Liturgical Year 2019 of the Celtic Orthodox Church Saturday 1st June 2019 Wite [Gwenn, Candida] of Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, nun and martyr (unknown) Justin the Philosopher, martyr at Rome, Church Father (166) Ronan, Bishop in Ireland, hermit at Locronan (5th c.) Florus, 1st Bishop of Lodeve (390) Ruadan of Cornwall, missionary bishop 6th c.) Wistan of Evesham, martyr (850) Thecla of Denbighshire (unknown) ♦ Liturgy: Ap 20:1-6 Ac 19:1-8 Jn 16:29-33 ♦ Vespers: Ps 117 6th Sunday after Easter – The Disciples sent on mission Sunday 2 June 2019 Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, martyr (177) Blandina and Attalus, martyrs at Lyons (177) Erasmus, Bishop of Formia, martyr (ca. 303) Odo the Good, Archbishop of Canterbury (959) Bodfan of Abern, in Gwynedd, Wales (7th c.) ♦ Matins: Mk 16:1-8 ♦ Liturgy: Ap 4:2-4, 10-11 Eph 4:7-10 Mk 16:15-20 7th Week after Easter Monday 3 June 2019 Clotilde, Queen of the Francs (545) Kevin [Coemgen], Bishop-Founder de Glendalough (618) Lyfard, Abbot-Founder of Meung-sur-Loire (565) 1 Cronan the Tanner, disciple of St Kevin (617) Glunshalaich of Glendalough, hermit, disciple of St Kevin (7th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ap 20:7-15 Ac 20:17-27 Jn 17:1-11a Tuesday 4 June 2019 Optatus, Bishop of Milevis, Church Father (384) Petroc, Abbot-Founder of Padstow, Cornwall (564) Metrophanes, Bishop of Byzantium (325) Edfrith, Bishop of Lindisfarne (721) Breaca of Cornwall, disciple of St Brigid (5th or 6th c.) Nennoc of Brittany, British virgin, Abbess of convent in Armorica, France (ca. 467) ♦ Liturgy: Ap 21:1-8 Ac 20:28-38 Jn 17:11b-19 Wednesday 5 June 2019 Eoban, of Ireland, Bishop of Utrecht, martyr at Dokkum (754) Winfrith [Boniface], Bishop of Cologne, martyr at Mainz Porcarius, Abbot at Poitiers (595) Boniface of Crediton, Archbishop of Mainz (754) Tudno of Caernarvon, Welsh (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ap 21:24-27 Ac 22:30 – 23:6-11 Jn 17:20-26 Thursday 6 June 2019 Gudwall, of Wales, Bishop of Aleth (625) Jarlath, 1st Bishop of Tuam, Ireland, founded monastery in Tuam (540) Cocca, Irish virgin of Kilcock (unknown) 2 ♦ Liturgy: Ap 22:6-15 Ac 25:13-21 Jn 21:15-19 Friday 7 June 2019 Colman [Mocholmog], Abbot-Founder of Terryglass, (549) Meriadoc, of Wales, Bishop-hermit of Vannes (1302) Colman Bishop of Dromore (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ap 22:16-21 Ac 15:1-4 Jn 21:20-25 Saturday 8 June 2019 (Forefeast of the Pentecost) Maximinus, disciple, 1st Bishop of Aix, in Provence (1st c.) Medardus (or Medard), Bishop of Tournai and Noyon (560) Eustadiola, Abbess-Foundress of Moyenmoutier (684) Bron of Cassel-Irra, disciple of St Patrick (511) Levan the Irish, missionary to Cornwall, England (6th c.) Syra [Savina], anchoress in Troyes (7th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Is 61:1-5 1Co 12:2-13 Jn 14:23-31 Sunday 9 June 2019 3 Pentecost Columba, Abbot-Founder of Iona (521-597) Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, Father and Doctor of the Church (444) Baithin, 2nd Abbot of Iona (598) Cumian of Bobbio, bishop of Ireland (8th c.) ♦ Matins: Lk 24:1-12 ♦ Liturgy: Jl 2:21 – 3:2 Ac 2:1-21 Jn 15:26; 16:12-15; 17:1-3, 11 21-23 1st Week after Pentecost Monday 10 June 2019 Landericus [Landry], Bishop of Paris (656) Evermund, Abbot-Founder of Fontenay-Louvet (720) Ithamar of Rochester, 1st Anglo-Saxon bishop in Britain (656) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 1:1-19 Rm 1:1-7 Mk 1:14-22 Tuesday 11 June 2019 Bartholomew and Barnabas, apostles, martyrs (61) Blitharius [Blier], of Ireland, hermit at Verde-en-Brie (7th c.) Herebald, native of Britain, hermit in Brittany (8th c.) Tochmura of Kilmore, Irish virgin (unknown) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 1:20 – 2:4a Rm 1:8-17 Mk 1:23-28 Wednesday 12 June 2019 4 Onuphrius the Great, hermit in Thebes (4th c.) Ternan [Torannan], Bishop of the Picts, founder of Banchory-Ternan (431) Ternan, missionary, founder of Abbey of Culross (5th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17 Rm 1:18-32 Mk 1:29-34 Thursday 13 June 2019 Aventinus, hermit at Luchon, martyr (813) Rambert [Ragnebert], martyr at Rambert-en-Bugey (680) Damhnade of Ireland, virgin, possessed extraordinary gift of miracles (unknown) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 2:18-25 Rm 2:1-11 Mk 1:35-45 Friday 14 June 2019 Brendan of Clonfert, called “the Navigator” (ca. 577) Euspicius, Abbot-Founder of Micy Abbey (6th c.) Methodius I, Patriarch of Constantinople (847) Elisha, prophet (8th c. B.C.) Cearan the Devout, Abbot of Bellach-Duin (870) Dogmael of Pembroke, Welsh monk (6th c.) Nennus, Irish Abbot on isles of Arran and Bute (7th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 3:1-8 Rm 2:12-29 Mk 2:1-12 Saturday 15 June 2019 5 All the Saints and Righteous of the Celtic Orthodox Church Landelinus, Bishop-Founder of Lobbes (686) Psalmodius, of Ireland, hermit at Eymoutiers (7th c.) Prophet Amos (745 B.C.) Trillo of Llandrillo, Welsh saint (6th c.) Vouga of Cornwall, Irish bishop, hermit in Lesneven, Brittany (6th c.) Edburga, Abbess of Winchester Abbey (960) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 4:1-15, 25 Rm 3:1-8 Mk 2:13-17 Restoration of the Celtic Orthodox Church and all the Saints and Righteous ♦ Liturgy: Dt 30:5b; 9b-10, 16 Ap 3:7b-8, 10-13 Jn 15:12-17 1st Sunday after Pentecost Sunday 16 June 2019 Berthaldus [Bertaud], of Ireland, Abbot of Chaumont-Porcien (540) Aurelian, Bishop of Arles (551) Ferreolus, bishop, and Ferrutio, deacon of Besancon, martyrs (211) Colman McRhoi, Abbot-Founder of Monastery of Reachrain (6th c.) Curig of Wales, Welsh bishop in Llanbadarn (6th c.) Ismael of Wales, Bishop of Menevia (6th c.) ♦ Matins: Jn 20:1-18 ♦ Liturgy: Is 6:1-13 1Co 15:31-38 Mt 9:14-17 6 2nd Week after Pentecost Monday 17 June 2019 Herve [Harvey] of Brittany, Abbot of Plouvien (575) Ours, of Ireland, deacon of Aosta (?) Veredemus, Bishop of Avignon (720) Moling of Wexford, Founder of abbey at Achad Cainigh (697) Botolph of Boston, learned founder of abbey in wilderness of Ikanhoe (680) Nectan of Hartland, Devonshire, hermit and martyr (510) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Rm 3:9-20 Mk 2:23 – 3<6 Tuesday 18 June 2019 Amandus, Bishop of Bordeaux (431) Fortunatus, Bishop of Meaux (569) Theneva of Glasgow, mother of St Kentigern (7th c.) Edburga and Edith, nuns at Aylesbury (ca. 650) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22 Rm 3:21-31 Mk 3:7-12 Wednesday 19 June 2019 Paisios the Great [Pishoy], Abbot of Nitria (417) Deodatus, of Ireland, Founder of Jointures (ca. 680) Gervase and Protase, martyrs at Milan (96) Jude the Apostle, also called Jude Thaddeus (1st c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 9:1-13 Rm 4:1-12 Mk 3:13-21 7 Thursday 20 June 2019 Gobain of Ireland, hermit in the Aisne region of Picardy, martyr (670) Latuinus of Great Britain, 1st Bishop of Sées (5th c.) Edburga of Caistor, virgin in Northamptonshire (7th c.) Govan of Wales, hermit (6th c.) Edward of England, king, martyr, body remained incorrupt (978) Oswald of Northumbria, missionary and martyred king (642) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 11:1-9 Rm 4:13-25 Mk 3:22-35 Friday 21 June 2019 Meen [Mewan], of Wales, Abbot-Founder of St-Jean de Gaël Abbey (617) Leutfridus [Leufroy], Abbot-Founder of La Croix Saint-Ouen (738) Corbmac, Abbot of Durrow, disciple of St Columba (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 12:1-9 Rm 5:1-11 Mk 4:1-9 Saturday 22 June 2019 Alban, Protomartyr of Britain, at Verulam (254) Lambert, 4th Abbot of Sithiu, now Saint-Omer (ca. 709) Heraclius the Soldier, martyr, Verulamium, Hertfordshire, England (ca. 303) Aaron of Aleth, hermit, monk and abbot at a monastery on Cézembre (after 552) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 13:2, 5-18 Rm 5:12-21 Mk 4:10-23 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Sunday 23 June 2019 Ethelreda, Abbess of Ely (679) 8 Martin des Ormeaux, Bishop of Tricastin (ca. 680) Mochaoi [Moelray], Abbot of Nendrum Monastery, Ireland (493) ♦ Matins: Mt 28:1-15 ♦ Liturgy: Is 66:5-14 Gal 5:16-26 Mt 5:17-20 3rd Week after Pentecost Monday 24 June 2019 Nativity of the Glorious Forerunner and Baptist John (1st c.) Rumold, of Ireland, Abbot-Founder of Malines, martyr (775) Gerome of Germoe, bishop in Cornwall (596) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18a Rm 6:1-11 Mk 4:24-34 Nativity of John the Baptist ♦ 2nd Nocturn: Jdg 13:2-8, 13-14, 17-18, 21 ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Is 40:1-3, 9; 41:17-18; 45:8; 48:20-21; 54:1 ♦ Liturgy: Is 49:1-7 Gal 4:22-31 Lk 1:5-25, 57-68, 76-80 Tuesday 25 June 2019 9 Prosper, Bishop in Aquitaine, Church Father (455) Moluag, Bishop-Founder of Lismore (592) Amphibalus of St Albans, priest-martyr (304) Moloc of Mortlach, Scottish bishop and missionary in the Hebrides (572) Milburga, Abbess of Much Wenlock, England (ca.722) Kyneburga of Gloucester, virgin and martyr (7th or 8th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 16:1-12, 15-18 Rm 6:12-23 Mk 4:35-41 Wednesday 26 June 2019 Babolenus, of Ireland, Abbot-Founder of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (670) Saulve, Bishop-missionary at Angouleme, martyr at Valenciennes (768) Maxentius, Abbot in Poitou (515) Brannock of Braunton, founded monastery at Braunton, Devonshire (6th c.) Corbican of Ireland, recluse in the Low Countries (8th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15a, 16-22 Rm 7:1-13 Mk 5:1-20 Thursday 27 June 2019 John of Chinon, priest-hermit at Chinon, Touraine (6th c.) Soil and companions, martyrs at Cordoba (31) Benen [Benignus], Archbishop of Armagh (467) Emma of Gurk, Austria, of Saxon nobility (1038) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 18:1-15 Rm 7:14-25 Mk 5:21-24a, 35 – 6:1 Friday 28 June 2019 10 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, martyr, Church Father (202) Maelvon of Ireland, Bishop-Abbot of Aleth (7th c.) Geofroi, [Godefroi] 2nd Bishop-Abbot of Aleth (ca.
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