S8400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 2, 2010 his Web site and another one after the input Senators LIEBERMAN and Whereas Giants fans who have been ever that. Once he does, this bill would give BROWN of Massachusetts have given me loyal, supporting the team from China Basin the administration increased flexi- on this important legislation. to Coogan’s Bluff, can once again call their bility to deal with him and potentially I hope we can take up this bill, con- baseball team world champions: Now, there- sider it, work with the administration, fore, be it other copycat organizations that aspire Resolved, That the Senate— to his likeness. work with the House, and pass this im- (1) congratulates the San Francisco Giants There are a couple of concerns I want portant legislation so the next time, on winning the 2010 World Series Champion- to address. First, one might wonder and we know there will be a next time, ship; and how this bill stands with our first that Julian Assange and his associates (2) commends the fans in California, across amendment. While I hope we can all leak classified intelligence that puts the country, and around the world for their agree that Julian Assange is no jour- people’s lives in danger, we can actu- unremitting support of the Giants. nalist, some might wonder if the ally have another tool in the arsenal so f amended law that would result from our Department of Justice can go after SENATE RESOLUTION 693—CON- this bill could be applied to the news these despicable people. DEMNING THE ATTACK BY THE media. It is pretty frustrating for the f DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUB- intelligence community when commu- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS LIC OF KOREA AGAINST THE RE- nications intelligence sources and PUBLIC OF KOREA, AND AFFIRM- methods are blown. ING SUPPORT FOR THE UNITED When this happens, sources of vital SENATE RESOLUTION 692—CON- STATES-REPUBLIC OF KOREA intelligence dry up or become inacces- GRATULATING THE SAN FRAN- ALLIANCE sible, and potentially millions of de- CISCO GIANTS ON WINNING THE Mr. WEBB (for himself, Mr. MCCAIN, fense dollars go down the drain. How- 2010 WORLD SERIES CHAMPION- Mr. BOND, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. BROWN of ever, despite the serious consequences SHIP Massachusetts, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. associated with losing a communica- Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mrs. tions intelligence source or method, LIEBERMAN, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. MENEN- FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- DEZ, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. NELSON of Florida, and the damage that does to our na- olution; which was referred to the tional security, no Presidential admin- Mr. VOINOVICH, Mr. WICKER, Mr. AKAKA, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Mr. INOUYE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. KYL, Mr. istration has ever prosecuted a member Transportation. of the news media under the existing GREGG, Mr. LEMIEUX, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. S. RES. 692 statute, which has been on the books CASEY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, since 1951. Whereas on November 1, 2010, the San Mrs. MCCASKILL, Mr. TESTER, and Mr. Let’s face it, leaks do happen. As Francisco Giants defeated the Texas Rangers DURBIN) submitted the following reso- by a score of 3-1 in game 5 to win the 2010 Secretary Gates stated just a few days lution; which was considered and World Series and become champions of Major agreed to: ago, regrettably, our government leaks League Baseball; classified information like a sieve. This Whereas this is the first championship the S. RES. 693 bill does not stop anybody from pub- San Francisco Giants have won since the Gi- Whereas Yeonpyeong Island is located in lishing leaks, but it does provide legal ants came to San Francisco from New York the Yellow Sea (West Sea) about 50 miles incentive to Julian Assange to do what in 1958; west of the city of Incheon and is inhabited Amnesty International has repeatedly Whereas this is the sixth World Series title by more than 1,000 citizens and military per- asked him to do: be more responsible in the history of the Giants franchise; sonnel from the Republic of Korea; Whereas the 2010 Giants acted with deter- Whereas the United Nations Command es- about how classified leaks are handled mination and teamwork as they emerged vic- tablished the Northern Limit Line in 1953, by not revealing the identity of these torious from the fiercely contested National marking the line of military control between classified human intelligence sources. League Western Division; the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Let me be clear. This bill doesn’t tar- Whereas during the National League play- and the Republic of Korea; get journalists. Instead, it provides offs, the Giants unleashed their arsenal of Whereas, on November 23, 2010, the Repub- flexibility for the Attorney General overpowering starting pitching, unflappable lic of Korea military conducted military ex- with a targeted solution and increased relief pitching, steady defense, and timely ercises in the Yellow Sea (West Sea) on the flexibility to deal with WikiLeaks. hitting to defeat the Atlanta Braves and the southern side of the Northern Limit Line; Some might be wondering whether two-time defending National League cham- Whereas, on that day, North Korea mili- pions, the Philadelphia Phillies, en route to tary forces fired approximately 170 artillery Julian Assange, who is a foreign cit- capturing their first pennant since 2002; shells at Yeonpyeong Island, resulting in izen, can be prosecuted under the Espi- Whereas, although there is no one super- military and civilian casualties, including onage Act. In fact, the courts long ago star on the roster, the Giants are a group of the death of 2 marines and 2 civilians from established that he can be prosecuted self-described ‘‘castoffs and misfits’’ that the Republic of Korea; under these statutes. truly exemplify what it means to be a team; Whereas North Korea’s shelling caused I am not a lawyer, but if you study Whereas all 25 players on the playoff roster widespread damage to military installations the United States v. Zehe from 1986, it should be congratulated, including World Se- and civilian property; becomes immediately clear that ries Most Valuable Player Edgar Renteria, as Whereas North Korea’s attack against well as, Jeremy Affeldt, Madison Bumgarner, South Korea infringes upon the commit- Assange can be prosecuted under the Matt Cain, Santiago Casilla, Tim Lincecum, ments made in the Korean War Armistice Espionage Act. Javier Lopez, Guillermo Mota, Ramon Rami- Agreement of 1953 that oblige military com- That said, my concern is that our ex- rez, Sergio Romo, Jonathan Sanchez, Brian manders to ‘‘order and enforce a complete isting laws may have some loopholes Wilson, Buster Posey, Eli Whiteside, Mike cessation of all hostilities in Korea by all through which he can escape. In fact, Fontenot, Aubrey Huff, Travis Ishikawa, armed forces under their control’’; just a few days ago in the Washington Freddy Sanchez, Pablo Sandoval, Juan Whereas this attack also violates United Post, I read where Attorney General Uribe, Pat Burrell, Cody Ross, Aaron Nations Security Council Resolution 1695 Holder said: Rowand, Nate Schierholtz, and Andres (2006), which emphasizes the need for North Torres; Korea ‘‘to show restraint and refrain from To the extent that there are gaps in our Whereas Managing General Partner Bill any action that might aggravate tension, laws . we will move to close those gaps. Neukom, General Manager Brian Sabean and and to continue to work on the resolution of Well, I submit that the bill I am in- Manager Bruce Bochy did a tremendous job non-proliferation concerns through political troducing today, with a couple of oth- putting together the 2010 San Francisco Gi- and diplomatic efforts’’; ers, will do just that. It closes a gap in ants team and guiding them to the 2010 Whereas this brazen attack is one in a se- our laws and it moves to protect vital World Series; ries of actions by the Government of North human intelligence sources and meth- Whereas San Francisco is a city with a Korea that undermine regional peace and se- ods consistent with the manner in rich baseball tradition where players such as curity, especially on the Korean peninsula; Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Orlando Whereas this attack follows the March 26, which current law communications in- Cepeda, Juan Marichal, Gaylord Perry, and 2010, torpedo attack by the Government of telligence is already protected. Joe DiMaggio have displayed the prodigious North Korea against the Republic of Korea I thank Senators LIEBERMAN and skills that would eventually take them to ship CHEONAN, which resulted in the death BROWN of Massachusetts for joining me the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Coop- of 46 sailors from the Republic of Korea in this important legislation and for erstown, New York; and Navy; VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:34 Dec 03, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02DE6.044 S02DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE.
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