.536 SUTTON. SUSSEX • (KEI.LY'S 1656. The living is a. rectory, net yearly value £r64, Parish Clerk, Edward Ede. with 25 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord L fi ld d h ld · 8 8 b th R H S k tt Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel econ e • an e smce 1 4 Y e ev. enry oc e Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-William B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, who is also rector of Bignor. Lord Leconfield is lord of the manor and the Neal Harwood, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive throngb principal landowner. The soil is light; subsoil, malm Pulborough R. S. 0. at 8.5o a.m. & 1 ·3° p.m.; di.a- rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The patched at 9· 10 a.m. & 5·45 p.m area is 2,o68 acres; rateable value, [1,353; the popula· Parochial School (mixed), built in xBsr, for 85 chil­ tion in r88x was 325. dren; average attendance, 8r; George Parkin, mMteJ' Newman Rev. William B.A. (curate; Compton Jane (Mrs.), White Horse Gumbrell Jesse, grcr.& frmr.&beer agt & rector of St. Ma.ry, Barlavington; P.H. & fa.rmer Harwood William Neal, grocer&; shoe- Sockett Rev. Henry B.A. Rectory Connor Henry, farmer maker, Post office Ede Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Mills John, farmer, Glatting farm COMM"ERCU.L. Frances Geo. thras-hing ma.chine ownr Penfold "William Ranger, wheelwrigb~ Clark Clement, builder Frances 1Villiam, thrashing machine Quinn Robert, nurseryman & seeds- Camber Thomas, farmer, Shopham owner, Box villa man, Sutton nursery Bridge farm FmnksFrank,frmr. Shopham Bridge fm TANGMERE is a parish, I~ miles north from Dray- value £r8o, including 19 acres of glebe, with residene6p ton station on the Brighton and Portsmouth section of in the gift of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon K.G. the London, Brighton and South Coast railway, and 3 and held since 1897 by the Rev. Arthur Gaisford B . .!.. of north-east from Chichester, in the South Western divi- Christ Church, Oxford. This parish is entitled to send sion of the county, .Aldwick hundred, Chichester rape, two children to the school, and two widows or aged petty sessional division and county court district, West- maidens to the almshouses at Boxgrove, founded and en­ hampnett union, rural deanery of Boxgrove (first divi- dowed by the Countess Dowager of Derby in 175r. Th& sion) and archdeaconry and diocese of Chichester. The Duke of Richmond and Gordon K.G. is lord of the manolt church of St. Andrew is of stone in the Norman and and chief landowner. The soil is light loam; sub!!Oil, Early English styles, and has a turret, with spire, con- marl. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The taining 3 bells; all the chancel windows are stained; the area is 775 acres; rateable value, [x,367; the population church was rBpaired in 1845, when an ancient altar stone in r89r was 164. with consecration crGSses, was discovered, and has since Parish Clerk,. James Phillips. been replaced; the church was again restored in 1885, Letters through Chichester are delivered about 8 a.m. at a cost of £536, and hall 130 sittings; the communion Wall Box cleared at 6.45 p.m. on week days & 12 •• plate includes an Elizabethan chalice and a paten, dated noon on sundays. The nearest money order office &i 1693 ; in the churchyard, near the porch, is a fine yew telepraph o:fru:e is at Halnaker tree, with a trunk 24 feet in circumference. 'Ihe rE;gister The children of this place attend Oving & Boxgrov• doates from 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly schools • .Andrews Mrs. Osborn house COMMERcrAL. Parvin Charles, Tangmere hotel Farmer Cecil J Bayley George, farmer, Church farm Rc-berts Anne (Miss), shopkeepe'C' Gaidord Rev. Arthur B.A. Rectory Home Agnes (Mrs.), dress maker Wi:lard Frederick, carpenter TARRING NEVILLE (or East Tarring) is a since 187z- by the Rev. Henry Newland M.A. of Trinity parish, near the navigable river Ouse, · 2 miles north College, Dublin, who resides at East Blatchington, Sea­ from Newhaven station, Town station on the Newhaven ford. Rear-Admiral the Hon. Thomas Seymour Brand Harbour branch of the London, Brighton and South is the sole landowner and lord of the manor. The soil: Coast railway, 6 south from Lewes and 56 from London, is chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat andl in the Southern division of the county, Danehill Hor- oats, and adjoining the river there are over 200 acres of stead hundred, Pevensey rape, Newhaven union, Lewes grass land. The area is 940 acres; rateable value, £824; petty sessional division and county court district, rural the population in 1891 was 87. deanery of Pevensey (second division), archdeaconry of Letters through Newhaven arrive about s. 30 a.m. The- Lewes and diocese of Chichester. The church of St. nearest money order & telegraph office is at New- Mary is principally of the Early English period, and has haven & the nearest Letter Box is at South Heighten a tower, with spire, containing one bell ; the church was restored and reseated· in 1s92, and affords 100 sittings .. The children of this parish attend the school at Sontho The register dates from the year 1542. The living is a Heighton rectory, with that of South Heighton annexed, joint net Willshire James Clayton, farm bailiff to Richarct yearly value [240, in the gift of R. K. Hedges, and held Brown esq. Chambers Herbert & Montague, frmr&l Hc·1man Gideon, farmer, Tarring court j Pratt Isaac & 1f. W. frmrs.Cottage fm WEST TA1llUNG, in Domesday called "Terringes," I subsoil, principally gravel. The chief crops are wheat. is a parish adjoming Worthing on the north-west, and oats, turnips, mangold wurtzel and peas. The area i& 62 miles from London, in the Mid division of the county, 1,226 acres; rateable value, £8,438; the population, iJr. Tarring hundrea, Worthing petty sessional division and eluding Salvington, in. x8gx was 1,035· county court district, rape of Bramber, East Preston SALVINGTON is a hamlet of West Tarring, half a mil& union and rural deanery of Storrington (fourth division) north, and was the birthplace, x6 December, 1584o of and archdeaconry and diocese of Chichester; the parish John Selden. The house wherein Selden WW! born iJ a constitutes tlie hundred. The church of St. Andrew small cottage known as "Lacies," still bearing on its­ is .of stone in the Early English style, and has a tower, lintel th~ inscription:- with spire, containing 6 bells; the church was repaired " GRATVS. HONESTE. MIH' NO' CLAVDAR INITO SIIDEQII". and reseated in 1854, at an expense of nearly [3,000; FVR ABKAS: NO' SY' FACTA SOLVTA TIBL" there are 650 sittings. The register dates from 1540 The entry of Selden's baptism is thus registered:- and includes churchwardens' accounts from the year 15 16, besides entries from the parishes of Tarring, Heene and " 1584. John the sonne of John Selden, tLe minst~ Durrington. The living is e rectory, with ~urrington an­ was baptised the 2oth day of December." nexed, joint net income £26o, with residence and 2 acres Pari'sh Clerk, George Dnffield. of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Charles Lee, of St. Bees. Town Sub-Post Office, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., ExpreSI· The Christian Brethren have a meeting house here, and Delivery, Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance­ there is a Baptist Mission room. St. Dunstan's Hall is Office.--George Longley, sub-postmaster. Letters from. used for undenominational services. An ancient Charter Worthing arrive at 8 & II a.m. & 7.40 p,m.; dis­ granting a market to Tarring, in 1414, is in the keeping patched at 8 & II a.m. & 1.30, 6.30 & 7.40 p.m.; ann­ of the reotor. The Parish Reading room was presented, days arrive at 7·45 a.m. & dispatched at 4·45 p.m in rBgx, by Mrs. E. B. Clarke, and is vested in the hands Post Office, Salvington.-William Holden, sub-post­ of trustees. Here is a fig orchard, the largest in England, master. Letters from..- Worthing arrive at 7 a.m.. & which is much frequent~d by visitors from Worthing. 1.25 p.rn.; dispatched at 11.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; llllD­ What rema.ins of the palace of the Archbishops of Canter­ days arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 11.30 a.m. Po8W bury is now used as a National school. George Rastrick orders are ii!sued here, but not paid. The n~ esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are money order &; telegraph office is at West Ta.rnng. 1 Lieut.-Col. William George Margesson, of Finden Hall, mile distant Lieut.-Col. T. Paulconer Wisden, of Broadwater, H. H. Town Sub-Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express De.. Gardner esq. and Mrs. E. B. Clarke. The soil is various; livery, Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & hlmraw:o Oii~ .
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