Rockhampton & Capricorn Coast – Sporting Directory Name Address Phone number Website Musgrave Street AFL AFL Queensland North Rockhampton 4928 8088 http://www.aflq.com.au/ Qld https://www.facebook.com/AFL-Capricornia- AFL Capricornia (07) 4927 3432 469802426412061/ Western Street http://websites.sportstg.com/club_info.cgi?sportid=4&cli Brothers Australian Football Club West Rockhampton 4927 4430 ent=1-3393-37341-0-0 Qld 4700 Corner Carlton & Glenmore Bulls Australian Football http://websites.sportstg.com/club_info.cgi?sportid=4&cli McLaughlin Streets 4926 5578 Club ent=1-3393-37342-0-0 Kawana Qld 4701 Corner Goodsall & Reaney Streets http://websites.sportstg.com/club_info.cgi?client=1- Panthers Australian Football Club 4927 8444 The Common Qld 3393-37337-0-0 4701 Cordingley Street http://websites.sportstg.com/club_info.cgi?c=1-3393- Swans Australian Football Club 4939 3599 Yeppoon Qld 4703 37340-0-0&sID=110651 Waroula Road Archery Capricorn Field Archers 0457 046 677 http://capricornarchers.tripod.com/ Alton Downs Qld 4702 Limestone Creek Qld The Company of the Dove 0408 071 513 http://www.companyofthedove.com/ 4701 CQ Uni Oval Yaamba Road https://www.facebook.com/Central-Queensland- Athletics Central Queensland Athletics Club 0407 763 552 Norman Gardens Qld Athletics-Club-Inc-100818739965790/ 4701 Victoria Street https://www.facebook.com/GracemereLittleAthleticsCen Gracemere Little Athletics Club 4938 2361 Gracemere Qld 4702 treInc/ 155 Robinson Street North Rockhampton Little Athletics 4928 5926 http://11d.nrac.org.au/ Frenchville Qld 4701 Caroline Street https://www.facebook.com/Yeppoon-Little-As-and-KCAC- Yeppoon Little Athletics 4939 8187 Yeppoon Qld 4703 Athletic-Clubs-260273090791926/ Aquatics Caribeae Rocky Crocs Masters 135 Menzies Street 4926 1650 http://caribeaerockycrocs.webs.com/ Capricorn Enterprise Relocation Guide - www.capricornenterprise.com.au Name Address Phone number Website Swimming North Rockhampton Qld 4701 Matthew Flinders Dr Yeppoon Aquatic Centre 07 4939 5029 http://www.yeppoonaquaticcentre.com.au/ Yeppoon Qld 4703 Pattison St Don Ireland Swimming Complex 07 4939 6500 Emu Park 243 German St Affinity Swim Norman Gardens Qld 07 4926 2882 http://www.affinityswim.com.au/ 4701 Yaamba Road Rockhampton City Swimming Club Norman Gardens Qld 0400 276 699 4701 2nd World War Memorial Aquatic 4 Sir Raymond Huish 07 4922 1981 Centre Dr 42nd Battalion Memorial Pool & 330-360 Berserker St 0423 938 580 http://aqualification.com.au/ Mini Golf Frenchville Qld 4701 Stockland, Splash-a-bout Rockhampton Qld 07 4928 2244 http://www.splashaboutswimschool.com.au/ 4700 16 Bridge Street Rockhampton Social Badminton Badminton North Rockhampton 4927 7899 Club Qld 4701 Cordingley Street Basketball Capricorn Coast Crusaders 0400 393 255 Yeppoon Qld 4703 Sir Raymond Huish Rockhampton Basketball Inc Drive 4922 5544 http://websites.sportstg.com/assoc_page.cgi?assoc=4896 Wandal Qld 4701 PCYC 4927 7899 16 Bridge Street Baton or Susie Twirlers Rock North Rockhampton Twirling McDonald 0418 Qld 4701 284 903 Beach Hollingsworth Street Indoor Sports Arena 4927 8499 http://www.isarocky.com.au/ Volleyball Park Avenue Qld 4701 Bowls Capricorn Indoor Bowls Club Bridge Street 4927 7899 Capricorn Enterprise Relocation Guide - www.capricornenterprise.com.au Name Address Phone number Website The Common Qld 4701 50726 Burnett Highway Dee Bowls Club 4938 1090 Mount Morgan Qld 4714 Diggers Lane Diggers Memorial Bowls Club 4926 2477 http://diggersbowlsclub.com.au/ Frenchville Qld 4701 Pattison Street http://www.emuparkonline.com.au/_gold-listings/emu- Emu Park Bowls Club 07 4938 7018 Emu Park Qld 4702 park-bowls-club Hill Street Emu Park Indoor Bowls Club 4939 6136 Emu Park Qld 4710 Brook Street Gracemere Bowls Club 4933 2626 Gracemere Qld 4702 1 Bowls Street Krackers Bowls Club 4939 1487 Yeppoon Qld 4703 Thompson Street Mount Morgan Welfare Bowls Club Mount Morgan Qld 4938 1131 4714 3 Glenmore Road North Rockhampton Bowls Club 4922 5285 Park Avenue Qld 4701 94 Victoria Parade Rockhampton Bowls Club Rockhampton Qld 4922 1685 http://www.rockhamptonbowls.com.au/ 4700 Kent Street Rockhampton Indoor Bowls Rockhampton Qld 4922 6869 Association 4700 1 Bowls St Yeppoon Bowling Club 07 4939 1487 Yeppoon Qld 4703 Lion Creek Road Cards Rockhampton Bridge Club 4927 1797 Wandal Qld 4700 16 Bridge Street Jacienta 0403 Circus Circus School North Rockhampton 027 971 or PCYC QLD 4701 4927 7899 Capricorn Enterprise Relocation Guide - www.capricornenterprise.com.au Name Address Phone number Website Water Street Cricket Brothers Cricket Club 0408 218 335 http://www.rbjc.org/ Koongal Qld 4701 Morris St Capricorn Coast Cricket Club Yeppoon Q 4703 Clifton Street Frenchville Cricket Club 0418 794 161 Frenchville Qld 4701 Armstrong Street Gracemere Cricket Club 0419 661 821 Gracemere Qld 4702 Norman Road Norths Cricket Club Norman Gardens Qld 0400 370 816 4701 Capricorn Coast Bicycle User Group Ablemarle Street Cycling 0434 396 179 https://www.bicyclenetwork.com.au/find/club/6245/ (BUG) Emu Park Qld 4710 Yaamba Road Cycle For Life Rockhampton 0439 426 959 http://www.cycle4liferockhampton.com/ Park Avenue Qld 4701 Berserker Street Rockhampton Cycling Club 0438 384 294 http://www.rockhamptoncyclingclub.com.au/ Frenchville Qld 4701 http://squaredance.org.au/Associations/State- Capricorn Waves Square Dancing Yaamba Road Dancing 0428 870 338 Societies/Queensland/Clubs/Capricorn-Waves-North- Club Parkhurst Qld 4702 Rockhampton-QLD Cherry Lane Arcade, East St, Rockhampton Capricorn School of Dance 0409 632 638 http://www.capricorndance.com/ St Davids Hall, Simpson St, North Rockhampton 179 East St Dance Star Studio Rockhampton Qld 07 4927 0656 http://www.dancestarstudio.com/ 4700 The Rockhampton Grammar School 0409 262 349 http://www.rgs.qld.edu.au/dance – Dance & Musical Theatre Rockhampton Pipe Jacana Bushdancers Capricornia Band Hall 07 4926 1254 Email: leelkee3@gmailcom Group Gladstone Road Capricorn Enterprise Relocation Guide - www.capricornenterprise.com.au Name Address Phone number Website Rockhampton Qld 4700 14 Cambridge Street PhysiPole Studios Rockhampton 0488 005 268 http://physipolestudios.com/contact Rockhampton 4700 Cnr East & Derby Streets Manderson’s Dance Centre 07 4922 2118 http://www.mandersonsdance.com.au/ Rockhampton Qld 4700 Corner Fitzroy & Kent http://squaredance.org.au/Associations/State- Rockhampton Twirlers Square Streets 4928 6626 Societies/Queensland/Clubs/Rocky-Twirlers-Monday- Dancers Rockhampton Qld Rockhampton-QLD 4700 Rundle Street Tap Into Dance! 4921 1948 Email: [email protected] Wandal Qld 4700 Alma Lane Vicki Davis Academy of Dance Rockhampton Qld 0409 364 148 4700 Ski Gardens Harman Street https://www.facebook.com/RockyDragonboatClub/ Dragon Boat Rockhampton Dragon Boat Club 0439 814 116 Rockhampton QLD http://rockhamptondragonboat.weebly.com/ 4700 Eight Ball Rockhampton 8 Ball Association No Physical Location 0428 193 709 131 Richardson Road http://golfer.com.au/directory/capricorn-country-club- Golf Capricorn Country Club 4927 7766 Park Avenue Qld 4701 rockhampton-queensland/507 Iwasaki Road Capricorn Resort Golf 07 4925 2621 http://www.capricornresortgolf.com.au/ Yeppoon Qld 4703 Emu Park Road Emu Park Golf Club 4939 6804 http://www.emuparkgolfclub.com.au/Home.htm Emu Park Qld 4710 Ann Street Extended Rockhampton Golf Club Rockhampton Qld 4927 3311 http://www.rockygolfclub.org.au/ 4700 Yeppoon Road Yeppoon Golf Club 4939 3664 http://www.yeppoongolf.com.au/ Yeppoon Qld 4703 Go Karts Rockhampton Formula K Kart Club Bruce Highway 4934 6433 http://www.kartingqld.com.au/clubs/rockhampton-kart- Capricorn Enterprise Relocation Guide - www.capricornenterprise.com.au Name Address Phone number Website Bajool Qld 4699 club/ 535 Yeppoon Road Kenrose Park North Rockhampton 07 4936 4844 http://www.kenrosepark.com.au/index.htm Qld 4701 Victoria Park Gymnastics Hall Street Gymnastics 4922 5986 http://www.vicipark.org.au/ Trampoline Club Inc. Wandal Qld 4700 16 Bridge Street Tropicana Gymnastic Academy North Rockhampton 4927 7899 QLD 4701 34 Jabiru Drive Yeppoon Gymnastics Club 07 4939 4048 http://www.yeppoongymnastics.com.au/ Yeppoon Qld 4703 34 Water St Hockey Rockhampton Hockey Association 0414 345 613 http://www.rockhamptonhockey.org Berserker QLD 4701 Corner Mason & Rustic Streets, Frenchville Rovers Hockey Club 0439 392 969 http://www.frenchvillerovershockey.com North Rockhampton Qld 4701 Glenmore Road 4927 1052 Park Avenue Brothers Hockey Club www.pabhc.com.au Park Avenue Qld 4701 0400 764 690 PO Box 736 Southern Suburbs Hockey Club Rockhampton Qld 0437 693 659 http://southernsuburbshockeyclub.weebly.com/ 4700 Water Street https://www.facebook.com/wanderershockeyclubrockha Wanderers Hockey Club 0409 770 604 Koongal Qld 4701 mpton/ High Street Horse sports Bajool & District Pony Club Inc Bajool QLD 4699 19 Harnsworth Rd Granlea Riding Centre Alton Downs Qld 07 4934 1056 4702 McMillan Ave Glen Ellen Riding Centre 07 4936 1110 Parkhurst Qld 4702 Reaney Street Fitzroy River Pony Club North Rockhampton 0429 341 051 Qld 4701 Capricorn Enterprise Relocation Guide - www.capricornenterprise.com.au Name Address Phone number Website Waroulia Reserve Alton Downs Pony Club 07 4934 5544 Allenstown Qld 4700 Fiddes St Balmoral Pony Club Rockhampton Qld 07 4927 1545 4700 Gracemere Rd Crompton Park Pony Club 0416 221 165 Alllenstown Qld 4700 Indoor Hollingsworth Street Indoor Sports Arena 4927 8499 http://www.isarocky.com.au/ cricket Park Avenue Qld 4701 Indoor Rockhampton Indoor Hockey Diggers Lane http://www.riha.com.au/site/index.cfm?fuseaction=displ
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