Leon Trotsky Part 3 of 5

Leon Trotsky Part 3 of 5

, I _, 1$' I ,.,92 Pdvmam. 65-29162-120 92 mu 1, 1941 0 i PI-tmsozm? 5.15:1 mi S=F7GI;@.T mt:-.=;'-"rnvre Honorable Adolf A. Berle, Jr. ,5. Maiutant -Sac:-star? of State r?§ Ehpartmunt of State Hashingion, D. C. »-- J Qé Paar QT. Berle: l "51? __ Rota:-ancn is main to pravioua ccrrezzpordcrzae 11. regarding the current investigation of the case 1' #4 ' pertaining to "Jacques Barnard van Uenlrcuchl, wit? aliases, at al." 3 . $ . 1 Trarmzutted . harowith , for 0 y ur ir.1crrn:.tior:, is a copy or the report of Spacial Agent G. A. L-!ah&.':, dated . Va:-ch 1.4, 191.1 at Nor Haven, Connecticut, concerning tki iif flit?-@'I"n All aubacquont reports rocaivod by this Bureau regarding thu above-nmtionod lnvutigation will ha promptly trumngt-t-1-Q be you tar ym::~ 1.-»rcr-1-latia. ' -535 .._;;Y Sincernly yours, y ¢ 5 %.~§ P| 92*9292 Ii IF-h-» ' '-- If P%§3?5§Y:511?<7rr¢3 :?::_¢';i ll M A i if L; {.7 A ad ---___ 4-; - .1-__ ll ,-,6?! :4». 9 .1 G ." -F5.-¢ -- 3 7 J4 " A _ ._.___- - FEDERM R|.;rtEMJ 1»! inn -| ,u-.11» I95:I * W ' pf»~ - F - {Lb rliranrmrm . J 1 ' . - | ___ ......-.. .,...;..,, -' ._4__ . L . » r 0;,i I._ U, I .___........ , .é V I | ------ 1 .,/92__. _ "'2 / i ,_____,h._. -vii;-|-nu, :1.» _, '92'"0 ' '- S'-;». 92* I.~-J" rat-:-ii" - V - _ V I _____,____ ,_ ----~»---~ mu M ....W--»~ -H !_...-. '4 ix='9292. I -I .» r I, {92-Ji . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION W i~0rmN0.I. I T»-s<=-S»: on-==~»T==AT us.-.= YOJZ, NEIIYORK / rm FILE ~<=- as-22s onp -I . - REPORTMADE AT DAT! wan: Mani '|=sn|oDFOR REPORT MADE BY WHICH MADE IITHLImm-1, * com.*1 ;* 3/l4,/4l/E" 11e,19/4o/ " **" ' ;;;;;;;;;;;E2/2 /~11/ c. A. ;.-nw~.m i"'* V I *.-, 5 I JACQL-":55I.L92.1l~FAll1l 1!=.;2-Inméscep, van aliases, with D5-t,L-U,_,,.,,u,-.:-_ R I i let al. é I 5YN PSISOFFAo lots: Records- oirthode . Island State Bureau of Motor I - "* Vehicles reflect no oper=ltor'slicense issued - to bI?._192..§-IiT92JO11IlZE-Ii under correct n-tune or a.n}," .., 92_i92 of _<no'..naliases. Newport, HI, rolice IJ~3};=3..1"t- I ié mont advise BIC!-IR and 'I'I.'O'-,['L?lI11IIto 1-Yr.-.w returned r York in late October and presently reside there. ._ R3'::a-.REN .n':of Special ReportAgent c.A. I.-hhsndated at es.-.r Haven, Connecticut, December 16, li-340. , . DETILITAF: Under date" of December 16, l94J -'a letter I was ;IirecI:- I 4E I ed to Ir. _ "aiegistrar of Jotor '-.'c-micles, I I i Prowridence, =lLi1ocleIsland , reque:t*.r.w_ a.chem oi. his L; records to ascertain if an operator's licensehad been ,1,-If issued to I-IlAI~T.-Q-,TO ':1tITZE1;under his correct name or gv; any of his knownaliases of FRAI92II<C;;T'l2ITsl'EI92E I and TIi13CDOi¬£92-§?~3ORITZEI92I.letter dated By December 19, 1940, I.1r. -advised that his records flld to I reflect any operator'slicense having been issued to I _ __ the :*.'..=ov'e 'I.I"I I.iVidL'.U..:I.a I on December2'2, 1940,U:92ptain_ urn, , Y an _ 1?:-::"rI"ort,I RhoceIsland, iolice> + =.1opu1-"I;;.;-:n.,,»- - .-ifisod.> 92 g DESTROYEQthe 1.1.-i'I.."that both '92."1'.I:92;JIY11iIE!I E",,13,'|I§L'.f..-_-92 "- V _If-I<"iI1i~. 9292'},'and 1.8;-135p6 1960 ,|_'L"LLb-.*J,no naepI<'_:Vi~.TL13.1.;!" "mom halo ecvleezi _ »'I " to Iiewporton Ocsober 1.940, 18, rem21'i.ner;I hen in that ! r 92 N city only one week, at wnich time they haul a--rein rc- >_'_I t.urned to New York City and as far as inv-es'.i.ation * I. I ~ ~ W7_,:_::_ , ew , _ l __ W 7 I I Arrnovln AND P I _ ,, A _ sPn:uu_ Illlf | Qg QT wins m THE; smmgs I ' 80?!-5 OFTl-H5 I I - Bure en _ _ _-~»---, - New York I -- New.-.< Haven ,4-~-:,,»&:r'o-a _/-'=--',;". -+'-""1* ~~~---~<* I I I We F." - V K <. L} 1 65-226 could determine still res .1 Inasmuch as it appears that all investiga- tion has been conducted by the New Haven Office and that w Behr and Tooritzen are presently residing in New York City, no further investigation is being conducted and this case :1 is being referred upon completion to the office of oririn. ~ -___ 5% REFERRED UPONCOMPLLTION TOOFFICE OF OPIGTW I. 92. é 1 --Q 5? -Iv _ 2,- 3. 4 ¢;_' in I-. D _ ' . .. ..__ ._.... ._..-..,..__4 _ _i._._.-T_..._. - _..,...- ; '_ A i: ~- ~ -4 s ~" 1 -. 1-.1-1" -- -"- 92 Y - i . s 7. - -- .- - ~-~'-. -- 4.b .. _ 1 ' _ t _' _ 45~ .~. _ . 0 "_ .__-, -¢- t _-1. -K ¢__-,92 . V-- . -.---92 -- . - ,1_ - -1- -- _- . -. I.- :.- l l . ... _ 1* >1.'-." -Ir-.*- '.-» - , - h#§,g¥£*-5j"- . '--. _ _ '-, _:;-,~ *~v,-.;-_':-_-f#___..-.- -' ~ ~*f'a'.71 /.:";.'",4 * ¢=-v----'3-'3 v-¢.- _ ~ {" A-no-v~.~s@ =~__*..¢_¢ M.-_ 1» - 7}- saw- C Q March 12, 191.1 tau; T.- 1 Emulsmlmsgmi ..Q,-':'3'f.TL''u-' '. 1. <.u .1 " '3 r¬%?# ~ r . K» W - v 92 - . _ . 1'! 1 13: .|_ ti] -6 o % Transmitted herewith, for your intonation, are copies E-itbu - t oftho following reportsin the case entitled, "Jacques lfnmarti - YT-Q!! Vat Dendroachd,with aliases, at :1; Espiomge R!"l ;.;~¢: 31'? 92' .-. Report of Special Agent 1%.S. Crawford dated r.... =I - January 28, l9L1, at Albany, New York- I gs - ..¬'{£ Report ofSpecial A;-pmer. z. Heron, J:-.,1<.z¢¢1 E 3-: 1 5nor~.1cu-y1941, 3, at Buffalo, New 1'0:-In ¥- "5 Resort of Special Agent I-. T7. Dishongh, :3=.=.te-1 i=1=:<9~_¬$'-"-#5~ February 6, 1941 at Yaahington, U. G. vt -- 3 fr.-- "Q Ion my be assured that all adiitional inrm-nation obtained t ~'5*'*"this can inwill be promptly trans-zittel to you. , -= . Sincerely yours , if 5, ii Kn;-b--u-nan --1 E- Ci .92I _; 92__ 9 --5-» . -r -7 ...-=- .n.. 3 -__. " I l C- molomzro ' . --~q1>T3 t -0 r 1-V-, .'~ .. IO ¢i-_- , -_.. - -...._ . _....... 1-.4-gV --. ---.-..:z1'_-.~ 5...»92-- ---- --- , -- . -. It ""!'i "1! .=92 :.92 KI- 9292:1; 5&3!".'.J.k _ct I '3.? t, m.=.-|Ll92h£..92.!!m.~..1-,...,== -1 " """*-'"""""-'""-"'"'IA "1 . .43- M A 7; |'....L g -FFJIEHAL 73'.'9EA!}."92H?.F.TiGl92TIC.'i FF 4 6 :- 1'41.--: , 1? 92 MAR;s ?:. :'. M. *U.S, DBf}.§§[:.a£92-a|_Qi;.1g§|lQ_£_ U "it '-='r£0F.aALalmuu 0? mv~;.~.;. .»n...~. " 1 u. £1-925m¢~H;.I-92.92a||;= :1. - ; 1,. I92Vb.,_,_ !_ '_"""_i'*'_i"i'"" n:J.".'. r; *_.- » cf"?»~ . - r 7.?-,1. , -¢»---------- ~'_-'.-,_ - '. ..,,,.._,_....--_7 £V11...92 ._..._._._......___._..J1 , -vi"-Y;-,:~92an ' M...;-7'" ":;-~ *" '5i-at 92-M -'5 3'~ ' , i x .§£g;;_',!"§2,,1_,#3,, W,3 -r J, .- t E. "3*.s~-., F.J -- -"-.»-1'»=l?'-""-»*.:».:.-."o-:.+._._ k_ ., Kr.t92:é-2-' $4 K ~'- A :i_.__.*1A =<?:5.-i -1-. ., ;5_ ,"_ -,___ .i . _ .|._92._ ~~ ---=~_#tr,..*, _ _ __1? . _ 92--'7 - 0 ; - ; Zgi§g§%2- ' ' -_---- March 12, 19¢- - - -1'-' .,_ ___ .i»¢1-.- FKRSONAL A -~ ";|- 7 IE I r 'Honorable Adolf A. Bu-10, Jr» Aasintaat Seen-ntnry at sun '9292'; Daputtnont of Stat-0 if waahinatcn, D. C. .§ _. T. _ gr;-mi. 1;-.11; :§ 'Dear ltr. Darla: "1" _, a 7? _ <2- ,- I am tnnsmitting horcwith, fez yeur 92 info:-nation, ccrpiel or the tollpjrtng report-0 in the 1 can untitled, "Jacques Karnard Van Dendroachd, with 1 aliagaa, at a1; Espionage U1!": < -134; ' Iieport 0: Special ,~,,_-.¢nt. w. S. cm-rem data-1 Janna:-3' 28, 19!.1, at Albmy, PM fork. @3-i Al w 82'-port at Special 14513111, .~:'., E. lo:-an, Jr., dated February 3, 191,1, at Bufialo, New York- Bqaort at Special went L. H. Dishengh, data-zi é Fkwl-N? 6, 81': lahiibg DO C0 5-n---A Ml- » Iou may be asaurad that armies or all additional reports receive-:1 by this Bu:-eauin connaction with the n above investigation will bo nromtly trazumitxvi to you. -4- Sincerely grout-a , 4 iullll ______i._ 92 .- 7, -H . 2 / 92 , 1.

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