~ Threat of rain I>ushes big 1\-;B parade to Nov. 3 6£7 . ' • I • I Community Newspaper Company www.townonline.com/alfstonbrighton FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2002 Vol. 7, No. 9 48 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ I I I ·!Dispute leads to shooting at CVS I (: By Phoebe Sweet times in the chest '"ith •a sir all-caliber hand name of the shooter wa., not available at STAFF WRITER gun at close ran9e. The SL .,pect then shot pressllme. Police withheld the shooter's ne man is dead and another is hos­ himself in the head. He v.a-. pronounced name until famH) members are notified. pitalized after a shooting yesterda) dead and tmm.J?Orted to Bngham and Accordin!! to E\ans. there wa., a woman in­ 0 at the CVS at 1266 Common­ Women\ Ho.,pital. \Ohed in the relationship \vho was not pre­ wealth Ave. in Allston. According to po lice, As of midaflt:rooon on Thur,day. Froio' -;ent at the time of the crime. at 8:50 a.m., an unidentified gunman shot was listed in extreme!) crit cal condition at E\ an-. aho -.aid that there was no connec­ Vladimir Frolov, 37, of Brookline, and then Brigham and Women\ Hmp1tal. tion \\.hatsoever between the shooting and turned his gun on himself. Evan'> said Froio,.· and the u.,pect. a the CVS store. which police closed for the According to District 14 Police Captain white male belie ed to be about 30 )ears da). There Y.as no robber) imohed. William Evans, the !)Uspect fo llowed the old. knev. each c>ther befc re the incident. '"Whatever they chose to do, they chose HERALD PHOTO BY JON HILL victim down an aisle to the back of the CVS Evans -.aid that th 'hootinP re~ulted from a to do it )1ere." said E\am•. "It was noth ing A CVS employee who witnessed a double shooting on Thursday store, where he shot Frolov three to fo ur domestit.. dispute O\er a r~:lation-.hip. The morning describes what she saw to fellow employees outside at store SHOOTING, page 13 at the Intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Street. Victory is Ciolden in state rep. race Golden holds off challenge from Friedman, Felker By Brock Parker and Phoebe Sweet STAFF WRITERS Incumbent Rep. Brian Golden nar­ rowly defeated challenger David Friedman on Tuesday in the Democra­ tic primary for the 18th Suffo lk House seat by 232 votes after battling contro­ versy over his suppo1t of both House Speaker Tom Finneran and President George Bush and for what his oppo­ nent's call his "conservati ve" voting record. ' With all precincts and wards report­ ing Tuesday night, Golden had 2,053 votes to Friedman\ 1,821 in Tuesday\ primaf) to take the Democratic nom• nation for the seat. With no Republican challengers in the race, Golden is as­ sured victory in the general election on Nov. 5. Challenge• Paul Felker fin­ ished a distant third in the primaf) with 225 votes. Golden\ 'ictory w:as secured in All­ ston and Brighton, \\ here he gamed 47.7 percent of the vo~e while Fried­ man finished second with 33.5 percent. STAFF PHOTO BY KEITH E. JACOBSON In stark contrast, Friedman topped State Rep. Brian Golden hugs Ills mom Eileen at his campaign headquarters after declaring victory In Tuesday's state primary race. Golden won reelection In the 18th Golden in the only Brookline precinct Suffolk District, topping Democ~ratlc challangers David Friedman and Paul Felker. included in the district, Precinct I, with 447 votes (81 percent) to Golden's 98 votes ( 18 percent). Speaking to a crowd of his support­ A-B voters charted ers at the Green Briar on Washington Street in Brighton Tuesday, Golden their own course said he was glad that the increasingly negative race was over and that he was After all the political parrying and handshaking happy to be the last man standing. outside the polls on Tuesday, the numbers in All­ "If my first win is never exceeded in ston-Brighton showed more than predictions, polls, its euphoria, then it's equaled tonight," and conjecture ever could. With two contested local Golden said. "Not only did my oppo­ races, there were candidates aplenty vying f-0r last­ nent have all the time in the world, m; minute votes. When all the votes were counted, the we found out last week, he had all the hottest races for Allston-B righton voters went to in­ money in the world. I feel terrific." cumbent Brian Golden for the 18th Suffo lk State Throughout Golden's re-election Representati ve seat, and JruTett Barrios for the Suf­ campaign, which was shortened when folk, Essex and Middlesex State Senate spot. his Army Reserve unit was called into However, the voters of Allston-Brighton and the active duty for a six-month peace­ rest of Boston didn't necessarily pick the winners. keeping mission in Bosnia, Golden While Boston toppled the Brookline vote to chose fought to overcome criticism of his Golden for the 18th Suffolk, Boston voters picked S AFF Pffi SY KEITH £ IN: JdSON David Friedman waves to supporters as he enters The Kells' function room on Tuesday night. Friedman ELECTION, page 13 ' GOLDEN, page 13 finished a close second to Incumbent State Rep. Brian Golden. ' . INSIDE Waterworks amendment flows by Zoning Commission By Phoebe Sweet op :nent on a 1.2-acre piece of the crumbling Waterworks build­ toric buildings, most who gave STAFFWR l site. "We're going to have ings, which have essentially been testimony, whether positive or The Zoning Commi. '-100 of 'Ille pruposaJ. \vhich has been cut loose by the Massachusetts negati ve, agreed that some devel­ the Boston Redevelopment As­ in the works for near!) a year­ to live with this forever. Water Resources Authority. opment on the currently paved­ sociation voted imanimou<..l) at a and-a-hal f, will al low a chosen We want something 'The intent of the zoning over "pipe yard" site· was neces­ hearing Wednesda) to ad pt a de "eloper to redevelop and reu-.e [amendment] is to encourage sary. However, the degree to proposed zoning amendment for the three exi 'ting historical build­ reasonable." reuse and redevelopment of his­ which that land could be and the historic Chestnut Hill \v'nter­ ing a" \\ell a-; to develop a new toric buildings," said Rick Shak­ should be developed was widely works site in Brighton. building to the height of 75 feet State Rep Brian Golden lik of the BRA. "The only way debated. ENTERTAiNMENT The amendment. proposcll b> \\.ith a floor to area ratio of .74 in these buildings ... can be reused is The two most controversial el­ a Ma'> achusetts Divi ion of Carr an area that '"as zoned for a rural, or commercial shops or of­ to fi nd a private developer." ements of the proposal, the height ital Asset Management Ad\ Mf) height of 35 feet prior to Wednes­ fices and forbid use as donnitory, While there were some voices and FAR, took center stage dur­ Fall arts preview, Board, was drafted to lure devel­ day\ heruing. industrial, funeral home, bar or at the hearing that cautioned ing the debate. The FAR, which part 2· opers into restoring the hi-.loric The propo')a] d~ignated the motel. against the use of private devel­ dictates the square footage that waterworks buildings m ex­ si te for use as re idential, hotel, The universal goal expressed opment as a means to gamer the can be built proportionate to the change for creating a nev. devel- conferen1..:e, communit) or cul- by both camps was to save the funds to restore and maintain his- WATERWORKS, page 8 ~SEEPAGE 17 • <'\~ 1P. -t0 Auo spwaJ growp. INSIDE MAEL ~\~· o ~r •for lids & «tnagers SIMPLY FREE ~ ~~~~--~·J*::c ~ Around the city 14 ~~ \';.\~ • 1 • ~... fall Cl.wts CHIROPRACTIC ~·"'«'- ~ for KW and Ttmogm Commentary 10 CHECKING 1 '5 \cJ.r> expcr1c1K:c Ontu1 Learn to dance Community Notes Call Customer ice 9 Sports Sm Pnvate and group lessons with or without for more details Crtme 4 partner • weekly dances • low rates --~-. 21. Auto Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties Entertainment 17 tfMerrantile Bank FREE "~JIY @ro®:l' 134 Tremont Street • Brighton Ubrary Notes 3 Work Injuries tA COMM N JY IANK 61 7-566-7850 423 Washington Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Rea/Jot® Obituaries 5 556 Cambridge ~t •• Bri£?hlon 617-783-3500 ·'/< of New England Polltlcal Notebook 14 617· 782·3000 www.bankatmercantile.com \. 384 Harvard St. Brookline (617) 787-2121 (617) 787-8700 331 Washington St. (Brighlon Cenler) Member FDIC 1\ www.DanceSport-NewEngland.com • Page 2 -A~lston-Brighton TAB Friday, Septem~r 20, 2002 WW\v.townonline.com/allstonbrighton ... ' I We want your news! Key Cortrl:acts: COMMUNITY . t 1• •• I~ ~:::: THIS WEEK on ownon 1ne ·com . ·. ·. · f, Editor ••• •.•.••••.••.. W~ne Braverman (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton TAB! We . • . • • • . • ••••.• . •. ....... [email protected] are eager to serve as a forum for the communi· The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at Et" nonline.com/ allstonbrighton a(ld America Re,orter : ..... ....•....... Phoebe Sweet (781) 433-8333 Online Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features from more than 45 local publications, pro- ty. Please send us calendar listings, social • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • . • . ... • . [email protected] files of more than 200 Easterf! Massachusetts comm ies, and items of regional interest. news and any other items of community intc• - Editor in chief . •... • : . ••. Greg Reibman (781) 433·8345 . ~st. Please mail the information to Wayne • • • .
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