OCTOBER 3, 1975 25 CENTS VOLUME 39/NUMBER 36 ·Berkeley to Boston -PAGES 4, 5 WHY THE ASSASSINS? SOCIALIST CANDIDATES ANALYZE CLIMATE OF HATE & VIOLENCE. PAGE 10 . .BLACKS AND SOCIALISM SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY DISCUSSES STRATEGY FOR BLACK LIBERATION. PAGE 26. BOSTON DEBATE CALL FOR Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case FEDERAL TROOPS. PAGE 6. Robert and Michael Meeropol, Rosenberg sons, are fighting to open secret FBI files to prove parents' innocence.. Inside, Robert tells their BLANCO story. DEMAND KISSINGER GRANT VISA FOR U.S. TOUR. PAGE 9. CUTBACKS sen er s: THOUSANDS PROTEST ASSAULT ON EDUCATION. PAGES 9, 25. co ar·usice In Brief 2,500 MARCH IN DENVER ON CHICANO LIBERA­ GO NAVY: It may be "one of the most serious outbreaks of TION DAY: Chants of "Chicano power" and "Viva la industrial cancer ever," according to a story in the raza" filled the streets of downtown Denver September 16, September 29 Business Week. An unknown number of World THIS as 2,500 Chicanos marched on Chicano Liberation Day. The War II's three million shipyard workers probably have crowd was mostly high school and junior high school mesothelioma-a fatal, asbestos-caused cancer-but the students who walked out of school in the morning to take U.S. Navy has been hushing it up for five years. WEEK'S part in the demonstration. Chicano students have won the As long as five years ago, reports started coming from right to celebrate this day as a school holiday. Britain about a growing incidence of mesothelioma among MILITANT According to a leaflet issued by the September 16 former shipyard workers, who were exposed to millions of 3 Senate hearing probes Committee, "The history behind the 16th . of September pounds of asbestos used to insulate pipes and valves. The· CIA, FBI spying dates back to 1810, when a priest by the name of Miguel navy was supposed to be negotiating with the American Hidalgo y Costilla rang the church bells and gave 'El Grito Cancer Society and other environmental health scientists 4 Atlanta AFSCME, teachers de Dolores' (Cry of Dolores) beckoning the people to rise in for a study of the danger here. "They kept saying they form coalition protest against Spanish rule, for racial equality, and would begin next month," says an ACS director, "but 5 Boston teachers strike redistribution of land and wealth. From that day forward, nothing would happen." to save jobs the 16th of September has been celebrated as Mexican So far, Business Week reports, "no effort has been made to Independence Day not only in Mexico but also .in the five track down affected workers." It would mean bad publicity 6 Should we demand gov't Southwestern states of Aztlan." for the navy, you see, and possible large damage suits protect Black rights? "We're not here today for a celebratiop.," Ernesto Vigil· against private companies. Besides, mesothelioma is incu­ told a rally on the capitol steps after the march. "This is a rable, so what's the point? 7 Uneasy Boston finishes protest, a protest ·against the system that oppresses us." second week of school Jose Gonzales, principal of the Escuela Tlatelolco (a DAYAN PICKETED IN SYRACUSE: About forty 8 Socialist campaigners Chicano school run by the Crusade for Justice), pointed to people joined a picket line in support of the Palestinian blanket Boston the racism in the Denver public schools. "There are 100 slots struggle September 17 during an appearance of Moshe open in the Denver public schools for Chicanos if the city Dayan at Syracuse University in upstate New York. The 9 Demand Kissinger OK implements its own bilingual-bicultural education laws," protest was initiated by the university's Organization of visa for Hugo Blanco Gonzales said. "But they tell us there are no qualified Arab Students. 24 A 'socialist' ex-mayor Chicanos. That's a lie. That's a lie we've been hearing for a Picket signs included "Inflation is the 2.2 billion dollars runs for president long time." in arms to Israel" and "Don't send your men to the Sinai­ Kissinger's peace agreement is a trap." A contingent from 25 New York students nearby Ithaca also participated, including members of the protest cutbacks Illinois strike leader dies Cornell University Arab Club and the Ithaca Young Socialist Alliance. 26 SWP convention: the fight for Black liberation today -victim of scab assault ST. LOUIS VICTORY RALLY FOR JOANNE LIT­ MELROSE PARK, Ill., Sept. 24-David Watson died TLE: "This case gave us a chance to expose the injustices 28 Cleve. SWP candidate September 19 of injuries sustained when a scab ran a truck backs NAACP suit through the picket lines of striking workers at Capital that exist in this society," Karen Galloway, one of Joanne Packaging on September 9. Watson was the vice-president Little's defense attorneys, told a St. Louis victory rally 29 Chicanas explain what September 12. Galloway went on to urge support for J.B. UFW means to them of the striking union-Oil, Chemical and Atomic· Workers Local 7-507-and the labor director of Operation PUSH. Johnson, a young Black from St. Louis facing a second trial on frame-up charges. 32 Farm workers gain in The driver of the truck, Richard Mitchell, was charged Another of Little's attorneys, Jerry Paul, told the 165 Calif. field elections with failure to yield to a pedestrian and was fined twenty­ five dollars. people attending the celebration to "build upon Joanne Little's case just as we had built upon earlier struggles anq 2 In Brief The more than 200 workers at Capital Packaging are put them to work for her~" He pointed to the importance of determined to continue their fight. A memorial picket line at the National Student Coalition Against Racism (NSCAR) in 10 In Our Opinion the plant on Monday morning, September 22, was attacked these ongoing struggles. Letters by police, and nine strikers were arrested. Speaking for St. Louis SCAR, Renita Alexander said, The union plans further activities to protest Watson's ?3 National Picket Line "Black people have a democratic right to live where we death and to publicize the issues of its strike. By Any Means Necessary want, to swim on any beach we want, or to go to the school of our choosing, whether it be in Boston, Louisville, or St. 11-22 International Socialist RALLY SET TO DEFEND MILWAUKEE STRIKERS: Louis." Review The Milwaukee labor movement and its supporters will rally October 17 in defense of the city's striking meatcutters WARTIME 'EMERGENCY' STILL GOOD: A federal union. The theme of the rally will be "Keep Milwaukee a district court in denver ruled that the state of emergency union town-Stop the scabs." proclaimed by President Truman in 1950 during the Korean LOcal 248 of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters has been out War is still in effect, and on September 19 convicted on strike since January 28 of this year. The nine area Cameron David Bishop on three counts of sabotage. The packinghouses have stayed in operation through the charges were made possible by the proclamation. Bishop, an employment of several hundred scabs, many of them from opponent of the Vietnam War, was charged with bombing THE MILITANT out of town. Several united labor actions in support of the utility lines that supplied power to a Colorado defense plant strikers have taken place since last spring. The Milwaukee in 1969. VOLUME 39/NUMBER 36 County Labor Council; the Wisconsin AFirCIO; the United He faces maximum prison sentences of thirty years and OCTOBER 3, 1975 Auto Workers; the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine fines of up to $10,000 for each count. Bishop is one of the CLOSING NEWS DATE-SEPT. 24 Workers; and the Milwaukee Teachers Association. are few people in U.S. history to be charged with sabotage Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS among those pledged to support of the October 17 rally. during "peacetime." -Nancy Cole Managing Editor: LARRY SEIGLE Business Manager: ROSE OGDEN Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING Washington Bureau: CINDY JAQUITH Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. TRIAL Telephone: Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Busi­ ness Office (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 710 S. Westlake Ave., Los Angele!!, Calif. 90057. Telephone: (213) 483-2798 .. Washington Bureau: 1345 E. St. N.W., Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. SUBSCRIPTION 20004. Telephone: (202) 638-4081. Correspondence concerning subscriptions or changes of address should be addressed to The Militant Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. OFFER Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. 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