Region FOIA Number Request Date Date Requester Last Requester First Requester Organization Subject Received Name Name FWS Region 3 FWS-2017-00730 24-Apr-17 1-May-17 Culpepper Jessica Public Justice January 1, 2013-present, livestock/poultry medium or large [Concentrated] Animal Feeding Operations in zip codes 45822 or 45885 in Ohio FWS Region 6 FWS-2017-00729 25-Apr-17 1-May-17 Wogsland Dan North Dakota Grain Growers Association names and addresses of easement holders in ND FWS Region 6 FWS-2017-00720 29-Apr-17 1-May-17 Aland Robert communications between b6r adn USFWS re: GYE GB peer review services FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00724 28-Apr-17 28-Apr-17 Moser David Lagunitas Creek Bridge - All correspondence related to CDOT (Caltrans) FWS Region 4 FWS-2017-00721 27-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 Blood David Foundation for Balanced Environmental Requester seeks all of the documentation that was used in making Stewardship the determination to list Puma concolor cory(formerly listed as Felis concolor cory) as an Endangered Species on 11 March 1967, to include notices within the Federal Register. The documentation should include any scientific/biological research as well. Headquarters FWS-2017-00717 19-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 Pratt O.J Pasific Auction Companies, Inc. Copies of the CITES paperwork as well as any available information regarding the importation might be obtained 1. African Elephant ½ body mount with composite tusks 2. Full Body mount African Cape Buffalo believe to be from Tanzania 3. African Rhinoceros believed to be from Tanzania 4. South East Africa wildcat 5. African Nyala 6. African Springhare 7. African Bushpig 8. African Gazelle 9 . Pair mount of African Greater Kudu 10. African helmeted guinea; ect... FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00715 27-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 Naficy Babak Biodiversity First! Arroyo Grande Creek Proposed Vegetation Management Plan. Region FOIA Number Request Date Date Requester Last Requester First Requester Organization Subject Received Name Name Headquarters FWS-2017-00714 27-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 Cafasso Cerissa American Oversight 1. Assessment or analysis including those done under the ES Act regarding the impact of the construction of a wall, fence, or other physical barrier that would extend the full length of the U.S. Mexico border. 2. Any correspondence, including emails, regarding any assessment including those done ES Act of the impact of the construction of a wall, fence, or other physical barrier extend the length of the U.S. Mexico border from November 8, 2016, through the date the search is conducted. Headquarters FWS-2017-00709 19-Apr-17 27-Apr-17 Pratt O.J. Pacific Auction Companies Inc. Seeking any information available. African Elephant ½ body mount with composite tusks. Full Body mount African Cape Buffalo believe to be from Tanzania. African Rhinoceros believed to be from Tanzania. South East Africa wildcat. African Nyala. African Springhare. African Bushpig. African Gazelle. Pair mount of African Greater Kudu. African helmeted guinea. Kafue flats Lechwe Antelope. African Red hartebeest. African Cokes Hartebeest. FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00722 25-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Lacy Peter Oregon Natural Desert Association OFWO - Bull trout livestock grazing on the Malheur NF for the period of December 12 2016 to present Headquarters FWS-2017-00716 21-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Caudill Ruthann Self Contracts between Vornado Real Estate and Fish and Wildlife Service from 20112-2017 FWS Region 4 FWS-2017-00713 21-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Joseph Jodi Nally & Hamilton Enterprises, Inc. Requester seeks Nally & Hamilton Enterprises, Inc's applications with USFWS (FWS2007-B-1228 [DNR 807-0500], FWS2008-B-0981 [DNR 848-0242], FWS2009-B-0506 [DNR 848-0292]; all correspondence (electronic, e-mails, written, etc.); records of all meetings pertaining to these applications (dates, agencies represented, attendees, meeting notes or summaries); and file notes authored by or referencing b6 FWS Region 2 FWS-2017-00706 24-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Townsend Margaret Center for Biological Diversity Jaguar sightings and detections, Headquarters FWS-2017-00705 21-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Bloecker Lila Atlantic Pacific Tropicals Inc Import/Export form 3-177 of live marine tropical fish etc from the countries of Haiti and Dominican Republic into the ports of AT, BA, BO, MI, NO, NW, NY, and SF Headquarters FWS-2017-00704 24-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Joshua Black Exotic and Hybrid Raptors Headquarters FWS-2017-00703 25-Apr-17 25-Apr-17 Ecolino Gina Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. Report of all FOIA requests filed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from March 24, 2017 through date of this request (04-25 - 17). Include FOIA Case Numbers, Date Received, Requester Name and Company, Request Subject, and Request Status. FWS Region 2 FWS-2017-00699 28-Feb-17 24-Apr-17 Logan Sheila HilgartWilson, LLC Referral from USACE, Re: Cotton Land Bridge Region FOIA Number Request Date Date Requester Last Requester First Requester Organization Subject Received Name Name FWS Region 4 FWS-2017-00708 20-Apr-17 21-Apr-17 Townsend Margaret Center for Biological Diversity Requester seeks all decision documents mentioning, including, or referencing FWS' recent 90-day finding on the Florida Black Bear petition, docket number FWS-r4-es-2017-0015, to list or reclassify wildlife or plants under the Endangered Species Act and FWS' resulting assessment. FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00701 20-Apr-17 21-Apr-17 Brimmer Janette EarthJustice OFWO - Upper Deschutes Basin Contracts and Agreements for Monitoring and/or Assessment on the Oregon Spotted Frog FWS Region 6 FWS-2017-00697 21-Apr-17 21-Apr-17 Newell Landon Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance bi-weekly meeting notes Alton Coal Tract Lease FWS Region 6 FWS-2017-00696 20-Apr-17 20-Apr-17 Townsend Margaret Center for Biological Diversity translocation of black bears in Colorado FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00694 17-Apr-17 20-Apr-17 Schiff Damien Pacific Legal Foundation all documents pertaining to the Service's compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 86 Stat. 770 (Oct. 6, 1972), in convening "a panel of independent experts to provide individual input on the available data concerning the subspecies designation of the coastal California gnatcatcher," and in relying on the panel's Final Workshop Review Report to deny the petition to delist. FWS Region 3 FWS-2017-00691 19-Apr-17 20-Apr-17 Porter Mick City of Momence Public Comment forms submitted for Kankakee National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area. Headquarters FWS-2017-00693 19-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 Caudill Ruthann 1. Badge numbers FWS LE, Building LE, FPS; 2. Emails from b6 from/to Keith Toomey 1/1/-4/18/17 3. Emails containing Ruthann/James Caudill 1/16/17- 4/18/17; 10/22/16-11/20/16 4. Surveillance video around b6 LE area 10/28/16 12pm - 3pm 5. Surveillance video inside lobby outside 5275 building 3/31/17 9am - 10:30am 6. Emails to/from front desk at check-in name Ruthann/James Caudill FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00692 12-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 Whipple Betsy Whipple Cattle related records. FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00695 30-Mar-17 18-Apr-17 Elliott Cody Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo On behalf of Orange County Citizens for Responsible Industry, records regarding the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project proposed by the South Coast Water District ("Applicant") in Dana Point, California generated or received by the Service since May 11. 2016. FWS Region 7 FWS-2017-00688 18-Apr-17 18-Apr-17 Noblin Rebecca Earthjustice Requesting the administrative record compiled by USFWS in support of its final Predator Control Rule 81 Fed. Reg. 72,248 (Aug. 5, 2016) FWS Region 4 FWS-2017-00702 13-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 Bennett Pilar Requester seeks the proposals and contracts sent to and by the FWS with regard to the red-cockaded woodpeckers at Cainhoy Plantation between April 8, 2014 to present. FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00687 12-Apr-17 14-Apr-17 Hymas Jay Receipt for scrap metal Region FOIA Number Request Date Date Requester Last Requester First Requester Organization Subject Received Name Name FWS Region 7 FWS-2017-00683 13-Apr-17 14-Apr-17 Townsend Margaret Center for Biological Diversity Documents relating to the Alaska National Wildlife Refuges: Non- Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures Rule, 50 C.F.R. 36 ( Refuge Rule ), since November 9, 2016 FWS Region 4 FWS-2017-00698 16-Mar-17 13-Apr-17 Whitefield Charles Requester seeks field maps that coincide with the area covered under the CRP contract number 118 for period 6-1-10 to 9-30-20 FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00685 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Griswold Theodore Procopio Documents related to discussions and/or meetings with the Warner Springs Ranch Habitat and Cultural Conservancy or the Warner Springs Ranch Resort, LLC regarding conservation planning and/or safe harbor agreements since January 1, 2013. Headquarters FWS-2017-00684 13-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Brown Alan Bengal Pedigrees I am requesting copies of all documents from the FWS referencing Bengal Pedigrees or reports from www.bengalpedigrees.com with regards to import/export or International boundary crossing of Bengals, or hybrids of the domestic cat and the Asian Leopard Cat. FWS Region 6 FWS-2017-00679 13-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Robinson Lori Administrative Inquiry FWS Region 2 FWS-2017-00678 13-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 Pierce Elin Seeking documents that are indicative of the hiring decisions made in this position, i.e. documents that show why the applicant awarded the position was qualified. FWS Region 1 FWS-2017-00700 7-Apr-17 12-Apr-17 Vejtasa Kathy Oregon Audubon Council MB Permits in R1 Headquarters FWS-2017-00682 12-Apr-17 12-Apr-17 Sherman Sean Public Citizen Litigation Group Records concerning implementation of Executive Order 13771, entitled "Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs" FWS Region 3 FWS-2017-00676 12-Apr-17 12-Apr-17 Casey Thomas Attorney at Law Afton, MN Wastewater Treatment and Collection System construction decision, rusty-patched bumble bee Headquarters FWS-2017-00672 7-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 Marshall Teresa PETA Copies of all permits and/or permit applications for b6 and/or Feld Entertainment submitted from January 1, 2016 onwards AND copies of the following permits previously issued: PRT-84293A and PRT-37444A.
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