DOCUMENT RESUME ED 444 611 JC 000 533 AUTHOR Martinez, Katherine, Ed. TITLE FACCCTS: The Journal of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, 1995-1996. INSTITUTION California Community Colleges, Sacramento. Faculty Association. PUB DATE 1996-00-00 NOTE 138p.; Published four times a year. PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT FACCCTS: The Journal of California Community College Faculty; v2 n1-4 Sep 1995-May 1996 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *College Faculty; *Community Colleges; *Educational Legislation; Educational Planning; Futures (of Society); Student Characteristics; *Teacher Attitudes; *Tenure; Two Year Colleges IDENTIFIERS *California Community Colleges ABSTRACT This document contains the four issues of FACCCTS, the Journal of the Faculty Association of the California Community Colleges, published during the 1995-96 academic year. In the September 1995 issue, faculty members explore sensitive faculty issues: Is tenure's time up? When will part-time faculty finally receive the respect they deserve? Should the 175-day academic calendar be killed? In the November/December 1995 issue, faculty members, fundamentalists, state government, and Assembly member John Vasconcellos voice their vision for the community colleges' future. The February 1996 issue explores "Tidal Wave II," a term coined by the authors of a report from the California Higher Education Policy center for referring to the new students who will flood higher education in the next decade. FACCTS looks at who they are, their attitudes, the job market they are entering, and their vision of the future, in their own words. The May 1996 issue includes stories of some of the keynote speakers and recipients of the 1996 FACCC Awards at the 1996 FACCC Conference. A few statistics about faculty members at the state's community colleges are followed by a wide range of faculty issues. Each issue of the Journal also contains various features such as letters to the Editor, Legislative Report, FACCCTS Survey, and Book Review. (JA) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. FACCCTS: The Journal of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges 1995-1996 Volume 2 Numbers 1-4 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION . Office of Educational Research and Improvement DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. K. Martinez Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent 1 official OERI position or policy. 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Facccts, September 1995- May 1996. The Journal of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, Volume 2, Numbers 1-4 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OFand Improvement DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS Office of Educational Research BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has beenreproduced as received from the person ororganization (Your-11' 6z originating it. Minor changes have beenmade to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Points of view or opinionsstated in this document do not necessarilyrepresent official OERI position or policy. O 2A- BEST COPYAVAILABLE THE JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Volume 2 Number 1 September 1995 el\ I IISEREIN TOPIC CONTROVERSIES DIVIDING HIGHER EDUCATION '. 1..1,r BEST COPY AVAILABLE 50 0Hotel Rates An Incredible Offer For. ficulty Association of CaliforniaCommunity Colleges Members! 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Occasionally a hotel fills completely, like during a (: VI I TOI i1:1.1 1-800-STAY-4-50 Access # 1978-31 iiiiiiii i i iiii iii, FACCC Members:'Did You Know ?... That IRS Ruling 90 -24 and the Unemployment Compensation AmendmentsAct of 1992 have provided a way foryou to get your money out of a two-tier annuity without loosing interest? Call Kit" 1-800-TSA-HELP and request the "Two-Tier _ . That you have unrestricted access to the 1988 balance inyour tax-sheltered annuity accounts, even if you're not yet 591/2 and are still working? Call 1-800-TSA-HELP and request the"88 Balance Info Letter." _ Thatnaming yeurTrust as tliebeneOci4Lof your TSA will have serious-negativetax implications? Call 14300-TSA-HELP andTsPeaktO one ofour agents for a quick, concise explanation. That you may have a special IRS option available toyou m your year o service regardingmg TSA contributions? Call 1-NO-TSA-IELP and askone of our agents about the "final year""alculation. That if. you moy. e,TSA funds into an IRA, you loose two Chiiicteriitias yoiimay regret not having when distributions begin? Call 1-800- TSA -HELP. and. request the "IRA Info Letter." -"- ' ' :"F:4`.;..C; That we will-gladly add your name tO our "Gold Star News" (financialnews for educators) mailing list? Allyou have to do is call 1-800 - TSA -HELP and ask. No salespressure, ever. We've been helping educators plan for their financial future for over thirteen years. Our phones are answered by licensed agents who assistyou when you choose to call. We will address your questions and concerns immediately. You need not bea Gold Star client to ask us for assistance. Hundreds of non-clients call us yearly...and all are treated with the same respect and attentionwe give thousands of long-standing clients. We don't try to sell you something when yotrcall. We believe in giving you exemplary service first and that the saleswill follow. We'd stake our reputation on it. As a matter of fad, we do,everyday : . gOa. 5.1a r dimes+ "Yerevir Made is .Perim do..5rutudv .. G.S.A. insurance Agency, Inc. 3960 Prospect Mimeo* SuiteG P.O. Box 399Yorba Linda CA 92686-0399 ISISMIMM11111111111:1:111:111:13:14.1: i ; ; iiiiiii Iniiils.rli1:11111illii1111111111111111101filli BEST COPYAVAILABLE BEST COPYAVAILABLE Inside lIIFACCC page 16 BOARD OF GOVERNORS The Taboos of the California Community Colleges EXECUTIVE BOARD These are the sensitive issues everyone is talking about. Faculty members explore six topics and their main points. Is tenure's time up? PRESIDENT When will part-timers finally receive the respect they deserve? Should Jane Hal linger discussions don't end Pasadena City College we kill the 175-day academic calendar? The here. FACCCTS offers only a starting point. VICE PRESIDENT Leslie Smith City College of San Francisco TREASURER page 8 Thelma Epstein Ground Sacred Cow DeAnza College Everyone's favorite wordsmith is at it again. This time, Sierra College history professor John McFarland tramples on the sacred cows of RECORDING SECRETARY Charles Donaldson higher education and defends the lecture as a valid mode of commu- Santa Monica College nication in the classroom. PAST PRESIDENT Ema Noble Chaffey College AT-LARGE MEMBERS Features Alma Aguilar Southwestern College President's column Faculty Focus: Margaret Quan 15 27 Winston Butler Letters to the Editor 5 FACCCTS Survey Los Angeles City College Executive Director's report 6..; 'On the Cover: Allan Jones 29 12 Book Review: The Dreamkeepers 30 Trudy Bratten Fast FACCCTS Grossmont College Legislative Report 14 After the FACCC: How to Retire 31 Cy Gulassa Foothill College Bruce Jacobs Laney College There seems to be.,nollMittotthe controversies in higher' educationtoday This issue of FACCCTS takes on controversial: topics, in the community collegesitininitbat funky members must discuss, in Joe Kuwabara the hope that theyMni'help create solutions.
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