Of Place Names

Of Place Names

INDEX OF PLACE NAMES Abarkāwān 480 Anchorage of al-Rāhib (‘The Astipalaia 452 ʿAbbādān 497, 499 Monk’) 448 a-l-A-s-w-y-d (in Sicily) 516 ʿAbd ʿ-d-s (in East Africa) 445 Anchorage of al-Silsilah (‘The A-s-y-ṭ-w-d-th-h (island) 452 Ab-i Qaysar (river) 503n23 Chain’) 450, 485 Asyut 425 Abīb 426 Anchorage of al-Ṭīn (‘The Clay’) 462 Atarneus 448 A-b-ṭ-y-h (in the Aegean) 448 al-Andalus 347, 390, 419, 420n46, al-Athāfī 426 al-Abyaḍ 426 420n50, 420n51, 420n52, 421n56, 433, Athos (Mount), see Malāas Abydos 447n12, 484 434n44, 440, 447 Atlantic Ocean, see Green Sea Achaion Akte 477n25 Andaman Islands 482 A-ṭ-r-a-b-l-y-h (anchorage) 448 Acre 450 Andros 452 Attaleia, see Antalya Adana 505 A-n-d-s (island) 454 Aṭwārān 480 Aden 427n244, 444 Anemurium 449n45 Aviz 420 See also Gulf of Aden Anfah 450 Awdaghost 422 Adhramah 499 Antalya 430, 449 Ayās 449 Adhruʿāt 426n217 Antioch 343, 430n430, 433, 450n63, Aylah 426 ʿAdlūn 450 460, 492 ʿAyn Abī Mālik 458 A-d-m-gh-y-th 426 River of Antioch 505 ʿAyn Abū ʿAlī 466 Aegean (Sea) 447n8, 447nn9–10, Antiochia ad Cragum 449 ʿAyn Abī Saʿīd 459, 465n84 452n102, 452n103, 452n105, 452n107, Aphrodision 477 ʿAyn al-Fulūs 516n13 452nn114–117, 452n123, 452n125, Apulia 344, 498n6 ʿAyn al-Ḥadīd 459 453n127, 453n130, 453n133, 479n5, al-ʿAqabah 426 ʿAyn al-Humm 455 479n8, 483n1, 484n17, 484n27, 485n29, al-Aqlām 423 ʿAyn al-Makāwirīyah 464 485n30, 485n31 Aral Sea 455n14, 491n21, 503n10, 503n11, ʿAyn al-Sabʿ 458, 466 Afasīs (Ephesus) 430, 483n9, 483n11 503n14 ʿAyn Bilāl 462 Afkān 423 Ararat, see Mountains of Ḥārith and ʿAyn R-d-a-m 425 Aghmāt 423 Ḥuwayrith 433 ʿAyn Shifāʾ 458 Al-Ahwāz 428, 492n34 Ardabīl 460 Gate of ʿAyn Shifāʾ 459n39, 464n74, See also Lake al-Ahwāz Ardashīr Khurrah 516 465 Ainos 484 Argos 487 ʿAyn Sughdī 465 Ajdabīyah 451n92 Arḥūn 444 ʿAyn Zaytūnah 451n95 Akamas 476n5, 478 Aristās 484 Ayūn 344 A-k-h (in Zanzibar) 443 Arjikūk 423 Azerbaijan 339, 341, 429, 455n3, Akhāyah (Achaia) 344 Arkadia, see Bay of Arqalah 486 456n22, 491, 499n27, 505, 516, 517 Akraia (al-Aqrī) 454, 477 A-r-kh-d-a 419 Azīlá (or Azīlā) 423, 447 Akrubūnah 454, 477 Armāyil 444 Azov (Sea of ) 433n37 491n24 Alcácer do sal 420 Armenia 341, 384, 429, 434, 438, 455, Alcántara 419 492, 498, 499, 505 Bāb al-Abwāb (Darband) 455 Aleppo 430, 492n40 Armenia, Little 340 Bāb al-Qurṭ (in Tinnīs) 470 Alexandria 32, 432, 442, 451, 454, 461, A-r-m-k-l-w-s (island) 453 Bāb al-Ṣaghīr (in Tinnīs) 470 473, 476, 492n45, 511, 517 A-r-m-n 428 Babylon 339, 344, 386, 432, 436, 496n10 Lake of Alexandria 492 Arnedo 419 Bactria 503n19 Sea of Alexandria 510 Arrajān 428, 516 Badajoz 420 Algeciras 421 Arrān 430, 505n11 al-Bādirah 464 Algiers 423, 424n150, 453n160 River of Arrān 505 Badusban 428 Alicante 420 Arripu 481 Baghdad 332n12, 341n34, 348, Alley of the Traditionists (in Arsanās 496 417n5, 418, 426n218, 426nn221–225, Palermo) 466 Arsenal (in Palermo) 465 428nn282–287, 429, 471n12, 481n24, Almada 420 A-r-sh-r-y-h (in Aegean) 448 498, 499 Almería 420, 421 al-ʿArūḍ 436 Baḥr al-Khazar, see Caspian Sea Alps 441 Arwād (Arados) 33n39, 450, 479 al-Baḥr al-Muḥīt, see Encompassing Sea al-ʿAlth 499, 428 Arzan 498 Baḥr al-Qulzum, see Red Sea Amalfi 421 Arzan (lake) 491 Baḥr Fārs, see Persian Gulf Āmid (Diyarbakir) 429, 433, 497, Arzan (mountain) 429 Baḥr Yūsuf 495 496n21, 497n24, 498 Arzan Jārāʿ (river) 503 al-Baḥrayn 436 Ammochostos, see al-Mākhūṣah Ascalon 450 Baida (in Sicily) 458, 466 ʿAmmūriyah (Amurion) 430, 433 A-s-f-n-d-r-h (island) 454 Bakhtigān 490, 491n26 Amorgos 452 A-sh-b-a-k-w (island) 454 Baku 455n3, 456n21 Āmul 429, 455, 503 al-Ashfān, see Hispania Balad 498n12, 499 ʿĀnah 429 ʿĀshīyah 426 Balharā 459n41, 526 al-Aʿnāk 426 al-Ashmunayn 425 Balkh 503 al-Anbār 429, 496 A-sh-y-z-a (island) 454 River of Balkh 348, 435 Anchorage of al-Ballūṭ (‘The Oak’) 448 Asopos 487 al-Balqāʾ 348 Anchorage of al-Baqar (‘The Cattle’) Aspra 463 Bālūs (in Indian Ocean) 443n10 449 Astapos (river) 426 Bāmiyān 503n20, 503n22 686 index of place names Banāris, see Benares Black Sea (Pontus) 433, 434, 447n7, China, Gate of 444, 502 Bānāshwar 443, 501 511n54 China, River of 428 al-Band 526 Boiai 487 Chios 448n20, 452n108, 453, 484n12 Baniyas 450 Bône 424 Church of Rejoicing (in Sicily) 466 Banzart (Bizerte) 424, 451n95 Borysthenes (River Don) 434 Church of Saint Badolo 447 al-Baradān 428, 499 Bou Afia, see Island of Good Health Church of Saint x-a-ṭ-w-f/q-a 447 Bārah 451, 460n47 Bragylia 448n26 Cilicia 349, 430n323, 505nn13–14 Bārʿah (river) 503 Britain 417 Citium 454n189, 477 Barbān (river) 503 Brittany 441 City of Copper 428 Barca (in Libya), see Barqah a-l-B-r-t-a-b (in Europe) 441 Coloe (lake) 425n202, 489n2 Barca (in Sicily) 464n64 a-l-B-r-ṭ-w-l (in North Africa) 469 Colpohon ad Mare 483n9 See also Wādī al-Barqā B-r-z-x-d-l-h (in North Africa) 451 Comoros 439, 520n11 Bardhaʿah (Bärdä), Barda 428, 434, Buḥayrah (in Egypt) 32, 442n6, 492n45 Conca d’Oro 462n22, 466n104, 466n116 456, 505n8 Bukhara, Bukhārā 345, 491n25, 492, Constantia (in Cyprus) 454, 477 Bari 451n93, 460nn47–51 503 Constantinople 422, 430n323, 433, Bārqā (island) 452 Būlah (or al-Tūlah, in Cyprus) 454, 477 447n1, 448, 486, 487, 516n4 Barqah (in Libya) 425, 432, 451, 460 al-Buqayʿah 426, Cordoba 420, 421nn57–58, 421nn69–70 Barqaʿīd 499 Burullus 511 Coria 421 Barrier, the (al-sadd) 428, 441 Buṭāliyah 419 Corinth 486, 487 Barsū 484 Butera 463 Corsica 33–34, 479 Barṭāyīl 480 Buttam 491 Cosenza 421, 460 Barūd 498 Byblos, see al-Māḥūz Crete 344, 432, 440, 453n133, 454, Barzakh 425, 505 Byzantium (Bilād al-Rūm) 422, 454, 476n3, 479 Bāsfūyah (lake) 491 462, 472, 476, 483, 490–492, 496n5, Ctesiphon, see al-Madāʾin Basileus (river), see Nahr al-Malik 505, 520, 521 Cyclades 452n100, 452nn108–109, Bāsilīyūn (lake) 491 452nn111–112, 452n114, 452nn119–121, Basra (Iraq) 496, 498, 499, 509, 512n7, Cáceres 419n18 452n124, 453n128, 453nn130–131, 526n3, 526n11 Caesarea 450 453n137 al-Baṣrah (North Africa) 422, 423n115, Cairo 32 Cyprus 1, 32, 339, 340, 411n13, 432, 440, 427, 461n58, 497 Calabria 421, 458nn22–23 447n1, 449, 454, 476–478 Baṭalīnūs, see Bay of Baṭalīnūs Calamonaci 464n69 Cythera 453 Baths of ʿImrān (in Palermo) 464 Calatrasi 463 Baths of Nizār (in Palermo) 465 Calatrava 421 Dabalat al-aqwām (?, in Anatolia) 448 Baths of Sh-l-n-l-d-w-n (in Caltabellotta 464 Dabīl 429 Palermo) 465 Caltavuturo 463 Dabīq 471n10 Baʿūḍah, see Island of Mosquitoes Candala, see al-Qandalā 445 Dades 454, 477 Bay of Arqalah 486 Çandarlı (Gulf ) 484 Dādhīn 516 Bay of Ayāh 484 Canton (Khānfū) 428n273, 443n3, 444, Daibul, see al-Daybul Bay of Bālis 486, 487 502n29 al-Dakk 427 Bay of Baṭalīnūs 485 Cape Guardafui (Ra⁠ʾs Damala 486, 487 Bay of Bengal 480n9, 481, 482n35 ʿAsir) 445nn49–50, 446n59 Damascus 344, 426nn208–217, 433, Bay of Isṭarnkīlih 484 Cape Malea, see Malāas 460, 498n6, 505 Bay of Miṭilṭālās 484 Cape Metapan 486n59 Lake of Damascus 491n30 Bay of Q-l-w-gh-r 483 Cape of the Pig’s Nose (Ra⁠ʾs Anf Damāwand 433 Bay of the Amir 446 al-Khanzīrah) 445n55 Damietta 451, 471n10, 472n32 Bay of the Well 486n56 Capo Boeo, see Ra⁠ʾs al-Nubuwwah 469 al-Dāmūr (river) 450 Bay of X-a-f-s-l-w-f-a-r-s (in Capo di Milazzo 462 Damyūn 445 Aegean) 485 Capo di Orlando 463 Dardanelles 447n1, 447nn11–14, 447n16, Bayās 449 Capri 453 483n1, 484nn21–26 al-Bayḍāʾ (Fars) 428 Caracuel 421 See also Hellespont al-Bayḍāʾ (in Sicily), see Baida Carini 464n67, 469nn15–16 al-Dāsbī, see Andaman Islands Baysān 516 Carmona 420 Dasrah (lands of ) 428 Bāzabdá 498 Caronia 464n70 Dāvalpur 444, 501 Bāzūn 422 Carthage 424nn158–159 al-Dawārá 426 Beirut 450 Caspian Sea 1, 428n277, 429n311, al-Daybul (Daibul) 427, 500 Beja (in Portugal) 420 429n313, 430n327, 434, 440, 441n63, Daylam 341, 427n276, 429nn310–312, Belezma 423n140 455–456, 490n4, 490n7, 505 430, 440, 455, 456, 503n16 Benares 427, 501 Castrogiovanni 461 Dayr Nīyah (in Tinnīs) 470 Berbera (Barabrah) 425, 439, 445 Castronovo 464n57 Dead Sea 433, 491, 492 See also Berbers (in Index of Peoples Catania 463, 464 Delos 432n14, 452n123 and Tribes); Sea of Berbera Cefalù 463 Demetriada 485 B-ḥ-w-r-y-h (lake) 490 Celtica 346, 347n77 Deserts of Berenice 440 Bejaia (Bougie), 33n39, 420, 421, 423, Ceuta 423 Dhāt ʿIrq 436 453n161 Chalcedon 343, 460n46 Dh-f-r-q-w-r-h (fortress) 447 Bilizmah 423 Chalkis 485nn43–44 Dhū al-Qilāʿ 430 Birqūniyah 453 China 417, 426n203, 428, 431, 432, 440, Dh-y-s-y-s (island) 454 Birwar 501 443nn1–6, 443n11, 444, 480n10, 481n29, Dībājāt, see Maldives Biskarah 423 492, 500n1, 501, 506, 510, 512, 515n34, Dilos 452 Bitlis (Bidlis) 429, 496n16 520, 526, 527 Dipalpur, see Dāvalpur B-k-r-k-n (or B-k-r-w-n, in Sicily) 464 China, City of 433 Ditch of Ghullān (in Sicily) 466.

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