TME CATHOLIC WORKER • I Subscription: Vol. XLIII, No. 9. DECEMBER, 1977 25c Per Year Price 1¢ Do not be afraid. Listen, I bring you n.ews of great joy, , a joy to be shared by the whole people. ~--...;._.-.;....,_..;...;,,.-.....;o.....___;;_..;,_~~~~~~~ ALL GOD'S PROPERTY CHILDREN and POVERTY By STANLEY VISBNEWSKI By EILEEN EGAN Nina puts the piay stethescope over As new regimes are installed in <:oun- her ears and places the diaJ on .top of - tries around the world, some wedded to my balding head. "No hair," she com­ Marxist doctrines, some to socialism of ments, causing me to breathe a sigh of a less doctrinaire type, and some to an relief. For a moment I thought she was acceptance of varying degrees of the going to say, "No brains." capitalist ethos, Catholic citizens find a But it seems I am not finished with certain security in stating ''The church my physical examination-Nina com­ and the faithful can live under many mands me to lie down. She hits my systems." knees with a plastic hammer and then The key word is "under." People vJho swabbing my wrist with a ball of cottoTJ are followers of Jes us have had to live she injects a monumental hypodermic "under" regimes not of 1t:heir own choos­ needle (manufactured, I am sure, for ing from Jesus' time to our own. An elephants) against my skin. I pretend· assumption that flows from the willing­ to go along with the game and give ness to adapt to various political systems forth with a good old-fashioned cry of· is that Christians c&n accept, and accom­ pain. modate to, a variety of economic systems. At the time as she is playing doctor This assumption is false because under­ and nurse combined she is looking me lying it is the belief that Jesus did not over with her huge, open eyes and an bring to His followers a distinctive way impiah grin diffusing over her face. She of life englobing specific teachings on tells ine, in no uncertain terms, as she what we now call economics. hugs her little arms against her body, that it will not hurt and that I am not Life of Community to be a coward. The most visible and immediate im­ Nina, who is able to mimic taking phy­ pact of the teaching of Jesus on His fol­ sical examinations, giving injections and lowers in Jerusalem was on their attitude medications, is seven and a dwarf. She to property and to poverty. They began is suffering fr-om a rare disease called to share their goods with one another (Continued on page 6) so that their life took f'n the shape of. real community. Those '-\'he were so poor that they >Could not share anything be­ came the common responsibility of the An Apology community and their needs were met by the deaoeons. To the deaoeons, seven of We must apologize and beg indul­ whom were commissioned for the work, gence from our readers that this issue the donations of the Christian com­ arrives so liate (as, on the whole, did Lavrans munity were entrusted. The deaoeons then our last issue). Our addressograph administered the goods in accordance machine, a 19!'1 model, has served us with the needs of the members of the faithfully for as ·long as anyone can community. The first Christian martyr, remember, requiring little in the way The Gospel is the Crime Stephen, came from among these seven of maintenance. Each month, this ministers ·to the poor. slicht concession to the industrial age, The community af Solentiname was to lay blame for the undeclared civil The dear du.ty to share one's goods resembling, more than anything, a destroyed by Nica·raguan government war, which began Oct. 13, on these with the needy ditl not end with the medieval instrument of torture, has forces during the week -of Nov. 20. priests and -others whose concern is for needy of one's immediate neighborhood. cranked out the 86,000 or so labels re­ Solentiname was the· site of Our Lady justice. As Christian communities formed across quired for each issue. But last month of Solentiname, a lay monastery begun The actions which have resulted in the face of the ancient world, s<>mething just about everything that could go by our friend, the priest and poet, criminal charges have been the "crimes" wild and strange occurred: they began wrong with the machine did, from Ernesto Cardenal, and was the home of of leading lives motivated by the sharing with each other and meeting running out of ink and paper, to the the fishermen, .farmers, a·rtists and Gospels: speaking out against the ter­ each other's needs across all barriers of aged motor blowing out. One thing others who participated with Fr. Car­ rorism of the Somoza dictatorship, a tribe and race. In that .period, and in seemed to follow another. denal in the dial-Ogue on the Gospels family which has ruled Nicaragua for many societies to this day, help is given For a few despairing moments there recorded in The Gospel in Solentiname. 40 years. The Somozas came to power - on the basis of kinship, f.amilial or tribal was talk of writing out all the sub­ (Orbis Books). The huts of the poor in 1937 through the force of the Nmional The extended family system, whereby scriptions by hand! Fortunately, cool­ who inhabit the island were burned, the Guard, a military body equippea and the needs of the weakest and most help­ er minds prevailed. Thanks to' Brian people forced to flee. The raid was ex­ trained by the U.S. in the course af our less members are met through a pooling Terrell, for whom our crisis may have plained as retaliation ·because some from 23 year military occupation of Nicaragua of resources, has been the social security oecasioned the diseovery of a hidden the island have participated in actions (1911-1934). Since the Somoza family system of most of the world since the voeation, the machine has been vir­ against the repressive regime of Gen. has been in power, the people--more beginning of time. It follows that the tually reconstituted. Everyone bas set Anastasio Somoza. than 50% of whom live in dire poverty extended family, sometimes extending as to work on the second floor of St. -have endured widespread torture, sup­ far as the tribe, does n-0t plan for help Joseph's with renewed vigor. But alas, Following it:his, arrest wa:rrents have been issued against a small number. pression of civH and religious liberlties, to those outside the kinship circle. we are far behind. concentration camps, and .assassinations Paul, who first brought the message of It is possible that in the shuffle Among those riamed are Fr. Cardenal, who was elsewhere when the ·raid oc­ -sometimes on the scale of entire vil­ Jesus to the people of Macedonia, went some readen never received their lages. With the recent token exception back to them a third time and .pleaded Oetober-November issue at all (an curred; Fr. Fernando Cardenal, his brother; and Fr. Miguel d'Escoto, editor of the "suspension" of official martial for help for the Christians of Jerusalem especially important issue, containing law (which had been in effect for almost who had fallen on evil times. Though our annu.al Fall Appeal). Please let us of Maryknoll Magazine here in the U.S., a native Nicaraguan who has spoken out three years), conditions of repression poor themselves, the •Macedonian Christ­ know if you were missed and we will have intensified in recent years. In spite ians insisted on giving even more than gladly send you another copy. \ strongly against the Somoza regime. They are charged with six crimes of growing opposition, the U.S. govern­ Paul had hoped to meet the needs of We extend our gratitude to all who ment continues both directly and in­ their faraway brothers and sisters. All make our work and the spreading of against the State, and will be tried in early December. At least some of the directly to provide Nicaragua with barrier.s of kinship, .of tribe, had been our memage possible, and wish you economic and military aid. transcended by the message of the Un- the blessings of Christmas. dozen or so named will be tried in absentia. The Somoza regime is trying Pegp Scherer ( Continued on page 5) THE CATHOLIC WOllKER December, 1977 Vol. XLIII,1 No. 9. December, 1977 MARYHOUSE By ANNE BUCHER There's a Christmas tree under the life, if I have not charit.)9 if love does CATHOLIC ~WORKER arch in Washington Square, yet to be not flow from me, I am nothing; Jesus decorated, but still a reminder ol an reduce me to love." Recently our two Pnblished Monthly (Bi-monthly Mareh-April, Ju.Ir -A~ upcoming event. And as one walks past communities have begun to meet each Oetober-November) stores in Greenwich Village, one will Sunday evening in the Little Brothers' ORGAN OF' THE CATHOLIC WORKER MOVEMENT see decorated windows and ·brightly chapel. In learning to pray together we PETER MAURIN, Founder colored wrapping paper for sale. As strengthen our commitment to God, to DOROTHY-DAY, Editor and Publisher December approaches, I am struck, as each other, to the people with whom we always, with the commercialism of live. Jesus redilce us to love ... ROBERT ELLSBERG, Managing Editor Christmas. Every year the Christmas Brian, from St. Joseph House, re­ Associate Editors: season seems to be upon us at an earlier cently received the Holy Spirit in the MEG BRODHEAD, RITA CORBIN (Art}, CLARE DANIELSSON, FRANK date.
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