metre high weld mesh acoustic rebound fencing that would be formed by a heavy duty grid system. There would be a 3 metre wide double access gate to allow for maintenance access to the north western corner. The remaining three corners will have a single gate for access/ball retrieval. 2.3 The pitch and run-off surface is proposed to be a porous synthetic grass surface formed of 3G artificial turf/polymeric linked to a drainage attenuation system. Six floodlights are proposed which would be designed in accordance with the illumination requirements set out in Sport England Technical Guidance Note 370 – Floodlighting and the appropriate National Governing bodies (football). The MUGA is proposed to operate up to 9pm. 2.4 The proposed development would be used by the local community and the students of the STC (Orchardside School). 2.5 Parking spaces are not proposed within the site. The design and access statement sets out that parking will be available along Bullsmoor Lane as existing and the proposed Orchardside STC building will also have parking facilities which could be made available to evening users, by agreement. 2.6 The existing redundant tennis courts will be reseeded with a playing field mix to create a sward that marries in with the existing playing field. 2.7 Amended drawings have been received that has removed the markings for one pitch in the north western corner of the site and confirmed that the fencing will be green. 3.0 Relevant Planning History 3.1 None 4.0 Consultations 4.1 Statutory and non-statutory consultees 4.1.1 Tree Officer: No objection. 4.1.2 Environmental Health Officer: No objection as there is unlikely to be a negative environmental impact, in particular regarding air quality, contaminated land and noise. 4.1.3 GLAAS: A condition and informative has been suggested to conserve the archaeological interest on the site. 4.1.4 Traffic and Transportation: No objection subject to conditions relating to access arrangements, cycle parking, number of users and car parking usage surveys. 4.1.5 Forty Hill and Bulls Cross Study Group: Concerns relate to the following matters: • Limited detail on any change in topography of the land • No reference to Conservation Area’s Character Appraisal • Primary use as a public open space and how the local amenity would be affected • Floodlights – need, operation and aesthetic appearance – high poles and illumination would have a deleterious impact on the conservation area and the green belt • Loss of Poplar trees • Additional paraphernalia 4.1.6 Sports England: No objection subject to a condition relating to a community use agreement and an informative. 4.1.7 CAG: Overall satisfied that the area will remain a sports field. Suggested a number of recommendations including relocation of the MUGA behind the new school and in turn relocation of the access to the MUGA, painting of the MUGA structure green, resistance of high lighting towers to illuminate the pitches and the MUGA, avoiding plastic surface devoid of a natural appearance, no screening bunds to impair open vistas and no loss of mature boundary trees. 4.1.8 Conservation Officer: Concerns raised regarding the placement of the MUGA, the floodlights proposed, the artificial surface of the MUGA and the potential loss of the mature Poplar trees along the boundary. The Conservation recognises the public benefits and the justification that has been put forward regarding the above concerns. 4.2 Public response 4.2.1 Letters were sent to 22 adjoining and nearby residents, a site notice posted and a press notice published in the local paper. Four comments were received and can be summarised as follows: - Affect local ecology - Close to adjoining properties - General dislike of proposal - Increase in traffic - Noise nuisance - Not enough info given on application - Out of keeping with character of area - Over development - Loss of an open space for the public - Strain on existing community facilities - Inadequate public transport provisions - No local consultation or notification - Loss of a quiet space - Not enough evidence on increased noise, traffic, lack of residential parking with the green field being the only site that is providing an oasis to the residents between the two developments – the school and Tottenham Hotspurs football club - Does not understand the need for the proposal on an existing open space sports field - Currently there are issues with building works and associated traffic, parking and noise - Impact on property values Case Officer response: Impact on property values is not a material planning consideration. All other issues will be explored within the analysis section of the report. As set out in paragraph 4.2.1 a site notice was posted, press notice published in the local paper and 22 adjoining and nearby residents were consulted in accordance with planning legislation. 5.0 Relevant Policy 5.1 London Plan (2016) Policy 6.9 Cycling Policy 6.10 Walking Policy 6.13 Parking Policy 7.2 An inclusive environment Policy 7.3 Designing out crime Policy 7.4 Local character Policy 7.5 Public realm Policy 7.6 Architecture Policy 7.8 Heritage Assets and Archaeology 5.2 Core Strategy (November 2010) CP30 Maintaining and improving the quality of the built and open environment CP31 Built and Landscape Heritage CP32: Pollution CP33: Green Belt and countryside CP36: Biodiversity 5.3 DMD (November 2014) DMD44 Conserving and Enhancing Heritage Assets DMD45 Parking Standards and Layout DMD59 Avoiding and Reducing Flood Risk DMD64 Pollution Control and Assessment DMD 71 Protection and Enhancement of Open Space DMD 74 Playing Pitches DMD78 Nature Conservation DMD80 Trees on Development Sites DMD81 Landscaping 5.4 Other Policy National Planning Policy Framework Forty Hall Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2015) Sports England’s policy on planning applications affecting playing fields ‘A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England’ – Exception 5 - The proposed development is for an indoor or outdoor sports facility, the provision of which would be of sufficient benefit to the development of sport as to outweigh the detriment caused by the loss of the playing field or playing fields. 6.0 Analysis Principle 6.1 Policy DMD71 of the Development Management Document states that essential structures and facilities that would support the enjoyment of, and maintain the openness of the open space will be acceptable provided that the size, siting, location, design and materials would be sympathetic and proportionate to the operational requirements of the open space that it supports.
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