Ministry/Division Wise Project Director's Profile of the Projects Included in the ADP 2015-16

Ministry/Division Wise Project Director's Profile of the Projects Included in the ADP 2015-16

Ministry/Division wise Project Director's Profile of the Projects included in the ADP 2015-16 Cumm. a) Project Title with duraton a) PDs' Ofce Address, a) PD's Residen- Progress Sl. b) PD's Name & Academic Discipline b) Phone/Mobile, tal Address, upto Aug. # c) PD's Designaton c) FAX Nos., b) Phone/ 2015 in % d) Joining Date as PD d) E-mail Address Mobile Nos. -Financial -Physical (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Parliament Affairs Secretariat Ministry's Own 1. a) 0201-5012 Strengthening Parliament's Capacity in a) Room # 724, a) Flat # G-8, NHA 50% Integratng Populaton issues into Development South-West Block, Tower, 16-17, 40% (SPCPD). 01/07/2012 -31/12/2016 Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Lalmata, Block # Dhaka-1225. B, Dhaka-1207, Phone-55027023. b) A.Y.M Golam Kibria, Politcal Science (Hon's & b) 2-9129685, 9116120, b) Masters), DU. 01713456896 c) Additon Secretary (IPA) c) +88-02-9123066 d) 23/06/2015 d) 2. a) 0201-5040 Strenthening Parliamentary Oversight a) Southeast Block, a) House : B/7 - E/7, 70% (SPO) Project. 01/07/2010 -30/06/2015 Room No-913, Motjheel AGB 70% Lavel-9, Parliament Colony, Secret, Dhaka. Motjheel, Dhaka. Phone-9334274. b) Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque, M.A (Economics), b) 8171395 (Of.) b) 01715-074409 (Japan), PGD in Govt.Fin.Mgt., MBA (IBA), c) Deputy Secretary c) d) 27/07/2015 d) Prime Minister's Office Asrayan Projects Implementation Agency 3. a) 0331-6530 Asrayan Project - 2. 01/07/2010 a) Prime Minister's a) Mitali-3, Eskaton 10% -30/06/2017 Ofce, Tejgaon, Garden Govts 10% Dhaka. Ofs Quarter, Ramna, Dhaka-1000. b) Md. Zahirul Haque, Hons. & Masters (Zoology) b) 9124100, b) 9338677 01711564666 c) Additonal Secretary c) 9129810 d) 05/02/2013 d), Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4. a) 0305-5012 Bangladesh Economic Zones Development a) BDBl Bhaban, a) B/11/E6, Motjeel 60% Project (Phase-II). 01/01/2014 -30/06/2016 Level-15, 12 Kawran AGB colony, 11% Bazar, Dhaka. Dhaka, b) ABM Abdul Fatah, M.A. (Islamic History) b) 8180125, b) 7193980 01715660019 c) Joint Secretary c) 8180172 d) 10/02/2014 d) 5. a) 0305-5011 Support to Capacity Building of a) BDBl Bhaban, a) 98, Boro Mogh 33% Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority. 01/11/2011 Level-15, 12 Kawran Bazar, Dhaka. 23% -30/06/2016 Bazar, Dhaka. b) Md Harunur Rashaid, M.A. (Management) b) 8180170, b) 9358282, 01713255004 01713255004 c) Joint Secretary c) 8180172 d) 01/11/2014 d) bezaproject. Page 1 of 244 Ministry/Division wise Project Director's Profile of the Projects included in the ADP 2015-16 Cumm. a) Project Title with duraton a) PDs' Ofce Address, a) PD's Residen- Progress Sl. b) PD's Name & Academic Discipline b) Phone/Mobile, tal Address, upto Aug. # c) PD's Designaton c) FAX Nos., b) Phone/ 2015 in % d) Joining Date as PD d) E-mail Address Mobile Nos. -Financial -Physical (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Board of Investment 6. a) 0329-5010 Constructon of 14 Storied Building with a) Board of Investment, a) F-D2, H.# 88, 25% three Basement for Head Ofce of Board of Jebon Bima Tower, 10 Road-6, 20% Investment (BOI) at Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka. Dilkusha, Dhaka. Monsurabad, 01/07/2011 -30/06/2015 Adabar, Dhaka. b) Abu Sayeed Md. Khurshidul Alam, Hon's & b) 9563572, b) 8190041, Masters (Sociology) 01771999999 01771999999 c) Joint Secretary c) 9562312 d) 31/03/2014 d) Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) 7. a) 0325-5020 Capacity Building of the Bangladesh a) Bepza Complex, a) House # 722, 50% Export Processing Zones Authority. 01/07/2011 House No.19/D, Road#10, Mirpur 35% -30/06/2016 Road#06, DOHS, Dhaka. Dhanmondi, Dhaka. b) Md. Ashraful Kabir, B.Sc. Engg. (Civil) & MBA b) 9614970, b) 58070460 (Marketng) 01761616670 c) G.M Maintance, BEPZA c) 9673020 d) d) 8. a) 0325-0001 Ishwardi Export Processing Zone, Phase-II. a) Ishwardi EPZ, Paksey, a) Ishwardi EPZ R/A, 10% 01/07/2011 -31/12/2014 Pabna. Paksey, Pabna. 10% b) Md. Ruhul Amin, M.Sc. Engg. (EEE) b) 0731-59002, b) 0731-59003 01711419246 c) General Manager c) 0731-59008 d) 05/08/2013 d) 9. a) 0325-0006 Constructon of Factory Buildings in EPZs a) BEPZA Complex, H. a) House#16, Road 30% under BEPZA. 01/01/2014 -30/06/2018 No.19/D, Road-06, No.3/A, 15% Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Dhanmondi , Dhaka. b) S.S. Kabir, B.Sc. Engg. (Civil) b) 9613468, b) 9671709 01748764245 c) Chief Engineer c) 9673020 d) 01/01/2014 d) National Security Intelligence 10. a) 0321-5010 Constructon of 10-storied Ofce Building a) 5th Floor, 1st 12 a) 201, Malibagh 10% for NSI with 20-Storied Foundaton & a Basement. Storied Govt. Bazar, Dhaka. 8% 01/10/2013 -30/06/2016 Building, Segunbagicha, Dhaka b) Md. Mahabubur Rahman, B.Sc. Enginring (Civil) b) 9352404 , b) 01715032040 01715032040 c) Superintending Engineer c) 9358175 d) 21/09/2014 d), se_maint@pwd. NGO Affairs Bureau Page 2 of 244 Ministry/Division wise Project Director's Profile of the Projects included in the ADP 2015-16 Cumm. a) Project Title with duraton a) PDs' Ofce Address, a) PD's Residen- Progress Sl. b) PD's Name & Academic Discipline b) Phone/Mobile, tal Address, upto Aug. # c) PD's Designaton c) FAX Nos., b) Phone/ 2015 in % d) Joining Date as PD d) E-mail Address Mobile Nos. -Financial -Physical (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11. a) 0323-5011 Constructon of NGO Afairs Bureau Ofce a) NGO Afers Bureau, a) B/3, NHB, 25% Building. 01/01/2014 -31/12/2016 Fisheries Bulding, Lalmata, Dhaka, 25% Segunbagicha, Dhaka b) K.M. Abdus Salam, Masters in Internatonal b) 9562838, b) 8100628 , Relatons 01711574827 01711574827 c) Joint Secretary c) 9513989 d) 01/01/2014 d) Prime Minister's Office 12. a) 0301-5012 Access to Informaton (A 2 I). 01/04/2012 a) Prime Minister's a) Hasna-Hena-2, 35% -31/03/2016 Ofce, Tejgaon, Elenbari, Tejgaon, 30% Dhaka. Dhaka. b) Kabir Bin Anwar, M.A. (Politcal Science ) & LLB b) 8142700, b) 01713068422 01713068422 c) Director General (Admin.) c) 8159895 d) 01/04/2012 d) 13. a) 0301-5822 Lump provision for development of a) Prime Minister's a) Hasna-Hena-2, 100% special areas (except Hill Tracts) 01/07/2014 Offce, Tajgaon, Elanbari, Tajgaon, 100% -30/06/2015 Dhaka. Dhaka. b) Kabir Bin Anwar, M.A.(Politcal Science) & LLB b) 8142700, b) 01713066422 01713066422 c) Director General c) 8159895 d) 01/07/2015 d) Cabinet Division Ministry's Own 14. a) 0401-5013 Improving Public Administraton and a) House # SE (A) 6, a) House No.SE (A) 95% Service Delivery through e-Soluton; Improving Road # 135, 6, Road-135, 95% Grivance Redress System (output-3). 01/01/2014 Gulshan-1, Dhaka. Gulshan, Dhaka. -31/12/2015 b) Md. Mahiuddin Khan, M.A. in Bangla, MSc. in b) 9588394, b) 9513301, Development Finance 01715078199 01715078199 c) Additonal Secretary (Reforms) c) d) 18/01/2015 d) 15. a) 0401-5014 Natonal Integrity Strategy Support a) House # SE (A) 6, a) House No.SE (A) 20% Project. 01/02/2015 -31/01/2017 Road # 135, 6, Road-135, 20% Gulshan-1, Dhaka. Gulshan, Dhaka. b) Md. Mahiuddin Khan, M.A. in Bangla, MSc. in b) 9588394, b) 9513301, Development Finance 01715078199 01715078199 c) Additonal Secretary (Reforms) c) d) 24/05/2015 d) Bangladesh Election Commission Ministry's Own Page 3 of 244 Ministry/Division wise Project Director's Profile of the Projects included in the ADP 2015-16 Cumm. a) Project Title with duraton a) PDs' Ofce Address, a) PD's Residen- Progress Sl. b) PD's Name & Academic Discipline b) Phone/Mobile, tal Address, upto Aug. # c) PD's Designaton c) FAX Nos., b) Phone/ 2015 in % d) Joining Date as PD d) E-mail Address Mobile Nos. -Financial -Physical (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 16. a) 0601-5110 Strengthening Electon Management in a) Block-6, Room-15, a) 6, Madhobilata, 0% Bangladesh. 15/04/2011 -31/03/2016 Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Govt. Ofcer's 0% Dhaka. Quarters, Allenbari, Tejgaon, b) Md. Sirazul Islam b) 9180831 b) 9111864 c) Secretary c) 9180728 d) 07/03/2013 d) 17. a) 0601-5120 Constructon of Electon Resource Centre. a) Islamic Foundaton a) House #10, 49% 01/07/2011 -31/12/2015 Bhaban (Level-9), Road-13, Sector# 49% Agargaon, 4, Utara, Dhaka. Dhaka-1207. b) S.M. Ashfaque Hussain, B.Sc. (Botany), CU, MBA. b) 8181701 b) 01711200307 U.K. c) Joint Secretary c) d) 14/05/2014 d) ashfaquehussain@ 18. a) 0601-5060 Constructon of Upazila and Regional a) Electon Commission a) 2/7, B/2 91% Server Statons of Electoral Database. 01/10/2008 Secretariat, 62, West Tolerbagh, 91% -31/12/2016 Agargaon, Mirpur, Dhaka-1207 Dhaka-1216. Phone- 9038708 b) SK Abdul Mannan, B.Sc. Engg. (Civil), MBA, DU. b) 02-9143885 b) c) Project Director. c) 02-8181158 d) 05/04/2015 d) 19. a) 0601-5130 Identfcaton System for Enhancing Access a) Islamic Foundaton a) Utaron, U-7, Aziz 27% to Services. 01/07/2011 -30/06/2016 Bhaban, (6th to 9th Polli, Dhaka 28% Floor) Agargaon, Cantonment. Dhaka. b) Sultanuzzaman Md.

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