cmc COMMUNITY POLICING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Of Minutes: DEC - 3 2020 August 2020 MUNICIPALITY OF TWEED Present: PER Jamie DeMarsh, Municipality of Tweed - Chairperson Randy Rowe, Township of Madoc - Vice - Chairperson & Treasurer Ron Carroll, Township of Tudor & Cashel Kevin McLaughlin, Municipality of Centre Hastings Mike Stevens, Municipality of Marmora & Lake Grant Hagemian, Township of Stirling-Rawdon Scott Underhill, S/Sergeant, Ontario Provincial Police Shelley Brown, Admin., Ontario Provincial Police 1. Approval of Agenda Date amendment on agenda. Randy Rowe made a motion to approve the agenda, 2"^ by Mike Stevens. All in favour. Carried. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest - None noted. 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting - Grant Hagerman made a motion to receive the minutes, 2"^ by Ron Carrol, All in favour. Carried. 4. Business arising from minutes - None noted. 5. Police Report- Scott Underhill read his report. Doors are finally opening to the public this afternoon upon our return to the detachment. There still is the option for staff to work from home if they have health issues and cannot social distance. This is not an issue for us as we only have the 2 admin at the moment. The contract person Kaitlin has left to go to Quinte West OPP for a contract there. Lindsay McEvoy will not be returning from maternity leave until November to fill the 3''^ position. Staffing - We currently have 3 people set to transfer out in September. We have 3 coming in to replace them, 1 being a new recruit coming in October and the MUNICIPALITY OF TWEED: JAMIE DEMARSH. CHAIRPERSON TOWNSHIP OF MADOC: RANDY ROWE,\TCE-CHAIRPERSON AND TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF TUDOR AND CASHEL: RON CARROLL MLlNlCIPALm'OF MARMORA AND LAKE: MIKE STEVTiNS MUNICIPALm'OF CE'NTRE HASTINGS: KEATN MCLAUGHLIN TOWNSHIP OF STIRLING-RAWDON: GRANT HAGERMAN CENTRAL HASTINGS O.P.P. DETACHMENT: STAFF SERGEANT SCOTT UNDERHILL cmc COMMUNITY POLICING ADVISORY COMMITTEE other 2 starting in September. We also have 5 new recruits coming in January that will be filling some spots from retirement and transfers out over the last year or two that we were not able to fill due to cut backs. Tweed council has expressed coneerns over the turnover of the S/Sgt position over the last couple of years. They feel strongly that the position should be filled by an officer already working in our detachment to try and help eliminate that turnover in the future. S/Sgt. completely agrees with this and will pass along these concerns to the command staff. S/Sgt. Underhill explained the new process for officers transferring in to detachments. They now have to stay in the detachment for 2 years and all new recruits must stay for 3 years before being able to transfer out somewhere else. Marijuana grows have been a very hot topic over the last couple of weeks. We have been doing warrants and destroying grow ops in the area due to complaints from different Municipalities. We need to start working together with the Municipalities and the MOE in order to get rid of these plants. There have been questions about who will be paying the bills for the use of Municipality equipment and the employees that are used to help get rid of the plants. There will be more info to come in the future in regards to this. Mike Stevens made a motion to receive and accept the report, 2"*^ by Kevin McLaughlin. All in favour. Carried. 6. Treasurer Report - Randy Rowe reported a balanee of $ 33,435.30 in the Financial Account and a balance of $ 173.45 in the Petty Cash. Randy Rowe made a motion to accept the report, 2"^ by Mike Stevens. All in favour. Carried. Jamie DeMarsh suggested that everyone try and think of some initiatives that the committee can spend some money on. 7. Accounts: None Noted 8. Old Business: Safety Trade Zone: Does it have to be on OPP property. No, but ML'NICIFALITi' OF TWEED: JAMIE DEMARSH, CH.MRFERSON TOWNSHIP OF MADOCi R.ANDY ROWE, VICE-CHAIRRERSON AND TREASL'RER TOWNSHIP OF TLTDOR AND CASHEL: RON CARROLL MUNICIPALm'OF MARMORA AND LAICE. MIKE STE\’ENS MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRE HASTINGS: KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN TOWNSHIP OF STIRLING-ILAWDON: GRANT HAGER.MAN CENTIL\L HASTINGS O.P.P. DETACHMENT: STAFF SERGEANT SCOTT UNDERHILL cmc COMMUNITY POLICING ADVISORY COMMITTEE there is a liability issue for the property owner and the issue of installing camera’s. There would also need to be enough parking for people. Centre Hastings would be the ideal location as it is central. Maybe if we can decide on a location CPAC could look into purchasing cameras for it. Bicycle Helmets: Arrived in May and we were unable to disperse them due to Covid so we will be dispersing them as soon as the schools reopen. Fraud stickers: Have been placed in local area stores Magazine Ad: We changed up the layout of the ad this year to focus more on fraud prevention Business Mission Statement: Randy Rowe has been working on something and will forward it out in the near future. 9. New Business: Chairperson Jamie DeMarsh welcomed Kevin McLaughlin to the CPAC Committee. Fraud: Look into newspaper and radio advertising for Fraud Prevention initiative. Should we look into creating a social media page for CPAC and who would look after it? CHSS Law Award: CPAC approved PC Lisa Robson presenting the award to her daughter as there will be no outside people allowed at the graduations this year due to Covid St. Teresa Law Award: The staff can present this award to Jenna Plumbe as they will not be allowing outside people to attend. 10. Correspondence: None Noted 11. Community Concerns: Municipality of Centre Hastings - Kevin McLaughlin: Rollins St in Madoc has had speeding complaints again. Complaints coming from the usual complainant. Looking for a cruiser to just do a drive by once in a while. MUNICIPALUY 01-TWEED: JAMIE DEMARSH, CHAIRPERSON TOWNSHIP OF MADOC: ILANDY ROV\T,\'ICE-CHAIRPERSON AND TREASLIRER TOWNSHIP OF TUDOR AND CASHEL: RON CARROLL MUNICIPALITY OF M'MIMORA AND LAKE: MIKE STE\TNS MUNICIPALm'OF CENTRE HASTINGS. KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN TOWNSHIP OF STIRLLNG-RAWDON: GRANT HAGHRMAN CENTRAL HASTINGS O.P.P. DETACHMENT: STAFF SERGEANT SCOTT L'NDERHILL cmc COMMUNITY POLICING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Municipality of Marmora and Lake-Mike Stevens: Social media complaint about Marmora being a hot bed for thefts, B&E’s and he has safety concerns for his family. Looking for info on any stats in relation to the above issues. Complaint of PC Brenda Donnelly not following up on some issues since July. Do we clean our boats before entering different waterways in our areas? The boats get cleaned daily at the detachment before heading out. Municipality of Tweed - Jamie DeMarsh: 1)Complaints of speeding on Carrs Rd (80km)& Martin Road (80km) 2)Atv’s driving over the off road limits 3)Jet skis speeding out on Stoco Lake down by Trillium Trail in the West channel Maybe we can utilize the speed spy. Township of Tudor-Ron Carroll: Complaints of ATV’s speeding on Hwy 62 & heading towards West Rd going south Township of Madoc - Randy Rowe: Complaint of skid marks on Cooper Rd & another at Remington Rd and another at the other end of Remington Rd at Hwy 62. Township of Stirling-Rawdon - Grant Hagerman: Looking for trail enforcement in the village. MUNICIPALITY OF TWEED: J.-^MIE DE.MARSH. CRAIRPERSON TOWNSHIP OF MADOC: lUNDY ROWE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON AND TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF TUDOR AND CASHEL: RON CARROLL MUNICIPALITi' OF MARMORA AND LAI'CE: MIKE STEVENS MUNICIPALITY OF CE'NTRE HASTLNGS: KEVIN MCLAUGHLLN TOWNSHIP OF STIRLING-RAWDON: GRANT HAGERMAN CENTRAL HASTINGS O.P.P. DETACHMENT: STAFF SERGEANT SCOTT L'NDERHILL cmc COMMUNITY POLICING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12. Date and Location of Next Meeting: Wednesday November 25^'' @ 9:00 a.m. @ Centre Hastings Council Chambers. Kevin McLaughlin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2'^'^ by Grant Hagennan. All in favour. Meeting adjourned. MUNICIPALITY OFTWEEL'): J.AMIE DEMARSH, CHAIRPERSON TOWNSHIP OF HYDOC: ILANDY ROWE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON AND TREASLiRER TOWNSHIP OF TUDOR AND CASHEL: RON CARROLL MUNICIPALITY OF MARMORA AND LAKE: MIKE STEATNS MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRE HASTINGS. KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN TOWNSHIP OF STIRLING-RAWDON: GRANT HAGERMAN CENTRAL HASTINGS O.P.P. DETACHMENT: STAFF SERGEANT SCOTT UNDERHILL.
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