BO — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 9,1988 1988 - I t I HELP WANTED INELP WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED SALESMAN for lorge SECRETARY- Port time oentral contractor. long term (3 years) % Speciolii Mott hove construc­ protect at construction m tion background and site In Manchester. 20 be able to read plant. to 25 hours per week, Excellent commission flexible hours. Typing, GLEANIN6 IRPENTRY/ schedule. RepIV to Box answering phone, etc. R00FIN6/ MI8CELUNE0U8 OO, C/O Manchester Coll 646-7035. 8ERVKE8 EMDDELIND MDINfi 8ERVICE8 Herald. Position open WAITRESSES- Week- for a weeks only I doys and weekends tull TDTAL HOME 8 OFFICE WEDDING Photo LANDSCAPE Loborer- time. Breakfast and M.T.S. PRE8TI6E ROOFING graphy. Trouble find- Pull time. Apply In lunch. Coll 649-4011 be­ CLEANINB 8ERVICE8 Roodno of alt typeb. Shingiss, no a photographer? person. Whithorn Oslly, Weekly, Monthly BUILDERS flat rooftng, roof repairs. yve do emergency tween 6om and 3pm. Low Roles. CeM Nursery, Route 6, Bol- Ask for Bernodette. 6 4 S -2 78 7 All work guviMtO. booking I Call 649-3642 tan. 643-7802._________ AAA Appointment Secre­ COMMERCIAL CLEANIHB Call and ask about our In­ HELP Needed In Garden tory. Entry level. Suc­ SERVICES-OaO-DOTB PLANNINQ/DESIQN troductory olftili Center. Position cessful financlol for e free eetimele . SERVICE 742*7831 Royol Wedding Photography. Includes- loading and professional needs an CUSTOM HOMES •bbbbbbbsbmi unloading vehicles, appointment secre­ ADDITIONS YARD Oeaning. Garage plant maintenance and tary, Male/Female, to BOOKKEEPIND/ DECKS HAR CONSTRUCTION and cellar cleaning, ogs; customer soles. Whi­ coordinate schedule INCOME TAX SIDING Roofing of all.types. gutter cleaning, yard thorn Nursery, Route 6. and set oppointments, CEILINGS REFINISHED cleaning, painting and FREE ESTIMATES. Bolton 643-7802. expand business acu­ CONCRETE WORK decorating, all other (MECHANIC- Power men. Evenings from FRAMING GREW All Work Guaranteed. miscellaneous odd equipment. Dealership 5-9pm. $6 per hour bose AVAILABLE 047-9289 lobs. Call Charles 645- needs full and part time salary plus liberal In­ 6345 anytime after 4:30. experienced help. 2and centives bonus. 8300 YBO C A R K H TR YA 4 cycle experience, per week, part time REMODEIMQ SERVKES HANDYMAN own tools necessary. Income. Good career Income Tax Complete honw rapeirs and re- Homs Improvsmtnl - Painting Good opportunity for start. Phone Mr. Na­ modeltng. Weit apeolallza in both- FL00RIN6 ■ Sottmtnls Finithsd - Tiling ■ MTED take charge type per- than. 6^ 5599. Leave rooms and kHohens. Small scale Light Corptntry - ODD JOBS - Prepared commeielel atork. Reglalered, In­ INSURED sen. Coventry 742-6103. name and phone sured, refeienoee. ttllno the number. BARRY SCANLON irttord? A iALES and Order Clerk by CPA 6 4 8 -8 1 6 8 FLOORSANDING to take phone orders HIRING! Government • Floora like new 646-2411 trgg MtlmotSt lanchetter 164 East CJenter St. igency It from our retail custo­ lobs- your area. FARRAND REMODELING • Specializing In older floors terfol mo- mers. A pleasont $15,000-868,000. Call Manchester Room addHIons, decks, rootino, • Natural & stained floors HAWKES TREE SERVICE friendly voice and (602) 838-8885. E X T . siding, windows and gutters. wlth some • No waxing anymore Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump knowledge of office 775. Baokhoe and buidozar aervlca ickground 647-9780 ovallabw. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. John Varfillle - 646-5750 removil. Free estimates. il-o f f ic e work helpful. Steady TffTCHEN neip needed. employment. More Special consideration lor to type It Part time and full time INCOME TAX Out. D47-8509 eldsriy and handicapped. I ore lok- facts about earnings, position open at East PREPARATION RSI.645-D049 HEATING/ Indlvlduol A paid holidays and Insu­ Catholic High School. 647-7553 dealing rance plan at Inter­ For Interview call 646- In Your Homo PLUMDIHG illc. Pleo- view. Apply In person: 5271 between 8om and Inloudlng; Rental and Sole wrCRlfTiBATH llngt with Manchester Tobacco 8, Proprietorship. Call Jim Whoaler RERRODELING netitt In- Candy Company, 299 NURSERY Laborer- Full R.A. DAVIDSON LANDSCAPING Green Road, Manches­ " 742-1009 RsariMas lasSai. Fsag Isn4ss ED ilon. Sa- time. Apply In person: From the smallest repair to ter, C T. enturote Hop River Nursery, TAX ATTORNEY the largest renovation, we New kiMWIMIont, hepeira. Drains WHITHAM UNDSCAPE r ie n c e . Route 6, Bolton. 646- (NaMred hem IM ) will do a complete job. Start Cleaned, Balhroom a KHohen hemodeSne • Lot Clearing ' Box P, 7099, Will advise and prepare to finish. Free estimates. • CARPENTRY - a»rvlot l$ t>Uf Builnn • Brush Removal anchetter ■II tax raturne. • Planting • stone Work ing your Formica Mechanic P g jB U a iN EM Heritage Kitchen & Bus. Phone 742-8352 • Designing sns a nd OPPORTUNITIES WHITMAN Plsn Now For Springl tas Downey Drive., Apt. A Bath Center n Custom counter top Come visit our showroom at: PLUMDIND a HEATING Meneheiter. 828-t891 a ry - Im - shop known (or EARN up to 50% on your 182 W. Middle Tpke. Boilers, pumps, hot 643-7802 sales of Avon products. Ime potl- quality workmanship, ENROLLED AGENT Manchester water tanks, new and ur work Join us for the New 13 Veera IHS Etptrltno* replacements. m ental seeks reliable, Year. Call 647-1990. Te> Frepersllen / ConeuMng / T n 649-5400 FREE ESTIMATES icy and efficient worker. MANCHESTER. Hair CONCRETE ig expe- bpen In New a Old Ten Lews Pay commensurate salon. Lovely shop PAINTING/ 643-9649 / 228-9616 famlllar KIMERLEE D. O'NEILL near center of town. PAPERING aeeaeeaaeaaaeea ne wark. with experience, Good parking and 646-6079 E3 I j n MISCELLANEOUS ;al func- great visibility. Fully I D I J j '----------- CPS CONCRETE benefits. NAME your own price. SERVICES w orking equipped along with 5 Patios, walks, floors, standard stations. Move In any­ Father 8i Son, pointing C. Mather Co., me. CARPENTRY/ and papering, remo­ ODD lobs. Trucking. additions 8i decks. uret. Ll- time and be your | 0 0 | f 0 ottltt- 330 Chapel Rd. REMODELING val. 872-8237. Home repairs. You FREE Estimates., boss 11 $15,000. Anne name It, we do It. Free iptlanltt. So. Windsor, C T Miller Real Estate 647- I. Henry 8000.O estimates. Insured. 643- 647-9289 lervlew. 8&S Home ON E O F T H E good habits 0304. Improvements 6 Repair thrifty people hove deve­ SPRING Cleanup. Lawn HOMES Complete, homo care. loped Is dolly reading of mowing. Hedge trim­ Not all the news Is on the B U Y E R M E E TS seller In FOR SALE "No Job Too Small” the ads In classified. ming. Related truck­ front page! There’s lots of the want ads ... time after no tots or Free Estimates Thot's where they find ing. Professional newsy Information In ithe time after timel Read and All real estate advertised In value buys. equipment. Insured. Classified section. use the want ads the Manchester Herald Is 646-1143 References. Ray Hardy 2711. regularly. sublect to the Foir Housino 646-7973._____________ Act of 1968, which mokes It t HeurW^ Illegal to advertise any pref­ erence, limitation or discrim­ One. lie ination based on race, color, l l j j HOMES HOMES ^ HOMES H j J HOMES IwwoM religion, sex or notional FOR SALE HO FOR SALE FOR SALE MMm- NOTICI OP HIARINO origin, or on Intention to FOR SALE ESTATE OF moke any such preference, CAROLINE M. RITCHIE, WHEN It's hot and oka CAROLINE RITCHIE, limitation or discrimination. COVENTRY. To be Oka CAROLINE The Herald will not know- humid, you'll be glad to BUILD YOUR built!! A custom de­ MARGARET RITCHIE Inply accept ony advertise­ lump In the gorgeous signed Contemporary Pursuant to an order of Hon. ment which Is In violation of In-ground pool that DREAM HOUSE home consisting ot William E. FitzGerald, the Inw comes with the terrific quality detailed fea­ Judge, a hearing will be held, LO TS and lots of tender 7 room Raised Ronch •yment on an application for permis­ tures throughout the 8 all ma- sion to sell real property, os loving core has been on Fern Street In Man­ rooms, family room, 3 nt. Pull In sold application more fully given to this remorko- chester. 3 bedrooms, bedrooms; 2'/j baths, 7 ) potl- appears at ble circa 1760 Cope 2'/2 baths, formal din­ car garage, wall to wall exible. Manchester Probate Court Cod. Over 1500 sauare ing room, 2 cor garage, carpeting, skylights, M Center Street feet ot truly magnifi­ enclosed porch, new locuzzl and much P.O. Box 191 cent history. 7 rooms, living room corpet. Will build to your plans more. Located on ■ 7^/2 eodlng Manchester, CT 3-4 b e d ro o m s , I'/j Pork-llke grounds with ir title, 9 or ours. .Choice site on acres. $229,900. Kler- on March 21, 19M at 11:30 baths, keeping room extra storage born tor desirable Master's nan Realty 649-1147.n to, 161 AM. All persons hoy Ing on In­ with beehive oven, 4 North terest In sold matter, may ap­ oil your gardening Way. Rear view, 14th pear and be heard at that fireplaces, gorgeous tools! $249,900. Jack- time. wide boorq floors, son 8, Jackson Real fairway, Manchester Elizabeth A. Bldwell, beamed ceilings, the Estate 647-8400.O Country Club. Sum­ Assistant Clerk list Is endless. Coll to mer construction, lalt MANCHESTER- 7/4 Du­ 033-03 see tor yourself! plex. Spacious new ad­ M28.500. $162,000. Jackson & ir dition. Ideal for large Jackson Real Estate family. $185,000. Tully Call Ralph Viola for 647-8400.O______ Real Estate. 643-0005. THE HERITAGE GROUP NOTICB TO CRBDITORS MANCHESTER. 6 room »». ESTATE OF M A N C H E S TE R .
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