f, 'Wf (t LET'S GO *^&^ m^A ^tf^i BUY AN EXTRA Read The YMCA BOND TODAY SUMMI' rlERALD e merit $JAYEAR 6 CENTS V..1I1. il in Cunfuiinll v. ill, t IHURSDAf, JUNE 8, 1944 Sbth YEAR, No, E Si t::e i'uiA Office, Summit. Fifth War Loan Drive tT Must Be Strong E. P. Goodrich To Explain Methods June 12 - Summit Is Ready In Post War World, inn in, \v. I'Vnum ,!(ihii:.in;i !H;tUc. in aiiMO'.liu ing plans for th \V: L. 1 a lio Edison Declares To Summit Groups ISSUE DATE .Summit aicn. slaii.i ilial Hie iiiMiniil s .in i wn- l.ci., will FIRST OAV Of o iauiii'h an rvi-n ill ensk c il: iv ;' ; h.ui II-II (1 in <<run* to * "H has; nlway.s bet n the .slitngt u Ei iitst 1'. licKiclrirli. who has gun his survey of Summit, will m,ik" sure thai Kunimil its fiir its shai r in tlic J id,. MID.(Mil,Mill) of the YMCA that, it has not been mal of bonds \n be sold t hunt 1 in- cutinti y bound by any creed or dogma," the speak Monday night to represent- atives of the community at the ' 'hainnan .liiiin.-ti>ii |iiii:iis out. Honorable Charles Kdi.son de- ih,it buin.i.s may !><•• hull;.', it a; ;-i\\y clared Hi. the Centennial Dinner Council of .Social Agencies' annual Paper and Tin Can meeting at. 8:15 p. m. in Liiuoin <>f tile riiiai.ti.il ins! it LiliOliS in nn Monday evening. Addressing a .-Unnniii all n! whom KIT (j u;tlificil School. Collections Here *J| gathering of almost, two hundred, isMlinp HRrnis for nil types of i'Mison reviewed the past century Mr, (Joodrich will tell delegates SViKTUHEM of council organizations and of the Next Two Sundays bonds, 'I'll CM: a;., en t s ;iic: Tho in the light of the achievements Citizens Trust Company, The t'lr.it of the world and of the organiza- Post-War Planning Advisory Coun- Sum m it Snh'Hge Committee cil the methods he Mill use in iW.tonal Hani; and Trust. Com- tion. that, for (he succeed- pany. The Hill Oily Sax ings ami "In 1844," hi: said, "slavery was studying the future population ing two .Sundays there- will be 1 trends, physical and economic % Loan Association, Tho Suniiiii , i" an accepted institution, women waste pm>i r mid tin can collec- Federal Savings in id Loan A.ssocu- were something a little less than growth and other problems which tions. Summit will lace in the post-war lion and The Summit Trust Com- human, imprisonment for debt WHS Tho first Sunday, June 11, ;ts pany. The 1 'Ost, (Wires in ,Sum- not uncommon, Great as have been period. He plans to spend some tofoic. tiie collection will be iiul, New I'mndonre, ..Murray Hill, the achievements of these first time getting acquainted with the made on the North Bide, HH<1 on Btikele-y Heights and the two* hundred years, (lie next century community, its facilities, its ideals the second Sunday, June IS. (lie .Summit t healers are issuing agents must he greater." and purposes, and considers this Smith Side will be covered. meeting an opportunity to learn WAR SAVINGS C.76127 707 E for the War Savings Bonds "I'V" Two million members in sixty The committee hopes for >JI>O<1 "I1"." and "(;" Bonds and sales of countries are evidence that the some of these facts. weather; also that Ihe collec- Delegates have been a.sked to BOND SERIES any of llip.se types of bonds from first century has been successful, tion will lie ilie largest yet made June 1 will count in the drive. Ellison continued, saying that the speak, in the second part of the in the city. Summit, it. is The central committee, which Y has flourished best in the United program, on specific fields for thought, has not been over-pro- includes in addition to Chairman t .States and Canada since "like most post-war planning in which they ductive of results. Kvery one is or their organizations are inter- Johnston, John N. May, Jr., as co- other good things it grows best in allied to nialie. a special effort charmau; Robert J. Davidson, the air of freedom." ested. The suggestions will be j this. time. • tabulated by the Post-War Plan- rommiUeeiniin at large; Harry \V*. The need for an active YMCA Collection atart.s at 9:30 A. M. Kdgar, chairman of the local bank-> after the war was stressed by Mr. ning Committee" for study. Aerial Gunner Missing ing committee; J. Kdwin Carter, Edison who declared that the Y Fred h. Palmer, chairman of Ihe Luncheon Guest chairman for publicity; and H. C. ^ must be ready to maintain the committee, will conduct the pro- gram. Other speakers will he Thompson, Jr., vice-president of standards of American youth dur- Council Conducts Ihe Fir'.st National Bank and Trust ing the slump in morals which has Maxwell Lester, Jr.; Don O. OUR TOWN Co., has completed plans for tho followed every war. In the post- Mitchell, Gilbert Baker and Law- operation of tlie drive. The Cen- war world, lie continued, every or- rence J. MacGrcgor, Short Routine tral Committee will be supported ganization that exists to. maintain At the annual meeting the fol- NOW IT'S OUR TURN by a War Bond Committee for £ the best of tho American democ- lowing list Of officers will be pre- sented for election: President, Rob- Of Business the Chamber of Commerce hcaiU racy must be strengthened. Then The invasion of Europe has begun. The forces of our cd by Arthur T. Dailey, secretary as never before the youth of ert 0. Peterson; flr.it vice-presir ' Common Council at its Tuesday nation and our allies are committed. Our men—some of them of the Summit Federal Havings America will need the ideals of dent, Lawrence Apliiy; second vice- night meeting conducted a Short and Loan Association with Jerome. the YMCA. president, Carl J. B'orsberg; treas- very close and dear to many of us—are throwing themselves routine of business. Convening Kaploii, lawyer, and Robert If, Amos Hiatt, president of the lo- urer, Harold Graves, Jr.; secret into the great battle for Europe. at about 10 P. M., the councilman tary, Miss Margaret Jinlter; excer had been in conference for nearly Sargent, manager of the Com- jgl cal Association • presided at the There is little we can do her?, •"!J. inie but let's do that utivc com' iltec: Mrs. .' \os H':,U. two hours, monwealth Water Co HS co-chair- * mcctiryr. The past presidents were 1 1 Miss Mar 3. Welles, :.»s* ll/;». little with force and vigb^and patrili -,;i. Thvwar must be Throe coiiViiuim'H ions ' were i men. The ChainK:r of Commerce- mtmpri'i many of thorn b ^'? pres- (Continued on page 9) ait. / . Day, Miss Edna Dawson, George financed—and that's our job. Generally speaking we at home read and referred to coiiimittci'.s j Alfred W. Alcsbury, chairman of Sagan, Hamilton. McGUfln, Edwin are well able to support, a financial drive. Sure, there are for study or information. President If. Walford Martin of the Sum- Supplement Corrections I the Centennial committee, also Dcdcrer and Oacar Dennis. taxes. Sure, there are many demands upon us. But when spoke. In his talk, Mr. Aleabury mit Association for Liquor Control In the YMCA Centennial supple" our grumbling is done and the totals are added up many of ' praised highly the work of Charles wrote asking: that council adhere ment accompanying this week's D. Ferry, third president of the Ten Donors Reach us have plenty of money with which to buy bonds, to its present policy of limiting issue of. The Herald the name of to 17 the number of retail plenary Pfc. Reynolds is erroneously given Summit Y, saying that Mr, Ferry On June 12 the Fifth War Loan Drive will begin official- had perhaps the widest influence liquor consumption licenses. Town a.s Thomas. The name should be Gallon Mark Here H. ALEXANDER SMlf pf ly. It will begin a week .after invasion. We are being Improvement Association regis- John. on the youth of this community T/SfJT. JOSlCJ'lI ( APOHASO" during his term of office in the Y asked to lend (and remember we are lending, not giving) tered a complaint on what it Another standing committee and throughout his life. At Blood Bank Visit $16,000,000,000. called the "ineflicient." collection should be added to tho list on 1 of garbage in the city. Elmer G. page 8, namely, that of the House An historical review of the first fen donors made their eighth H. Alexander Smith It isn't much we are being asked to do here at home. Houston, Summit realtor, sought committee headed by Ernest P* hundred years was also presented donation to the Red Cross Blood At a time like this we ought to do that little with proud will- T-Sgt. Caporaso council's approval for a housing Patten. This committee consists by members of the Charles It. Scott Bank during the visit of the Mo- Hi-Y club. Senate Nominee ingness. project Howard B. Bishop plans of four directors and such mem- bile unit here on June 6 and 7. in Cromwell Park as soon as bers of the Association as may be Of these, five were Summit resi- FORMER GOVERNOR EDISON Missing In Action 1 building! material is available.
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