44 HARDWARE o~ STANLEY TOOLS SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. 1ru- WALPAMUR FAMOUS FOR WEBSTER S R EFRESHING SOFT DRINKS. PAINTS FRUIT JUICES AND CORDIALS - ALSO FRANCHI SE BOTTLERS OF u?.,• GARDEN TOOLS PEPSI-COLA AND SCHW EPPES FAMOUS D RINKS. n'"' WALLPAPER Griffith Leeton Narrandera Temora Wagga n ¢., HUGH RANGE OF 62 4466 53 2340 59 1833 82 2001 25 4184 HARDWARE SUPPLIES V GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL 10 10 .,_w 20 20 cnC a:<t 30 30 U.c.,-a: 40 40 Total Total 10 10 Cw 20 20 2c Oct 30 Ua: 30 me., 40 40 Total Total 10 10 en a:2 20 20 WW cw ztii 30 30 ::,z 40 40 z Total Total SAT., SEPTEMBER 3 & SUN., SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 ALAN HARRIS McDONALD & Co. FLOWER BOUTIQUE MO:)ERN FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR ALL YOUR FR.ESII AND MONUMENTAi. CONTRJ\(TORS FLOWER /\RR/\N(iFMFNTS FOR WLDDIN(i. NLW Scn·ing: ( 'oo.lu11.1011 /\RRIV /\1.S OR /\NY FOR YOUR COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING ( iu1111111111 . l .oc/.:.lwu. SPFCl/\1. OCCASION . REQUIREMENTS! 'flit' H.oc/.:. llrunu . .!1111n·. )'c ro11 g ( ·n',·/.:. , Furc 11tt11 w11I CNR. ASHMONT & DOBNEY AVE., WAGGA . A nlletlw11 i/1s tnct., . SEE GREG SHEATHER or JOHN BAGLEY /0 811 YUS S'/RIJ.T. WA(;(i11 l'IIONL l ! -19/3 PHONE 25 3040 or 25 3400 l'ri11ni}{/I· /:ii1 · /'11r1111'11ta VOL. 1, No. 20 REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO. NBP 0250 2 43 r- -----------------, 1 JOIN THE RHEEM TEAM for . I I GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR I Farm~!t§~~~~~~ R~~:~R!!ative I 1 D WOOL D FAT STOCK □ STORE STOCK D INSURANCE I HOT WATER SYSTEMS PHONE WAGGA 21 3360 I 95 Fitzmaurice St. WAGGA Ph 212108 - 195 Hoskin St. TEMORA Ph 821211 L _...J DISTRICT LEAGUE DRAW - 1983 DIVISION ONE JULY 16 : Co ll - A s h .(79) v MAY 7: R .A. A . F . (72) v R. .C.A.E.(88): Borcc C k.( 140) v cell ( Under 19s) won the individual goal­ First Round M .C.U.( 120) : T . R .-Y.C.(55) v Marrar(I04) : Coo ta .(49) v Whitton( I I 9): S . Wagga-T.(1 22) v kicking awards with Steven Purcell top­ Al·RIL 9: Coll -Ash.(131) v T.R.­ Barcllan(80): Tcmora( 100) v N . Jun./Kap.(72) ·torial Y.C.(10:lJ: Marrar(85) v Coota.(41) : ~t RIVERI NA ping th e JOO goal mark. Congratulations Wagga(I47) MAY 14 : R. .C.A .E.(51) v Borcc M .C.U. (97) v T e mora( 68); FOOTBALL JULY 23: Marrar(80) v C:oll ­ Ck.(67): Whitton(54) v S.Wagga­ lt to all. Barellan(47) v N. W agga.( 124) Ash.(48): M. C.U.(236) v Coota.( Ll): T . ( I 3 l) ; Jun ./ K a p (128) v LEAGUE With seven clubs being represented in APRIL 16: Coota.(91) v Coll ­ Barcllan(82) v T c mora(59): N RAA.F.(34) E Ash.( 157); Tcmora(1 30) v Marrar(42); Wagga(203J v T R .- Y.C.(68) the final series the publishers of the N. Wagga(I34) v M. C.U.(66); T.R.­ Second Round I Y.C.(79) v Barellan.(1 27) Split Round MAY 21: Whitton(IIO) v Riverina Football Record wish all teams APR IL 23: Coll-Ash.(107) v R.ivcoll(87) ; Jun ./Kap.( I 27) v Borcc JULY 30: Coll -Ash .(87) y T.R - The start of the Tooths Riverina Foot­ the best of luck in their search for pre­ T e m ora(84J ; M a rrar(63) v N. C k . (50) ; S W agga- T.(2:lO) v ball League final series is with us and W agga( l 32J; M .C.U . (100) v Y.C.(57); Marrar(63 ) v Coota.(29): RAA .F.(9) miership honours. Barellan(73); Coota.(70) v T.R .­ M.C.U.(I31J v Tcmora(62): JUNE 4: R.ivcoll(42) v Jun ./ Barcllan(67) v N. Wagga. (67) Australian Football patrons can expect The League should be applauded in its Y.C.(74J Kap.(l:l2): Borcc C k.(76) v S.Wagga­ APRIL 30: N. Wagga(I 72) v C:o ll ­ AUGUST 6: Coota. (101) v Coll­ T . (II 5): RA . A F . (116) v one of the most keenly contested final decision to stage all finals matches at Ash ( 146); Tcmora( 136) v Marrar(S5 J: Ash.(40J; Barellan(l28J v Marrar(40J : Whitton(lll). N. Wagga(I27) v M.C.U.(122); T.R.­ series in the VCFL. Narrandera Sportsground - undoubtedly T.R.-Y C.(110) v M .C.U (112): JUNE 11 : S . Wagga-T.( 166) v Y.C.(88) v Barc ll an( 103) . Only percentage seperated the three top Tc mora(l34) v Coota.(33) Rivco11(46) : R .A .A .F.(36) v Borcc the best venue for Australian Football in MAY 7 : C:oll-Ash.(91) v AUGUST 13: C oll-Ash .(125) v Ck.(127): Jun ./ Kap.(145) v Tcmora(78): Marrar(4 5 ) v N sides Coolamon, East Wagga-Kooringal the Riverina. Barcllan(75): M a rrar( 56) v Whitton .(47) Wagga(I55) ; M C.U.(102) v and Wagga at the end of the 18 minor M.C.U.(132); Tcmora(l78J v T.R.­ .JUNE 25: Rivcoll(ll2) v With facilities second to none all finals Y. C. (98); Coota.(39) v N . Wagga(2 17) Barcllan(55J; Coota.(100) v T.R.­ R.A.A.F.(9) : Whitton(71) v Borcc Y.C.(87) round games and Turvey Park has dis­ patrons should be well catered for. MAY 14: M .C. U .(108) v Coll ­ Ck.(87): Jun./ Kap.(36) v S.Wagga­ AUGUST 20: N. Wagga(I63J v Ash.(54J ; Marrar(70) v T. R .- Y .C.(8 I) ; T .(101) played it can also match it with the best. The price increases are justified as Coll-Ash . (76) ; Barcllan(I l7J v Barcllan(I29) v Coota . (61) ; N . JULY 2: Borcc Ck.(42) v Marrar(2 3 ) ; T.R.-Y.C.(90) v Congratulations to Coolamon on win­ patrons witness a full days entertainment Wagga(90) v Tcmora(46). Rivco11(6:l): S . Wagga-T .( 198) v M.C.U.(118) ; T c mora( 252 ) v MAY 2 1: C oll - A s h .( 111) v Whitton( 2 1) : Jun ./ Kap.(I 10) v ning Club Championship award and also of the best spectator sport in the Riverina. Coota.(42) Marrar(89) ; Coo ta (58) v R AAF(22) the minor premiership in the seniors. For $3.50 for adults, $2 for pensioners M , C U .(14 2 ) ; T c mor a(93) v August 27: 1st Sl:mi: Congratulations are also in order to and children (12-16) patrons are certainly Barc ll a n(76) ; T .R .-Y.C.(6!) v N . Tcmora(55) d Bardlan(40). Third Round Wagga(209). Scptl:mbcr 3: 2nd Sl:mi: JUI . Y '): Riv co 11(137) v Ganmain-Grong Grong-Matong on win­ getting their money's worth. The slight MAY 28: RDFL(IIS) v M.C.U. v N . Wagga. Whitton(30): Borcc Ck.((18) v Jun ./ Tall~!!gatta(80); RDFL(94) v Nth. Riv . ► Spctl:mbl:r 10: Prcmliminary Kap.(141) : R .A. A .F.(15) v S.Wagga­ ning the second grade minor premiership increase to $4 for adults for the grand final (74). and to Turvey Park for finishing on top in is well justified as patrons to a grand final final. T.(22 1) Second Round Scpll:mhcr 17 : Grand final. JULY 16 : .lun. / Kap.(1 22 ) v the Under 19s and being the only side to at Narrandera Sportsground will agree. JUNE 4: T.R. -Y .C. (50) v Coll ­ R.ivcoll(9:l ); S.Wagga-T.(171) v Borcc Ash (I 11) ; Coota.(121) v Ma rrar(66); Ck . (111): Whitton(23X) v go through the season unbeaten. The atmosphere is unmatched in this part Tcmora(70) v M. C.U. (89) : N . RAAF(37) Wagga's Greg Sheather (Firsts), East of New South Wales for any sport and I Wagga( I 20) v Ba rcllan(82). JULY 23: Rivcoll(38) v S. Wagga­ JUNE II : Coll-Ash . (129) v T . (IX 5 ) ; B()rcc Ck.(286) v Wagga-Kooringal's Mark Crouch am sure this year's finals series will be an Coo t a.(45): Marr a r(44) v R. A.A.F.(2 1): Whitton(56) v Jun./ (Seconds) and Turvey Park's Steven Pur- outstanding success. Tcmora(l30J; M .C.U .( 72) v N . Kap.( IO'!) Wagga(60) ; Ba re II an( 132) v T. R.­ JULY :l O: R A.A.F (II) v Y.C.(74) DIVISION TWO: Rivcoll(4 5 ) : Bor c c Ck.(63) v JUNE 18: RDFL(157) v Kerang(65J. First Round Whitton(6X): S.Wagga-T.(46) v Jun ./ • OUR COVER: The chase is on between T.R.Y.C.'s Mark Driscoll , left , and Barellan 's Jim Ca rroll. JUNE 25: Tcmora(96) v Coll ­ Kap.(20) APR IL 16: R . CAE ( 189) v AUGUST 6: Rivcoll(94) v Burce Ash.(37J; N. Wagga(65) v Marrar(24); Whitton(42J: Borcc Ck.( 1.18) v .Jun ./ Barc llan(49J v M .C.U.(34 ): T . R .­ Ck.(129); Whitton(54) v S.Wagga­ Y.C.(3 1) v Coota.(21) f .'r'Uf;lJ: R.A .A .F.(27) v S. Wagga- T (170): RA . AF (32 ) v Jun. / Kap.(161) . JULY 2: Coll-Ash.(6 1) v N .
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