![1936-06-06, [P PAGE SIX]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PAGE SIX MONTANA OU. AND MININO lOClRAl SATURDAY, JUNE I, ISM. v He haa been around a long time. Sid OTEL » Phillips, who pride« himself on re- j AIN BOW Dates of Big Game Hunting GREAT __ 9IJO Up mem bering dates and events, states that H FALLS R Fireproof he attended Jack’s 50th birthday din­ £ Montana ner, nearly 20 years ago. Sid has been MONTANA’S DISTINCTIVE HOSTELS Y Season in State Announced Indicted lor elaboration upon occasion, and he may be off a few years one way HOTEL, BUTTE, of the coming big game bunt­ or the other. Dates ley, Missoula. Park, Pondera, Ravalli Mont Fireproof ing seasons, established by the Mon­ and Stillwater. After bis baseball days. Jack was tana Pish and Game commission, were The following counties will be closed Sports Talcs New Fialen with ail chief of the Helena police de par tment Bates: *2.0® and op. announced recently by Kenneth P. Mac­ to deer hunting: Blaine, Carbon, Car­ for a number of years; later he servedt Donald, state fish and game warden. ter, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Fallon, as fire chief at the Great Falls smelter The regular season on elk will be Garfield, Hill. Jefferson, Liberty. Mc­ plant. In recent years he has been at­ from Oct. 15 to Nov. 15. Inclusive. Coun­ Cone, Musselshell, Petroleum, Phillips, of other da us tached to state government agencies. ties closed as a whole to elk hunting Powder River, Prairie, Rosebud, Sheri­ At the present writing he is on the staff ■/, ck will be Beaverhead. Big Horn, Blaine, dan, Teton, Toole, Treasure, Valley, By JOE L. MARKHAM. Chairman Montana State Athletic Commission of the Hardware Co. of Helena. Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Wibaux and Yellowstone. i He was in Butte a few weeks aim at­ Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Deer Lodge, While the general elk season Is from, ___ tending the Hardware men’s conven- ¥ Fallon. Fergus, Garfield, Glacier. Gold- Oct. 15 to Nov. 15, dates vary In several JACK FLANNERY, DIAMOND VET . coast. He purposely struck out, though fB Hatched in Montana. tion. when called upon for a talk at ÜÜ flexed by expert, accur­ in Valley. Hill, Jefferson, Lake, Liberty, of the big game areas. In the Lewis What Montana man has played on there were two men on bases, so he one of the meetings, he remarked that -A Lincoln, McCone. Meagher, Mussel­ and Clark county portion of the Sun Q minor league baseball clubs than could say hello to the cheering group, it was natural for a hard-boiled guy acy guaranteed. State , river country the season will be from SiyÆ playeT^stor present? He was not only surprised but£lfghted approved and pul Lo rum tested. WasldaeecB shell, Petroleum. Phillips, Pondera, like himself to drift into a hard busi­ cerUfled and Master breeding farm quality. Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Rose­ Oct. 15 to Dec. 1, both dates inclusive., waJf responsible for the spit-ball to find that the "fire” chorus was from ness. But beneath his suit of clothes, Larae healthy chicks, heavy weight btrdi bud. Roooevelt, Sheridan, Silver Bow, In the Lewis and Clark county portion introduced in the big leagues? Butte. His next three trips to the plate there beats a warm, friendly heart, for and bis eggs. CHICK SHEWS FREE Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Toole, Treas­ of the Lincoln region the season is. who was the first manager to thwart were productive of hits. When the game Jack Flannery is a grand person. Gallatin Chick Hatchery, Beseasaa. Moat. ure. Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux and from Nov. 1 to Nov. 15. !the squeeze play, as well as being re- was over. Jack and his Butte mends Yellowstone. The portion of Missoula county lying sponsible for its introduction In the took the wheel out of Wheeling that Counties open In their entirety to the north of the main line of the Northern majors? night. hunting of elk Include Judith Basin, Pacific railroad and south of the Black-1 who was the roughest riding base- Looked at First Spit-Ball A WHISKEY Ravalli, Sanders and Teton. Portions foot river will be open from Nov. 1 to runner of the minor league players? | Getting back to the “spit-ball.” As a u of the following counties will be open: Nov. 15. I What player of 30 or 40 yearn ago member of the Tacoma team, while WORTH Broadwater, Flathead, Gallatin, Gran­ In the famous northern elk nerd re-1 was greeted with yells of '‘fire" when playing at Portland, he faced Elmer ite, Lewis and Clark, Madison, Mineral, gion in Park county adjacent to Yellow- ■ came to bat? stricklett,t the first pitcher to use the RCMEMBERIH0 Missoula, Park and Powell. stone national park, the season will be! jack Flannery of Helena is the an- “spltter.” Jack was always a good hlt- from Oct. 15 to March 1. swer to all six questions. ter, had a great eye, avoiding the bod The general deer season will be Oct. The area permanently closed to elk, Played Most Everywhere _ ones. Jack saw a ball coming up that 15 to Nov. 15, inclusive. The so-called hunting in Park county is described as I _ _ “buck law” will be in effect over the “beginning at the town of Gardiner. | Rapids. Tacoma, Helena, Butte, Salt it took a deceptive break, b state and the limit will be one male thence along the road to Jardine, Lake, Boise, Murray and some eight | jack swung wildly to miss deer with horns not less than four thence following road to Crevice and other clubs. He played with Butte and The ball bounced out of l inches long above the top of the skull. to the park line, thence west along the [ Helena clubs of three different leagues, | mitt. Jack picked it up Only in Ravalli, Richland and Roose­ nark line to Gardiner. - (namely: Montana State, Pacific North-j saliva on it. He tossed velt counties Is the season different The following area will be closed un- west and Pacific Coast leagues. He pitcher but it----- * *— In time from the general period, the tn conditions warrant opening prior to managed Helena, Tacoma and Grand | him. Jack walked up to the pitcher and state game warden said. March 1 1937 • “Beginning at the point Rapids teams, and captained a half- asked “What the hell,” also mentioning * The portion of Ravalli county drained where Cedar creek flows into the Yel-1 dozen others. , slippery elm. Stricklett said he was ex- y the west fork of the Bitter Root inwctnne river thence south along Yel- ( Jack tipped off Clark Griffith, then1 perlmentlng, begging Jack not to men- • • .15 Sver and in all of the area lying west inwstone river to Gardiner, thence manager of the New York Americans,. tlon the incident. Jack said he would of the Bitter Root river and north of northeast alone the Gardiner-Jardlne about the “spltter,” and demonstrated broadcast it to the world. Stricklett quarts • .. 51.86 the confluence of the east and west rond to the Pole creek trail, thence ! Its use to the “Old Pox.” That was at j pleaded with him while the “amps ' forks will be open to deer hunting from north and west along the trail through i the turn of the century. Griffith taught Bawled to them to play ball. Finally Sept. 20 to Oct. 20. In Richland and Parker nass to Sheep mountain, thence the “spitter” to his pitching staff. For, jack told Stricklett he would be “mum” Roosevelt counties the season will be trio northeast direction along divide many years past Griffith had been ; provided Elmer would not dish up his >• Nov. 1 to Nov. 3, Inclusive. to heariofCedarCTrek thenSe down I owner of the Washington club in the'screwy ball while he was at the plate, redar creek to the point of beginning.” American league. The pitcher agreed. Whenever Jack Deer bunting will be permitted in the CThe above area is known as “the Stopped First Squeeae Play was at the ^ate Elmer would give him following counties as a whole: Beaver­ head, Broadwater, Cascade, Chouteau, firin line” Into which late in the sea- The Los Angeles club of the Pacific “fat” ones. but the rest of the batsmen Deer Lodge, Fergus, Granite, Judith son the elk driven by heavy snows in coast league, In the early 1900’s, was experienceda noee-dlve in their batting ts|y Mk the rark mlrate, the state game the first team to try the squeeze play— averages trying to solve the spltball of Basin, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, warden wild Iand 11 was ««alnst the Helena club StricUett. Madison, Meagher, Mineral. Powell, AH the portion of Powell county lying that Flannery was managing. In the At the end of each season Jack re- Sanders, Silver Bow, Sweet Grass and AB ™ ____rond turned home to Helena. Clark Griffith Wheatland. Wedl J?.*h o, ÄÄÄ river ^=—===Sm owned a ranch near Craig. Each fall Portions of the following counties will be open during the general season: Big TRY THESE OTHER QUALITY PRODUCTS Horn, Flathead, Gallatin, Golden Val- to BYRD’S RED A GOLD WHISKY BLUE BIRD GIN * Pints—No. 58 .,.*1.25 Pint»—No. 232 . * A Quarts—No. 59 ... 2.40 Quarts—No. 233 1.13 nuMT The to Vi Jack a “ s *?aîV> i ’ s- Famous sealed-in-steel county Nov. 8 to Nov. 15. known as a great hurler In the majors, The commission also set the season was given a pitching lesson by Flan- nery . The “spitter” was taught to Griff’s G-E THRIFT UNIT for Rocky Mountain goats.
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