I More Than 9.000 . Families Read The Grosse Pointe News rosse ews Every Thursday Ib, News TV_ 2-6900 Complete News Coverage Pointes .E!)£ered a. Second0.. Matter VOLUME I4-NO. 10 ~:(lp~rC~~~ GROSSE POINTE,' MICHIGAN, MARCH 5. 1953 at the Post Office at Detroit. Mtch. • Fully Paid Circulation • ____________________________________. -------------<t> photo-Mural Presented t~ usa Headquarters HEADLIXES T0 Continue Battle Package Deal 0/ Ihe • . Plan Changed "rEEK AgaInst Dutch Elm At Meet~ng As Compjled by Ihe Grosu Pointe News Voters Given Opportunity To Accept or Re;eet Any Thursda~'. February 26 Disease This Year Of Proposals IN HIS FIRST p~icy speech to the UN General Assembly as , At least 40 persons, repre- the new United States chief dele- Municipalities Agree to Contribute. Again for Spraying of senting the various P-TA gate, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., All Trees on Their Property: State 'to Increase Program charged that, Russia started the groups in the Grosse Pointe Red aggression in Korea and is The battle against the spread of the dreaded Dutch Elm School District, met with disease will be continued in the Pointe again this year. continuing it, ostrich-like, with All Board of Education officials full aid to Communist Chinese of the local municipalities have already agreed to rpake an- and North Koreans. The Rus- other contribution towards the cost of. carrying on the ex- last Thursday night to discuss sians resented the reference to tensive campaign which was launched las.t year. the problems of needed school an ostrich, but will not make a 'space and the means of ask- detailed rebuttal until they study The Grosse Pointe Garden <t> Lodge's speech. Council and the Grosse Pointe ing voters for a tax increaSe Property Owners' Association to finance nec~ssarj' expan. • • • will again play leading roles in Fallen Wires PROF. ROBERT G. DAVIS of the battle. sion, Smith Coil e g e, Northampton, State Makes Report Complicate A method of presenting a tax Mass" revealed the names of 21 A report has been received increase request to the Grosse persons he said were Reds while from C. A. Boyer, chief of the Pointe voters at the coming spec- he was a Communist at Harvard Bureau of Plant Industry of the, Garage Fire ial election, April 21, met with 15 years ago. Included in the Michigan Department of Agricul- favorable reaction by those pres- group he named were Dorothy ture, covering the work on Dutch ent at the meeting, as did a pro- Douglas, former wife of Senator Elm' Disease Control for 1952. Eleven Woods Firemen and posal that the issues involved be Douglas, (D., Ill.), and Kath- The state gave the area full co- Five Volunteers Battle Blaze handed to residents as separate erine Lumpkin, called the lead- operation last year in the fight Amid Fireworks items rather tha'n as a package ers of the cell by Davis. He has against the spread of. the disease. deal. been fighting Communists since Dutch Elm disease was first A Gro~IPsOrganlze he left the party. discovered in Michigan in 1950 garage fire in the rear of Taking into. consideration the • • • and first infections were in the the home of Joseph Zajac, length of time remaining before PRESIDENT EISENHOWER eastern Detroit-Grosse Pointe 2038 Hampton, disrupted elec- the election \....ill take place, the announced willingness to meet area. Nine diseased trees were found in- the first year. tric and telephone service for P-TA groups organized "The with Russia's Stalin or any other Friends of the Grosse Pointe wDrld leader to further the cause Disease Increases several hours in at least 15 Public Schools.". formed to pub- of freedom. He said he would like During 1951 a total of 74 di- homes in the neighborhood. licize benefits to be gained from to go half way to a meeting with Recently installed in the Downtown usa Club at 147 '"'Vest Lafayette is this striking picture of "The Spirit of sea sed trees were found in the when intense heat melted high the expansion ef school facili- Stalin if it would increase the Detroit," the gift of the Chrysler Corporation. The conception it that of JAMES W. LEE, II of Chalfonte road, Grosse vicinity of Detroit. Fifteen of tension wires, Wednesday, ties and to explain how a tax chances of world peace and if the these were in the Pointe. February 25. Pointe. public relations counsel to Chrysler. Mr. Lee, right, is explaining the mural to WALTER L. CISLER, president millage increase is vrtal to the American people approved. How- program. of Detroit Edison and recently re-eJectNl usa president for 1953, and tf) STAFF SERGT. EARL T.' GREEN, of Oxford, Last year the state bureau The fire,. believed to have been ever, he said he thought the only made an organized survey in all caused by a short circuit in gar- J. L. Newberry, president of N. C., stationed at Selfridge Field. Mr. Cisler lives in Devonshire road, Grosse Pointe. workable approach was through the Pointes and Harper Woods age ,wiring, w,ss battled by 11 the Dads Club of Grosse High treaties with self-enforcing pro- and St. Clair Shores and in some Woods policemen and five vol- School, was elected chairman vision& like the right of inspec- other communities in the Detroit unteer firemen. Besides the duty and Charles Zentgraf, president tion, metropolitan area. The Pointe of enforcing the law, Woods po- of Vernier School P-TA, was • • • Bloodmobile Pleasure Ride Ends in Near Tu,xis Club's municipalitie.s all contributed lice double' as firemen. made co-chairman. UNITED STATES battle cas- towards' havmg, all tre.~s, onm4'" . Wke ..Wra.. Around, Tree Face Acute .Shortage nicipal1y owned. property care"; . '. ualties in Korea now. number Coming Here Tragedy as Car Hits Pole Sltow Hailed fully sprayed and many private '. Th-: flre-fl~htel'l. rep~rt('d ~hat A poinl to beslressed to resi- 130,321. Listed as killed in action property owners joined in the the high tension WIres, In ~allmg, dents of the School District is were 20,585, wounded 96,710, campaign and had their own elms wrapped arou~d a tree 10 ~~e that by next year, shortage of missing 13,026. Army casualties, On March 18 On. L.ak~front; Four InjuredlAs Best Ever sprayed rear of the ZaJac home, causmg school rooms will be acute. This 101,801; Navy, 1.933; Air Force, .73 Cases in 1952 a brilliant ~hite l.ight ~o illumi- is attributed to the number of 1,420; Marines, 25,26;. Red Cross Unit Will be Set Playful Child Distracts Mother. at Wheel; Grandmother First Performance of Big . nate .the surroundmg area. They small children whQ will have DUl'lng the summer th~ state were 'helpless to stop this, because • • • Up at St, Poul Evangelical Badly Hurt Trying to Shield Her Grandson Production to be Given reached school age in the Pointe Frida~'. February 11 surveyed alJ of the .. estImated they could not pour water on the communities, and children of new Lutheran Church Four persons were injured, two of them seriously, when Tonight in Parcells School 34,474 e1n:ts I? the Pomte-Harper 'tree for fear of an electrical ERNEST WOLLWEBER. con- residents coming into this rapid- the car in which they were driving e1"ashed into a pole at Wood~ dIs~rlct: J:.. total of 73 shock, Oozing tree sap made ly growing area. sidered one of intemational ~rees 10 th.ls distrIct were foun~ matters worse. Communism"s most experienced The Red Cross Bloodmobile 575 Lakeshore road, Friday. February 27. The Tuesday night dress re- mfected With the Dutch Elm dI- .' Originally it was decided that \ direr'~ors of sabotage and espio- will returt1 to the Pointe on Mrs Dorothy Fisher, her two'! • hearsal of the Tuxis Show, sease and were removed, A~J.acent garages. we~e d~'ench- a $2.500.000 bond issue and the ed WIth water, but thiS did not nage, arriveci in West Germany, Wednesda;r. March 18, t,? cOl_-1small children, Michele, 3, and \V.ife, who was driving, was d,is- "Midwinter Madness," indi- .In .a lette.!' to Mrs, Harley G. prevent them from becoming program expansion be submitted reportt'dly . to condurt a confer- lect donatIons from all ,olu~ Kenny Thomas,' 19 months, and haded by young Kenny. \\ho 'cated that, the performances HIgbIe, . chau'man o~ the Dutch scorched. The burning garage it- to the voters in a package deal_ ence to plan sabotage in the coal, 1 At last Thursday's meeting, the tary blood donors. TShe pUnIt Mrs. William Dicks, of Three f8ttem pted tI~' clamt.ber .OtVe. {'thde tonight and Saturday will be Elm Dlse~se Committee of the self was a total loss. iron and steel industries of the wlll be set up at the 1. au l ron tsea t.dS ac IOn In CI ere the best presented in the club's Grosse Pomte Garden Club Coun-. decision was to! submit the issues Schuman Plan nations. His or- . 1 L th . Ch h Oaks. were rushed to the Cottage with his mother's control of the five years of variety s'hows, cil, Mr. Boyer says'that the state Mysterious Static as separate items, so that if one E vange }lca u eran ure, '. .' d~rs are interpreted as proof of Ch If t and. Lothrop roads Hospital by Shore polIce ambu- ?ar, which swerved and crashed The curtain goes up tonight is proposing to increase its pro- Police who answered the L J issue is defeated, the others may tHe extreme concern aroused in f a ~n t e 8' , lance within minutes after the mto a pole.
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