O F M ILLBURN AND SHORT HILLS Founded in 1888 Volume 108, Number 17 Thursday, April 28, 1994 40 Cents School expansion program discussion planned for May 9 District officials predict the Property committee chairman I It will not behe longlono before the District officials predict the Property comm school population- will grow by Bennett Wasserman described his new members of the Board of Edu­ 650 students by the beginning of committee’s proposal as a short- cation get their feet wet. The board has scheduled a special meeting for the 1997-1998 school year. Cur- to-medium range solution to over- May 9, only a week after Monday rently registered at 2,526, enroll­ night’s organizational meeting, to ment is expected to crest the 4,000 Continued-on Paae 16 begin grappling with the issue of mark by the 2002-03 school year. facilities expansion. At the May 9 meeting the board’s property committee will Absentees 5swell present a report on which it has been working for the past six months in conjunction with the district’s architectural consultants. The report will put before the budget edge toll public a plan to fund school expan­ sion with a bond issue. Investment The Board of Education’s pro­ election to the Board of Education. in school technology is expected to poseci $27.7 million budget offi- The official results in the 4-way be incorporated into the funding cially received die endorsement of 1 race for the three school board .SOBERING EXPERIENCE-A "drunk" driver plows through cones represent­ plan and some capital improve- the public by an 11-vote margin seats were* ing pedestrians during a Chrysler drunk driving simulator test drive in the ments, such as a new roof at Deer­ school officials announced Mon­ field School, are also expected to Corinne Errieo: 1,926 high school parking lot last week. day morning. 1,830 find their way into a bond issue. The election-night tally had the Russell Fradin: 1,612 Although no costs for school margin of the budglp§| victory at Nancy Lamer: 1,384 expansion have yet been released, six votes. Seven more absentee Conor Reilly: Julie Conrad, the district’s director ballots were received by the school Drunk driving simulator of technology, earlier this year board between last Tuesday, the William Rosenblatt, who was. recommended the financing of <jay 0 the vote, and Friday, the seeking election to a 1-year board between $2 and $3 million in com­ final date set by the state for the term and who had received 1,490 puter technology through bonding. counting of ballots. Six of the final ballots at the time the polls closed teaches sobering lesson . The .district effectively bought absentee ballots were in -favor of. last Tuesday, received a total of 31 three years of time for its expan­ budget passage while one was absentee votes. David Martin, who sion plans by moving the fifth conducted a write-in candidacy for way to help make these students against. By Tony J. Forder good deterrent,” said Jeremy grade into the middle school The final tally on the budget the *1-year seat and who had aware of the problems (of approximately 285 voteslast week, Bronson after his exit from the beginning in September. Three was: drinking and driving). If we received 15 write-in votes. Handcuff me, lock me up, track. years from now the midafe school The simulator, which is co­ help just one o f them out, it’s A total of 3,066 ballots, 69 of throw away the key. will reach capacity and the fifth m m sponsored by the Chrysler worth it,” he said. grade will have to be moved out. H i them absentee, were cast in last Three injured, maimed or Marsha Gershberg, Drug weeks voting. A year ago when the Corp. and Mothers Against By that time, however, expansion possibly dead pedestrians, two Awareness Committee presi­ Drunk Driving, was brought to plans presented now should have The additional absentee Notes school election was held during a of them children, was my dent, was busy handing out t- the high school by the town’s come to fruition—provided a bond resulted in only minor changes in vacation week, 3,022 ballots, 384 “tally” after I got behind the shirts emblazoned with Municipal Alliance Drug issue is successful. the vote totals of those running for of them absentee, were cast. wheel with.eight drinks in my MADD’s “Don’t Drive and Awareness Committee with the system. Drink” logo. She said that over help of student assistance No, it wasn’t a bar I stumbled the two days it was at the high counselor Janice Fusaro. out of Thursday afternoon—it school the entire student popu­ Committeeman wary was the Chrysler drunk driving “Teenagers are very good at simulator which gave me and denial and thinking they are lation would get to ride in the many high schoolers some invincible. This brings the simulator. Students with sobering thoughts. reality home to them*” Ms. driver’s licenses—about 225 of the school’s 800 students—were of Saks’ property plan The simulator, a 1995 Fusaro said. Dodge/Plymouth Neon is This thought was echoed by eligible to drive the car with the Concerns of litter, noise pollu­ equipped with an on-board junior Saul Nadler. remainder riding as passengers. If new construction takes place, date for that hearing-is set. At the tion, aesthetics and of an adverse computer which can be pro­ “It’s c o o l,” he said of the Teachers and other staff , mem­ the food market would be smaller Planning Board meeting, any inter­ affect on property values—all grammed t.o delay the car’s simulator. “Our entire life bers also got a chance to try out in size than the Saks building, he esfed p a rty w o u ld have an stemming from the planned loca­ steering and braking response we’re told not tD drink and the simulator. continued. The Saks buildtngS j|| opportunity to present his views on tion of a Stop & Shop supermarket time; First, the driver takes a drive. This is the first time 83,200 square feet; Stop & Shop’s the application, Around the track’s perimeter,, on the Millburn Avenue site of normal run through the plastic we’ve been shown what can first choice is to replace rt-wdh a Saks Fifth Avenue-is scheduled educational displays were pre­ Saks Fifth Avenue—were ex­ cone-lined course set up in the happen. T here’s no substitute building which would be 20,000 to open a rtew store at the Mall at sented by members of the pressed today by To\\nship Com­ high school’s parking lot. The for experience.” square feet smaller. Short Hills this November. If Stop Millbum-Short Hills First Aid mitteeman Joel Weingarten. second time around the com­ The simulator was the cul­ The entrance to the market & Shop’s plan-is approved by Squad and by representatives Mr. Weingarten’s comments w ould be on th^ ^ ^ r c .ture’s Springfield officials, it hopes to be puter kicks in, programmed mination o f a week of activities from the tow n’s fire and law came in the wake of an informal with the driver’s weight and a planned to highlight Alcohol southerly dimension, facing on the open for business at the Millburn enforcement departments. The hearing held last week by the hypothetical number of drinks Awareness Month. Earlier in parking lot rather than on Millburn Avenue location by the fall of fire department displayed equip­ Springfield Design Committee—a to determine a blood alcohol the week a representative of the Avenue. Loading platforms would 1995. ment used in car rescue includ­ group made up of representatives Millburn Township officials, level. The brakes do not Essex County chapter of be constructed along the westerly ing the Jaws of Life. The police of that municipality’s Planning meanwhile, are still expecting that respond properly, the steering MADD described her organiza­ side of, the building and, according demonstrated the techniques the Board and Zoning Board of a proposal to locate another food is hard to control. tion’s lobbying efforts against to the Millburn Township Com­ police use to analyze drunk market will be' put before this Although instructor Kerri drunk driving and the victim’s Adjustment. mitteeman, be “clea.rly- visible” drivers, including the The Saks property is located municipality’s Planning Board on R u n aw ay plied most of the stu- advocacy program.-In another from Millburn Avenue. effort to bring the drunk driving breathalyzer maohine. entirely in Springfield. The curb­ Stop & Shop representatives, May 18. aent drivers with less than eight Time for a presentation to the. specter closer to students an line, however, is in Millburn Mr. Weingarten continued, hypothetical drinks—which in The machine hasn’t changed Planning Board on that date has my case resulted in a blood emergency medical technician Township. promised that the Millburn Avenue in design sjpee 1954, explained Appearing before Springfield’s been reserved by Epstein, Epstein, alcohol level of 0.2 per cent, from St. Barnabas Medical Cen­ facade of the building “would look officerTTm Brown. He said that Design Committee at an informal Brown and Bosek, attorneys for twice the legal limit—their reac­ ter presented a slide show of as nice or better” than the existing while a hi-tech update is ready meeting held April 20 were repre­ A&R Millburn Associates— tions were similar to mine.
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