PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER 26th WEEKLY PROD UCER WITHOUT AN ULCER 46ttite 7gote lacti * * is YOU is OR AIN'TCHA? CLAIRE TREVOR Sec Page 30 www.americanradiohistory.com i;,a4 (77-Wie),,e4 Dolores St. John, 334 West Olive, Mon- lived in the little house ón Main Telephone Hour, Standard Symphony, rovia, Calif. Street, and I like to consider them Richard Crooks, and John Charles close Thomas. Other favorites of ours in- Sirs: Having discovered that I am neighbors. of who I am so happy Joan Blaine is back, clude the one and only John Nesbitt. only one the many like the "Mayor of the Town," "Hot singing of Andy Russell, I want to and I have enjoyed Joe, Annie, and Copy," Arnold very much. and "Sherlock Holmes." But the top cast my vote for him right now. He is is fast moving into the spotlight that It is program, in our opinion, "It Pays still my favorite serial, even To Be Ignorant." We think the whole Sinatra and Crosby are holding, and though I do get disgusted many I'm will program shows wonderful direction sure that he remain there for times when it takes so long to get on the of some time to come. Here's hoping to the point of interest. The program, and real cleverness part you have,a feature on to the entire cast. I wonder if ih would that page him "The Right Happiness" is especial- be possible for you to print a picture as soon as he New . I Caro- returns from York ly interesting, too, and enjoy of them in Radio Life especially You het' Dick so -and line and much. a picture of Miss O'Connell. We korlu' many Radio Lifers share Elaine Dickinson, 1524 South Garfield, Mrs. Eunice Sweet, 1075 Cherry A your enthusiasm for "It Paps To Be Ignorant." When the show first raptured Alhambra, Calif. Long Beach, Calif. the attention of ether dialers. Radio Life obliged u and u I ils readers with story Sirs: have enjoyed reading your Sirs: I wish to speak of subjects photo of the cast (February 13. 1444). We column, "The Ear Inspires the Pen," discussed in three letters in your may soon houe n story on Tom Howard. and have had the urge to write sev- October 22nd issue of Radio Life. eral times, but it has taken several First, I like John McIntire on "I Love in letters appearing recent issues. A Mystery" very much. Even better Jantes Young, 5126 Wood A , South against the "Mary Marlin" program, than the original. I prefef to hear Gate, California. to get some action from me. "Paul" l as we always think of him) I have been a follower of "Mary in "One Man's Family" only. I have Sirs: In regard to the letter from Marlin" for many years. and agree heard that wonderful story since its a reader in the October 1st issue. with some that the program wanders second airing. I was at the "Frank Sinatra Vimms" show when it opened this season. away from the point of interest and Next, I want to say that I also has taken two years to get Mary and wish Lux Theater and "Information, The reason most of the public was in the was because Mrs. Joe together again. but. aside from Please" did not conflict. I love both. put balcony been Sinatra and her child were seated that, the acting has splendid, Next, I consider Crosby in a dif- and I feel I knew them when they ferent class than Sinatra, whose in the front seats. voice has improved. But I won't lis- ten to the latter any more because of the shrieks and noises of the audi- ence which are disgusting and vul- SUNDAY NIGHT gar. I think Ronny Mansfield, Dick Brown. and voices in "Rider of the Purple Sage" and "Sons of the Pio neers" are nearer to rivalling Crosby than Sinatra. We enjoy all the pro f grams except the jazz. Good music. soothing to the nerves, is wanted. Relatieid and needed. Of 40* gir Mrs. Charlotte Meade, 6 South Marguerita A , Alhambra, Calif. Sirs' Regarding a recent issue re- ferring to other singers' rating with Bing Crosby, he is in a class all by himself. There is no other singer who Ne!1'Because can compare with him, due to the they are DOUBLE KNX 9:30 fact that there is only one Bing. As (' TREATED for sturdy, for Sinatra, don't make me laugh. disuse woven around I have talked with many people resistant growth and FORMULA Stories who say he has no voice. People the romantic and adven- who like his singing evidently know HAND MIXED for a greater profusion turous atmosphere of nothing about what constitutes a of large, colorful, sweet scented Early California. singing voice. Oh. oh -here use go again.' blooms. BUY AGGELER i MUSSER Sponsored by SWEET PEAS BY NAME AT YOUR GARDEN TITLE INSURANCE Burton E. Gear, 1678 West 25th Street, SUPPLY DEALER. AND Los Angeles, Calif. TRUST COMPANY Sirs: My wife and I are ardent AGGEIER E MUSSER LOS ANGELES radio fans and have our favorites. SEED COMPANY we the of course. In music prefer Sc, MIA 1a \IN 1 10% 1Nt.F1 , 2111111 Pa g e Two www.americanradiohistory.com . .1 , ,244.4. 1? oplr-elln Hugh B. Birch, Agent Gov't Telegraph Ser- Roger Hopkins, 4830 Art Street, San Diego,Diesgo, ly hard to get up with Bing. He had vice, Lower Labarge, Yukon Calif. the stuff, so he got there. I really think Jack Owens has a special 711-5: been Intenaing f0 ao this for Issys,ic. and 1 air ell a long time, thusiastic "Breakfast Club" fans too, charm of his own, too, just as Frank i but somehow, it got Bing do. Why not give ack a sidetracked. Wish to offer my hearty and hope you have another story and congratulations on your Fourth An- about all the gang. Sam, with his chance? niversary number, 1944. It is really "Fiction and Fact" is so dumb, we I personally enjoy Sinatra ';,re wonderful' I dig it out of the pile know he must be a clever person to than any other singer. His Vimms every once in a while and go through put it over. When Nancy Martin is program has improved so much since it again, I can always find a little on, we like her best; then when last winter. something I somehow overlooked the Marion Mann is on, we like her as time before. The photos of the stars, well. The entire cast is so swell. etc., are just what I have been look- Isn't there something we in San ing for. When the long winter com- Diego can do about getting the first mences, I am going to have a swell half of the "Breakfast Club "? Our old time taking a lot of them, mount- station manager says it is because it DEFINITE! ing them, and adding new decoration isn't sponsored; surely the "Break- to the wall of this old log cabin. fast Club" is worth a sponsor. DIFFEREN lih:l:,A. Lrrs Angeles' Blue station is MADAM! A very famous Irishman, by the now Carrying the "Breakfast Club" for name of Patrick Kilmartin, once said, its full hour (perhaps Sat, Diego will "More power to your elbow, may your soon do the satinet. To celebrate the oc- casion for local listeners. Radio Life shadow never grow less." These are will feature another story on the popu- my own sentiments to a "T," so here lar early morning program segos,. with they are-a world of good wishes for such pictures at the likeable ' Rreakfast your continued prosperity and suc- Club" yang cess. Radio Life is just "tops" with * me. Cheerio. Margie Cog, 426 West Francis, Ontario, Calif. Mrs. H. Kimble, 1440 East Rock Glen Sirs: Would you please do a fea- Avenue, Glendale, Calif. ture story with lots of photos of Stu- Sirs: May we have a story on Sam art Hamblen and his Lucky Stars, of 1'1 I; 1 KFWB? All my friends and I think Baiter? I'm sure you must have had axon01 1) 1\1,1 M1 `s I other favorable comment on this fine theirs is the best cowboy program on commentator. He has original ideas, the air. fine ideals, splendid delivery and If a sufficient number of requests are received for a story on Stuart Hamblen MARMALA real courage. and his gang. Radio Life will he happy ORANGE to oblige. We once had an article ready. Radio Life is interviewing Sum Railer but il n'as shelved because we were re- Its fifty-year old recipe fr soon. and you'll .see the story in ra future peatedly unable tu gel pictures to go issue. Watch for it' with it. Berkshire, England, makes Sa: House Old English Style Ora Mrs. Estelle Pitteu:er, 2618 West 84th Marmalade truly different.. Inglewood, Calif. Street, delicious. It's the "fresh Sirs: I cannot understand why, in Three Hits for You in these morning programs, they don't fruit" marmalade made have some happiness and good in in California from them for a change. Everything is whole ripe always had news and unhappiness. THE BROADWAY'S * oranges! Route 3, Box 386, Sun- Shirley Tarpy, la 2 M. aged I lb. jars RADIO LIFE nyvale, Calif. At your Grocer's Sirs: In regard to the letter about Jack Owens, Frank Sinatra and Bing: BROADWAY NEWS ..
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