'II 1 ., 'I , . I I' ' " 'j ~~ti~n ~~e 14 Pages 1 to 8 THE, ~ WAYNE RALD , CITY ft.ND PRIMARY .. nationalities are rapres~nted 'Musicia~~ Stamp Progra;- Track and COMING EVENTS IN hu Date Is Fixed VOTJNG PRIVILEGE illlltbertY-loving America - ieat­ WAYNE FORECAST A Assist Census LOOMS JUST AIHEAD es~ country 1n all respects i the , State AuditIon Probably Will MeetSchrduled LIVELY COMMUNITY wqrld-and those who have 'orne For Honoring MUNICIPltl. and ~chool elec- tG these shore;s have done sal vol­ Selections Are Bejng Made" Crowninr of Re)~y Queen A. LOT of ~vents of public in- Enumerators In lultarily. Most of them become tions and primary nomina­ for All-American <liroup Will Be Feature of ' Citizens as soon as possible tOI takc Young Citizens tions will be made Within the Be Established wayn~'~~~,:';'I;heh~e~i~~ntl; next two weeks, For the city Accurate Record palrt in the affairs of governrent. T? Tour South. __ April Event. The dlstnct high school debate Whether the count,·y they 1 It Committees Are Named to electIOn which comes next Tucsda:y, April 2, there is suf­ Arthur W. Gulltver, Judson B. Federal Officials Indicate lone of the bIggest track and tournament will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Ha.s b~nevolent or oppressive, the are Arranl'e for ProS'ram ficient competition to bring out Pcm'son, Franklm S. Slmo;nlQ, WII- They Will Recommend fIeld relay meets to be held In thIS ~;~~yT. :~c:e;s ~=te ~~~t ~~!: Committee Named For glttd to be here-glad to share in ham H. Steckelberg, Roibert M. Plan for Area. sectIOn of the s~te this spring IS Y""''' unequalled security and fretttlom. At Auditorium. a hU'gely I'epresentative vote, The two 10eal parties named Baer, Han-y F. Johnson, WUliam planned for Fl'lday, Apnl 19, at ~~rftl~y ;~~t~~:t~~~I~~~cP;~~: Aid in Work. It' would be a blessmg to E~'ope Thc publiC program at which the same candIdates to fill the S. Nelson and Vernon Fr. Jacobs Northeast Nebraska clJuntu;!s, In- Wayne college, Coach J. H. M()r- test will be on Apnl 19 and 20. ReCOgnizing the fact that an al- . if I its different natIOnalities could ,Young citizens-those reaching the foUl' city offices, and therefore were chosen to enter the state a u- cludmg Wayne, will very lIkely be nson has inVited 115 high schools C;:oach J H. Mornson lS gettIng curate census of the populatIOn u( 1 !o~'m H unIOn similar to that M thc uge of 21 before the November there can be no serious OPPOSI­ dltion Mm'ch 29 and 30 at Lmeo n, 'recommended for ei;tablishment of and 24 colleges to send teams, and ready for a blg track meet Apnl Wayne city and Wayne county IS UtHted SUites, get nd of Rl,ltocratic electIOn-WIll be honored ha5 been iJon But rival nominees appear one of those bemg held to select Ithe food stamp plan, accordmg to entrlC{) are already begmnl11g to Vital in view of its bemg taken rulers, and set up a democratIc set for Sunday afternoon, May 12, for councilman in each of the 100 mU~'1CHmS for an all-American ifcderal offlcialti who were 111 Nor- come in. Entrants Will quahfy for ;~'d:;:!;:~O~~~: b:=7;:S~ISlt~1~~ only once in 10 years, the Cham- system. The best European govern- at 2:30 (It the mumcIpal auditor­ threc wards and for members rnent could be made better lill the lum ~~~;~ ~~:r~~~~h:~~~:e~l1w!~~~ I~Ols~~~~~~'S~~~t~~I~~~~<1~ci~;ar~~~ th;rS~:~~e~~:llh~e~'worded In the Will coop~rate by havmg a se- ~:rpOf~~~~~:el~~ll r:oc~~ra:~~(~ of the school board. Little 111- hands of duly ejected I epresentu- Committees plannLl1g for the oc­ terc<.t has been mamfested so the dlrectwn of Leopold StokowskL glonal director, Roy B. Martm, relays, and medals WIll be pre- ~:tSh;: ~~~:'-~~'l~rl a:r~n~a~;~~~~= P.tete and accurate, tlves. DestrOYing castes - ~nuffiJlg eaSiOl1 were thIS week named us fM, but It IS ilkely to develop 'the ('lght mentlOned were chos- senw.r program a] ganl/cr, Dnd Ed :-ocnted mdlvldunl wmnel s In spe- traordm81'y evenl<; to Wayne. \ With thIS objective in view Call o\.).t the lcica that onL" pel son II) bet- loriov,,'" Executlve, W. H. Swett, by the time election day rolls en from the number entering com- G,ll'1'y, eertiflC~ltJon liIWCldll"t, <.dl pal events. WrIght, presIdent of the Chambcr t('1' than ,lOother on account 1)[ the chairman, C. E. Wright, Dr. L. F. anHlnd .... A weck later Will petitIOn ut the auditIOn.. jn Wayne pf Milwaukee, mdlC,lteti thClr wil- One of the [llghllght .., of til(' oc- ~<l~~~~'C t:'~'~h h~r:.eve~:t!:;~~~: Of Commerce, has named Wm. accidcnt of birth ~ would clarify Perl y, T SHook, C E. Nll:hoLm- be the state-WIde primary at recently. After state auditions, re- hngness to coopercltc. MI. Jordan CdSJOn Will be' nowmng of the rc- wClrmed to a com[ortable degree I McEachen, Russen W. Bartels, thought In Europe and bnng about sen, Rc\. C. G. Bader, Mrs. S. A. which nommatIOns will be glOinal auditIOns WIll be held for ~t(lted that Interest and pubhclty )dY queen. The honored young I LeslIe W EllIs, J. E. Br~ttam and H. pCI'mancntly bctter day. Absence Lutgen, ways and means, F. B. made, eon venti on delegates and the fmal selcctuln. an the matter In thiS urcu e~ecded woman Will be ielecicd at large ~~I~ ~~h~~~~<~~ts ~:I~~~ee't(J ~~~ Wllham A. Crossland on the census of castes 111 tJw; country has been a Decker, Chall'lThlll, Judge J M. nLltlOnal coh1ntitteeman <:1 n d MUslcHlns selected to make up that shown In 700 appiJCCltJOns. and her Identity wlIl be k('pt d sc- committee. big advantuge from the begmnmg, Chcl ry, L. W. Needham, T.~. commItteewoman WIll be elee­ the orchestra Will be pald at usual If ~t}.c area lS aCl'cpted, offlcl~ls ret untd the day of the meet illd~~~t"I(~r;lrt°f J~~~~~~i In .... ;:lt~,()Tr1)~ I noCunh~el'dmtahne coMm'miEatctheee~ ohb,'e'ct,avo :,' oX· .j« 1(. Hook, Rev E H Ressell of Curroll, ted dnd pl'C'sidcntial prefere-nces rates by ML StokOW51u. WJll come Within two tn' thl ee rnlnd '- ~.,c John Kyl, local hll'lll r*oduce Rev GC'l"ald Rosenberger of WlI1- cxpresl'>£'d. Thus, voters Will be buyer, C<lme from hiS nallvl-' Hol- Side, Rl'\ F' C. Ebinger of Hos­ ;:~~:~ ~~tu~ bt~~~:~c~:~'t!~l~~e~~:~ District Contests _____ ~=---_-=-~ i ::sfO~:~I;I~\;~nc~~:'~r;~~8 C:~~ Invltcd to exercise then- elec­ Action Delayed land Hl 1906 He did not lcuve th"t km~, D,I11,u., Evnns of Shale::;, ar­ tor<ll pnvllcgc In the nenr fu­ boo. Within three to five wceks PI d S h I W k S ,'aSSist them in any way posslble to cI)untry bec,lUse It was unJm.,t, but I'angemellt~, C. E. Wnght, chalr­ therC{lfter. The obJcct Ie. to JI1crICa~e ~ anIle at C 00 ,msure a complete and thorough tur£', and it I~ a duty nunc By City Council or to tart becausC' It lacked the OPPOltlirutlcs man, MIS. R. W. Caspel, F. C. :"ihould neglect. bUYIng powel' of lcilcf dolldr::. and __ Icount of every resident of Wayne gUaIdntecd here. He says Holidnd Recd, Mr:;. R W Ley, Supt. N, F. to reduce sUlplu;. commodltw.'> Debate Tournament Will Be 0 L" S :and the county; to make a pre- b n('ut1'<11 In the present European Thorpe, DJ. L F. Perry, MClyor M. PrO'posed Sewage Treatment w. H. Swett WLlS In Norfolk both H ld Th' S din IDeS oon IJminary survey of the populatIOn Will Be Considered dnys for the meeting. L F. Brown, e Ui atur ay at I of Wayne to serve a8 a guide In de- ~~~J~~<~~~li~O~~s tl~~de ~~S~~~~I~~~~ ~iw~I~~:-tel~~Of;llc~c(,~ D~.Ul~~~~: Flank Erxlch{'n ;lnd Mrs K<;thel Wayne College. tf'rmlnmg whether or not any per- After Hearing. ! I Thl"s C ty by the Will', and growing costs for PeII'Y, d1dlrman, C. E. NlCholill­ Open H~use Is Thompson were there Thul SdHY DlstJ let debate tournament frl!: n OnD sons or f<:lmllJes have been over- dcfen::;e have greatly Increased the sen, Mr'- R W Ley, deCOi"OltlOns, Wq.yne city counCil Tuesday de­ C A. Orr, R. L. Larson, A F_ Lue- cld:'s A and class B schools \\111 be l()oked, <lnd to request the coop- tax burden. Little coal IS mined In Mr,., F G D.tic, chairman, Mrs. clde~ to delay actJOn on the sew­ del's, M. S WhltnC'y of Carroll, held thiS Saturday at the Hears I Holland, and therefore mOfit of the Wnl H,l\vluns, C. E. Nicholalsen, To Be Held at W<:lYlH~ Railwa~ C~mmission ~:~~~r'I~\~:~~r:;~~it;l~~ p~~~ agc treatment plant until the dam­ ~cprcsented grocertl Fllday. lj. E. college. M1SS Lenore Ramsey lS In Apphcatton Wednesday l)(,]7.mg the .... ork of c~nsus ,6ffl- fllel suppile::; have to be slupped In. eel tJfJCdtC~, T. ti. Hook, Prof. K. N. age dase fIled against the CIty by Thl:-> I'" not cas) while ne1gi,bol mg Parke, Icccptlon, Waync Womcll ~ Winside Camp the GonnedlcLlt Insurance com­ countrll''- ,11 e ICng,lged III armed club, Mrs.
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